GUILTY CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #12

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There has been so little news, especially with regards to the 13. I was just wondering... The older 7 went to live together. #8 was the brave escapee. She was 17, but as I recall, her birthday was in mid-November. So she would have turned 18 a few weeks ago. What happens to her now? Will they allow her to stay at the foster location or will she be forced out, probably to move in with the older 7? She would have so much education to catch up on, it would help if she had a stable environment to accomplish this.
At any rate, happy (belated) birthday, brave one.
There has been so little news, especially with regards to the 13. I was just wondering... The older 7 went to live together. #8 was the brave escapee. She was 17, but as I recall, her birthday was in mid-November. So she would have turned 18 a few weeks ago. What happens to her now? Will they allow her to stay at the foster location or will she be forced out, probably to move in with the older 7? She would have so much education to catch up on, it would help if she had a stable environment to accomplish this.
At any rate, happy (belated) birthday, brave one.
I mean, if she was staying with a foster family and they want her to stay with them, she can do so.
This reminds me of the story of "Genie", a young girl abused and neglected by her parents for years. Genie was never able to take care of herself after being locked in a room for years. Apparently, there is a specific time frame for cognitive behavioral learning, and if the brain is not stimulated at that time, it is so "stunted", that subsequent learning is almost impossible.

I hope that the children will be okay. Genie lives in a group home for disabled adults. Ironically, Genie was also from California.
Genie’s story is very sad. Her face as a young girl was striking. So much potential for a full life and you can see that she had so much spirit in her eyes. It’s such a shame. We had a similar case here in New England that reminded me of her.
I mean, if she was staying with a foster family and they want her to stay with them, she can do so.

She has probably been determined to be disabled, which allows foster care for extended time frames. Usually a transition team helps child apply for SSI benefits, and a plan is written, for self sufficiency, whether the setting is in a family environment with a guardian or group home transition.

She will probably stay with the family, with ongoing intensive case management for helping her.
There has been so little news, especially with regards to the 13. I was just wondering... The older 7 went to live together. #8 was the brave escapee. She was 17, but as I recall, her birthday was in mid-November. So she would have turned 18 a few weeks ago. What happens to her now? Will they allow her to stay at the foster location or will she be forced out, probably to move in with the older 7? She would have so much education to catch up on, it would help if she had a stable environment to accomplish this.
At any rate, happy (belated) birthday, brave one.

Foster Care in California can last to age 21.
Hello all, I read all your posts with interest, retired social worker here (unverified). My work was in child protection specifically in two countries. Been a foster carer and house parent too!
I ran The Children's Court in my State and every care and protection in the state passed my desk. I'm off for a snooze now because all that makes me feel worn out lol.

Just on the subject of the children I would seriously hesitate in placing them with any members of the family, not because I think they are unworthy, but because of the high needs of the children.
These kids are fairly unsocialised and have reactive attachment disorders. They are unlikely to have met any individuation tasks necessary for full development. The tasks outlined by Erik Erikson for optimal psychosocial development. There's other stuff too that I won't go into here.

All of this is going to require professional intervention. They need to be re-parented. Add to that grief and loss (they love their parents no matter what), and sexual abuse. So some may have PTSD.
Added to that the older kids as adults may struggle in a University would need major support. They have health and psychological needs too, requiring specialised counselling. Grief and loss, they are more entrenched with the abuse cycle, not so easy to overcome. 30 odd years of abuse is massive, they won't escape disorders sadly.
This is intergenerational abuse as a culmination. A 'normalised' abuse which was sanctioned by family members.
David does not get off the hook!! Main offender.
She is so damaged she is somewhere else. If you take David away she will experience severe psychological issues, she is so disconnected. She live in a childish fantasy land, her babies are dolls. She cannot meet their increased needs because she doesn't know how to, the sexual abuse saw to that.
They are quite 'cultish' so imagine the amount of shaming that went on for transgressions. This was likely reasoning behind punishment and sadistic taunting, it's all probably justified in their minds. David's extended family appear quite religious.
Ps. Obviously I can only speak generally because each child will have specific needs. Without assessing them I can't know what they are. I have dealt with a family very similar to this, and the mother reminds me of LT. The house of that family had to be destroyed, I couldn't get the smell off me for weeks lol. The police took photographs of the house, but they didn't convey the stench. They should have been scratch and sniff...
Oh yes I forgot, the family I worked with, we wondered for ages what she was spending her welfare money on, she never paid rent, there was no food in the house and a cockroach nest in the fridge! I asked the police to check it for food...they were all over him lol. Maggots in the frying pan.
They all slept in one room like these kids on a filthy foam mattress, this was the lounge room all the other rooms were blocked by furniture. They all wet this one foam mattress 5 kids and mum. The kids were touching each other too. They couldn't use a knife and fork but went to school. Work that one out.
The mum was nice enough but not too bright, she always used to tell me she lost 5 stones when we took the children, she hadn't it was a way of saying the children were too much. We had a good therapeutic relationship, and the kids will never go home, but can see their mum. We don't really do the adoption thing much in Queensland like they do in the US. Kids are removed and parents get 2 yrs to get their act together if applicable. Otherwise it's foster care until 18.
Not the best system, kids can experience 30 or more placements. It's so traumatic we cause attachment disorders.
Oh gosh I got carried away, this is too long. I've got PTSD from scary people, mum wasn't scary at all. Rather like Louise, she is so submissive.
The money, turns out she was buying in fast food every day obviously, plus instead of washing the clothes she would do the rounds of the op shops for more. We took 60 huge black plastic bags full of clothing to the dump.
So sorry this is so long, I went somewhere else lol.
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Gecko, thanks for sharing. Most of us here have topics of interest or expertise and you'll notice we aren't usually shy about spreading what we know.

Keep us informed, please.

Thanks Laughing, yes we should share our knowledge, it demystifies processes, and knowledge is power. I could weep every time I come on here and see that list on the right about another murder of a child or woman. Of course it happens to men too, but not in such vast numbers. It's tragic. Have you been following the Watts case?
That guy is a covert narcissist. Just awful.
Oh yes I forgot, the family I worked with, we wondered for ages what she was spending her welfare money on, she never paid rent, there was no food in the house and a cockroach nest in the fridge! I asked the police to check it for food...they were all over him lol. Maggots in the frying pan.
They all slept in one room like these kids on a filthy foam mattress, this was the lounge room all the other rooms were blocked by furniture. They all wet this one foam mattress 5 kids and mum. The kids were touching each other too. They couldn't use a knife and fork but went to school. Work that one out.
The mum was nice enough but not too bright, she always used to tell me she lost 5 stones when we took the children, she hadn't it was a way of saying the children were too much. We had a good therapeutic relationship, and the kids will never go home, but can see their mum. We don't really do the adoption thing much in Queensland like they do in the US. Kids are removed and parents get 2 yrs to get their act together if applicable. Otherwise it's foster care until 18.
Not the best system, kids can experience 30 or more placements. It's so traumatic we cause attachment disorders.
Oh gosh I got carried away, this is too long. I've got PTSD from scary people, mum wasn't scary at all. Rather like Louise, she is so submissive.
The money, turns out she was buying in fast food every day obviously, plus instead of washing the clothes she would do the rounds of the op shops for more. We took 60 huge black plastic bags full of clothing to the dump.
So sorry this is so long, I went somewhere else lol.

Thank you Gecko for the information. Your explanations helped answer questions I had. Thank you for helping so many children and adults too! Good night, rest good.
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