CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #1

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Louise spitting and smirking one neighbor says - :eek:

[FONT=&quot]"The bizarre scene – in which one neighbor [/FONT]even said[FONT=&quot] that Louise Turpin, a homemaker, was allegedly spitting and smirking – stood in stark contrast to the scene at the wedding chapel, where the Elvis impersonator who handled the vow renewal tells that the family seemed happy and nothing seemed awry."

According to Kent Ripley, the Las Vegas entertainer and Elvis impersonator who was present when the Turpins renewed their vows, there seemed to be nothing amiss. He said the couple renewed their vows at the Elvis Chapel at least three times, including for their 30th wedding anniversary. He has not seen the family since 2016, he said.

He described the allegations as “shocking. Through the years, I actually remember them every well,” Ripley said in an interview with “It’s not every day you meet a family with 12, 13 kids.” He said the couple had 11 children the first time he met them, but the family kept growing.

“They were unique because of the size of the family, the Brady Bunch times 2 plus 1,” he said of the first time he met them. “They seemed to enjoy themselves as a family, they seemed to get along, and the children were well-behaved.”

He said the children “definitely were skinny but seemed to be active and always going places and doing stuff. I do remember they were taught at home; they were home schooled. David had a fairly decent job. To support the family, he was a hard worker.”

According to Ripley, the children “all dressed alike,” and the boys had the same bowl-like haircut as their father. “I joked to him about being a Beatles fan and having a Beatles haircut,” said Ripley. “They seemed to enjoy each other,” he said of the family. “I’m speechless. I hope the kids are okay…David seemed to be very much caring for the kids and his wife.”

I am totally not into Elvis impersonators (nothing against them, just not my scene)...but this guy seems like a nice guy and does his very best to make the weddings nice. He seems to focus on the couple and not make the event all about him. I am hopeful the kids recover and heal, but another silver lining of this case is perhaps a boost to Elvis' career!

What a strange case!

As a forensic psychologist, this is why I think David and Louise Turpin may have held their children captive

He also points out that the eldest child in the house was reported to be age 29, born 2 yrs before David & Louise married.

This author has some good theories...

But I believe he has some of the details incorrect...

He says (I believe) that Mom was married at the age of 22...

when we have discovered she was actually married at the age of 16...

So the first was actually born AFTER they were married....

Please correct me if I am wrong...
The baby girl is dressed differently from the rest. I wonder if that is significant?

Isn't the "baby" significantly younger than the next child in age?
(relative to this family)

perhaps they just ran out of that bolt of fabric?
Wow. That is not right.

I’ve called cps on folks twice - once when I worked in a department store and was concerned about a regular customer and her baby and another time when I watched a dad backhand is 10-ish year old daughter in a bowling alley parking lot. They provided parenting ed to the mom, which is what I asked for and substantiated abuse with the dad and worked with the family for most of a year. I didn’t get details of what they did with the family but at least they got on someone’s radar. I was so concerned about that little girl - if he would hit her like that in public, wth would he do to her in private??

CPS failed this pre-teen. She was severly punished, removed from school. the mom is an addict. They did nothing to help her. I got other neighbors and the landlord to file. Still crickets. Creepy bf moved in. No follow-ips. Nothing.
The picture posted on October 30, 2011 (3:49 a.m.) on their FB. The appear to be with his parents in that photo and it looks like a normal family photo. There's some matching, but not over the top. The kids are thin, but, Mom is thin, and Dad is tall and lanky. They don't look malnourished, to me, in this photo.
The mom’s sister is a red head, if you go on their profile the sister comments a lot on their public photos.
whats the likely charges for this? jail? or bail?

The problem is things get pled down a lot. But this is insane so i think they will do at leasts some jail time.

Yeah, "unique religious beliefs". There are a lot of them out there. I've been going through hunting, pecking, listening, wondering, believing, sometimes throwing the whole mess out the window. Yeah, there are a lot of "unique religious beliefs" out there. The one thing most of us need to understand is love and love doesn't starve your children or chain them to the furniture.


Speaking of family issues, also, I found an author interview where her sister talks about fasting for 90 days to try to bring her husband back after he left with the children.

Holy smokes.

There is a photo with one of the girls with two black eyes.

I though i saw that too.

In the press conference today, LE, the mayor, CFS, everyone kept emphasizing that people should report to them if they see something wrong like the situation with the Turpin family. So they must feel they have the proper authority to investigate these cases of abuse. I'm willing to defer to LE's judgment on this and call if I see something is wrong.

They have the authority to investigate but they do not have the authority to enter a home an interview the people within it, without parental permission.

The children, especially the boys look very thin and emaciated. The baby the mom is holding doesn't look healthy either, with thin forearms. The little girl wearing boots standing in front of the boys is very thin with a distended stomach, another sign of being malnourished. The little girl dressed in black on the far right has very skinny arms. I notice this family and the Turpins have a tendency to dress their kids in bulky, baggy clothing which hides their thin bodies.

I thought they looked particularly healthy in that photo compared to dozens of photos and videos I have seen of them in the past. Many of the kids have presented as horribly emaciated. Including the babies and toddlers with no fat on them, and all quite pale.

I agree.

The poor children is all I keep thinking about. Being somewhat isolated from society's norms and not knowing any different because all their "teachings" are coming from inside the family.

They probably did not even know that real emotional and developmental harm was being done to them.

For people that may not see the emotional and mental harm that happens in families with such extreme and unique religous teachings then I just keep going back to the Bevers case. It finally hit a breaking point in that family until the two young brothers killed almost the entire family.

That's the thing, how on earth did the 17 year old get the gumption and have the wherewithal to not only escape but to document what was happening? She is one in a million.

I was just reading a study last month about abuse (not just sexual) from teachers being on the rise. I will try to go find that later tonight. (Not that it's relevant to this family.) People who actually homeschool have plenty of safety nets. They take their children to the doctor, dentist, their children attend classes and lessons, they are in sports, they have well developed social circles, etc.

The problem is the people who aren't actually homeschooling. They are abusing their children and isolating them under the guise of schooling. I honestly do not know how to protect and find those children. People who inflict these abuses on kids are going to hide them from society in any way they can. The fringe folks are hide to keep track of, period. It helps for neighbors and family members being aware. I would suggest that there were opportunities to protect these children. Family members cutting off ties to their children is a huge red flag.

No. They don;t have plenty of safety nets. None of those things are mandatory. But kids who go to public school see various teachers, other students, playground monitors, lunch ladies, other parents, school nurses, etc.

Every last thing you mentioned is voluntary and homeschooling families can easily avoid all of that. So then what?

It's a balance between personal freedoms and the possibility of kids slipping through the cracks. I see no consitutional way of really creating mandatory safety nets for those kids.

Thanks! Like they say, the devil finds work for idle hands. That goes for both parents imo

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I wonder if financial stressors sent them off the deep end.

Gitana1, there's a video online where "Elvis" was interviewed. He remembered them as return customers but I don't believe he said anything of much importance.

Thanks so much!!!

I’m trying to play out the daughters escape in my mind. Once she was free and calling for help on the phone she managed to grab, I wonder if she was afraid that no one would believe her? She had no reason to trust the outside world IMO. When the police went to the home, would she have been taken to the door, therefore confronting her parents? Hopefully she was kept in a safe place such as a police car with an officer to help her through this ordeal. What a brave young woman.

Seriously. She blows my mind. One in a million. I fantasize about giving a home to one or more of the older kids. or acting as a mentor. Just showing them how normal people can live.

I am very scared that for the adult kids, it's too late to learn to be normal and functional.

The Vegas wedding video is one of the strangest things I have ever seen.

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Listen. I;m obsessed with it. It is so frickin bizarre and pathological. So much weird going on.

And the oldest "kids" in that video, are 25 (girl) 21 (boy), 20 (girl), 18 (boy) and 16 (girl).

It makes no sense to me. None of them look older than 16-17.

And the way they "dance". Holy smokes. It's tragic. So odd.

By the way, there are three of those videos, two featuring the poor kids.
Northrop Grumman moving headquarters from L.A. to Washington, D.C., area
January 05, 2010

In a blow to Southern California, Northrop Grumman Corp. said it would relocate its headquarters from Los Angeles leaving the region that gave birth to the aerospace industry without a single major military contractor based here.

The company said it would move its corporate staff to the Washington, D.C., area by summer 2011 to be closer to its key customer, the U.S. government.

Northrop's announcement was seen as a bitter pill for the much-battered regional economy, which has suffered a series of high-profile corporate defections in recent years.

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Could explain DT's exit from his job...
I wonder if all the children were in on the escape?
What was the breaking point for the 17 year old?
The fear involved. How 2 people can control 13 children like this, a few in shackles, just is blowing my mind. What other abuses were they subjected to?

I was wondering, also, if one or some of the other offspring created a "deflection" so that the 17 year old could make the break and make the call?

This from Rolling Stone:

[h=1]Nightmare in Perris, California: What We Know About Allegedly Tortured Siblings[/h] After a 17-year-old allegedly escaped, authorities found her 12 brothers and sisters in their home – and now their parents are in custody
Authorities in California have arrested 57-year-old David Allen Turpin and 49-year-old Louise Anna Turpin on nine counts of torture and child endangerment each, after discovering their 13 children were held captive in their house, with "several children shackled to their beds with chains and padlocks in dark and foul-smelling surroundings," the Riverside County Sheriff's Department said in a news release.
Listen. I;m obsessed with it. It is so frickin bizarre and pathological. So much weird going on.

And the oldest "kids" in that video, are 25 (girl) 21 (boy), 20 (girl), 18 (boy) and 16 (girl).

It makes no sense to me. None of them look older than 16-17.

And the way they "dance". Holy smokes. It's tragic. So odd.

By the way, there are three of those videos, two featuring the poor kids.

The bright white's like they gave them to them in the parking lot and said here, wear these, even though you've never walked in heels a day of your life. It is so incredibly bizarre. The kids look drugged to me. Dazed...confused....the laughter at Elvis seems forced...I could go on and on. These poor kids.
I read that he worked at Lockheed Martin until 2010 when he left for California to work for the other contractor. Also, when they filed for bankruptcy it stated he worked for that contractor and earned $120,000 a year I think. He also had some money in the 401K at the second also.
I haven't caught up yet so I don't know if it's been posted already, but the sister Teresa is giving an interview tonight on NBC Nightly with Lester Holt.
I only watched part of the video but the children can't click their fingers. That was one of the physical development checks at the pediatrician when my children were small, as well as skipping... They don't appear to have ever danced or had fun. They look to their mother for permission to do what Elvis is asking them to do. Only then do they appear to be having fun and trying to follow what Elvis is demonstrating. I see nothing but red flags here. It's as though they haven't been exposed to anything. And the girls can't walk in their shoes.

They do not appear to be well nourished. Sometimes one or two may appear that way in a family (I was always extremely thin), but certainly not all 12 or 13 children. I'll bet they're all Vitamin D deficient, along with other deficiencies.

I sincerely hope that the children are given intensive counseling and support. They are so far behind socially and I imagine psychologically.
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