CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #5

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That is frightening!!

When I read that they were planning a move, I thought they would likely seek somewhere they could maintain a low profile and it occurred to me how close they really are to an area where they could find some isolated place. Very scary thought!
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so you think they actually taught the kids at home?

To some extent, possibly, especially the older ones. If the abuse escalated then they may have given them at least some kind of education in the beginning. It may not have been a college preparatory one but if the son is apparently doing well in college, as evidenced by his report, then he must have at least had a rudimentary education.
Agreed. I sent him an email telling him about he nice things people were saying about him here and how thankful we were that he was able to give those poor kids a few moments to feel special.

He responded and was happy to have been able to do that.

I'm so glad. I feel awful for him reading some of the comments here. My impression was that he tried really hard to give them a good entertainment experience, and I hope he was well-paid for it.
I'm getting behind in the discussion again, but I did read about one of the older sons taking college classes, and saw a screenshot of what was reportedly his transcript.

IF that is actually his transcript, then I definitely have a lot of thoughts about this. I was very surprised at the classes he was taking, and the grades he got. Shocked, actually. Those were not junk Underwater Basketweaving classes. One of them is an algebra class. It's not really a "remedial" level class (at least not I guess what I'd consider "remedial".) It would be considered as more of a refresher class if you were a bit weak in math, or would be for someone who is maybe going back to school and needed a refresher course. It would be only one step down from an algebra class that you would take towards one of the core classes you need to get an AA degree.

This kid was taking classes that many other normal college students would have been taking. At least the math one.

This leads me to believe that the kids are NOT as "feral" as some people are thinking. At least not the older ones. Yes, I'm sure they do have cognitive problems because of many years of malnourishment, isolation, and just the emotional trauma of being horribly abused for so long. But they apparently have some knowledge of the outside world. The son that took the college classes had skills in at least high school and even lower level college algebra, especially considering his grades! I don't know how the hell he did that considering his nightmarish home life, but somehow he did. He also would have seen how different the other students were. He would have seen them talking, laughing, and socializing normally. He would have seen that they didn't have the same feeling of fear in their eyes and body language that he had. He would have known, ABSOLUTELY known, that other people did NOT live the way he and his siblings did.

This leads me to thinking of yet another reason why the kids were so afraid to try to escape before. They were brainwashed, yes, but I think considering how horrific the abuse and torture was, I think there must have been something else that stopped them. I remember reading an article that mentioned how neighbors in Texas sometimes saw the "dad" outside target shooting with a handgun. Maybe you see where I'm going with this. That psychopathic creep was ARMED.

My theory is: The kids knew how sadistic and ruthless their parents were. They knew their evil creep of a father had a gun, and were afraid of how far he would go. Even if one or a couple of the kids were lucky enough to be taken out of the house occasionally, maybe they didn't try to make a run for it because they knew their other brothers and sisters were at home with the monster...who had a gun.

This is all just my speculation. But I'm thinking that if the monsters thought that starving the kids wasn't enough to weaken them into submission...well, "dad" could always take out the gun for a little extra reminder. Or maybe he didn't even have to. Just the knowledge of him having it could have terrified the kids enough.
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not but did LT have home births with all the children? Pre natal care etc? Also, maybe the additional charges against DT were only for one of the children because of the statute of limitations for that charge? Just wanted to throw this out there as I'm attempting to catch up on today's posts
This leads me to believe that the kids are NOT as "feral" as some people are thinking. At least not the older ones. Yes, I'm sure they do have cognitive problems because of many years of malnourishment, isolation, and just the emotional trauma of being horribly abused for so long. But they apparently havesome knowledge of the outside world.


I agree.

There is a chance that the real facts of this case are not as horrifying as we are imagining them to be. I wish there was someone who would shed some light on the facts from the Defendants' perspective. The only real source we've heard from is the prosecutor and law enforcement.

Call me naive, but I hope that the children haven't been abused as horribly as we have been lead to believe.
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not but did LT have home births with all the children? Pre natal care etc? Also, maybe the additional charges against DT were only for one of the children because of the statute of limitations for that charge? Just wanted to throw this out there as I'm attempting to catch up on today's posts

Someone posted way, way above that the prosecutor said that all the children had been born in the hospital.
Here is the link to a video and article about the oldest son’s classes at CC. He maintained a very high GPA and some were core classes (Algebra, Freshman Comp, Communications). He took classes in Spring 2014 - Spring 2017. I have a hard time believing he was able to do this well with a first grade education. It makes me think that the reference was to the younger children.

Is this like high school? The courses don't seem focussed on a goal that I can see. how you get into a university without some verified course credentials? Is there some kind of exam you take if you've been homeschooled? Maybe his dad favours him and convinced LB to let him do things.
One thing is sure though. Those kids discussed their plans and were 100% on board with it. No matter how any one was treated, every one of them had to agree they were captives or the plan wouldn't have worked.
Bill Carson,

NO, I definitely think the facts of the case are indeed as horrifying as they've been reported...and possibly there are even worse things we don't know yet. I'm just saying that the kids do have some knowledge of the outside world, and they do in fact know that other people weren't treated the way they were. I think, tragically, the abuse, starvation, and torture are just as bad as what the police are reporting. We know that the conditions the kids were found in were appalling, but in order for them to be as severely malnourished as they were, and to look so weak and small in earlier pictures, the abuse must have been very severe and lasted for years.
I've got two photos of her w/the new baby, by the lake, and I only see one comment. There may be more photos out there but I've only seen two. Am I permitted to upload it if I mask the the baby's face? I don't want to get a time out.

I think if the baby’s face is masked out you could post the photo. Maybe message a mod just to make sure?

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I don't think that they all had the same education. Some of the older ones went to public school for a time. It's also possible that she did put some effort into educating her first children. I have a feeling that the younger ones were left to be educated by the older ones, which would be hard to do while chained to a bed.

If you were intelligent and curious, but not allowed any social life or TV, you would probably educate yourself as much as you could. I suspect that some of these kids are more intelligent than average.

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I agree.

There is a chance that the real facts of this case are not as horrifying as we are imagining them to be. I wish there was someone who would shed some light on the facts from the Defendants' perspective. The only real source we've heard from is the prosecutor and law enforcement.

Call me naive, but I hope that the children haven't been abused as horribly as we have been lead to believe.

Shhhh. Don't say that too loudly. I was nearly burned at the stake for suggesting that in the very first thread. After all, why wouldn't we blindly believe everything we read the press? ;) but I ( not so) secretly hope that we're right!

Maybe not a tax write off but it sounds like California offer a generous benefit. And if he had it set up like a business, maybe like private tutoring perhaps he could write off what he "paid" his adult children.

"The state of California offers me, a homeschooling parent, $2600/year in educational funds for each of my kids."

I believe this is for families who homeschool through a charter school. They receive the funds through the charter school. It is different for those who go the independent or private school route like DT did. Had they gone through a charter school they would have had to meet with a teacher every few weeks, take standardized tests, and provide work samples.

For independent homeschoolers it is different. Here is what I found.

“You could try to run your homeschool as a for-profit business and file a Schedule C annually detailing your income and expenses. The IRS expects to see signs of profitability after a few years, or it begins to suspect that the business is just a tax-dodge. Since you would be your only tuition-paying customer, it should be soon apparent to the IRS that your business is not a “for-profit” at all. If you accept other children and receive tuition payments from them, you have essentially founded your own private school and could legitimately deduct business expenses. However, this requires you to obtain a business license and liability insurance among other expenses.
You could try to get your homeschool accepted by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization, which is extremely difficult as the government guards against anyone using tax-exempt status for personal or family gain.”
Shhhh. Don't say that too loudly. I was nearly burned at the stake for suggesting that in the very first thread. After all, why wouldn't we blindly believe everything we read the press? ;)

Again, I'm NOT saying that the starvation and torture isn't as bad as what authorities are reporting. I believe it absolutely was. And there may be even worse things we don't know yet. I am ONLY saying that the kids are maybe not quite as feral as people are thinking...meaning they have a little bit more knowledge of the world than we thought. That absolutely does not discount the horrific way they were tortured.

A reminder that the word "Torture" was used by the District Attorney himself, and he is also the one who specifically mentioned the kids being taunted with food while they were was not just "in the press."

Watch the press conference again and see what the DA was saying, in his own words.
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not but did LT have home births with all the children? Pre natal care etc? Also, maybe the additional charges against DT were only for one of the children because of the statute of limitations for that charge? Just wanted to throw this out there as I'm attempting to catch up on today's posts

Children born in hospital per LEO iirc. One fb friend who commented on photo, by comments can tell work at clinic. One daughter has middle name jmho since seems kids are named with purpose someone close ( mom,dad,grandparents names are middle names)
Here is the link to a video and article about the oldest son’s classes at CC. He maintained a very high GPA and some were core classes (Algebra, Freshman Comp, Communications). He took classes in Spring 2014 - Spring 2017. I have a hard time believing he was able to do this well with a first grade education. It makes me think that the reference was to the younger children.

Thanks for this link. I had missed seeing this video. I paused it at 1:08 and this is what is posted as his classes.

Spring 2014
Math 090 Elementary Algebra
Fall 2015
Engl 098 English Fundamentals
Math 096 Intermediate Algebra
Mus 101 Music Fundamentals
Spring 2016
Mus 125 Guitar 1
Mul 110 Introduction to Multi
Com 100 Public Speaking
Engl 101 Freshman Composition
Math 105 College Algebra
Summer 2016
AUME 100 Basic Auto mechanics
Fall 2016
MUS 127 Guitar 2
Spring 2017
AUME 119 Basic Brake Systems
MUS 214 Guitar Ensemble
AUME 122 Engine Performance 1 *withdrew from class in Feb*
ANTH 115 Intro to Archaeology *B*

With the exception to the last two classes, he made A's! Smart guy!
Thinking about the dresses the girls were wearing. Seeing comments about being homemade. IF they were, then someone has very good seamstress skills.
I also don't believe that the kids saw a doctor at least four years ago. I think it was longer than that, and even if it was four years ago, how many of you think it was not even a legitimate doctor? Given this family's sick twisted views on religion and child-rearing, Louise at best probably took some of the kids to one of those "Belief Healers." Those TV Evangelists, types who conned many out of millions of dollars. The kids in a wheelchair, the "doctor" puts his hands on his head, recites some Biblical verse, has the poor victim repeat the Scripture, and within seconds he's out of the wheelchair. "GOD BE PRAISED!" He's "cured." How many of you think that this was the type of "doctor" for these children?

A serious physician would do checks on vaccinations, blood work, see the malnutrition in these kids. Even a complete C-Scan and MRL of their bodies. Would a doctor have a legal right to interfere if he/she suspected abuse? Or does that vary from state to state and type of doctor?

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