CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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With regards to the home schooling question, I don't believe the lack of oversight is a government decision. There have been many legal challenges against state regulations that have been won by homeschooling advocates. Basically they claim it is a constitutional right for parents to educate their children without bureaucratic interference.

The California HomeSchool Association has a dense page of legal information. It shows that most home school parents establish a licensed 'private school' just like the Turpins did.

There's also a Home School Legal Defense Fund that will support lawsuits against any government that tries to restrict home schooling.
I think this is the issue. She stopped going to school. I know I moved my children from Texas to California back to Texas. I never once had to tell the school I was moving. I only had to get their transcription to reenroll in the new school which the new school handled. When I decided to homeschool them I didn't have to tell the school in Texas they were leaving. I just didn't reenroll them. There was no check up, nothing.

The what can be done about it is hard. There seems to be a misunderstanding about regulations some thinking it infringes too much on their lives/rights perhaps that is true, but it also potentially saves others lives. idk
You mean you were trusted with care of your own children? Shocking.
So if these kids were always used to sleeping during the day and being awake at night, would that mean on these Disney and Vegas trips they'd probably be extremely tired from lack of sleep? Kind of like a jet lag type thing? I'm assuming the parents also had their same sleep schedule so they could minitor them to make sure they wouldn't get away?

the one boy who is in his 20s looks so young he could pass easily as 12 or 13.. shocking to learn their true ages.
While piling up child after child certainly was a trigger, there were strange things going on before children ever came along. LT’s younger sister lived with LT/DT in her late teens. LT didn’t allow her to use the phone or have friends over. She and DT watched her shower, she says (link in previous thread somewhere). This in itself was bizarre and abusive, and the rest is history as the family grew.

They did have some kids, during the time the sister lived with DT/LT. From this link, she says that at the time, the couple had a few kids, and that she was treated like one of them, with the same rules.
Radar has some photos from the forensic examination of house.

For those asking about shelves in garage:

"Their garage included floor-to-ceiling collections of DVDs that were alphabetically ordered."

Look at all those Target bags.

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The gray with bright green print bags on the left of the photo look like Walmart reusable bags manufactured with thicker plastic than the old thin bags. In CA, they have to pay 10 cents per bag, so people do hoarde them and reuse them. White bags with dark blue in front lower left are Volkswagen bags with VW symbol probably from car maintenance at dealer. The white bags to the far right - is that a red K on them for KMart? Wasn't it police who pulled all these bags out of the house in their search?
Urine burn, for one. I've rescued enough paralyzed animals to know how fast that can happen. And I imagine bed sores if they were chained for weeks in urine. This was one of the first things I thought about.

I'm guessing skin infections, untreated bladder infections become difficult to clear up and require IVs, and can move into the kidneys.

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The antibiotics might be prophylactic? Against septic shock? Just in case something else is lurking?

It’s unlikely that any of the kids have ever had antibiotics, so it’s unlikely that prophylactic doses would be problematic the way it is for most people.
im taking anything their family..both sides..say with a grain of salt because they all seem offtheir rockers too to me.

True that! Of course, what the sister said left herself wide open for criticism. If she knew her sister was a control freak before having kids and was later isolating her kids from family, why didn’t she report it? But yes, we don’t know for sure if this story is true.

My personal feeling is that there was always something very wrong with both of them and it wasn’t simply being overwhelmed by a large family (which they chose to have) that brought on the abuse. I expect that the older kids were controlled/abused in some ways when they were young and having more kids to control made it worse.
So if these kids were always used to sleeping during the day and being awake at night, would that mean on these Disney and Vegas trips they'd probably be extremely tired from lack of sleep? Kind of like a jet lag type thing? I'm assuming the parents also had their same sleep schedule so they could minitor them to make sure they wouldn't get away?

the one boy who is in his 20s looks so young he could pass easily as 12 or 13.. shocking to learn their true ages.

Sleeping in day when most everyone else is up, makes it quiet from kids. Yet they had a big van ? Sleeping while husband at work? Notice the break away came at time to go to bed. Made it easier since it was bed time jmho
I know that they're saying that there's no mental health issue but these two are 'round the bend. She's smiling and seems very animated, in the first link. Also, OP said something about they'd bet the parents had Disney toys but not allowed the children to play with them. Seems so.

The Turpins kept toys that were still in their boxes at the house but never gave any to the children

These two are just sick, twisted, and demented.

The parents would buy food for themselves, including apple and pumpkin pies, and allow the children to see it but not eat it, the DA said at the news conference.

"This is severe physical, emotional abuse," Hestrin said. "This is depraved conduct."
hoarding behaviors, filthy homes with human feces and pee etc all over, several animals in and out of the home to freely urinate and poop all over..eventually bankruptcy, which they werent worried about according to the bankruptcy officials, then they keep blowing money and spending money on toys, eating out, fancy trips to expensive places, renewal of vowels in Vegas, another nice home in cali, several nice expensive cars..did either even have jobs currently??

these people were living in la la land..a land of make believe and fantasy. and were selfish and seem to only have cared about their own pleasure and comfort.

I wonder if they were always messy and nasty or if some event in their lives triggered it?

I think its possible the father could be on the autism spectrum, mom possibly also mentally ill. It could be that when more and more kids were being added to the family, they lacked the skills to take care of them..and the punishments they dealt might have made sense to them ..they might have really rationalized their behavior somehow as it being right.

this whole thing is so bizarre and terrifying and sad

"Father" was employed at the same place as when they filed for bankruptcy.
He worked a night shift, so the whole family lived on his schedule. It just so happened that this schedule was also convenient for torture. Perhaps he selected that schedule for that very reason. This means that the "mother" was home alone with the children while he was at work. Additionally, he had a long commute, of over an hour each way, which added to more time with just "mother."

This leads me to believe that perhaps she was the lead in this horror show, and convinced him to go along with it. Forgive me for this walk down assumption-stereotype lane, but if he was a "nerdy science geek" in High school (as he was described by fellow classmates in msm), and in his early 20s he got Louise as his wife, he may have been completely smitten with her and so grateful to have her that he did anything for her. I'm thinking of the vow renewals, and him getting all teary, and the besotted way they looked at each other. She made him the center of her world, and as a result she was able to do anything she wanted, including torture their children. They are both complicit, both monsters, and both should get everything the DA can throw at them (it will all stick, IMO). But I am leaning towards LT being the original source of this evil.
Lived in 36 acre farm in Rio Vista TX from 1999-2010.

Do you have a source for the 36 acre farm? I could only find an address that leads to a 1 acre lot.

Child #12 is currently 11 years old (in 6th grade according to CA database) this means #12 was born in 2006.

Where can I find the CA database? Also, why are they in a database? Is it because of their hospital births? Why were they were so scared to even share their names with their neighbors? Is this some half-assed form of off-gridding? DT has a job with a real company and went to school, and they both have bills, bank accounts, hospital records, etc so we know they're not completely off the grid. But it seems they wanted their children to be, even if they were birthed in hospitals and one has registered for classes.

Several posters have mentioned that she seemed "grumpy" in wedding renewal of 2015, after Child #13 was born.

Are there any missing newborns in this area, from spring 2015???

DT and LT would report a missing baby if one of theirs died? I find it hard to believe they'd want that kind of attention on themselves. Do you mean to suggest they stole a baby?

I just watched the 2015 video and I wonder why they went around Halloween in 2011 also. Did they want to avoid trick-or-treaters? I wonder what that neighborhood is like.

Is it weird that I want to hear the 911 call?
I’d DVR’d the NBC Nightly News this evening and just watched it a few minutes ago. Here’s a quote from that broadcast about the Turpin children. .

“The victims are so weak that they’re receiving antibiotics, nutrition by IV.
So malnourished, they could still go into shock.
The Turpin’s 29 year old daughter, weighed just 82 pounds.”

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I read an article that stated receiving only brand new clothing because of possible infection. I wonder how their immune system will take this intake of medical care and nourishment.
Why do I think that? Because these are the same parents that paraded food in front of them but didn't let them eat it, and bought toys but didn't let them open the boxes. That's why.

ETA: Embellishing the horror is a bit dramatic. I didn't suggest they got tied up out the front of the gates or anything. I just doubt LT would have been kind enough to be standing around while they cycled at least half a dozen kids through those rides.
These were children who "froze" when a neighbor saw them. How could they tolerate the crowds and the que lines for the rides where everyone is sitting and stressing the bars while waiting for their turn ?

I can not imagine how someone chained to a bed for days to weeks, could tolerate a car ride much less a roller coaster or a "tea cup" spin.

Who knows! Maybe they could!
I tend to think their "DISNEY" trips were nothing more than meeting a princess or attending a themed party at "Disney"

I may be way off, but a family if 13 children frequenting a theme park would eventually make the news somehow!

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The feeding protocol might be tried and true in regimens for anorexia recovery.

The “shock” potential reminds me of the death of Karen Carpenter. She had anorexia and died from potassium deficiency crisis?

Not a medical professional, so I don't pretend to understand how it all works. But I do know there is a point where sometimes refeeding (or maybe improper refeeding? IDK) causes shock and/or other problems and is not successful. There was a product that came out in Haiti post-earthquake, Medika Mamba, (aka Plumpy Nut) that works in these cases, Unicef is even using it now. (Wonder if the Turpin doctors know about it?) I've been strategizing with my friend who immigrated from Venezuela about whether we can legally get our hands on some and get it to her aunt on the ground there who is trying to help people. The pics from the last few weeks there have been horrific.
I would place money that 1) they didn’t spend a long time at Disney and 2) they most definitely didn’t get to go on any rides.

How do we know they actually entered DisneyLand? It wasn’t just a photo?
"Father" was employed at the same place as when they filed for bankruptcy.
He worked a night shift, so the whole family lived on his schedule. It just so happened that this schedule was also convenient for torture. Perhaps he selected that schedule for that very reason. This means that the "mother" was home alone with the children while he was at work. Additionally, he had a long commute, of over an hour each way, which added to more time with just "mother."

This leads me to believe that perhaps she was the lead in this horror show, and convinced him to go along with it. Forgive me for this walk down assumption-stereotype lane, but if he was a "nerdy science geek" in High school (as he was described by fellow classmates in msm), and in his early 20s he got Louise as his wife, he may have been completely smitten with her and so grateful to have her that he did anything for her. I'm thinking of the vow renewals, and him getting all teary, and the besotted way they looked at each other. She made him the center of her world, and as a result she was able to do anything she wanted, including torture their children. They are both complicit, both monsters, and both should get everything the DA can throw at them (it will all stick, IMO). But I am leaning towards LT being the original source of this evil.

Yes, I pick her as the mastermind and he's the supporter. That still makes him an active participant, because he obviously didn't do anything to help the children. What Louise wants, Louise gets, and if the kids bother her and the original restraints don't work, he'll browse around the hardware store and find something more suitable.

If there's a pattern here of her complaining that the kids are too much for her to handle and therefore must be punished, then he's in for a shock. I think her next move will be to start crying to her legal team that everything is his fault. He is about to face a huge betrayal... but this won't come close to the betrayal his children suffered from both of them.
Not a medical professional, so I don't pretend to understand how it all works. But I do know there is a point where sometimes refeeding (or maybe improper refeeding? IDK) causes shock and/or other problems and is not successful. There was a product that came out in Haiti post-earthquake, Medika Mamba, (aka Plumpy Nut) that works in these cases, Unicef is even using it now. (Wonder if the Turpin doctors know about it?) I've been strategizing with my friend who immigrated from Venezuela about whether we can legally get our hands on some and get it to her aunt on the ground there who is trying to help people. The pics from the last few weeks there have been horrific.

I think there was a statement somewhere about how the refeeding process is a delicate matter and they can't introduce a lot of new foods all at once. My guess is it will be a long-drawn out variation of the post-op diet, where you start with liquids, then milky solids and so on. I was given high-protein milk after a serious illness, when I needed to gain weight - this is milk mixed with full milk powder, and I eventually hated it! This is also what they give the starving babies in famine areas. If the kids are having IV, they will spark up pretty quickly, but eating should be a slow gentle process.
Another bit of trivia - I bet after this long stretch of malnutrition, the children have lost their sense of taste, and this will gradually come back. So they will tolerate whatever high nutrition concoctions the hospital will give them for now, and one day say "Yuck" when their sense of taste returns. By then, they should be ready for burgers and spaghetti and whatever fruit they fancy. [Speaking from my personal experience of long-term illness, not from medical expertise!]
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