Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #8

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OMG. Freaking WHOA. WHOA. and more WHOA. Must read everyone...but hold on. Explains more of our questions.

AGH!!! Just read it and have never felt so disgusted in my life! It also answers the question about how the boyfriends seman got on the hankerchief. His girlfriend planted it there at the request of Jaques. :mad::mad:
I don't have another link, but to summarize. The uncle instructed AR to have her BF come on her stomach and immediately wipe up the semen with a handkerchief, put it in a plastic bag and hide it. The plastic bag and handkerchief were later found with the items Brooke's uncle planted.
AGH!!! Just read it and have never felt so disgusted in my life! It also answers the question about how the boyfriends seman got on the hankerchief. His girlfriend planted it there at the request of Jaques. :mad::mad:

Thank you. That at least answers one question.
SuziQ, spill! I can't get the link to work for me and I can't find it on the argus site. :(

LanieCoz, I don't have Brooke's older sister's myspace link. It might be elsewhere here unless she's a minor (can't remember!). Sorry. :blowkiss:
omg and I just closed out of it.....Basically that MJ who was going by 2 different email aliass (chevy21 and that raulone) emailed AR with various requests. One, was the have Juv 2 (her bf) do the deed on her stomach, wipe it off with a hanky, put it in a bag and text him saying..its done. Also, he sent a couple of txts to AR looking like they were from someone named "sam" about wanting to move the party to Wed and that he was hot for Brooke or something and for her to forward those to brooke's cell phone.

It's juicy and I couldn't believe what I was reading. Geeze louise. I guess the original date for the kidnap was Monday, but they changed it to Wed. or Thursday because the c*** Savannah works on those days as well.
SuziQ, spill! I can't get the link to work for me and I can't find it on the argus site. :(

LanieCoz, I don't have Brooke's older sister's myspace link. It might be elsewhere here unless she's a minor (can't remember!). Sorry. :blowkiss:

Okay, thanks a bunch.
Now I get this:
Sorry, the requested page cannot be found. To return to the previous page, please click here.

I have this saved as a file if anyone cant get it open. PM me your email and i will email it to you.
Now I get this:
Sorry, the requested page cannot be found. To return to the previous page, please click here.

That's exactly what I get. Too many people trying to access? I always can pull these documents up with no problem.
You know I have been trying to figure out why a convicted RSO would think he could get away with an abduction...especially someone from his own family. I think now that he had planned to blame it on A.R. 's boyfriend if the internet thing didn't pan out. The boyfriend may have been in on it, who knows, there are so many twist and turns in this case. This was definitly premediated. I beleive he thought about this long and hard. I think he has been planning this for years before he put everything into motion a month ago.

It did for me. Now not.

Graphic. Diabolical. Horrible.

The girl willingly participated in advance planning of Brooke’s capture. Got the semen from boyfriend and put on tissue in baggie and hid it. Boy friend not part of Breck.

J. used emailed personas to upset the girl about her Mom being bitchy and threatening divorce. The girl doesn’t want that.

Making sure Mom and aunt aren’t around so changed the date of the “party”.

Confusing whom all the emails are from but some one J. or girl was mad at Brooke.

God, what a mess.
Angelina and Bruce have 3 children. Karri 1992, Boy born 1993, girl born 1997.

Also, if you're looking at that page one can only conclude that she is MJ's neice. Her status says "Karriiii! My Uncle is such a *advertiser censored*'
OMG!!!!!!!!!! This SICK needs to FRY! Convincing this child to participate in the REAL LIFE HORROR STORY!!!!!!!!!!

And it was a white hankerchief... not a colored bandana as we thought it might be, but MJ told her in email exactly what to use and how to get her boyfriend's semen on the hankerchief and then to put it into a ziplock baggie...

:eek: I know that I am going to be SICK now...
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