Bunch of Caylee videos

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That is exactly what I'm trying to avoid... becoming another victim.

I wish, I knew more about it and could give you facts. I haven't taken the time to dig deep, because I'm only an amateur photographer.:(
Okay guys, I just got in from baseball practice with my boys, got dinner fixed and children fed and sat down to enjoy a little WS....Boy, my pm's were blown up....apparently my youtube account was on JVM...and I missed it! OMG they really think I'm CA or KC...how utterly stupid!

I've also been contacted by the Today Show and will be calling them shortly. I promise I'll make my fellow WSer's proud.

All I can think of to say right now is Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for PMing me and leting me know.
I watch JVM and I caught this episode and when I heard her ask if "Momtective" could be KC or CA, I almost fell over! LOL!!!!! They made it sound like the videos have just been released by the defense as a strategy to make KC look like a doting and loving mom and "Momtective" is her name. ROFL!!

You go "Real Momtective"!!
It has been brought to my attention that the shorts Caylee is wearing in these videos may be the ones found with her remains. I would really like to get these videos to LE. Anyone have any suggestions how I could do that?
I have no idea when Cindy made these videos. Is it even remotely possible that Cindy made them on Fathers day?
Regarding the shorts in this video, from what I remember somewhere in the discovery documents, LE was comparing the shorts found with the remains to a picture taken from KC's room. They described a picture of KC playing on the floor with Caylee - a picture that was removed from KC's room and Caylee had on striped shorts. In the background, we can hear that George and Cindy are shooting this video. I remember seeing a "still shot" in a picture frame somewhere in the miscellaneous pics that was released in the discovery documents in KC's room, that was taken from this video. I wonder if LE has viewed this video? (I bet they have now).
How in the world did the Today Show find you?

Okay guys, I just got in from baseball practice with my boys, got dinner fixed and children fed and sat down to enjoy a little WS....Boy, my pm's were blown up....apparently my youtube account was on JVM...and I missed it! OMG they really think I'm CA or KC...how utterly stupid!

I've also been contacted by the Today Show and will be calling them shortly. I promise I'll make my fellow WSer's proud.

All I can think of to say right now is Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for PMing me and leting me know.
I watch JVM and I caught this episode and when I heard her ask if "Momtective" could be KC or CA, I almost fell over! LOL!!!!! They made it sound like the videos have just been released by the defense as a strategy to make KC look like a doting and loving mom and "Momtective" is her name. ROFL!!

You go "Real Momtective"!!

I have included in each video the statement "I am not related to the Anthony family nor am I friends with them" and yet people are still leaving stupid comments that Lee, CA or GA is responsible for the youtube account and videos. I never even comment back, I just shake my head and cuss at the screen. lol
Apparently the videos were confirmed to be authentic by Michelle Bart.
For what its worth, if Lee, George, or Cindy were like you at all, they would be more loved around this nation than...well..the way they are..
I hate you were dragged into all of this..but if you do get a call from Cindy, George or Lee, will you please tell them to spit the damn gum out..and pull down the socks..lol
I have included in each video the statement "I am not related to the Anthony family no am I friends with them" and yet people are still leaving stupid comments that Lee, CA or GA is responsible for the youtube account and videos. I never even comment back, I just shake my head and cuss at the screen. lol
Apparently the videos were confirmed to be authentic by Michelle Bart.

I have these videos on youtube too, you can set prefrences to not allow comments and I think you can set "not" to share (allow downloads) don't quote me though lol I'm posting from my wii right now.

I couldn't believe how JVM kept going on and on about this new video. It's oldy moldy stuff for us.
My eyes lit up when I heard JVM last night....
Are you sure you are not Zanny the Nanny..LOL...
I am only kidding. I hope this does not cause you any serious trouble. I know the stress issue is more than enough, who knew you would get your 15 mins of FAME from KC, and mentioned in the same sentenced as MB. YUCK!!!
I have included in each video the statement "I am not related to the Anthony family no am I friends with them" and yet people are still leaving stupid comments that Lee, CA or GA is responsible for the youtube account and videos. I never even comment back, I just shake my head and cuss at the screen. lol
Apparently the videos were confirmed to be authentic by Michelle Bart.

You can turn off the comments for each video.
I have included in each video the statement "I am not related to the Anthony family no am I friends with them" and yet people are still leaving stupid comments that Lee, CA or GA is responsible for the youtube account and videos. I never even comment back, I just shake my head and cuss at the screen. lol
Apparently the videos were confirmed to be authentic by Michelle Bart.

Know what though, I bet CA GA and LA (well, at least CA) have been to your page, and have read those comments. Maybe they should hear some of it.
For what its worth, if Lee, George, or Cindy were like you at all, they would be more loved around this nation than...well..the way they are..
I hate you were dragged into all of this..but if you do get a call from Cindy, George or Lee, will you please tell them to spit the damn gum out..and pull down the socks..lol
ROFL!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I HATE that gum chewing.. and those SOCKS!!! ***getting up from floor and composing myself** Whew!!.. and I wasn't going to say anything.. and YOU JUST HAD to go there!! Oh my gosh!!! **holding sides** man, I needed that!! :)

That is so true!! It is wrong you were dragged into this!! You were so good to post those videos and I have truly enjoyed viewing them of sweet Caylee. Pay no attention to the comments.
ROFL!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I HATE that gum chewing.. and those SOCKS!!! ***getting up from floor and composing myself** Whew!!.. and I wasn't going to say anything.. and YOU JUST HAD to go there!! Oh my gosh!!! **holding sides** man, I needed that!! :)

That is so true!! It is wrong you were dragged into this!! You were so good to post those videos and I have truly enjoyed viewing them of sweet Caylee. Pay no attention to the comments.

:woohoo: I'd give a hand and a foot for someone to have that opportunity to tell them to spit that dang gum out! It drives me nuts!
It bothers me to no end to think that anyone could try to make these videos right now out as a defense move. LOL we have been watching them for a while now. I really hope that we can somehow get word to JVM that momtective is certainly not part of any defense or Cindy, Lee or George.
Funny thing I was thinking though. Maybe they didn't want these video's out so that they could use them at trial to paint Casey in a better light towards the jury. Funny that the more the public see's the more ticked off they are going to get that this precious smiling child is dead now, being thrown away like trash.. I think it could be interesting as long as momtective doesn't get drug into the craziness of it all!
At a recent family reunion- there was an old family video playing on the TV- my son video taped it from the tv and downloaded it to his pc. The date for the download would make the video look current- The date on the camera would be current as well-
Could this be what they did with the ggfather's video?

The ggmother does not mention a video being taken on June 15th- but does recall earlier in the year pictures being done- The video could have been the year prior even- Caylee looked much younger than almost 3 on the video to me. I've always had doubts about this video.

The A's are all PC, video, and camera savvy.
Ummm...another lightbulb moment..
I wonder if these video's that momtective was so awesome to find early on were taken down for a reason way back when?
I wonder if Cindy, or Baez had plans to sell these video's to help pay for the defense? LOL I wonder if they thought they could get rich and hire a new lawyer who wins 92% of his cases? LOL that would be hillarious!
Momtective, keep your youtube public for sure! And when the today show calls, just tell them that there are more video's that you found them early! Could you imagine how good it would feel that you ALONE kept anyone from profiting off of Caylee on these videos? How wonderful would that be?
ETA: I say this only if it is sure there could be no repercussions..
:woohoo: I'd give a hand and a foot for someone to have that opportunity to tell them to spit that dang gum out! It drives me nuts!
It bothers me to no end to think that anyone could try to make these videos right now out as a defense move. LOL we have been watching them for a while now. I really hope that we can somehow get word to JVM that momtective is certainly not part of any defense or Cindy, Lee or George.
Funny thing I was thinking though. Maybe they didn't want these video's out so that they could use them at trial to paint Casey in a better light towards the jury. Funny that the more the public see's the more pissed off they are going to get that this precious smiling child is dead now, being thrown away like trash.. I think it could be interesting as long as momtective doesn't get drug into the craziness of it all!
I agree with you on all counts!!! I think that IF a jury could see how detached KC was filming those videos compared to when CA was filming, it would freak the jury out as well. It's wierd to me... the total disconnection in the videos of this child versus the ones that CA took. That's the very first thing that I thought when I started watching those videos... I thought why isn't the person videotaping saying anything to her? It really bothered me.
:woohoo: I'd give a hand and a foot for someone to have that opportunity to tell them to spit that dang gum out! It drives me nuts!
It bothers me to no end to think that anyone could try to make these videos right now out as a defense move. LOL we have been watching them for a while now. I really hope that we can somehow get word to JVM that momtective is certainly not part of any defense or Cindy, Lee or George.
Funny thing I was thinking though. Maybe they didn't want these video's out so that they could use them at trial to paint Casey in a better light towards the jury. Funny that the more the public see's the more ticked off they are going to get that this precious smiling child is dead now, being thrown away like trash.. I think it could be interesting as long as momtective doesn't get drug into the craziness of it all!

I haven't seen some of the videos, however from what I have seen- is KC playing with Caylee at home with CA and GA- therefore, of course she would be laughing and the perfect mother- she was too afraid of her mother not to appear to be the perfect mother- Also, she would try to appear as the perfect mom with her friends as well-
It's how she treated Caylee away from her mother & friends, when she is alone with Caylee that I wonder about.
Someone mentioned that Caylee had separation issues when she is separated from KC.--Separation issues usally develope when a child feels deserted.
The child will crave attention from the parent. When given attention the child appears elated, but only during those briefs interludes. The child can otherwise become very sad or depressed. There are a lot of pictures where this child looks very sad- her eyes even look haunted- I find it strange that there is little to no conversation in most of these videos- Being with CA & GA is probably the only time this child felt safe and secure. OMG ! I can't believe I actually gave CA & GA a compliment ! :eek:
I haven't seen some of the videos, however from what I have seen- is KC playing with Caylee at home with CA and GA- therefore, of course she would be laughing and the perfect mother- she was too afraid of her mother not to appear to be the perfect mother- Also, she would try to appear as the perfect mom with her friends as well-
It's how she treated Caylee away from her mother & friends, when she is alone with Caylee that I wonder about.
Someone mentioned that Caylee had separation issues when she is separated from KC.--Separation issues usally develope when a child feels deserted.
The child will crave attention from the parent. When given attention the child appears elated, but only during those briefs interludes. The child can otherwise become very sad or depressed. There are a lot of pictures where this child looks very sad- her eyes even look haunted- I find it strange that there is little to no conversation in most of these videos- Being with CA & GA is probably the only time this child felt safe and secure. OMG ! I can't believe I actually gave CA & GA a compliment ! :eek:
I read in the discovery docs that I think it was a friend of LA that said that Caylee had separation anxiety when KC put her down. I noticed too in the videos taken by KC that she didn't appear to be happy, she appeared to be 'disconnected' and didn't know what to do or how to act in the videos. But in the videos shot by the grandparents, she appeared to be playing, making happy baby sounds, and the grandparents were engaged with her, talking and playing with her (like the one in the pool with CA, the one with GA playing the easter eggs, and the one outside with GA at the picnic table). There's a difference for sure. The grandparents definitely had a bond with her where I feel that KC didn't. (my opinion).
For what its worth, if Lee, George, or Cindy were like you at all, they would be more loved around this nation than...well..the way they are..
I hate you were dragged into all of this..but if you do get a call from Cindy, George or Lee, will you please tell them to spit the damn gum out..and pull down the socks..lol

Will do!

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