CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #2

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Perhaps in her view, the last time she saw them they were a highly respectable family and that's what she's going off of, perhaps she doesn't know the depths to which her son or daughter have descended. Just a thought.

I think so, and she's clinging to that. I don't think this mother has accepted this as reality. If the last time I'd seen my kids, we'd all had a fun day out and everyone seemed happy, I'd be in shock, and denial, at first too. I'd probably make zero statements, publicly, though. At a certain point, his parents will have to come to terms. I don't get the feeling that they are bad people. I think their son and his wife, had issues before they were married, then, fate brought these two together, and this is was the result. Horrible, but not preventable.
She is a rock star. A one in a million survivor and warrior. Intelligent, resourceful, determined, courageous.

I've always been deeply interested in understanding why some folks are survivors and others simply are not (stems from being a survivor myself, no doubt). That interest ultimately led to my career of working with Holocaust survivors.

I learned from that group of ultimate survivors that often survival was a matter of chance and "luck," but that there was another common denominator for virtually all of them: their ability to continue to feel empathy, despite every despicable & violent attempt by their captors and guards to destroy every iota of their sense of self & humanity.

I'm not going to be surprised if we learn that what led to the 17 year old girl's escape was that she had found watching her younger siblings being starved and abused intolerable, and had reached her breaking point (perhaps because their parents had begun abusing their baby in earnest).
I agree. Even given that we don't have very much information about what any of these kids endured, I'm guessing that the 17 year old who escaped might have the best chance of the older kids to recover.

She's already demonstrated incredible resilience, resourcefulness, and courage, in daring to leave, in knowing she'd be more likely to be believed if she brought proof, and in being able to hope for help.

I agree totally... It will be a long road, I was never “chained” physically, just psychologically, emotionally,socially,and spiritually... If you knew me, you would never guess my story, however, even though I am a fully engaged and functioning parent, a dedicated employee, and a so called “Normal and Attractive “ person, I will always have scars that no one can see... In order to remain this way , for the rest of my life I will take medication for depression,ptsd,anxiety,and ADHD...
I wish that I were stronger,wealthier, and better , so that I could reach out to her and let her know that she is
my “Sheroe”, many will never understand... I need to say something else, there are 13 children, 13 victims,do not be surprised if one or more does not desperately seek to “reconcile and rewrite” history regarding their parentage... Even with the best of help, I would be absolutely shocked if that does not happen... I hope that the state of California , their doctors, social workers etc. fully investigate and examine all extended family members, in a perfect dysfunctional world of 2-4 kids, I would encourage them being kept together and with blood relatives... In this case, I can only hope that they are each given the opportunity and chance to live life as individuals...
From my own experience, while it may seem “easier and appropriate” for the older children to shelter and take care of the younger ones; trust and believe me, they have been doing that all of their life, they each need a chance to live life,Learn and grow into their own future without worrying about caretaking their siblings...

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Never underestimate the power of human strength,courage, and love.
I need to add one more thing, let’s all remember that while they are now “free to grow and think like normal humans “,they will also be curious (and sensitive) about everything, including themselves, what people say and what people think... Websleuths and the big wide web is just a click away, please be sensitive to that fact when questioning certain things and how you phrase them. They are the biggest story in the world right now, let’s be sensitive to the fact that they are people with feelings that have been damaged and hurt enough...

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Well said <3
Not sure if this has been posted, but it has the pictures of the adult children with names and approximate ages.

"All 13 of the Turpin children have been admitted to nearby hospitals for treatment. Corona Regional Medical Center CEO Mark Uffer said they were &#8220;very friendly&#8221; and &#8220;very cooperative.&#8221;

&#8220;It's hard to think of them as adults because they're very small,&#8221; Uffer said.

Sophia Grant, medical director of the child abuse unit at Riverside Medical, said they are monitoring them closely. &#8220;There can be complications if you try to feed them too quickly,&#8221; she said."
Re: the Vegas dates specificially:

"The &#8220;kids&#8221; that authorities say were found shackled and filthy in the suburban home of David Allen Turpin and Louise Ann Turpin were not in the first video the couple recorded on Oct. 29, 2011, at the Elvis Chapel, where the couple marked their 26th anniversary by promising to &#8220;love you tender&#8221; and slow dancing as Kent Ripley sang &#8220;Can&#8217;t Help Falling in Love&#8221; in a gold lamé Elvis-style jacket.

But the Turpins brought their brood when they did it again at the chapel on Sept. 2, 2013, for their 28th wedding anniversary, and again on Oct. 31, 2015, for their 30th, videos obtained and confirmed as authentic by NBC News showed."

Eta: so they didn't renew their vows in Sept/Oct 2017, which would have fit the 2 year pattern?
Yes--those are all names I have encountered before this. These are all folks who fly under color of religious protection and have done horribly abusive things to children. Some have even received public dollars to run residential "facilities" for "troubled" youth. Others operate on dollars from churches who believe that they are operating valuable ministries and by charging desperate parents who send their children to be "reformed" from a slew of ailments, from drug use to promiscuity to being gay. And depending on the state (and they choose states where they can get away with this stuff), they are free from regulation because they are not a mental health facility but rather a "religious school." This means that anyone, regardless of certification or education (or prior criminal record) can be a "teacher" or a "counselor." The "school" can use any, or no, curriculum. And unless someone makes it out with credible evidence of abuse going on, agencies like CPS or local LE, cannot come onto the property to inspect.

Some (and I think Gothard is one) have set up operations overseas to get even further away from any regulation.

I am glad, Iona, that you are OK and have gotten some distance. And also glad that you shared. We need to hear from survivors like yourself.

Thank you all , your kindness is amazing, even through my tears... Margomom, you hit the nail on the head with your description, I lived it, but I could not describe it better. Thank you for that, thank you all for your hugs,gracious understanding, and patience...

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Not sure if this has been posted, but it has the pictures of the adult children with names and approximate ages.


"David Turpin stands with his adult offspring as he and his wife renewed their vows at a chapel in Las Vegas. The offspring were identified by Teresa Robinette, the sister of mother Louise Turpin, who also confirmed that the children are all biologically from Louise and David Turpin. In same cases only an estimated age was given and some spellings are phonetic.*via Facebook"


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Stupid me just realized that the last photos of them were 4 years ago. I mean I knew that and figured ages but it just occurred to me that they must be much thinner and malnourished now. I really wonder what they look like to reduce staff to tears like that.

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Yes, the Elvis videos and Disney photos have taken a bit of time to sink in on me. Some were up to seven years ago. Although the kids looked skinny, as I've said before, I've seen very thin kids, who were just frail, thin, kids. I think that is the picture his parent's are holding onto, they were skinny, maybe a bit backward like their parents, but seemed happy. To reduce hospital staff to tears, it had to be just pitiful, at this point. I think, the siblings knew their situation was dire, and made a move, and some may have done this as a group. It would show group think, planning, thinking ahead, CYA (apparently Mom hadn't even missed the one who'd left). Some may have problems associated with malnutrition, and the abusive conditions, but we humans are a rather adaptable species. I have hope for them.
I am wondering that if the parents were so controlling, how come none of the siblings reported the 17 year olds plans and/or escape? (Glad the didn’t)

She was a “ smart cookie”, when all the truth comes out, we will find out that she knew which child to be discreet around, she has tried to communicate this to someone, somewhere before. Either she was not believed, or the person she tried to confide in betrayed her and went to the parents with her claims,and then that person or “persons” , unwittingly became a part of the abuse... These parents moved across the country, changed jobs , and altered everyone around these children’s reality to control and spin their truth... She knew she had to have proof, or she would never be believed...

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Not sure if this has been posted, but it has the pictures of the adult children with names and approximate ages.

From when I first heard about this, something reminded me of the Duggers. I think it was the pictures of the mama doting on the baby. I wonder if she handed off the babies for the older siblings to raise as they grew out of the baby stage.

Then when I saw the names of the adult kids and they all had "J" names, I really was reminded of the Duggers.
I've always been deeply interested in understanding why some folks are survivors and others simply are not (stems from being a survivor myself, no doubt). That interest ultimately led to my career of working with Holocaust survivors.

I learned from that group of ultimate survivors that often survival was a matter of chance and "luck," but that there was another common denominator for virtually all of them: their ability to continue to feel empathy, despite every despicable & violent attempt by their captors and guards to destroy every iota of their sense of self & humanity.

I'm not going to be surprised if we learn that what led to the 17 year old girl's escape was that she had found watching her younger siblings being starved and abused intolerable, and had reached her breaking point (perhaps because their parents had begun abusing their baby in earnest).

Yes, being an empath is an automatic...
I too have a deep respect and interest in Holocaust Survivors... Thank you for highlighting this.

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I lived this life, not ready to tell my story yet... This hurts so much, I am now 48,and just when I thought the nightmares had stopped, this happens[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]
I cannot reply or engage right now, but I will tell you this... Google Bill Gothard, Institute for Youth Conflict. Also google Alert, A..T.I.A - The advanced training institute of America headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois or Oakbrook Illinois. Immediately , when I saw her age, and heard the sister’ s comment about how their dad used to be a pastor, I got chills.... It is very possible that her parents were in the above referenced “Ministry”, of which and several “survivors”, call a cult... I have to take an emotional timeout now, I am too invested... Just know, that I am okay, that my children are okay, and that everyday it is my goal to be the parent I needed... The doubly ironic part is, I too ran away at 17, but I had to save myself....&#34847;[emoji25][emoji25]&#34847;

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oh no, Iona.... this breaks me up a bit, but I am encouraged to know you are overcoming such dreadful experiences. You have many here who will be here for you should you ever have the desire to share more, for now, just know I care and am appreciative of your post. :grouphug: Thank you for sharing.
She was a &#8220; smart cookie&#8221;, when all the truth comes out, we will find out that she knew which child to be discreet around, she has tried to communicate this to someone, somewhere before. Either she was not believed, or the person she tried to confide in betrayed her and went to the parents with her claims,and then that person or &#8220;persons&#8221; , unwittingly became a part of the abuse... These parents moved across the country, changed jobs , and altered everyone around these children&#8217;s reality to control and spin their truth... She knew she had to have proof, or she would never be believed...

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Always gotta love the Rebel!
She was a &#8220; smart cookie&#8221;, when all the truth comes out, we will find out that she knew which child to be discreet around, she has tried to communicate this to someone, somewhere before. Either she was not believed, or the person she tried to confide in betrayed her and went to the parents with her claims,and then that person or &#8220;persons&#8221; , unwittingly became a part of the abuse... These parents moved across the country, changed jobs , and altered everyone around these children&#8217;s reality to control and spin their truth... She knew she had to have proof, or she would never be believed...

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She, and/or an elder sibling, had possibly tried before, and learned from past mistakes. Those pictures, to me, are significant.

"David Turpin stands with his adult offspring as he and his wife renewed their vows at a chapel in Las Vegas. The offspring were identified by Teresa Robinette, the sister of mother Louise Turpin, who also confirmed that the children are all biologically from Louise and David Turpin. In same cases only an estimated age was given and some spellings are phonetic.*via Facebook"

Do you think Louise's sister was there for the conception and births? Heck if she had ever even been in the home she's a part of it all. She only knows what she was told by Louise and David, do you honestly think they would have admitted if any of the kids were the result of incest? Believe me this is one of the most urgent matters LE is assessing.
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