Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

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Isn't it that a federal kidnapping/murder conviction could result in the death penalty, but a state murder conviction would not?
Isn't it that a federal kidnapping/murder conviction could result in the death penalty, but a state murder conviction would not?
Yes...that's the reason IMO they went trumps State.
Isn't it that a federal kidnapping/murder conviction could result in the death penalty, but a state murder conviction would not?

I know the Federal charge does but I'm not sure about the state.Where are the locals?
Isn't it that a federal kidnapping/murder conviction could result in the death penalty, but a state murder conviction would not?

The Feds don't usually try straight up murder cases. Those usually are in the State's jurisdiction.

However kidnapping can be tried if a death resulted during the act. That is the Feds way of saying "murder" It is a little unusual somewhat due to the perp not crossing state lines when he kidnapped Brooke. Usually that is when the Feds steps in.

The State of Montana relinquished their right to try Joesph Duncan due to the fact that the Feds charged him with kidnapping and transporting over state line and that resulted in a death (Dylan) making him eligible for the Death Penalty.

That is what the State of Vermont has done also by giving this case to the Feds.

Imo both of these monsters will get death.

From what I recall VT does not have the death penalty.

The Feds don't usually try straight up murder cases. Those usually are in the State's jurisdiction.

However kidnapping can be tried if a death resulted during the act. That is the Feds way of saying "murder" It is a little unusual somewhat due to the perp not crossing state lines when he kidnapped Brooke. Usually that is when the Feds steps in.

The State of Montana relinquished their right to try Joesph Duncan due to the fact that the Feds charged him with kidnapping and transporting over state line and that resulted in a death (Dylan) making him eligible for the Death Penalty.

That is what the State of Vermont has done also by giving this case to the Feds.

Imo both of these monsters will get death.

From what I recall VT does not have the death penalty.


thank you
So the fixes Brooke's email for MJ and attends church with both sides of the family during their grieving.
he may have gone there to get inside information on what the family heard or knew . at that time he was not a suspect.
Doesn't it hit anyone else as very strange that Gagnon would take a late night phone call from Jacques and then on the basis of that call start changing emails and Myspace, load up his own flash drives and equipment, fly to Alabama, store computer info at his home there, go to the public library and then make more changes to someone else's account, then fly to Vermont? What does he actually know..I can't believe that just because he had pron on his computer and sometimes traded with Jacques in their little club that he would go to all that trouble.

I believe that he knew about this plan with Brooke from the beginning and also knew that Brooke had been killed by Jacques....otherwise it would have been smarter to stay in Texas unaware, fly up to support his ex wife in the search for Brooke and take his lumps if they found out he had *advertiser censored* on his computer. No this guy is in it way deep to have done all he did..and I think he and Kevin the landlord knew exactly what was happening the entire time. I hope they have both turned on MJ ..and I hope MJ admitted he killed Brooke to Gagnon.
i agree with you. i thought this from the time rg's name surfaced involving the forged my space accounts, why else would he be so zeroed-in on a teens web page? imo he is deeply involved in this case.up to his neck involved.
I discussed on an earlier thread if a webcam live feed had to be done through a service provider like yahoo im, skype etc. I am wondering if this, gulp, was what one of the contacts between MJ and RG concerned. Another poster brought up the excellent idea that MJ transferred files to RG that evening as well, and that allowed MJ to discard his hard drive into a lake or creek because his files were reproduced somewhere else.....
good point!
I am really surprised that there is not any news on this case. NG usually covers these and she hasn't had anything on since the arrests.

First post here BTW. Thanks moderators and forum owners.

Welcome to WS madge & any other new posters I may of missed!
I'm just trying to get caught up on this all have been VERY busy!!!!!
So noted....

Does anyone else find it somewhat strange that RG attended church with James Bennett on Sunday after Brooke's disappearance. Were RG and jim friends or past associates in anyway? What was the connection there?

Do people normally attend church with a person who is not family or a close friend to provide support?

I find the entire family dynamics more than a little strange.

JMO but I think RG wanted to squash any sort of blame on himself ASAP.What better way then to to go to church with the Ex family?
I find the entire family dynamics more than a little strange.

JMO but I think RG wanted to squash any sort of blame on himself ASAP.What better way then to to go to church with the Ex family?
What better way to keep up with the investigation than to have the family tell you everything they know? If MJ didn't know it, I"m sure other members did. Kind of reminds me of the arsonist that stays to watch the fire dept put out the fire.
Snippets from

"Raymond Gagnon, 40, is charged with possessing a computer which contained child *advertiser censored* earlier this month, and with transporting child *advertiser censored* in April 0f 2007. The possession charge could land Gagnon in federal prison for ten years, and the possession charge carries a five year maximum term. (say what ????)

Gagnon admitted in an affadavit that he collected the *advertiser censored* on the computer."


Can anybody make sense of the possible sentences? Is one for federal (10 yrs) and one for state (5 yr max)?

Also, I'm having a hard time believing that both Gagnon's and Jacques' last court appearance was 7/7 (IIRC) and that's when their 7/17 prelim was scheduled; yet all of a sudden with less than 24 hours until their prelimary hearing time, both lawyers have scheduling conflicts. That doesn't add up for me.
That is the way I have posted since I have been here.

I will not do it any longer. I did not know that you felt this way.

Sorry if I have offended anyone with my writing style.

My heart truly hurt when I read that post.

I'm trying to catch up with this thread and just wanted to say that I've always felt honored by your responses to other posters. It's shows respect for others that is so sorely lacking in today's world. :blowkiss:
I am back and just now getting caught up reading the posts.

Remember when LE was searching with a metal detector? It was in an article early on and I cannot find the reference to it. Does anyone else remember? Anyway, I do not feel that they were looking for Brooke's grave with a metal detector - I think they may have been looking for something else MJ buried. A hard drive, maybe? When this case goes to trial, we are going to find out so much about the whole thing!

We try to think logically and come up with answers, but MJ and RG (IMO) are so off the charts that logical does not apply to them!

I remember that article and wondered why they were using a metal detector and what specifically they were looking for. It makes a lot of sense that LE would look for evidence that MJ buried - like the hard drive, with a metal detector.

We the lack of any reports of what LE has in the way of evidence, I too feel that by the time this goes to trial, we might be surprised at all the evidence LE has in this case. It's happened with other cases, where the public was not privy to what LE had, but when it went to trial we were overwhelmed with the evidence. I hope this is the case this time.
Im getting confused on the charges for Gagnon. Alabama charged him with possession of child *advertiser censored*, now Texas has charged him with transporting child *advertiser censored* in 4/2007 and possession July 1. IIRC the affidavit said 6/2007 is when the encounter with AR happened. Then we have the federal obstruction charge.

Did they find something in Alabama that they can prove he transported like maybe the pictures of AR and Juv2, that he said were in the safe in Texas? The July 1 possession charge in Texas throws me as well, he wasnt in Texas July 1, does this mean they found a computer there with images on it?
Im getting confused on the charges for Gagnon. Alabama charged him with possession of child *advertiser censored*, now Texas has charged him with transporting child *advertiser censored* in 4/2007 and possession July 1. IIRC the affidavit said 6/2007 is when the encounter with AR happened. Then we have the federal obstruction charge.

Did they find something in Alabama that they can prove he transported like maybe the pictures of AR and Juv2, that he said were in the safe in Texas? The July 1 possession charge in Texas throws me as well, he wasnt in Texas July 1, does this mean they found a computer there with images on it?

I hope we get some solid & factual information at some point soon, Busy. Until then, I think we are going to continue to be confused. :crazy:
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