CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #2

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Ughh rewatching those renewals knowing what we know now: "28 years of love and laughter" I don't know how none of the kids did at least an eyeroll at that
I've just had a thought.. The 2 year old that everyone has been referring to. In the pics from Vegas in 2015, that would make the baby/child around 3 years old? In the pic she looks around 9 or 10 months old, if that's the case then she would be almost 4? So perhaps I've missed something, but has there been another baby since then or not?
I can't with the sister. I just can't. She's all about her 15 minutes and cares not for these children. If she have 3 hoots, she would have tried harder to see them.
Hey Everyone,

I want to give you a heads up.

No matter how new a member to Websleuths, no matter if this is the first time on the Internet and you don't know what you are doing, if
anyone sleuths family members who are only connected because they are related and posts that info on Websleuths, that person will get a timeout.

Please stop and think. What if this is your brother who you haven't spoken with and now your name is being splashed all over the Internet.

We have plenty to talk about with what is going on in this case. Plenty to dissect.

Please do not sleuth other family members and post your findings.

Thank you,
This may have been the little girl who was bitten by family dog, got stitches, dog euthanized.

I just realized that the timing is not right for that incident, which happened in Texas. But perhaps there was some other acute situation that they had to go to the doc for and it happened to be one of the less affected kids.
Not been on websleuths in a few years but came back tonight to see all the sleuthing on this horrendous, hineous crime committed by the people who should have loved and nurtured them!

I live in Scotland and it’s all over the news.

I am lost for words! Truly...
What if abuse, neglect, and control is a generational cycle? Perhaps, it was not unusual in their realities for children to be silent and frail.

I think you have a possible generational cycle of dysfunction in both their birth families plus selfish personalities that developed into narcissim plus some type of warpness that prevented use of birth control and lack of planning.

Did either parent ever really think of how they would provide and care for all these kids? I doubt it. Neither parent
were capable of putting their kid's welfare above their own. Really great Christians, right? they both should have been
castrated and spayed 30 years ago. would have prevented this whole sordid mess.
And to think I have felt guilty over the years when I eat some of the candy "from the Easter bunny" but I never ate all of it!

I can't even imagine eating food without first making sure my kids had enough. Can't even imagine. It's beyond human comprehension to feed yourself while depriving any child. And to taunt them with seeing the food they wouldn't be allowed to eat?!?!?!? I have no words to express my outrage.


Exactly. THIS. Those are not 'parents'. No actual parent would starve their own children, let alone torture them this way. My daughter is 15 now and I would STILL give up my entire dish, even a favorite, if she said she were hungry. Thankfully for me, she is such a good kid that any time she's ever been hungry when I'm about to eat without her (after being dropped off by her father or his family), I tell her yes she can have it and then she asks if we can share it... But I just cannot imagine not feeding my own child. Ever.

I even still to this day have trouble telling her no if it's say 11pm and she is "soooo hungry" and begs for a snack. (and yes, I am fully aware that this rule should be a little more strict in my home lol) but I just can't push myself to send her to bed hungry. I would much prefer to nag her for 2-3 hours before bedtime to remind her that if she's hungry she has to eat at a reasonable hour -which is 3x more work and effort for me!!! Maybe it stems from parents who didn't care much about my nutritional/food/health needs, so perhaps I have become extra aware of things like this... but ugh. I just don't understand.
Before their fb page was deleted, I saw a photo of Louise and a baby. There was a comment that read, ‘that’s my sister with my baby’. (I think I’m pretty close with that quote). I thought it was an odd think to say. Was that poster a surrogate? Someone else posted about that photo here way back, but no one seemed to think it meant much. I still wonder about it.

I saw the comment (it was Louise's sister who made the comment) and read it more as an exclamation of pride, especially because it was punctuated with exclamation points - came off to me as excited and proud of her sister and her sister's growing family. Which is also the general vibe/stance the family seems to take before all of this came out. That they were a "good Christian family" and all. I think it would have came out already if that sister was the surrogate of one of the victims - especially considering how much media attention she has been fighting for.

I took the presser question/answer more to infer, particularly in light of the lewd act charge, that one of the victims could be the biological parent of the child, IMO.
So mum was alone with kids all day (night) and Dad was working.... must have looked scruffy and had bad smelling clothing if house was a hovel.....he would sleep at night whilst others were awake

I think dad may have worked at night. I remember reading that somewhere along the way. I was guessing they didn’t want the kids waking him up so everyone had to be on his schedule. Plus I guess he and monstress had to have baby making time. I have to go throw up now.
Amazing that they could WRITE, but I doubt that they could have said anything much that was negative or the journals would have been destroyed and the writer beaten and shackled. Maybe on the few outings that they had, they saw cop cars that say to call 911.....or signs,or something.

Recalling that Jaycee Duggard kept a journal while in captivity. It was carefully "coded" so as not to arouse suspicion or anger. IIRC she was about middle school or upper elementary when abducted? But she undertook the education of her two daughters (born while in captivity). Did any of the Turpin kids EVER go to school (maybe way back when there were only a few of them)? Perhaps the oldest learned reading/writing and taught the younger ones. Perhaps there were actual lessons at one time?

Also recalling that Duggard's captor was motivated by several things. One was his drug use, which drove an insatiable sexual appetite. And then there was the fear of being found out and locked up again. And perhaps a lot of guilt floating around (seems like he was always thinking he was on some road to recovery, that he would change his drives).

Looking for a motivating element to the Turpins. Easier for me to imagine David getting jazzed on the beatings/imprisonment than Louise. But neither do I see her as being a passive go along, either. Leaving food in sight but not allowing the kids to eat it seems like an overt action and one I ascribe (mentally) to her. Do these people have any self-knowledge?

I just don't know.
David and Louise Turpin would tie up or chain their offspring as punishment, both the minor children and the adults, Hestrin alleged.
"Punishment would last weeks or even months at a time," Hestrin said. Evidence, he added, suggests the victims often were not released from their chains to go to the bathroom.
It "started out as neglect" and became severe, pervasive child abuse, Hestrin said.
The torture included beatings and chokings, the DA said.

Besides suffering severe caloric malnutrition associated with muscle wasting, several have cognitive impairment and "neuropathy, which is nerve damage, as a result of this extreme and prolonged physical abuse," Hestrin said.

Toys in the house were still in boxes!
Food was purchased and left on the counter (including desserts) and children were forbidden from touching it. They could only see it. :( This just gets worse and worse.
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