Brittany Murphy Dies

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Weight is difficult to gauge because of different body types.
My sister and I are both 5'4 but I have a muscular body type like my dad and she has much smaller and softer body type like my mom.
I weigh 125 and that is a good weight for me, I appear to be very small and no one every thinks i weigh that much. When my sister weighs 125 she looks a little bit chubby. A good weight for her is 115, she looks great and healthy at that weight, not overly skinny just slim. If I weigh 110-115 I look emaciated, gaunt and really bad. I mean really over the top bad.

If we use ourselves to guess weight the weight of others,I would guess the lady above to be about 130 pounds because I think I am smaller than she is and I use myself as a yardstick.

My point is that it is very difficult to guess the weight of others and so for me if i were 5'4 and 110-115 pounds, it would be extremely small for my body type and I know that my family members would be very concerned about my weight.

Well, I'm 5'2", 105 to 109 and I think I'm fat. But I ADMIT to having a distorted image of myself. It's body dysmorphic disorder. I have struggled with "eating disorders" since I was 14. I'm 44 and still struggle. It's like an alcholic. They may quit drinking but it is a day to day fight from there on.
A write up on how Brittany lost the Tinkerbell role, last year...this is from 2008...inside hollywood gossip site, I think, but they provide links, too...
Tinker Bell was a disaster. The story didn’t work, too many fart jokes and lesbian innuendoes. The CGI was subpar. Most importantly, Tinker Bell herself. The animation and Brit’s vocal work lacked the magic Lasseter expected with this iconic Disney character. And there was a major PR problem – Disney had publicly announced Brittany Murphy AS Tinker Bell. Press releases were sent, pictures taken. It was an embarrassment, the family-friendly company didn’t want to associate themselves with a rumored drug-addled washed-up actress — last known for marrying a shady old guy that looked like her dad.
Pretty widely known rumors that Brittany had a drug issue. Some sites opined that her husband did not curb the habit but accelerated it.

She may have been worth more to him dead than alive!
At 32 and having no children , I wondered if Brittany was on a contraceptive that may have caused a blood clot to her brain or lungs. Looking forward to the autopsy results.
Beautiful picture :)
The will was done before she married him, so lets see if he ends up acting out.
He will get something but not sure what.

Wonder what the California laws are on spousal inheritance? Is California a community property state?
Wonder what the California laws are on spousal inheritance? Is California a community property state?
Most definitely a CP state.Earlier in the thread there is some good information posted as to how this could play out in CA, with regards to pre and post marital property statutes.
Found this comment in the comment section on the Fox411 blog...not vouching for it's legitimacy...but it did make me remember the real people behind the 'story'...thought I'd share...

Anthony BertolottiReport
Nobody mentions how our side of the family had tried to keep in touch. She was my Aunt and no matter what she was MY family too. We loved her and was always proud of her. She will always have our love and approval.

December 23, 2009 at 12:47 pm
I found a picture of Brittany and her Dad...and...imo...he's rather well put together for an older man...iykwim...;) it's attached to an older piece when his 'past' had come to the media's attention...but they do look close...imo.

Bertolotti told one friend: “Brittany used to be my little girl. She’d send me articles about her career but now I don’t hear a word.

“The way things are, I don’t think I’ll be the one walking her down the aisle when she gets married, but she’ll always be my daughter.”

A fun typo in this piece..."Brittany is dating actor Ashton Hunker, her co-star in new movie Just Married."

Read more:
Brittany Murphy's Death Certificate Released Murphy Death Certificater.pdf

In the paper, the manner of death of the 32-year-old star is checked as ‘pending investigation’ while the cause of death states ‘deferred’.

According to a senior source at the coroner’s office, the medications found in Murphy’s bedroom included: Klonopin (anxiety med), Carbamazepine (treats Diabetic symptoms and is also a bipolar med), Ativan (anxiety med), Vicoprofen (pain reliever), Hydrocodone (pain med) , Topamax (anti-seizure med also to prevent migraines), Propranolol (hypertension, used to prevent heart attacks), Biaxin (antibiotic), Methylprednisolone (anti-inflammatory), Fluoxetine (depression med) and miscellaneous vitamins. Some of the bottles were full while some were empty, the source also told us.

>>>>>>>>more at link.
BRITTANY MURPHY could have been saved! Her secret drug use and the iron-fisted control of her alleged con man husband left her isolated from the very friends who could have prevented her tragic death, say those close to her.

The 32-year-old rail-thin actress passed away Dec. 20 from an apparent cardiac arrest.

"She was sweet and fragile and just wanted to please, but the odds were stacked against
her," a longtime friend told The ENQUIRER.

<<<SNIP>>more at link :(
Brittany Murphy 911 Tape

Posted Jan 8th 2010 4:02PM by TMZ Staff
TMZ has obtained the heart-wrenching 911 call made on the day Brittany Murphy died -- it's one of the most devastating pieces of audio we've ever heard. CAUTION: This is a very emotional tape.
Murphy's mom can be heard crying and pleading with the 911 operator: "My daughter is passed out."

During the call, the composed 911 operator tries to instruct Murphy's mom and another person in the room how to perform CPR.

Murphy's mom says Brittany was walking around dizzy at one point and "couldn't walk right. She's had a cold."

Murphy passed away on December 20. A cause of death has not yet been determined.
BRITTANY MURPHY could have been saved! Her secret drug use and the iron-fisted control of her alleged con man husband left her isolated from the very friends who could have prevented her tragic death, say those close to her.

The 32-year-old rail-thin actress passed away Dec. 20 from an apparent cardiac arrest.

"She was sweet and fragile and just wanted to please, but the odds were stacked against
her," a longtime friend told The ENQUIRER.

<<<SNIP>>more at link :(

I read a few articles but it is not clear-- Do you know if Brittany was a child diabetic (Type 1) on top of her drug problems and the control issues. Has this been confirmed?

Thanks songline.:angel:

I was willing to guess she was a child diabetic like I am. I guess I am wrong. She appeared to be small and thin but that could be the lifestyle she and the other poor woman lead. (the Heiress girl) These young woman seem to be passing that have diabetes but I don't think we will find out it is from the diabetes. I think other factors are going to play a big part in what killed this lovely young woman. It may turn out to be drug abuse, mixing the drugs or another addictive behavior. One must also consider what she weighted. I mentioned this in another thread how we need to educate our young woman that starving themselves is not worth giving their lives up for. Many people face this issue with the constant focus on body image.
I even faced it growing up.

Have a wonderful day.

Rest in peace Dear Brittany.
Thanks songline.:angel:

I was willing to guess she was a child diabetic like I am. I guess I am wrong. She appeared to be small and thin but that could be the lifestyle she and the other poor woman lead. (the Heiress girl) These young woman seem to be passing that have diabetes but I don't think we will find out it is from the diabetes. I think other factors are going to play a big part in what killed this lovely young woman. It may turn out to be drug abuse, mixing the drugs or another addictive behavior. One must also consider what she weighted. I mentioned this in another thread how we need to educate our young woman that starving themselves is not worth giving their lives up for. Many people face this issue with the constant focus on body image.
I even faced it growing up.

Have a wonderful day.

Rest in peace Dear Brittany.
Yes it is sad Casey Johnson (we have a thread here) was a diabetic too. But I think Britney had heart troubles as well. :(

She was so cute before she became a waif, and changed her entire face. Sad.... :(

Now I feel sorry for her mom, I saw an article maybe I go look for it.
Her husband wants to start selling some of her things because she was heavily in debt, and
her Mom is still grieving and is not ready to do much of anything yet. that too is very sad.....

Have a beautiful day too gozgales;
I spent the weekend with my grand kids and then went to a concert tonight. :)

I am so sorry you are a diabetic, I have no experience with that, my cousin is one, and I have to cook a bit differently for her when she comes, I do mostly vegetarian and grains for her. Like stuffed vegetables, sometimes roasted vegetables and chicken over couscous.. always simple foods because I love to cook but
I am so afraid to make anything that would harm her, I just stay very basic.
But she is great with her meds and knows how to handle it. I JUST DONT KNOW...I deal with other ailments in my immediate family, and feel very blessed to only have vertigo. thank You God. :blowkiss:

Take really good care...I hope Britney and Casey did not shake you up personally. :beats:
i think we all assumed a 'brittney' would die due to her demons. im doubting anyone thought it would be this one.
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