Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #3

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You and me both, cowbow. Just heard from Mrs. who spoke with one of the folks involved in the search - the cops on the scene have tears in their eyes.

R u saying they think it is her???GAwd what is wrong with this place (world) Hubby kiling wifes BF killing GF
Thanks for your updates!
When you first posted your pictures of that area, I immediatedly thought that she could be out there and never be found.
Prayers to Brianna's family even though the body hasn't been identified yet.
I'm not surprised some of the officers involved have tears . Even I do and I'm not involved in the case what so ever.

What another sad and yet, kind of expected ending to another 'missing persons' case.

I'm with JDB, lock 'em up and throw away the key!

I'm honestly devasted. I can't imagine how Brianna's family feels.

My heart goes out to them.

OMG, this is so devasting... I was just at my child's college today, a sweet old college town. House after house of students, they walk everywhere (because parking is a $%#$!), and they walk at all hours.....I don't want her to be SCARED. This is just awful...I will keep Brianna and her family in my prayers.
OMG, this is so devasting... I was just at my child's college today, a sweet old college town. House after house of students, they walk everywhere (because parking is a $%#$!), and they walk at all hours.....I don't want her to be SCARED. This is just awful...I will keep Brianna and her family in my prayers.

I know what you are saying, my daughter goes to night classes at a comm, college in NC, there is a strip mall parking lot that is closer than the school parking lot, and they have been TOWING CARS if they see a student park there and walk to the college. The businesses in this strip mall all close by 8p, my daughter attends class from 6:30 - 10p three nights a week, and had her car towed. I called my ex-husband and told him to find who is doing this, and raise some kind of stink.
I told my daughter to keep parking there, and we will just have to pay for the **** towing, I want her safe.
I know what you are saying, my daughter goes to night classes at a comm, college in NC, there is a strip mall parking lot that is closer than the school parking lot, and they have been TOWING CARS if they see a student park there and walk to the college. The businesses in this strip mall all close by 8p, my daughter attends class from 6:30 - 10p three nights a week, and had her car towed. I called my ex-husband and told him to find who is doing this, and raise some kind of stink.
I told my daughter to keep parking there, and we will just have to pay for the **** towing, I want her safe.

Awww....TKS, you sound EXACTLY like me. Just pay the stupid tickets! Maybe she can buddy up with a friend? I called my child tonight "DO NOT WALK ANYWHERE ALONE, EVER!" She's like, huh?
Awww....TKS, you sound EXACTLY like me. Just pay the stupid tickets! Maybe she can buddy up with a friend? I called my child tonight "DO NOT WALK ANYWHERE ALONE, EVER!" She's like, huh?

Thank TG!!
It's sad that the school parking lot is farther away, and the strip mall has a lighted path to the school!! What did they think would happen? They sure dont seem to mind when kids from the school use that path to buy food, games and tanning at the strip mall. Told Aleesha to just go buy food before class every night.
Actually, her dad did go talk to someone at the school, who apparently talked to retailers at the mall, and they havent been towing for the past few weeks.
Told my ex hub to ask what will it take to change this? How about when a student turns up missing, and her car is sitting in that school parking lot that's almost two miles from the school.
yep, pay for the damn towing and BE SAFE.
Every Mon, Weds, Fri she calls me when leaving class and getting into her car. Makes me feel better!
Where the body was found is actually in town and off a pretty busy street. It's 2 lanes each direction, and there's a good deal of traffic. I've probably driven past that lot a dozen times in the past few weeks, and right now with one lane blocked off in one direction it's affecting traffic.

Now, being a commercial/industrial area, I don't imagine there's much traffic there after 10:00 at night until 6:00 or so in the morning. Still, Double R is the major route through the area and the lot is right on Double R.

Wow, thanks , I went back thru the links you posted to get an idea of the area, you are like our very own GPS system.....
My prayers go out to Briana's family, and again, I am counting my blessings--which I usually am not good about doing, I am the eternal pessimist, but my kids are happy and healthy, I just cannot imagine the pain Briana's family must be living through.
And like you said earlier , this guy needs to go in a very slow and painful way.
Gosh, this will never end, will it. How scary and so sad. :furious:
Wouldn't this mean she comes out of her 10:00 PM class to a missing car?[/QUOTE

Unfortunately yes. That happened one time, and she called her dad and took a cab to the impound lot where they had her car. she is lucky that her dad is nearby, and accessible, but think of the kids who arent.
It sounds like they are really leaning towards it being Brianna and I am sure clothing or other items at the scene would help to infer that possibility.

To me, the location would suggest it isn't the crime scene, but only the dump site. I also think it would put the perp being from an area North of there. While they kill within their comfort zone, they often leave bodies furthest away from their home. This would put it back up towards Sparks, imo.

I think it would also indictate the perp might be extraordinarily comfortable with the Reno area due to the fact it was left in a fairly populated area with activity when he could have taken her to any remote location within minutes of her house. I even think he might be disappointed she had not been found sooner. He wants to revel in the rush of media and police. He could have simply put her where it would be nearly impossible to be found...but he chose this place. He was overconfident because with the crimes he had already committed, he had not been caught. He didn't know they were going to connect his DNA. He was being cocky, imo.
"Do not know if the body found is Brianna Dennison. Will not know until results of autopsy tomm."

Fox News is reporting.

Family has been notified of location, but no identification as of yet.
DAMN!!!!! I am so sick and tired Of this happening in this world.I do not care who is elected REP or Dem.But this has got to stop!!No more parole no more out on good behaviour. Just lock ther AZZS up:furious:

Maybe that should be one of the big questions that are asked of the people who are running for Pres......what will you do about crime in the U.S.? Everyone is so concerned about taxes, etc that no one even thinks to ask about crime. If I had my way it would be one strike and you are out! Build bigger prisons if that is a whatever it takes to keep these monsters locked up forever. Start putting the victims FIRST!
The police think it might be Brianna.

Police canvass area where body found

Posted: 2/15/2008

Reno police officers are canvassing businesses near where a woman's body was found this afternoon in a South Reno field.
Jason Rosvall, who works at nearby Precision Tae Kwon-Do, said police officers are looking for witnesses and surveillance tapes.
“He just asked us some questions, then we asked him if it had anything to do with Brianna,” Rosvall said. “He put his head down and said, ‘Yeah, we think it does.’”

More here
This is just heartbreaking. I think most of us probably thought it would come to this eventually, but it makes me so sad for her and her family and so ANGRY that this happens. I hope if this is Brianna that it brings her family even an ounce of closure, but it will never bring her back.
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