CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #1

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Maybe back when they were more normal they did go places. Clearly they went to Disney and Vegas. They'd need all those cars to fit everyone.

On another note its strange how they showed baby in photos on FB and neighbors mentioned seeing her quite a bit. Until suddenly that stopped. It's like when they get to a certain age they hide them away. Why?

Another family that has similar attributes is the Wolf pack family.

Probably when breastfeeding stops, starvation begins.
The mom stops breast feeding? Toddlers malnutrition begins. Just a thought.

I thought that earlier. I wonder if dad has convinced mom that they've done nothing wrong. He's educated , has a good job that clearly only intelligent folks can get and she is a drop out and homemaker with little outside influence. He could easily convince her the kids are healthy, they're just lean, growing phase, genetics,etc. We don't know what her level of critical thinking is. That could explain why she's perplexed she has been arrested or they came to the house. She may do only what he says because he tells her he knows best and she just believes it. I'm thinking out loud and not trying to discount mom's involvement. She's so dreamy eyed when she looks at him I can see her believing every word he says, no matter how weird it may be.
If you read up on starvation, it stops the hormonal changes which come during puberty. Puberty doesn't occur if the body is so malnourished. Also not mentioned yet- besides the brain suffering decline during starvation major organs
may also be negatively affected. Heart, kidneys and brain all affected and may not improve with re-feeding.

In the animal world, when rescued, starved horses are taken in, there's a condition called "re-feeding syndrome" where
the caretaker must use extreme caution when starting a re-nourishment program or the animal's organs can shut down
if care and a defined, measured feeding schedule is not maintained. Since the body has been subsisting on so little nutrition for
a long period of time, damage may be done to the body and organs if done too quickly.

How does that affect height? My brother in law was growing slowly and the doctor said that as long as he didn't reach puberty he would keep growing taller. So we wanted him to reach puberty later.

But would almeone attain height if there being starved? Some of those girls look taller than mom.
Why are the children wearing a tshirt with the word thing and a number? The parents posted this on the FB page and none of their contacts thought that was super creepy and a red flag?

Thing 1 and Thing 2. It's a Dr. Seuss reference (Cat in the Hat). Taken by itself, I wouldn't necessarily find it creepy.
Looking through the pictures, even with the vagaries about when they took place, I don't see any breast development in any of the girls (trying to figure out which ones might now be adults). Severe malnutrition? I note that all of the children/adults were admitted to hospitals for treatment. More than just malnutrition?

The pic in the blue polos shows development in some of the girls. I was actually surprised.
I thought that earlier. I wonder if dad has convinced mom that they've done nothing wrong. He's educated , has a good job that clearly only intelligent folks can get and she is a drop out and homemaker with little outside influence. He could easily convince her the kids are healthy, they're just lean, growing phase, genetics,etc. We don't know what her level of critical thinking is. That could explain why she's perplexed she has been arrested or they came to the house. She may do only what he says because he tells her he knows best and she just believes it. I'm thinking out loud and not trying to discount mom's involvement. She's so dreamy eyed when she looks at him I can see her believing every word he says, no matter how weird it may be.

I agree with what you're saying. He is really all she has other than the kids. I'm not sure she was even the one posting on facebook, he could have been the one doing that too. It's just so odd how it seems to stop mid 2016.
This is the same sister who wrote "That's my sister with my baby!" on one of David/Louise FB photos of Louise with the baby. So they were FB friends at some time. They are not now. Even though she says she has not seen her sister in 19 years.

I think I have posted on some people’s public pages without being “friends”. ETA: perhaps her page has not always been private?
In the Daily Mail article with the interview with Louise's sister, it notes her statements about childhood sexual abuse:

Flores, an author and Christian motivational speaker, has revealed on her website that she was a victim of child abuse, but revealed nothing about her sister. She has co-authored three books with her cousin Tricia Andreassen, who is also a motivational speaker.
In one book, Resilience In The Storm, published in 2016, Flores revealed she was molested as a child by a 'family member that she 'loved so much.' She also disclosed that her mother was in an abusive relationship.
'I think I was around nine years old when a family member that I loved so much and I was supposed to be able to trust, molested me. It continued all through my childhood and teen years.'

She's about six years younger than Louise, who married David when Louise was sixteen. The sister would have been about nine to ten years old when Louise married. Coincidence?
I think I have posted on some people’s public pages without being “friends”.

From what we can see now, you cannot (or at least I cannot) comment on their posts, as we are not their friends, so I assumed it was the same for the sister.
In the Daily Mail article with the interview with Louise's sister, it notes her statements about childhood sexual abuse:

She's about six years younger than Louise, who married David when Louise was sixteen. The sister would have been about nine to ten years old when Louise married. Coincidence?

In the wedding vow renewals on the FBPage...

One of the boys had the appearance that he may be blind...

Darker eyes...

No focusing on objects others were focusing on...

Just a thought... :thinking:

I don't know if it was the same photo, but I noticed one of the boys may have had a vision problem.
I thought that earlier. I wonder if dad has convinced mom that they've done nothing wrong. He's educated , has a good job that clearly only intelligent folks can get and she is a drop out and homemaker with little outside influence. He could easily convince her the kids are healthy, they're just lean, growing phase, genetics,etc. We don't know what her level of critical thinking is. That could explain why she's perplexed she has been arrested or they came to the house. She may do only what he says because he tells her he knows best and she just believes it. I'm thinking out loud and not trying to discount mom's involvement. She's so dreamy eyed when she looks at him I can see her believing every word he says, no matter how weird it may be.

Did you notice when the reporter asked what the dad's reaction was in comparison to the mom being perplexed and he wouldn't give an answer to the question?
Looking through the pictures, even with the vagaries about when they took place, I don't see any breast development in any of the girls (trying to figure out which ones might now be adults). Severe malnutrition? I note that all of the children/adults were admitted to hospitals for treatment. More than just malnutrition?

In this article, there is a photo where the family is wearing light blue polo shirts. In that photo, two of the females def appear to be developed, and only another two or three appear to be barely beginning:
Did you notice when the reporter asked what the dad's reaction was in comparison to the mom being perplexed and he wouldn't give an answer to the question?

I didn't catch that... that's interesting...
I wonder about the 3 Volkswagens~~a neighbor interviewed said that she saw one of the daughters driving a couple of weeks ago. I wonder how many of the children have their driver's license.. least 2 of the kids in photos are wearing glasses, so presumably were taken to an eye doc at some point? And, a neighbor also said she had occasionally seen some of the older "kids" getting into the car with parents to go somewhere or another.

Doesn't sound like they were completely physically isolated for all those years, which in some ways makes it seem even more bizarre . .
Somewhere in the first pages here, I’m sure I read that this family lived on a farm before moving to California. For some reason, I shivered involuntarily. Maybe an overactive imagination. Can’t find it right now.
This is pretty horrifying. It's always crazy to think that even when you look at photos online, or even when you see kids smiling out in the world, that they go home and could be abused and neglected. Sadly, this is way too common.

When I heard news about the mother this morning they said something interesting. They said that mother had all the children dressed the same and they would line up and walk into restaurants based on either height/age (can't remember which one it was, sorry) with dad always following from the back.

Is this some strange case of OCD, and why didn't dad step up and protect the children?
The thing is that in the US we have a strong affinity for independence and privacy in our culture. And that is backed by our constitution which prohibits interference without probable cause that a crime is being committed.

People here are very leery of government. No one would abide routine welfare checks by social services. Most here are suspicious of social services to begin with and view the agency as one that hassles innocent people and fails to protect obviously abused kids.

There really are no easy answers in cases like this. Maybe we all need to be more involved with each other as humans. Ask more questions and show more concern.

We also protect the rights of minor children, those who aren't old enough to make their own choices and take care of themselves. This is really an issue of the state needing to protect the rights of minors from abuse. Their rights count, too. They have a right to be well fed and live in a safe, clean environment. They also have the right to formal education until they're age 18.

Since we're seeing a rise in child abuse in situations where children are schooled at home, perhaps the best option is to require parents who are home schooling children to bring them into school periodically for the same educational testing and health checks (vision, hearing, etc.) that kids in public schools receive. It would give authorities the opportunity to make sure home schooled children are being properly educated and are receiving adequate nutrition and health care.
I'm confused as to why everyone is assuming the guilt of the mother and questioning why the father didn't help. It was more than likely a folie à deux rather than a good parent/bad parent situation.
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