CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #5

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If you zoom you can tell it was taken at Target. I have read that it is a fake profile. The picture was the profile on Spokeo. Someone figured out (allegedly) that it was actually uploaded to the profile recently and the date changed. I don’t know if that is true but it makes sense. There are a couple fake profiles that have been set up since the arrest.

Idk, it looks a bit like a cell phone store. Like OP said, I don't know of Targets with carpet. The alcohol thing is throwing me too. I've never seen that.
Wonder just how many more increasingly shocking & bizarre "revelations" these relatives will be dispensing in their already far too long minutes of fame?

The man-monster sexually abused his ELEVEN year old DAUGHTER. I don't see that despicable perversion being consistent with dropping his wife off to have sex with another man, states away (why go that far away) leaving behind 11-12 possible escapees alone in Texas.

I agree with everyone else that it's completely unnecessary and distracting for the media to be clutching pearls over an open marriage when these children went through such torture.

I do wonder though - IF the story is true - if this was DT's way of atoning to Louise for his abuse of the daughters. She wouldn't have been concerned that her children were violated, but she would have been furious that her adoring husband had strayed. So she took the narcissistic remedy and slept with someone else. Made her husband drive her to the date and then slept with him a year later in the same bed. To me, the story fits with her values and priorities, even if it's not relevant to the court case.
The sisters should stop giving all this material to the media, because it gives ammunition to the defense to argue that their clients can't get a fair trial.
Seemed to me like she was just answering the questions that she was asked by Megyn, who was controlling the interview. She struck me as being much more sincere and honest than the other sister and brother.

I do give her that but I just don't believe everything. In part b/c there's no telling what LT told her, maybe just to mess with her. They all seemed to want to go to see her but LT wasn't having it.
I could also see her sewing them herself because tbe dresses were basically for ber own selfish reasons. She would do it for her wedding to make herself happy. How would if look if the children showed up in rags, no shoes and reeking of excrement??

Exactly, that was the one shower the kids probably took that year. I hate these people for what they did to those kids. And I am one compassionate soul. No family members should get custody. Everyone is "Off" in this family. Except maybe that one sister who choose to cut ties with the family because of what happend to the kids. Reading the grandmother saying that nothing was wrong when she visited. The urine and crap stains all over should have sent a message. Did extended family members not care, or were they themselves so uneducated about the responsibilities of clean house, proper hygiene, daily nutritional diets, social skills, kindness and gentleness that needs to be learned and practiced to be a good family, both to the children, and the outside world. For people to go over there and not see issues, tells me the extended family members are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

It almost looks like a registrar's office for a community college of some type. I don't think it's a concrete store either.

It IS a Target store... look at the reflection in the glass... you can see their advertising flyer.
I was just at Target, there are carpeted areas and the aisles are not carpeted.
She seemed sincere about her feelings for the children. I hope when this is all over she will at least be allowed phone contact with the children.
As for the swinger happened to my cousins . They started hanging out with bikers,drinking,and swapping.
They grew up in a very strict god fearing household. They have since reverted back to their former ways.

Just jumping off your post...
I have no opinion as to the sister’s honesty. I take issue with the media appearances alone. IMO the information being shared, true or not, should be provided to LE not the viewing audience. It disgusts me when family members come out of the woodwork whether it’s to defend or condemn. A defense attorney will have a field day with this. It’s not good for anyone involved.

I’ll take my own advice and shut up now.
I am just trying to wrap my head around the pictures, thinner here, healthier there. Fun outings with big smiles and lovely pictures some how in spite of the stench and squalor they lived in. No education, yet they kept journals and memorized whole books of the Bible and attended college classes, passed a driver's exam and

As the DA stated, the abuse escalated. As with many monstrous abusers, they know how to keep up appearances. How hard is it to have your neglected kids take a shower and put on clean clothes you later return, and pose for happy pictures twice per year?

So many cases where smiling, happy photos of abuse victims are shown and later on its discovered what was really going on.

As to their ability to write well no one said they had no schooling at all. As we have seen, the first daughter went to public school through third grade. And there was evidence that efforts were made in Texas to homeschool them. I'm sure they learned enough to read and write. I assume some
of the older kids were able to obtain more education than the younger.

I mean what's the point? Do you feel the DA, LE, CPS, the children, the neighbors, the medical staff are all lying?

I'm trying to understand. It's been made very clear that the kids are in extremely dire shape. The 29 year old weighs 82 pounds. They are all, except the two year old, suffering from malnutrition and muscle wasting.

The DA explained that the abuse escalated. It appears it certainly did.
Respectfully, there's not much she knows about the kids. They are likely asking her questions she has the answers to.

I haven't watched it, BTW.

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I watched part of it, and, honestly, I'd just stayed home and kept quiet. I do think that LT and sibs had a tough childhood but, no. I'd not go on national t.v. I do not understand folks wanting to go public after their family members commit atrocities. If anything, I'd have just made the statement; We are shocked, and had no idea. We'll be in contact with Cali LE. (That's just me though)
People. Please. Pages about if it’s a Target Store is unnecessary. Members have definitively said it is a Target with a Store flier showing. Please. Stop. It’s Target and it doesn’t really matter does it?

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I agree with everyone else that it's completely unnecessary and distracting for the media to be clutching pearls over an open marriage when these children went through such torture.

I do wonder though - IF the story is true - if this was DT's way of atoning to Louise for his abuse of the daughters. She wouldn't have been concerned that her children were violated, but she would have been furious that her adoring husband had strayed. So she took the narcissistic remedy and slept with someone else. Made her husband drive her to the date and then slept with him a year later in the same bed. To me, the story fits with her values and priorities, even if it's not relevant to the court case.
The sisters should stop giving all this material to the media, because it gives ammunition to the defense to argue that their clients can't get a fair trial.

I haven't noticed clutching pearls (OT, but I dislike that phrase as it comes off as condescending, imho) as much as amazed there is yet another layer to the strangeness and irresponsibility...and it is strange and irresponsible to leave a house full of dependents who you are known to restrain, starve, and isolate while traveling to another state to have sex with a stranger.

jmopinion, without pearls
OT - I'm a well-educated woman in her 40s who was never sheltered and who cusses a lot, but I am still so naive and not with the times that as much as I have seen the whiskey tango foxtrot thing, I only figured it out yesterday in this thread!

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I just figured it meant, "Holy smokes!" I didn't realize it stood for an acronym? "WTF" until now!!
I wonder who took the photo and why. We see the staged group photos, and then a couple of random photos from Krispy Kream and Target. Who is taking the random snapshots of LT? One of the kids with mom's phone??

Possibly the one who took photos inside the house? The 17 y/o? Get on good side of mommy by taking shots of her? She lets the kid play with the phone, learning to use said phone. The kid takes other pics and stashes a phone. These definitely look like random pics my kids took with their first cameras/camera phones. There were even pics of water faucets running and toilet bowls flushing (nothing in them thankfully).
Not every single Target store is the same as others. There is some variation. So just because your target didn't sell alcohol doesn't mean others don't.. same with carpets... Why is this even an argument?
As the DA stated, the abuse escalated. As with many monstrous abusers, they know how to keep up appearances. How hard is it to have your neglected kids take a shower and put on clean clothes you later return, and pose for happy pictures twice per year?

So many cases where smiling, happy photos of abuse victims are shown and later on its discovered what was really going on.

As to their ability to write well no one said they had no schooling at all. As we have seen, the first daughter went to public school through third grade. And there was evidence that efforts were made in Texas to homeschool them. I'm sure they learned enough to doread and write. I assume some
of the older kids were able to obtain more education than the younger.

I mean what's the point? Do you feel the DA, LE, CPS, the children, the neighbors, the medical staff are all lying?

I'm trying to understand. It's been made very clear that the kids are in extremely dire shape. The 29 year old weighs 82 pounds. They are all, except the two year old, suffering from malnutrition and muscle wasting.

The DA explained that the abuse escalated. It appears it certainly did.

Exactly and THANK YOU.

People shouldn't be fooled by the pictures or the "family outings" to Disney and the wedding renewals. Those things were for DT and LT, the children are just props for them. They are obviously smart enough in their sadism to be sure the survivors appeared well groomed in public. Which makes this all even more gruesome and horrific. Many "smiling" family photos revealed something much darker in hindsight. It brings to mind a case in NYC in the 2000's where foster parents were abusing and starving ONE child out of the 4 or 5 they had. He too appeared in a professional family photo appearing horrifically emaciated. He was also seen rummaging through garbage cans and a neighbor finally DID call and he was saved and removed. And I am sure there were many instances before that when people saw something but convinced themselves they were not seeing it, and didn't call for whatever reasons.

Also if you know that you will be horrifically beat or strangled or restrained for not smiling or not appearing happy in public, you smile to survive. Or maybe these infrequent outings did bring them joy because they got a break from being shackled and living in filth under the watchful eyes of their "parents".

Also, the fact that no-one called authorities should be a wake up call to us all. Not a reason to deny the abuse occurred for decades. People are generally afraid to "get in the business" of others and make the call. They fear retribution if its a neighbor. I for one, do not care. But that is just me. I'll call in hot second if I am seeing red flags of abuse or neglect. That doesn't make me better than anyone else, I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if I looked the other way and hoped for the best.

The survivors were abused for decades. LE has made that clear. It intensified in CA, but was still pervasive and chronic in Texas. The man that bought the house DID have to sign a waiver to view it so that the real estate company would not be sued if he injured himself due to the horrific state it was left in by the Turpins.

Also, they were "homeschooled" for the most of their lives by these people, authorities have stated that they are behind academically. That does not mean that they cannot write at all.

I do not understand the sentiment of minimizing what happened to these survivors through denying what has been reported by LE , medical professionals, child welfare authorities, and by those that had contact in the past. Just why?

I do not get it.
My 80 y/o mother cannot wrap her head around this, and she is not related to ANY of these folks. It is just beyond her that people like D & L Turpin exist.

Me too. But as we are seeing in the R case, if it turns out that a family member was involved, then family could do a whole lot worse.

But how a parent could treat their kids this way is way beyond what I can comprehend. I can only assume (or hope) that the starvation was motivated by financial hardship, getting worse with each child born. I am like you RSD I don't think it began until after a couple of the first kids were born. It may even have began in TX if DT was laid off work. I cannot imagine feeding 4 or 5 kids on unemployment. But I am thinking food stamps were available in the 90"s? But by all accounts the first girl was born in 1988 and went to third grade which if we do the math and assume she started in 1st grade at 6 years of age, she would have been 9 at that time. So that would put it at 1997 and at that time 5 kids or maybe 6. Since their home was foreclosed on around that time then that means they were going through a severe financial setback. I could see LT maybe rationing food at that time to be able to keep the house. That doesn't in anyway make it right though, I would have put my kids first and lived in a tent in order to make sure they got enough to eat. Then as more kids were born the rationing became worse until it was just one meal a day. Of course they had to keep them from going outside and maybe telling someone about what was going on so they began tying them up (and maybe to keep them from getting into the fridge or cabinets and eating up what little food there was?).

Or maybe I am just trying to insert a rationale for totally irrational behavior.

<img src=";stc=1" attachmentid="129139" alt="" id="vbattach_129139" class="previewthumb"><br><br>So the first picture is the Oct 2015 renewal where the baby features<br><br>the last picture I&#8217;m guessing would&#8217;ve been somewhere between Aug 2014-April 2015 , Aug 14 being when they moved to Perris and it looks like the house is clean in the background, so pic took before house became trashed and sometime just before the arrival of survivor #13<br><br> I still can&#8217;t figure out the second pic though, to me, she looks pregnant, in that, she looks similar in renewal 2013 hair wise and it&#8217;s the only time she wears a different dress, she wears the same dress 2011+2015 and it doesn&#8217;t look like pregnancy 13 as the hair is different lengths<br><br>idk I&#8217;m in agreement with others, I think there was other pregnancies between #12-13&nbsp;


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