CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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I've done animal rescue for years and it appears to me they are OK. The eyes of the black dog don't look bad to me. I think it's the angle of the shot. Maybe a bit red but I'd have to see him/her from the front to know for sure. I'm happy to see they both are up for adoption. That's another clue that they are healthy. California shelters (I live in California) would tend to either hold an ill dog that had been owner released for a few days and try some treatment OR, unfortunately, euthanize them immediately.

It's gobsmacking to think the dogs are healthier than the kids, isn't it? Now I'm going to wonder if the monsters let the kids interact with the dogs at all.
I'm thinking the sod was to cover up some hole-digging, and may well have been punishment.

Otherwise, why would you sod over an unkempt yard? Surely, you'd want to do basic clean up first?

The sod was a quick fix in response to the city getting ready to cite them for not taking care of their front yard. (At least that's what one article mentioned.) I have a hunch they didn't care much about the long term aspect of whether or not the yard was properly prepped for the sod, first.
Yes, and we keep hearing the siblings feel relieved. Imagine how refreshing they must feel to be clean, wear clean clothes, be in a clean bed with clean linens, have the antibiotics kick in to cure what ails them, have the nutrients from their IVs, to start eating food, to be treated with kindness and respect. Wow - they must be feeling relieved indeed.

You know that almost euphoric feeling when you're sick and then start to feel better? They must be experiencing that 10x greater.


Great post!

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Summarizing a few things, just so I can organize and get some perspective.

The torture began in Forth Worth, Texas, but the neglect had been going on for a long time.
Forth Worth is where they lived in separate residences.
Lived in 36 acre farm in Rio Vista TX from 1999-2010.
The abuse/torture escalated/intensified with the move to Murrietta CA in 2010.
They moved to Perris 2014.
Filed bankruptcy in TX and in CA.
Family lived in Tx for 17 years.
Child #12 is currently 11 years old (in 6th grade according to CA database) this means #12 was born in 2006.
The FB comment that "another one is coming in 9 months" occurred in 2010? Was this an expected pregnancy, accompanied by great frustration when it didn't happen?
Child #13 was born in spring, 2015. That is a 9 year gap between #12 and #13, after regular births every 12-24 months.
At 2 going on 3 years old, #13 was beginning to move out of the dependent child stage, and I wonder if the realization that this was the last one was settling in, and if that was escalating things even further?

Could the trigger have been the inability to get pregnant? Abuse intensifies in 2010, 4 years after Child #12 born. No infant to distract the parents? And IF DT and LT are the parents of Child #13, did she have post-partum depression which spiraled things even further out of control? Several posters have mentioned that she seemed "grumpy" in wedding renewal of 2015, after Child #13 was born.

Are there any missing newborns in this area, from spring 2015???

georgiajean this is a really interesting thought!
What an odd story. If the abuse only began in texas, I wonder what happened to trigger it? I know it's hard to understand but can't help wonder why When they were left living alone, why did they not run away?

why is the eldest son allowed to take classes?

i wonder if other people have noticed they smell bad when they go out in public?

so many unanswered questions around this.

I think simply having children (plural) triggered the neglect, then the growing patterns of abuse. LE stated the abuse began in Fort Worth. They lived there between 1990 and 1999. They had only a 1.5 yr old when they moved there. By the end of 1993 they had a baby and two toddlers. By 1997 they had 5 kids under the age of 10 and an entrenched collection of horrible parenting tactics.
I think the homeschooling is sorta OT but also somewhat relevant in that they fell through the cracks because there wasn't a way to check up on them. Had they been in public/private school perhaps this would have been caught early?

Their parents failed them and because there are no real regulations (for whatever reason) to check up on them while homeschooled, they were grossly abused. I don't know the answer, I'm not against homeschooling at all I homeschooled my own kids, one of which went to college. But there does seem to be something missing that allows these types of abuse fall through the cracks.

(Sorry for the OT)....

In my state, home schooling isn't the only type of school that is essentially unregulated. Here we have "independent" schools that can be run & overseen by anyone at all, no degrees or certifications or qualifications required. No state or local funds = no oversight whatsoever.

One of those independent schools is run by an acquaintance I met back in my "mommy & me" event days. Her son and mine hit it off at first encounter (age 2) and many playdates,etc. followed, up to the time when her son began beating up my son without any provocation or remorse at all.

After some hestitation, I spoke to this mom to ask what the heck, and what had changed. She fairly readily confessed that she had been abusing her son, provoking him into rages so she could feel "justified" in punishing him. She also said that she felt horrible about what she had done, was in therapy, and was living in fear that her son would be taken away from her.

I severed all contact with her & her son that same day. One year later she & her husband opened an independent school which her son attended (and still does, a "Sudbury" school, grades K-12).

Her son is the same age as mine- 15. He has NEVER spent a whole day away from his parents, both of whom run the school, a school that is never inspected or held to account by any officials or agency or government.

The problem is lack of oversight & accountability, not homeschooling per se.
I finally got caught up after only being able to be here on and off today, trying to absorb the enormity of evil done to the Turpin children. My heart breaks for these beautiful young people who managed to smile for the camera and try to dance despite the horrors they endured in private. I just want to give them all huge warm squishy hugs.

I will never understand how anyone can treat a human being or animal the way these children were treated....let alone one’s own child. The fact that it was done in secret and the parents attempted to release the children from chains when LE showed up is proof positive that they knew what they were doing was wrong. Who but someone evil, with no heart or ounce of goodness would torment their children with yummy desserts they can’t eat, would starve them and chain them up in their own filth?!! This is not mental illness. This is deliberate torture, done not just by one parent, but by both. May their prison sentences be long and as hard as possible. I won’t wish torture on them because I won’t stoop to their inhuman level.

But my broken heart does soar thinking of these dear children...not only safe, but being healed and treated with kindness and dignity. My heart also soars thinking of the generosity of strangers showering gifts upon them. Except for Mr Elvis, they probably have never known kindness before now. May they bask in the love and compassion felt for them and may their damaged bodies, minds, hearts and spirits be healed to the extent possible so that they will have wonderful lives from now on. :heartbeat:
Just watched one of the videos with Elvis. The kids all look like they're having fun, and probably and dancing and being out was probably a treat for them. The eldest daughter looks like she's truly having a great time and enjoying herself dancing. I hope once she's rested and fed and well she goes out and boogies and sings all night :)
i finally got caught up after only being able to be here on and off today, trying to absorb the enormity of evil done to the turpin children. My heart breaks for these beautiful young people who managed to smile for the camera and try to dance despite the horrors they endured in private. I just want to give them all huge warm squishy hugs.

I will never understand how anyone can treat a human being or animal the way these children were treated....let alone one’s own child. The fact that it was done in secret and the parents attempted to release the children from chains when le showed up is proof positive that they knew what they were doing was wrong. Who but someone evil, with no heart or ounce of goodness would torment their children with yummy desserts they can’t eat, would starve them and chain them up in their own filth?!! This is not mental illness. This is deliberate torture, done not just by one parent, but by both. May their prison sentences be long and as hard as possible. I won’t wish torture on them because i won’t stoop to their inhuman level.

But my broken heart does soar thinking of these dear children...not only safe, but being healed and treated with kindness and dignity. My heart also soars thinking of the generosity of strangers showering gifts upon them. Except for mr elvis, they probably have never known kindness before now. May they bask in the love and compassion felt for them and may their damaged bodies, minds, hearts and spirits be healed to the extent possible so that they will have wonderful lives from now on. :heartbeat:

It just keeps getting worse. I thought maybe the kids had worked as a group, for a couple days or even a few more, to get the phone, the pictures, hide it til time, wait for the right time, and then to make a move. I never dreamed two years. Bless their hearts. Something sounded ominous about the "Goodbyes"... They knew it was time.

I hope the video below is okay to post. A friend, shared the video on FB. The person who shared it, has been trained to spot signs of human trafficking, ask questions, etc... While the Turpin case isn't human trafficking, I thought the video might still apply. It is geared toward teaching in-home technicians, to spot odd behaviour. I thought it might apply to both situations, and the general public, as well, because in each instance, you're spotting hidden children.

Info about the video:

The Michigan State Police (MSP) is increasing its efforts to raise awareness on human trafficking occurring in Michigan. As part of the increased effort, and with grant funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, the MSP has developed a video for in-home technicians to assist these workers in identifying possible human trafficking situations. Workers who are in people’s homes on a day-to-day basis are a critical part of identifying potential cases of human trafficking and combatting this horrific crime. Human trafficking can often go unnoticed, even by individuals interacting with a victim. Recognizing the indicators can help alert in-home technicians to a human trafficking situation. While no single indicator is necessarily proof of human trafficking, recognizing the signs is the first step in identifying potential victims.

MSP - Look Again

We can agree to disagree. If those monsters knew they had to send their kids to school every day to actually be a part of society, there is literally no way they could hogtie them for extended periods of time or leave them tied up to defecate themselves for days. Or only allow the kids to shower twice a YEAR. Because that’s not socially acceptable. And people would notice. Because if the kids were in the school system, the parents would not have the opportunity to hide such horrific behavior. The parents would know people were watching. But instead, they were allowed to quietly imprison their children under the guise of homeschooling them.

I agree with you both. I had a friend from ages 6-14 who was horribly abused. All us kids in the neighborhood knew it. I remember sitting on the curb with her at age 7 or 8 and saying, "Do you know what child abuse is? You are being abused." I mean she had whip marks on her and spoke to some of us kids about the abuse.

Strangely, not one of us kids told a parent or anyone. Although it was obvious to the adults that the parents were weird and super strict and then slowly began to isolate her. The girl was always being punished. She was always grounded. It got longer and longer and more and more frequent until she just stopped being allowed out at all. Eventually they took her out of school and put her in a private school, I think. But the same kind of strange thing as here- we stopped seeing her during the day but neighbors saw her forced to do calisthenics on the lawn at 3:00 a.m. and yard work.

When I got to junior high, I hadn't seen her in about a year. I actually ditched school one day and went to the other junior high to see if she had been enrolled there (because that's what her parents were telling neighbors). None of the kids heard of her.

When I started ninth grade I finally hopped the fence and looked through her window. I could see in. It looked like someone was living in there. I recall a potty type chair (we were 14). And stuff i can't recall that made it seem like she was eating all her food in there.

I called a child abuse hotline. (Still didn't tell my parents!) They sent an officer out who spoke to me and walked with me to the house. I showed them which room. This was after telling them everything about the abuse and how she disappeared. The officer (female) looked in.

The next thing I recall was it was now night time, and officers (she had called for back up) had been waiting for hours. The father and mother came home but went right inside. (I don;t remember if the girl was with them). The police knocked on the door and ordered them to come out. The dad opened the door with a gun in his hand and the lady cop de-gunned him as they pile-drived him or something. It was awesome to everyone (by that time the whole neighborhood was out on the street trying to see what would happen) that it was a female cop who took the lead because the father was a real creepy, stern, patriarch and misogynist.

In the end, she was located and put in foster care for a couple years. Our family got to take her out a couple times during that. But her parents got her back and they all left the state. Never heard from her again.

I had nightmares about her for years, about me going into her room, where she sits in the dark with graffiti all over the walls that she had written, (I don't know if that was true in real life. I don;t think so) and she turns her head toward me and she's insane. But she tells me, "Run. He's coming."

I had that dream several times, with variations. Scary as hell.

Her case was nothing like this one. Not close to as bad. My long point is that even though she went to public schools, and in the middle there one private school, none of the schools tracked her when she stopped going, to my knowledge. I mean kids can and are yanked form schools and kept at home all the time in these abusive situations. So what can be done about that?
I'll see that bet and raise you this: They had to pay to get in the darn park. Why would they not go on any rides. and what would make you think that they didn't? Because you weren't privy to the visual proof? Embellishing the horror is unnecessary imo.

Why do I think that? Because these are the same parents that paraded food in front of them but didn't let them eat it, and bought toys but didn't let them open the boxes. That's why.

ETA: Embellishing the horror is a bit dramatic. I didn't suggest they got tied up out the front of the gates or anything. I just doubt LT would have been kind enough to be standing around while they cycled at least half a dozen kids through those rides.
We can agree to disagree. If those monsters knew they had to send their kids to school every day to actually be a part of society, there is literally no way they could hogtie them for extended periods of time or leave them tied up to defecate themselves for days. Or only allow the kids to shower twice a YEAR. Because that’s not socially acceptable. And people would notice. Because if the kids were in the school system, the parents would not have the opportunity to hide such horrific behavior. The parents would know people were watching. But instead, they were allowed to quietly imprison their children under the guise of homeschooling them.


When I was growing up there was a family at our school who had eight kids and the dad was older and on disability and they were very poor. The daughter who was in my sister's class was very pretty and social and had a lot of friends, but the brother, who was in my sixth grade class was odd looking, always messy, and so awkward. He quickly became the class nerd that all the jock guys picked on. One day he came to school with a tiny padlock on his jeans. Of course they made fun of him. And he tried explaining to them that the button had fallen off and his mom didn't have time to sew it back on and that was the only thing he could find to do. When we went out for recess one of the boys stole the key for the padlock from his desk, and the started yelling about it, he was so red-faced, and then he was crying. The jocks got detentions over it, but that really didn't seem proportional to how humiliating all of this was for this kid.

I hadn't thought about that guy in years, and then about ten years ago I saw him on the news. He's doing something like twenty years for child molestation. I felt sick. And sicker when I wondered if his button had really fallen off his pants or if his padlock was just a way to try to protect himself from scarier things. Not that it excuses his later crimes at all if that's what happened. (And from other things I've heard from friends since, I feel strongly that it is.)

I know this happened before there was mandated reporting, and before all of this was talked about so openly. And I know I was only twelve years old, but I kept asking myself how nothing was ever done, how a kid like that just slips through the cracks, and if someone had intervened, if his victim could have been saved too.
I think the homeschooling is sorta OT but also somewhat relevant in that they fell through the cracks because there wasn't a way to check up on them. Had they been in public/private school perhaps this would have been caught early?

Their parents failed them and because there are no real regulations (for whatever reason) to check up on them while homeschooled, they were grossly abused. I don't know the answer, I'm not against homeschooling at all I homeschooled my own kids, one of which went to college. But there does seem to be something missing that allows these types of abuse fall through the cracks.
Problem is that schooled kids are abused all the time, too! Both from home and at the actual school from teachers, coaches, whatever. The problem isn't in the education location. The problem is that adults are not held accountable for abusing children. The same abuser attack over and over. It's nearly impossible to get a child out of the situation. So rather than worrying about where a child is educated, we need to find a way to stop abusers!! They are everywhere! They don't follow laws!

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We have 4 dogs, 11 horses, 3 donkeys, a cat, a bunny and tropical fish. We love them like family.

It makes me sad thinking of the 2 little dogs being put up for adoption. These dogs might have been a source of comfort and joy for some or all of the children. And now they’re gone.

More victims of the the cruel acts of the parents.

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Her case was nothing like this one. Not close to as bad. My long point is that even though she went to public schools, and in the middle there one private school, none of the schools tracked her when she stopped going, to my knowledge. I mean kids can and are yanked form schools and kept at home all the time in these abusive situations. So what can be done about that?

I think this is the issue. She stopped going to school. I know I moved my children from Texas to California back to Texas. I never once had to tell the school I was moving. I only had to get their transcription to reenroll in the new school which the new school handled. When I decided to homeschool them I didn't have to tell the school in Texas they were leaving. I just didn't reenroll them. There was no check up, nothing.

The what can be done about it is hard. There seems to be a misunderstanding about regulations some thinking it infringes too much on their lives/rights perhaps that is true, but it also potentially saves others lives. idk
I've done animal rescue for years and it appears to me they are OK. The eyes of the black dog don't look bad to me. I think it's the angle of the shot. Maybe a bit red but I'd have to see him/her from the front to know for sure. I'm happy to see they both are up for adoption. That's another clue that they are healthy. California shelters (I live in California) would tend to either hold an ill dog that had been owner released for a few days and try some treatment OR, unfortunately, euthanize them immediately.

It's gobsmacking to think the dogs are healthier than the kids, isn't it? Now I'm going to wonder if the monsters let the kids interact with the dogs at all.

yes I too have done animal rescue since 1989 and still do it today. My life is rescue. That is why I focused on the animals in this whole situation, which often get overlooked.. I did notice that the black dogs eyelids looked swollen. And another poster later wrote that only one was up for adoption so I was wondering if its true the black dog does have an issue. But again its not a good photo of either of the dogs.
here is a link to a site discussing swollen eyes.

IMG_7917.jpg this is their dog

20160717_16542[1].jpgPhoto on 7-17-16 at 7.41 PM _2[1].jpgdog-with-swollen-eyelids-and-watery-eyes-21471867[1].jpgthese are dogs with swollen eyelids
I agree with you both. I had a friend from ages 6-14 who was horribly abused. All us kids in the neighborhood knew it. I remember sitting on the curb with her at age 7 or 8 and saying, "Do you know what child abuse is? You are being abused." I mean she had whip marks on her and spoke to some of us kids about the abuse.

Strangely, not one of us kids told a parent or anyone. Although it was obvious to the adults that the parents were weird and super strict and then slowly began to isolate her. The girl was always being punished. She was always grounded. It got longer and longer and more and more frequent until she just stopped being allowed out at all. Eventually they took her out of school and put her in a private school, I think. But the same kind of strange thing as here- we stopped seeing her during the day but neighbors saw her forced to do calisthenics on the lawn at 3:00 a.m. and yard work.

When I got to junior high, I hadn't seen her in about a year. I actually ditched school one day and went to the other junior high to see if she had been enrolled there (because that's what her parents were telling neighbors). None of the kids heard of her.

When I started ninth grade I finally hopped the fence and looked through her window. I could see in. It looked like someone was living in there. I recall a potty type chair (we were 14). And stuff i can't recall that made it seem like she was eating all her food in there.

I called a child abuse hotline. (Still didn't tell my parents!) They sent an officer out who spoke to me and walked with me to the house. I showed them which room. This was after telling them everything about the abuse and how she disappeared. The officer (female) looked in.

The next thing I recall was it was now night time, and officers (she had called for back up) had been waiting for hours. The father and mother came home but went right inside. (I don;t remember if the girl was with them). The police knocked on the door and ordered them to come out. The dad opened the door with a gun in his hand and the lady cop de-gunned him as they pile-drived him or something. It was awesome to everyone (by that time the whole neighborhood was out on the street trying to see what would happen) that it was a female cop who took the lead because the father was a real creepy, stern, patriarch and misogynist.

In the end, she was located and put in foster care for a couple years. Our family got to take her out a couple times during that. But her parents got her back and they all left the state. Never heard from her again.

I had nightmares about her for years, about me going into her room, where she sits in the dark with graffiti all over the walls that she had written, (I don't know if that was true in real life. I don;t think so) and she turns her head toward me and she's insane. But she tells me, "Run. He's coming."

I had that dream several times, with variations. Scary as hell.

Her case was nothing like this one. Not close to as bad. My long point is that even though she went to public schools, and in the middle there one private school, none of the schools tracked her when she stopped going, to my knowledge. I mean kids can and are yanked form schools and kept at home all the time in these abusive situations. So what can be done about that?

((Gitana)). What an awful story, start to finish, the only redeeming part being that you knew, and at such a young age, that she was being abused, that it was wrong, and had the empathy & courage & wherewithal to try to help her.

I don't know how old you are, but can identify with being that young (for me many decades ago) & knowing/sensing that someone I knew was terrified of her parents for good reason, but yet, never telling any adult.
We have 4 dogs, 11 horses, 3 donkeys, a cat, a bunny and tropical fish. We love them like family.

It makes me sad thinking of the 2 little dogs being put up for adoption. These dogs might have been a source of comfort and joy for some or all of the children. And now they’re gone.

More victims of the the cruel acts of the parents.

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I was feeling the same way.. what if these animals are the only source of unconditional love that the children feel?.. I would be devastated if my dog was taken from me. I think its very sad..
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