Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014

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I was thinking....(even) in the state he was in, I think maybe he tried to get home in another way. I read that in the direction he went there is a highway very near by that goes to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Maybe he hitchhiked there (or somewhere else) and than "lost" it or got lost.
Looking at straight forward details, it would see that Lars might have been partying and possibly if drinking, attracting the wrong kind of attention.
There might well have been people after him and the " construction worker " may have looked like one of them, or was one of them.
Maybe Lars did have legitimite reason to run and perhaps avoid the airport. Maybe he was forced to phone his mother to have money and tickets sent to him.
Maybe he is trying to make his way home, but struggling physically/mentally to properly get there.
There is also the slim possibility that he wanted to escape his old life, but felt too guilty to leave his mother alone to look after his father. Maybe he just could not deal with it and rather than looking like he abandoned them, constructed one lie after another until everything was so convoluted nobody would be able to make sense of it all.

Wondering if it would help to look closer at Lar's life just prior to his trip to Bulgaria, could he have been singled out for victimization before he even arrived??

All just speculation,imo.

Yes, about the guy he saw at the airport I was also thinking this could be one of the guys who got after him the other day. They where locals hired by the German soccer fan(s) so it's quite possible one of them was working at the airport. I also think it's possible he was pressured to do certain things. He looks to be a type off guy who is (to) sweet and he also singled himself out from his friends (for what ever reason at that time, I think he felt ill for some reason and wanted to stay outside. Even if you don't want to eat you can sit on the table with your friends. Maybe his friends at that time had enough of him being drunk or something) and later was alone, making him more vulnerable and an easier target.

As I recall from one of the videos, the friends wanted to also stay longer because of the ear problem, but Lars didn't want that...I wonder what was going through his mind...
Looking at straight forward details, it would seem that Lars might have been partying and possibly if drinking, attracting the wrong kind of attention.
There might well have been people after him and the " construction worker " may have looked like one of them, or was one of them.
Maybe Lars did have legitimate reason to run and perhaps avoid the airport. Maybe he was forced to phone his mother to have money and tickets sent to him.
Maybe he is trying to make his way home, but struggling physically/mentally to properly get there.
There is also the slim possibility that he wanted to escape his old life, but felt too guilty to leave his mother alone to look after his father. Maybe he just could not deal with it and rather than looking like he abandoned them, constructed one lie after another until everything was so convoluted nobody would be able to make sense of it all.

Wondering if it would help to look closer at Lar's life just prior to his trip to Bulgaria, could he have been singled out for victimization before he even arrived??

All just speculation,imo.

I couldn't agree more on your line of thinking. Same here.
I couldn't agree more on your line of thinking. Same here.

About the single out up front theory. I don't know. If the guy was indeed the same guy working at the airport this would be a possibility. In the eighties I travelled once by car from The Netherlands to Turkey and at the embassy (in those days you still needed a visa for certain country's) they warned us to be very alert...gangs on the road could signal to others that a "stupid" tourist was coming and than rob you along the way.
Somehow i keep coming back to this thought, that Lars was somehow targeted because he fit the physical profile matching someone who wanted to buy a fake passport/ identity. imo, speculation.
“Document fraud is an important enabler of organized crime and terrorism, clearly. There is a whole subset of criminal activity and a criminal sector that is involved in stealing passports and producing sophisticated passports and supplying them to the criminal market.” — Europol Director Rob Wainwright
One Greek intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that “between five and seven percent of all Greek passports stem from fake ID cards or birth certificates,” which he acknowledged were “fairly easy” to procure.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry brought up this problem with Greek officials when he visited Athens in early December, sources said. Ten days later, the Greek ministry of public order and the police set up a joint task force which has until the end of February to come up with a plan to replace existing national ID cards with electronic versions with a computer chip.

In many large cities of the world, thieves hunt travelers from the shadows. They watch you take pictures at monuments, eat tapas at an outdoor cafe, and if you are unlucky, they will follow your steps with excited eyes as you fall into one of their traps. A few weeks ago while visiting Quito, thieves dumped a bucket of crap on me from a rooftop and then jumped me for my camera. It was horrible.

Fear-mongering aside, travelers are chosen as targets because they are not completely in tune to their surroundings. Maybe you are jet lagged, or you just ate a dangerous meal that has left you weak with intestinal anxiety, or you are lost in an uncomfortable part of Paris – these are all circumstances where you are in a vulnerable state and therefore a target of thieves. Like hyenas hunting for weakened game, thieves seek out confused tourists and map clenchers with wayward eyes.
About the term "construction worker" - it was not a construction worker, this was translated wrongly. In German news clips the word "Bodenpersonal" was used, ground staff, essentially someone who works at an airport but does not fly, meaning, NOT pilots or flight attendants, but anybody else who works at the airport and for the airport or an airline, which could be maintenance workers, dispatchers, cleaning crews, security staff, and what have you.
From sources I have read it seems that he did take a taxi .... if it was me and I wasn't in his situation feeling scared and anxious I would not want to hitchhike especially if he thought people were after him ....I would want to use an official taxi firm ...I agree though I don't think he had much money... there was a source that said he was asking about cashing cheques at the airport before he saw the dr...maybe if he couldn't fly he was going to ask his mum to send him a cheque .... that was before he got spooked and ran out of the airport

bbm - yes, and he did ask his mom to send money. She had already prepared a Western Union transfer and wanted to give him the details during their next phone call, but she never was able to speak him again. (from one of the video reports)

And credit card skimming is a known problem in Bulgaria. Perhaps Lars had reason to want his credit card shut down. Maybe there really was some bad stuff going on at that Hotel. Could it be he really did recognize the Maintenance worker at the airport medical clinic from the hotel? Maybe that hotel is involved with the mafia or operates as a cover for them, possibly prostitution, drugs, etc. There's really no telling. :/

Yet the undercover PI did not notice anything more than weed selling going on at the hotel. The detective did not mention anything regarding the hotel either (although he might not want to share it publicly if he had any suspicions or even evidence).

Somehow i keep coming back to this thought, that Lars was somehow targeted because he fit the physical profile matching someone who wanted to buy a fake passport/ identity. imo, speculation.


But apparently nothing was stolen, at least we did not hear in any of the reports that his passport or other documents were missing from his luggage, nor that any of his bank cards were used.

I believe he was delusional and nobody was after him. Maybe there were some shady characters eyeing him but I don't think they did anything more than that and his panicked escape from the airport was due to delusions and paranoia, possibly stemming from the antibiotic combined with alcohol and weed and/or a head injury from the punch on the ear.
About the term "construction worker" - it was not a construction worker, this was translated wrongly. In German news clips the word "Bodenpersonal" was used, ground staff, essentially someone who works at an airport but does not fly, meaning, NOT pilots or flight attendants, but anybody else who works at the airport and for the airport or an airline, which could be maintenance workers, dispatchers, cleaning crews, security staff, and what have you.

Thank you that was what I meant in an earlier post.
bbm - yes, and he did ask his mom to send money. She had already prepared a Western Union transfer and wanted to give him the details during their next phone call, but she never was able to speak him again. (from one of the video reports)

Yet the undercover PI did not notice anything more than weed selling going on at the hotel. The detective did not mention anything regarding the hotel either (although he might not want to share it publicly if he had any suspicions or even evidence).

But apparently nothing was stolen, at least we did not hear in any of the reports that his passport or other documents were missing from his luggage, nor that any of his bank cards were used.

I believe he was delusional and nobody was after him. Maybe there were some shady characters eyeing him but I don't think they did anything more than that and his panicked escape from the airport was due to delusions and paranoia, possibly stemming from the antibiotic combined with alcohol and weed and/or a head injury from the punch on the ear.

We don't know...where his stuff, passport, credit cards etc. he left at the airport "untouched"?
There was an Bulgarian truck driver who said he could possibly giving him a ride....to where?
In this video at 2.11 - 2.15 min, is he talking to this woman? Is she trying to touch him?

That woman looks like a airport worker for me, talking with someone who's behind these open doors in front of her, and it looks like she's pointing at something, moving her hand and that's why Lars is looking at her but doesn't pay any attention to her actions, most likely because she's not talking to him and doing something normal.
bbm - yes, and he did ask his mom to send money. She had already prepared a Western Union transfer and wanted to give him the details during their next phone call, but she never was able to speak him again. (from one of the video reports)

Yet the undercover PI did not notice anything more than weed selling going on at the hotel. The detective did not mention anything regarding the hotel either (although he might not want to share it publicly if he had any suspicions or even evidence).

But apparently nothing was stolen, at least we did not hear in any of the reports that his passport or other documents were missing from his luggage, nor that any of his bank cards were used.

I believe he was delusional and nobody was after him. Maybe there were some shady characters eyeing him but I don't think they did anything more than that and his panicked escape from the airport was due to delusions and paranoia, possibly stemming from the antibiotic combined with alcohol and weed and/or a head injury from the punch on the ear.

Thanks for pointing me in this direction of this thread. And I think you are right. This has all the signs of the onset of Schizophrenia, to me. Disclaimer- I worked as an Mental Health Professional and was the Associate Director of community home programs for 16 years. I have a Masters Degree in Counseling, along with my certification, but we will consider this not a professional assessment (as I am not verified). We will consider it my life experience.

Few things--- (I will apologize in advance. After working directly with the most chronically treated mental health adults for 16 years, I tend to explain through examples and stories. Never giving enough info to break confidentiality, though)

The fight- did anyone ever say they saw it? Or did he just report this to his friends after he disappeared. I am doubting this ever happened. I once had a "client" (we don't really call them that, but we will say that for ease) who I had brought out of town for Special Olympics (dual diagnosis). We finished eating at a restaurant and she said she needed to go back in to go to the restroom. We all waited outside, but I watched her through the window. I WATCHED her through the window. She reached the bathroom, turned around and ran out the restaurant screaming about how some b**** just accused her of sleeping with her husband and punched her. She then proceeded to try to punch me. She was very convincing! People were not sure if it actually happened. But, it did not. It was part of her delusions. No woman even spoke to her, much less punched her. I was watching. I say all of that because it is highly likely he believed this himself, but it didn't happen. He could have also hit himself, put something in his ear, anything that caused damage. If a person is having auditory hallucinations, it would not be uncommon for them to stick something in their ear to try to make it stop. Unless there is corroboration that the fight actually existed, I'm not going to 100% bank on it yet.

As for the airport- I immediately noticed the lady he walks past. If you notice, it almost looks like he says something (possibly non-sensical) and she points the way. It is the same time the guy in the blue turns around and looks. I am going to bet if they talk to blue guy, he will report Lars either speaking loudly or saying things that seemed bizarre, which is why he was looking over his shoulder. Blue guy was looking out for his own safety, not looking to harm someone else, I will guess.

The thing that seems consistent throughout the days/ weeks leading up to this event is several people saying he was paranoid, acting strangely, not acting quite like himself, etc. This is common when someone is in the first stages of discovering it is Schizophrenia. People around you believe you! So, instead of realizing it is delusions and paranoia, people try to help keep a person away from the perceived harm. A big clue is him asking his mom about the number and letters on the pills. In my experience, most delusions surround government, God/ satan, someone (doctor, etc) trying to access control of them, tv and microwaves trying to control thoughts. To be paranoid about the pills would fit right in. They were very likely antibiotics that we all take and nothing more.

He had "someone" after him for a long time. This is likely perceived, not real. He left his friends and not only was he jumped, but there were groups of Russians and Bulgarians (Dont remember the specific groups) that did it. And no one saw. Then, a doctor wont let him leave. Then there are 4 guys following him at the hotel. Then, the hotel people cant be trusted and credit cards need to be canceled. Then, the doctor (who is obviously working with the pharmacist) gave him pills that were tainted. Then, the doctor at the airport wouldnt let him leave. And the airport personnel was terrifying and he needed to run from him..... do you see what I am getting at?

To me, Schizophrenia is the scariest thing that can happen to a person. Most of my "clients" were intelligent and had lived their lives like every one of us. Until they didn't. The fateful day that Schizophrenia took center stage. Most of them related the onset to a single time of drug usage. A very specific time. The best way i describe Schizophrenia to people is to imagine your dream state and your awake state meshing together. You can never know what things really exist or what things are just part of the dream state, leaking through into your reality. There is also usually some parts that are true. I had one of my guys tell me there were human bones in the garbage can upstairs. I went to investigate (with gloves on, of course, because you never know!) and it was an apple core. When he glanced into that garbage, the apple core took the shape of a finger bone. All of us can understand how something like this could happen in a dream. It is sadly the reality that they often live, not knowing if threats are real or perceived. And Schizophrenia can be very well controlled on meds. But, that takes a person knowing what is happening and receiving ongoing treatment.

My guess is that he all of a sudden thought his sweet mama would be in danger or possibly was part of the plot against him. He is probably living among the many other untreated mental health adults living as homeless. I hope they find him. Someone asked where the trucker brought him. That is a GOOOOD question. And an important lead to follow. I feel like he can be found, but it will take lots of people sending photos of homeless from all over the place. I always think about how many of our "missing" are probably right under our noses and ignored as people on the streets. I hope he is found and helped real soon.
Thanks for your informative, finger on the pulse of the situation post mpnola!
Although a diagnosis of Schizophrenia is usually devastating, but in this case it gives cause to be hopeful tat Lars can be found if enough people pay attention to those around them!
Thanks for pointing me in this direction of this thread. And I think you are right. This has all the signs of the onset of Schizophrenia, to me. Disclaimer- I worked as an Mental Health Professional and was the Associate Director of community home programs for 16 years. I have a Masters Degree in Counseling, along with my certification, but we will consider this not a professional assessment (as I am not verified). We will consider it my life experience.

Few things--- (I will apologize in advance. After working directly with the most chronically treated mental health adults for 16 years, I tend to explain through examples and stories. Never giving enough info to break confidentiality, though)

The fight- did anyone ever say they saw it? Or did he just report this to his friends after he disappeared. I am doubting this ever happened. I once had a "client" (we don't really call them that, but we will say that for ease) who I had brought out of town for Special Olympics (dual diagnosis). We finished eating at a restaurant and she said she needed to go back in to go to the restroom. We all waited outside, but I watched her through the window. I WATCHED her through the window. She reached the bathroom, turned around and ran out the restaurant screaming about how some b**** just accused her of sleeping with her husband and punched her. She then proceeded to try to punch me. She was very convincing! People were not sure if it actually happened. But, it did not. It was part of her delusions. No woman even spoke to her, much less punched her. I was watching. I say all of that because it is highly likely he believed this himself, but it didn't happen. He could have also hit himself, put something in his ear, anything that caused damage. If a person is having auditory hallucinations, it would not be uncommon for them to stick something in their ear to try to make it stop. Unless there is corroboration that the fight actually existed, I'm not going to 100% bank on it yet.

As for the airport- I immediately noticed the lady he walks past. If you notice, it almost looks like he says something (possibly non-sensical) and she points the way. It is the same time the guy in the blue turns around and looks. I am going to bet if they talk to blue guy, he will report Lars either speaking loudly or saying things that seemed bizarre, which is why he was looking over his shoulder. Blue guy was looking out for his own safety, not looking to harm someone else, I will guess.

The thing that seems consistent throughout the days/ weeks leading up to this event is several people saying he was paranoid, acting strangely, not acting quite like himself, etc. This is common when someone is in the first stages of discovering it is Schizophrenia. People around you believe you! So, instead of realizing it is delusions and paranoia, people try to help keep a person away from the perceived harm. A big clue is him asking his mom about the number and letters on the pills. In my experience, most delusions surround government, God/ satan, someone (doctor, etc) trying to access control of them, tv and microwaves trying to control thoughts. To be paranoid about the pills would fit right in. They were very likely antibiotics that we all take and nothing more.

He had "someone" after him for a long time. This is likely perceived, not real. He left his friends and not only was he jumped, but there were groups of Russians and Bulgarians (Dont remember the specific groups) that did it. And no one saw. Then, a doctor wont let him leave. Then there are 4 guys following him at the hotel. Then, the hotel people cant be trusted and credit cards need to be canceled. Then, the doctor (who is obviously working with the pharmacist) gave him pills that were tainted. Then, the doctor at the airport wouldnt let him leave. And the airport personnel was terrifying and he needed to run from him..... do you see what I am getting at?

To me, Schizophrenia is the scariest thing that can happen to a person. Most of my "clients" were intelligent and had lived their lives like every one of us. Until they didn't. The fateful day that Schizophrenia took center stage. Most of them related the onset to a single time of drug usage. A very specific time. The best way i describe Schizophrenia to people is to imagine your dream state and your awake state meshing together. You can never know what things really exist or what things are just part of the dream state, leaking through into your reality. There is also usually some parts that are true. I had one of my guys tell me there were human bones in the garbage can upstairs. I went to investigate (with gloves on, of course, because you never know!) and it was an apple core. When he glanced into that garbage, the apple core took the shape of a finger bone. All of us can understand how something like this could happen in a dream. It is sadly the reality that they often live, not knowing if threats are real or perceived. And Schizophrenia can be very well controlled on meds. But, that takes a person knowing what is happening and receiving ongoing treatment.

My guess is that he all of a sudden thought his sweet mama would be in danger or possibly was part of the plot against him. He is probably living among the many other untreated mental health adults living as homeless. I hope they find him. Someone asked where the trucker brought him. That is a GOOOOD question. And an important lead to follow. I feel like he can be found, but it will take lots of people sending photos of homeless from all over the place. I always think about how many of our "missing" are probably right under our noses and ignored as people on the streets. I hope he is found and helped real soon.

Thank you so much mpnola, for dropping in and sharing your opinion! I was just doing something else and one thing Lars had said kept coming back to my mind - that they won't let him leave. I felt this sentence is key to understanding his frame of mind in the hotel and airport. He thought "they" want to keep him in Varna, for whatever reason, hence he had to run. It makes sense. Now you explained the behaviour of schizophrenics so well and vividly that I'm pretty convinced that this is what happened to Lars.

As I said upthread, I hope the family has had a detailed discussion with a mental health professional about Lars. It might give them pointers where it would be best to search.

On the flyers it is written that he might be injured or disoriented, so I guess the family already suspects something psychologically is going on. They might not want to go into details publicly for fear that he's labelled as "crazy".

The fight - I agree with you, it sounded odd and fabricated, even his friends seemed baffled by the story. AFAIK nobody said they saw it happening and Lars did not report it to police. (At least this was not mentioned in any reports.)

Is not eating well part of this disease? His mom said in an interview that he is health conscious and watches what he eats, but in Varna he ate very little according to his friends, just one small meal a day (a soup and a salad, one friend said), and it was unusual for him.

bbm - On the fb page they said they do receive tips from lots of people who saw a homeless person resembling Lars. His mother is very active giving interviews and TV appearances, and every time she does they get a lot of tips. I hope one day real soon one of those tips will pan out.

Question: why do you think he doesn't try to go home or at least call home? Is it part of his fear maybe that something bad will happen if he does? Is it common for schizophrenics to distance themselves from family and friends?

Another thought I had, if this is schizophrenia is it likely or rather unlikely that he would continue to have a passionate interest in sports (especially soccer) as he used to? If he would it might be another angle to pursue in searches and campaigns.
Thank you so much mpnola, for dropping in and sharing your opinion! I was just doing something else and one thing Lars had said kept coming back to my mind - that they won't let him leave. I felt this sentence is key to understanding his frame of mind in the hotel and airport. He thought "they" want to keep him in Varna, for whatever reason, hence he had to run. It makes sense. Now you explained the behaviour of schizophrenics so well and vividly that I'm pretty convinced that this is what happened to Lars.

As I said upthread, I hope the family has had a detailed discussion with a mental health professional about Lars. It might give them pointers where it would be best to search.

On the flyers it is written that he might be injured or disoriented, so I guess the family already suspects something psychologically is going on. They might not want to go into details publicly for fear that he's labelled as "crazy".

The fight - I agree with you, it sounded odd and fabricated, even his friends seemed baffled by the story. AFAIK nobody said they saw it happening and Lars did not report it to police. (At least this was not mentioned in any reports.)

Is not eating well part of this disease? His mom said in an interview that he is health conscious and watches what he eats, but in Varna he ate very little according to his friends, just one small meal a day (a soup and a salad, one friend said), and it was unusual for him.

bbm - On the fb page they said they do receive tips from lots of people who saw a homeless person resembling Lars. His mother is very active giving interviews and TV appearances, and every time she does they get a lot of tips. I hope one day real soon one of those tips will pan out.

Question: why do you think he doesn't try to go home or at least call home? Is it part of his fear maybe that something bad will happen if he does? Is it common for schizophrenics to distance themselves from family and friends?

Another thought I had, if this is schizophrenia is it likely or rather unlikely that he would continue to have a passionate interest in sports (especially soccer) as he used to? If he would it might be another angle to pursue in searches and campaigns.

It is very possible that eating habits would change. Mainly just because the delusions start to become the main focus and everything else starts to take a back seat--- eating, hygiene, work, everything.

As for the other questions- I am not a psychiatrist, and I have a whole lot of experience with reading written reports and packets of past behavior and behavior of people who are currently receiving treatment to try to stabilize and maintain a medication program. So, these answers are more from what I remember or am guessing. I was rarely involved before there was already some psychiatric intervention (usually a lengthy hospitalization), although I did read all of the past details.

The reason to not call home is the same. Schizophrenia will look different in different people. But, in the most severe and chronic mental health adults, it can become nearly all consuming. Often times the delusions, hallucinations and paranoia become very severe and often, drugs or alcohol are added on top of them. Thought processes are often jumbled and often focus and memory are changed. So, the ability to reason and give coherent information or even the awareness that there is a caring family out there seems to be "lost" in the thick of things. I had a guy that every year during his annual meeting, we would talk to him about things he liked or wanted to learn, etc. All I ever got from him was about red things. He wanted "red" spaghetti, red beans, a red toothbrush--- he had a hard time getting to anything else. It was like his thoughts wouldn't progress to other things, even though he had plenty of friends and family all around him.

I rarely saw people's passions remain the same. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but I don't remember any off hand. (when stabilized, lots of times those passions will return, though!) Like that guy- his "passion" (or some might say obsession) was with red. I had a girl who liked radios and a guy who liked watches. Lots of them. But, no where in the history was this a passion. It was a new thing. One of my most severely affected guys was a documented genius and had graduated from an all honors high school at the top of his class. He was also the one who told me about the bones in the bathroom garbage can. Often times, the passions shift to things that aren't typical of their past. Although you might see signs--- he might act like he's kicking a ball randomly or enjoy holding soccer balls or something. My "genius" guy used to pick up all my pens and shake them for a little while. I always thought it must be his brain connecting to all of the hours he spent with a pen in his hand through school.

I want to reiterate that this is not what all Schizophrenia looks like. Many people do not have such severe impacts and meds can make many of the symptoms nearly disappear. I never want someone with Schizophrenia (which no doubt we have plenty here) or a family member to think I am painting a grim picture. But, I worked with the most severe cases. So, my experiences are real, but I am definitely not saying all illness looks the same. But, if his experiences were due to a mental health episode, then his will very likely be severe. There were many incidents in a short amount of time. Enough that he felt the need to escape and run. And untreated, it won't get better. That's for sure. But, if he can be found and treated, he can live very successfully as a part of the community. One of my most stable guys (on meds) was also the one who drank antifreeze because voices were telling him to. I used take him to sing karaoke (singing was his passion before and was his passion again, on meds). He told me one night, "Dang! I really did some crazy things before they got my meds right, didn't I!" lol. It made me laugh and he touched my heart. It also made me realize that he was in there all along and once he was reached, it became clear to him just how off his chemicals were during those times.
I am digging as deep as I can. It's twelwe hours in a row at the moment.
Few more and I'll be close to remembering how to speak German (which I didn't use in years).
I already found answers to few minor questions but I have to put it together into a post...
It is sad and touching, isn't it. So wonderful to know that there are people like you who help those afflicted with compassion and understanding. Thank you for sharing your, or rather their stories!

If he has schizophrenia and is living among homeless people, not taking care of himself, not eating well ... it's been two and a half years now. How long can he go on? I don't know how the health care system is in countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and those regions, I just hope if he gets weak and ill someone gets him to a hospital. And I hope they will try to find out who he is and not just put him in some forgotten place.
I am digging as deep as I can. It's twelwe hours in a row at the moment.
Few more and I'll be close to remembering how to speak German (which I didn't use in years).
I already found answers to few minor questions but I have to put it together into a post...

Looking forward to it. Anything you need translated feel free to ask me.
It is sad and touching, isn't it. So wonderful to know that there are people like you who help those afflicted with compassion and understanding. Thank you for sharing your, or rather their stories!

If he has schizophrenia and is living among homeless people, not taking care of himself, not eating well ... it's been two and a half years now. How long can he go on? I don't know how the health care system is in countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and those regions, I just hope if he gets weak and ill someone gets him to a hospital. And I hope they will try to find out who he is and not just put him in some forgotten place.

It could go on forever, really. I see it every single day. People walking around, talking to themselves, screaming at nothing- that is a lot of unmedicated Schizophrenia (often coupled with some substance abuse) right next to us. Yesterday, a guy was walking down the highway pointing at each car, yelling loudly, "YOU ARE WRONG, SIR! try again!" People were looking nervous and locking their doors. he made me smile and I was hoping he has a home to go to, after he is done quizzing the highway.He went into a store, so it seemed like a "usual" path for him.

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