CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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I may be way off, but a family if 13 children frequenting a theme park would eventually make the news somehow!

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You are way off. Large families enter Disneyland all the time. Many go on Make-a-Wish passes and other benefits I hardly think a family of 15 would have raised an eyebrow, especially if they didn'tpresent with special needs children.
How do we know they actually entered DisneyLand? It wasn’t just a photo?

While this is possible it seems like a big stretch to take them there and not go in. Who are they trying to fool?

I also think by looking at the wedding photos the kids look ok to me. Perhaps a little underweight but not skeleton as the media is now describing. I think the very sever abuse must have happened after these photos posted on fb. Didn't the pictures stop a few years ago? I think the abuse escalated just in the last few years. Just my thoughts though.
On abuse charges from 2010-present: Riverside County/California can only prosecute the abuse that occurred in their jurisdiction. They moved from Texas in 2010, but Texas has jurisdiction over any incidents from back then.

Also, it is possible that one of the large employers of DT (LM or NG) provided discount or free Disneyland tickets for employees and families. Way back when, some of the large local employers would rent the park for a whole weekend day for employees and families, but I don't think they do that any more.
While this is possible it seems like a big stretch to take them there and not go in. Who are they trying to fool?

I also think by looking at the wedding photos the kids look ok to me. Perhaps a little underweight but not skeleton as the media is now describing. I think the very sever abuse must have happened after these photos posted on fb. Didn't the pictures stop a few years ago? I think the abuse escalated just in the last few years. Just my thoughts though.

They're trying to fool the Facebook friends and family who had valid questions about how the family are going, why nobody can visit them, why David and Louise never bring the kids back to visit...
Every few years, just take a photo at a famous landmark and say: "There! Look how they are all smiling, dressed in fresh clean clothes, and look at what a great life we're giving them because we even took them to Disneyland!" No more questions.
It's like their version of a kidnapper making the captive hold up today's newspaper. From this date, the captive was alive and smiling and enjoying Disneyland. Of course everything is perfect with this family. Who's going to ring for a welfare check when the kids have just been to Disneyland?

Those photos are planned by an evil genius. If there were no photos at all, if David and Louise refused to make any contact or acknowledge any questions about the kids, someone would have contacted police earlier. The photos worked as a placebo, convincing the extended network that the kids were fine.
While this is possible it seems like a big stretch to take them there and not go in. Who are they trying to fool?

I also think by looking at the wedding photos the kids look ok to me. Perhaps a little underweight but not skeleton as the media is now describing. I think the very sever abuse must have happened after these photos posted on fb. Didn't the pictures stop a few years ago? I think the abuse escalated just in the last few years. Just my thoughts though.

The kids arms are being hidden in the photos, though. This was probably deliberate.
"Father" was employed at the same place as when they filed for bankruptcy.
He worked a night shift, so the whole family lived on his schedule. It just so happened that this schedule was also convenient for torture. Perhaps he selected that schedule for that very reason. This means that the "mother" was home alone with the children while he was at work. Additionally, he had a long commute, of over an hour each way, which added to more time with just "mother."

This leads me to believe that perhaps she was the lead in this horror show, and convinced him to go along with it. Forgive me for this walk down assumption-stereotype lane, but if he was a "nerdy science geek" in High school (as he was described by fellow classmates in msm), and in his early 20s he got Louise as his wife, he may have been completely smitten with her and so grateful to have her that he did anything for her. I'm thinking of the vow renewals, and him getting all teary, and the besotted way they looked at each other. She made him the center of her world, and as a result she was able to do anything she wanted, including torture their children. They are both complicit, both monsters, and both should get everything the DA can throw at them (it will all stick, IMO). But I am leaning towards LT being the original source of this evil.

Do engineers have a "night shift"?! Most I know get to choose their hours, work from home if they choose, etc. It's not like clocking in at a factory when you are at that level.
They're trying to fool the Facebook friends and family who had valid questions about how the family are going, why nobody can visit them, why David and Louise never bring the kids back to visit...
Every few years, just take a photo at a famous landmark and say: "There! Look how they are all smiling, dressed in fresh clean clothes, and look at what a great life we're giving them because we even took them to Disneyland!" No more questions.
It's like their version of a kidnapper making the captive hold up today's newspaper. From this date, the captive was alive and smiling and enjoying Disneyland. Of course everything is perfect with this family. Who's going to ring for a welfare check when the kids have just been to Disneyland?

I wondered also whether it provided a neutral 'nice' place to meet, for example when they met DTs brother and his family rather than have to clean up the hell hole that they were living in.
I think there was a statement somewhere about how the refeeding process is a delicate matter and they can't introduce a lot of new foods all at once. My guess is it will be a long-drawn out variation of the post-op diet, where you start with liquids, then milky solids and so on. I was given high-protein milk after a serious illness, when I needed to gain weight - this is milk mixed with full milk powder, and I eventually hated it! This is also what they give the starving babies in famine areas. If the kids are having IV, they will spark up pretty quickly, but eating should be a slow gentle process.
Another bit of trivia - I bet after this long stretch of malnutrition, the children have lost their sense of taste, and this will gradually come back. So they will tolerate whatever high nutrition concoctions the hospital will give them for now, and one day say "Yuck" when their sense of taste returns. By then, they should be ready for burgers and spaghetti and whatever fruit they fancy. [Speaking from my personal experience of long-term illness, not from medical expertise!]

Having fasted for a long period for various reasons in the past, I can confirm that refeeding is big deal. After a period of time of not eating your digestive track doesn't have the enzymes it needs to break food down. You have to slowly introduce foods, liquids and easily digestible foods. You can't just go to steak and potatoes without reeking havoc on your digestive system.

I will disagree however, my own n=1, my taste buds were heightened and I didn't lose sense of taste at all. The first apple I tasted after a 17 day water fast was the sweetest almost to sweet taste:). Every single thing I put in my mouth exploded with flavor. But I wasn't ill like you so perhaps there is a difference? idk
Not a medical professional, so I don't pretend to understand how it all works. But I do know there is a point where sometimes refeeding (or maybe improper refeeding? IDK) causes shock and/or other problems and is not successful. There was a product that came out in Haiti post-earthquake, Medika Mamba, (aka Plumpy Nut) that works in these cases, Unicef is even using it now. (Wonder if the Turpin doctors know about it?) I've been strategizing with my friend who immigrated from Venezuela about whether we can legally get our hands on some and get it to her aunt on the ground there who is trying to help people. The pics from the last few weeks there have been horrific.
Refeeding syndrome:

Refeeding syndrome is a potentially fatal condition, caused by rapid initiation of refeeding after a period of undernutrition

It is characterised by hypophosphataemia, associated with fluid and electrolyte shifts and metabolic and clinical complications

Awareness of refeeding syndrome and identification of patients at risk is crucial as the condition is preventable and the metabolic complications are avoidable

Patients at high risk include chronically undernourished patients and those who have had little or no energy intake for more than 10 days

Refeeding should be started at a low level of energy replacement. Vitamin supplementation should also be started with refeeding and continued for at least 10 days

Correction of electrolyte and fluid imbalances before feeding is not necessary; it should be done alongside feeding

10 days? What about 10 years????

I pray every one of these children survive!!!

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They're trying to fool the Facebook friends and family who had valid questions about how the family are going, why nobody can visit them, why David and Louise never bring the kids back to visit...
Every few years, just take a photo at a famous landmark and say: "There! Look how they are all smiling, dressed in fresh clean clothes, and look at what a great life we're giving them because we even took them to Disneyland!" No more questions.
It's like their version of a kidnapper making the captive hold up today's newspaper. From this date, the captive was alive and smiling and enjoying Disneyland. Of course everything is perfect with this family. Who's going to ring for a welfare check when the kids have just been to Disneyland?

Those photos are planned by an evil genius. If there were no photos at all, if David and Louise refused to make any contact or acknowledge any questions about the kids, someone would have contacted police earlier. The photos worked as a placebo, convincing the extended network that the kids were fine.

I suppose you could be right but I can't see the expense of driving/flying there and just taking a picture to fool people. I tend to believe unless these are photo shopped they really went and the severe abuse happened after. Also they are actually inside the gates so they had to go in to get these pictures, again unless they are photoshopped.

ETA: I believe abuse occurred before during and after these photos but I think the severe abuse was after. While the kids look slender they don't look emaciated. It seems something changed after these pictures to me at least.
This just takes my breath away. Children are such a blessing and to destroy them physically and emotionally like this..a folie a deux? It must have grown into that sort of shared madness because no God or religion are present in those parents hearts and no human compassion either
just staggering
The kids arms are being hidden in the photos, though. This was probably deliberate.

I guess I don't know what pictures you are talking about. The pictures at Disney and in LV the kids arms are in clear sight. Which photos are you referencing? I may have missed those.
You are way off. Large families enter Disneyland all the time. Many go on Make-a-Wish passes and other benefits I hardly think a family of 15 would have raised an eyebrow, especially if they didn'tpresent with special needs children.

Speaking as one from a family with13 kids, I concur
I suppose you could be right but I can't see the expense of driving/flying there and just taking a picture to fool people. I tend to believe unless these are photo shopped they really went and the severe abuse happened after. Also they are actually inside the gates so they had to go in to get these pictures, again unless they are photoshopped.

ETA: I believe abuse occurred before during and after these photos but I think the severe abuse was after. While the kids look slender they don't look emaciated. It seems something changed after these pictures to me at least.

Disneyland is less than an hour's drive from Perris, so that would not have been a problem. IMO they were inside the park, and there are a few different pictures of them in there in different locations w/ Disney characters, etc.
And he worked at Northrop Grumman, in Irving.

Evidently he worked there and left and returned. One comment from a friend- 2 years ago - that had found one another again, asked where lived (CA 2 yrs prior moved to CA) and David was back with Northrop.

Whoa! I just realized the most recent public comments on FB public photos are from 2016 almost 2 yrs ago! I think toddler probably almost 3. Whomever posted those, it seemed like LT, but used electronic to post to FB. I bet those kiddos are smarter than giving credit. They had to know some things re outside world. Some homeschooling are done online now days. And oldest boy attended college classes.
And LT listed her occupation as " homemaker".........that's sick !
Disneyland is less than an hours' drive from Perris, so that would not have been a problem. IMO they were inside the park, and there are a few different pictures of them in there in different locations w/ Disney characters, etc.

Heehee I always get Disneyworld and Disneyland mixed up :gaah: Plus I thought they lived in Texas when these photos were taken. My bad.
I am catching up slowly. My wish for these kids right now are, long warm bubblebaths, aroma therapy with nice gentle touching hands on their tortured bodies, soft voices that speaks to these children with respect and kindness. There is probably much more of these small simple things that would help them on their journey. I will now continue my catching up reading, thank you everyone for the updates.
I actually travelled with an extended family and we went to Disneyland (Paris, not USA). There were 14 of us. Ironically, most of the males were on “the spectrum” and my husband and I, plus one other, were the only ones who did any rides. The rest just enjoyed the atmosphere. IMHO I would say that wouldn’t be completely unusual.
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