Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #13

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Thanks Liz for the welcome. That one e-mail about being in Africa and hunting keeps bothering me. I keep thinking he perhaps was hunting, hunting for a victim.
i also still dont get this myspace profile that said BROOKE HIGH DEAD, i know it wasnt hers, but come on the name with death, how many Brookes died then.

my mind still thinks there is atleast one more person out there that was changing stuff also.

and if i understood correctly LE did not have to actually log in to BROOKES myspace page where the date would change, but yet her page changed date on 7/2/2008.

i also still dont get this myspace profile that said BROOKE HIGH DEAD, i know it wasnt hers, but come on the name with death, how many Brookes died then.

my mind still thinks there is atleast one more person out there that was changing stuff also.

and if i understood correctly LE did not have to actually log in to BROOKES myspace page where the date would change, but yet her page changed date on 7/2/2008.


anytime you log in the date automatically updates.
i remember someone posting here that the police did not have to log in that way.

Yup...a ways back...there are ways to emulate into your computer...some guy from India did it when I was having trouble with my laptop. I just don't know how it wouldn't show.
Thanks Liz for the welcome. That one e-mail about being in Africa and hunting keeps bothering me. I keep thinking he perhaps was hunting, hunting for a victim.
I thought that as well. This guy isn't a total dummy...he knew the specifics of an African safari. AR's response back was a bit if she was 'warning" him to be careful. Perhaps, he was hunting for a "spot".
Remember do any of us know what went on in the MJ home the night before??
everything couldnt have just been peachy, with all this stuff planned, no way


I imagine nothing happened the night before. MJ and AR still needed to get Brooke to Cumberland Farms the next morning for their alibi. As far as we know, Brooke had no reason to fear these people. Her parents never mentioned to her that her uncle was a RSO.

Although it's a possibility that Brooke was killed accidentally during the initial "takedown", I think MJ would be careful not to allow that to happen. With all this planning, he wouldn't make the mistake of killing Brooke too early. That's why he needed AR - to keep Brooke's guard down. Brooke would never suspect both of them attacking her. She could've been tied to that thing and had her clothes cut off later. By the time she realized she should've been fighting for her life, it was probably too late.

I would also imagine that MJ either shot video or took pictures of it and he made sure AR was in them, at least initially. That would be a good reason for AR to lie when she was interviewed by LE.
i remember someone posting here that the police did not have to log in that way.


The Police dont login themselves. The admins of Myspace logins as administrator or with a high priviledge settings on the server and access the accounts in a different ways. They will have more informations like sources of accounts and ip address visiting those particular pages. And they print all these informations for LE or Feds to see.
You're welcome, edgeofnight! :)
Yup...a ways back...there are ways to emulate into your computer...some guy from India did it when I was having trouble with my laptop. I just don't know how it wouldn't show.
LEcan log in thru myspace's database. they don't log in the way you and I do.... so nothing would change as far as showing online or the date.
All the talk about AR has me thinking.

MJ raped his 8 year old sister when he was 11. His father was apparently raping her as well. Maybe MJ too was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. That excuses nothing of course - just throwing that out there.

I feel for AR but I would never want her around my child. She needs extremely extensive therapy, I hope they do charge her and sentance her to a mental hospital where we all know she'll get help. MJ can be blamed for what he created in AR.

Amen to that, Leve. It is highly probably MJ was abused from a very young age, and he was certainly groomed to be a sadist and predator by his own father, with whom he began raping his own sister when he was just ELEVEN years old! We are not sparing him a lot of sympathy, despite the fact we can see that he too was the product of a horrid environment.

AR may have been "only" as involved as she says or she may have been much more involved. But in either case, she has been groomed and molded by a very, very, very sick person. She deserves sympathy and she needs a lot of help, but as well, the larger community, especially children in her school, deserve to be protected. She was broken and warped by an unbelievable sadist. I would be very apprehensive to have her in my child's school.
I think Jacques and Ray married Cassandra and Denise for their children. They possibly even placed some hidden cameras on the showers, kid's room and etc.
He claimed the 5 years of russian *advertiser censored* was what was in the safe he asked his roommate to get rid of. At least that's what he told the feds. He lived in Alabama for something like 6 years with Brooke and her family. No way LE wasn't gonna check him out. Especially since he flew, that would be LE's first clue. They had cell phone records e-mails etc. that he was confronted with. Etc. and all that :blowkiss:

Won't it be wonderful when modern technology advances to the point that regular pay phones become pay-cellphones and all snailmail can be traced to its sender the same that way email is now traced using an ISP number! It will sure put the brakes on criminal communication!
LEcan log in thru myspace's database. they don't log in the way you and I do.... so nothing would change as far as showing online or the date.
okay then her page date changed on 7/2/2008.
i wonder how.
YES, her parents were aware and her father and step mother discussed this with her often !

about Ray Gagnon, or Jacques?.....i thought her father said he didn't know much about MJ?....didn't Brook's father also know she was going to go visit Gagnon's family in TX too?
YES, her parents were aware and her father and step mother discussed this with her often !

from article:
Brooke's father Jim Bennett and her stepmother Janet, said they knew of Jacques' history as a sex offender, he never saw any signs of trouble when Brooke and her uncle were together at family gatherings.

“That's not something you tell a little girl,” Janet Bennett, Brooke's stepmother, told the Valley News of Lebanon, N.H. “She was just a beautiful little girl.”

Jim Bennett said parents needed to keep a close eye on their children, even around family because, “It's not just strangers you've got to watch out for.”
I think Jacques and Ray married Cassandra and Denise for their children. They possibly even placed some hidden cameras on the showers, kid's room and etc.
you may be on to something there.

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