Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #3

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You know, I see the posters all over town and it breaks my heart.

I have a car that's similar to the one in the surveillance tape. It's a different model and a different color, but it's close enough. If the police wanted to pull me over & talk to me that's fine with me. I know my rights, but I'm also the father of a teenage daughter and I would not deny Brianna's parents any peace of mind they could get from elimination of another possible suspect. If they want me to come downtown and talk to them I'll do it. I'm not required to, I know. But as a parent I would. As someone that wants the vile subhuman scum that hurt her found, I would do it.

But that's just me. Well, and a lot of other parents I know. And a lot of caring, concerned people that are not parents. But I know that nobody has to help if they don't want to.

Thank you, I feel the same way as you do.
I think if LE has not been made aware of the rape in AZ, they should be. They can't discount this man could have similar rapes in other places.

We also know that LE doesn't communicate well with other agencies as was brought up recently in a missing person's case in California. One county finds a dead body and the other county had the missing person's report. LE never put them together, but a family member saw a forensic sketch done of the victim instead.
I think if LE has not been made aware of the rape in AZ, they should be. They can't discount this man could have similar rapes in other places.

We also know that LE doesn't communicate well with other agencies as was brought up recently in a missing person's case in California. One county finds a dead body and the other county had the missing person's report. LE never put them together, but a family member saw a forensic sketch done of the victim instead.

Then call it in. Heck there is suspects here in California that has hair on their face and a square jaw.
Reno is an outlet to many places.....California, Vegas, Washington, Arizona, Oregon, So calling in a guy that looks interesting from Arizona is not far fetched.
Then call it in. Heck there is suspects here in California that has hair on their face and a square jaw.

I sure wish we had the model of truck. That would be an avenue to go down.

I bet that radio with red and blue lights has been replaced by now.
Reno is an outlet to many places.....California, Vegas, Washington, Arizona, Oregon, So calling in a guy that looks interesting from Arizona is not far fetched.

I know I have good freinds in reno.
Then call it in. Heck there is suspects here in California that has hair on their face and a square jaw.
LE has asked that other LE Depts (I would question if they asked AZ's Depts) to go over their cases to find similar MOs etc. This one contains a very similar scenario of with the rape of a 19yo female, unlocked door, roomate sleeping in the house, and the description. WTH? This isn't like saying, "Check out this guy cause he has a square jawline and facial hair!". Gimme a break!
I bet that radio with red and blue lights has been replaced by now.
After researching all the radios with red and blue light capabilities, there are so many it wouldn't be unusual to find one in any truck, imo.
They are going over her case and the issue of the money for samples on Fox right now. One of the talking heads said something off the cuff about them having a bake sale to find Brianna.
I lived in Reno (Sparks) for 7 yrs and just moved out of state in nov. (thank god). I don't know that particular area of the university very well as I never had reason to go over there much. What I can add, and I am NOT trying to be prejudice, merely stating trends I saw, is that there is a SIGNIFICANT growing hispanic population. This is due to the growth and it's where the jobs are. That area in particular, yes it is college area but it's also not the nicest. It's not the ghetto or anything but again, it's not somewhere I would feel safe. Then again, I lived in a golf course community and we were having break-ins on our street so I guess nowhere is safe. Pls Pls Pls, don't jump on me if it sounds like I am being prejudice,,,,I really don't mean to be. it's just that it seemed like a majority of the crimes featured olive skinned criminals. My point to all of the aformentioned is that I hope that they are looking for the right physical characteristics of blond hair...

My gut feel is that this perp is young. Aged 20-30 and an amateur who has happened to get away with it. Doesn't want to "harm" the victims in more than the sexual assault way. He DEFINATELY knows that particular area. I think he DOES have a very deep connection to that specific neighborhood. He is way too comfortable skulking around. His truck must have been parked very close by in order to carry her to it. The month lag between has me puzzled. It would lend itself to thinking he could be out of town for work for a month at a time..or something of that nature. Regardless HE HAS TIES TO THAT NEIGHBORHOOD. I am surprised there aren't cameras in the parking structure where the other girl(s?) were attacked. Someone, a girlfriend or wife KNOWS he's involved and is too scared to come forward. There is just way too much physical description for someone NOT to know him. The absence of someone coming forward is way too obvious. As they say, the silence is deafening.
Sorry for acting like I know. I don't and probably shouldn't come across that way,,it's just that the feelings are strong. Again, I am glad I moved, too many people/workers in and out of neighborhoods to make me feel comfy--even in the nicer section of town.
I don't have a good feeling about this outcome. I think he drove her out of town or to the northern part of town near San Rafeal Park and Peavine. Lots of land up there and it is an area close to the neighborhood that he likely would have known. The snow would definately hamper finding her. There are a lot of 4 wheel drive roads up off Peavine Moutnain. stop rambling now.
appreciate your input on the Reno one can know an area better than somebody who's lived there.

I do agree that with such a detailed physical description (which to me really doesn't match the sketch LE has put out) somebody out there knows something. But how many cases have we seen where people will never turn in another family member. Almost always. And with the sketch being so inaccurate (IMO) people are looking for the wrong guy.
Yeah, Reno is not that big of a city and then you narrow it by an extreme amount to that neighborhood, combine it with the idea that if there was a baby shoe, this guy would LIKELY (not definately) have been intimate with someone who would know about the shaving. etc etc. There are just so many characteristics that narrow the search parameters for someone NOT to know him.
Agree the sketch could be a distraction. Part of me wants to go door to door within a 3 mile radius asking every resident about these physical descpriptions....I have often thought of going back to help in the searches but I don't think any search will work with the snow right now. Need it to melt.
The swooshy clothes indicates (to me at least) he is younger (ie.less than 30)
Don't think he lives out of state considering how extremely well he knew that EXACT area. In a wierd way, this case should be easy to solve,,,,I guess that's why it's soooo frustrating. He is/has been out in the open in that area for months if not years!
Welcome to WS, Katherine!! Yes, it is nice to have someone who really knows the area! It is difficult to draw a clear picture of it from rare television clips and such.

The truth is the description of the perp from the second victim with all of the details she was able to give could still be subject to interpretation. Was he Hispanic, Caucasion, or Native American even? I don't think brown hair, facial hair on his chin about 1/2 long, and his square jaw are going to give LE enough to determine his nationality until they finally find him. (I wish they would ask the victim to undergo hypnosis to try to recall more specific details perhaps.)

It is likely he does have connections to the neighborhood, but he could be a garbage collector, a cable man, or a postal employee. He might not live in the immediate area, but then he could be popping in and out staying with a relative who does. It is difficult to pin it down when it seems like it should be so easy to do. It is frustrating for LE I'm sure.
Yeah, Reno is not that big of a city and then you narrow it by an extreme amount to that neighborhood, combine it with the idea that if there was a baby shoe, this guy would LIKELY (not definately) have been intimate with someone who would know about the shaving. etc etc. There are just so many characteristics that narrow the search parameters for someone NOT to know him.
Agree the sketch could be a distraction. Part of me wants to go door to door within a 3 mile radius asking every resident about these physical descpriptions....I have often thought of going back to help in the searches but I don't think any search will work with the snow right now. Need it to melt.
The swooshy clothes indicates (to me at least) he is younger (ie.less than 30)
Don't think he lives out of state considering how extremely well he knew that EXACT area. In a wierd way, this case should be easy to solve,,,,I guess that's why it's soooo frustrating. He is/has been out in the open in that area for months if not years!

Thank you this is what I have ben saying all along. Who ever did this is a local.
There are very few houses at the approach end of 25:

Runway 25 Approach End

But there are quite a few at the departure end of 25, which is the approach end of 7:

Runway 7 Approach End/Runway 25 Departure End

I could really use some assistance here! For the life of me I have this numeric thing in my head...

However, I've been intriqued by 'Brian' or whoever we're quoting here viz-a-vie the runways and such at the airport. Could you advise to the proper post or PM me? CHEERS!
Brianna Denison has been missing for 17 days, but the search and hope to find her continue. And Wednesday morning, 65 Foxhounds joined the search at the West Keystone trailhead in north Reno.
"If she's out here, I hope we can find her," says Lynn Lloyd of Red Rock Hounds.
Wow! That is great they have a search team that large with the Foxhounds! I wonder if they found anything at all?
Does anyone know if there is a pattern with the time of month he strikes and what phase the moon is in? I am wondering if he strikes on nights when it is darkest...

November 13th is the only one of those dates that fell relatively close, about 3-4 days after the new moon. The October and December attacks were about a whole week to a week and a half after the new moon phase. January 19th and 20th was just a couple of days shy of the full moon, which occurred on approx. January 23rd.

So, the only fairly dark night there was probably November 13th. I'm guessing this has more to do with this guy's work schedule or the schedule of something or someone else's schedule in his life that he needs to arrange around these attacks.
I know someone is going to tell me that there is nothing significant about the shaved hair - and I agree in terms of it not necessarily being an act done to hide dna. But I'm wondering if maybe this guy could be involved in a sport where shaving that region would be more comfortable or convenient? Could he be on the swim/diving team? I don't know. It could be any sport really. Some athletes do it just to reduce the sweat factor (sorry for the graphics on that one!).
Thank you this is what I have ben saying all along. Who ever did this is a local.

Or was a local at one time. I have the exact same feeling as you on this one JDB. Possibly he went to that college or lived in the area previously but not now? If he attended that college doesn't mean he graduated. Aren't all the victims college girls? I think that's important if he isn't just a predator that sticks with opportunity but opportunity of a certain type. Not physical characteristics but age and college students. Surely there's areas near by he could troll for victims wherein they are a certain type, age, etc. but provide opportunity such as bars for example.
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