CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #1

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Just to be clear on my position I was one who suspected terrorist from the get go. Yet open to other options. This opine was waaaay before I knew a name, or anything about these killers. It just had some of the tell tale signs for me.

Hi Bravo

at least you did not get all messed up with who is who
Could be. In the sense he picked this target as he knew the building well? Yet he could have picked any place that he had access to with his job as well. IMO

I dunno....I think this specific location was the target.
If earlier reports are true (could still be rumor), Farook was at the party earlier to see if there was a certain person there and then returned later for the shooting.

Again, this could be a rumor!
Question about the pro cam. Was it set up to FEED somewhere, or was it something they were recording and wanted to upload later? That would be a big clue in my mind.

I'm sure the FBI knows this already, but I'm equally sure they won't tell us, the public.

I suspect they've viewed whatever was recorded many times by many specialists.
The part that is really strange, besides everything about this rampage, is if it is a work related thing, who brings " the wife" to something like that, and if it is a religious terrorism thing, again who brings the wife, <modsnip>
This is more than likely a domestic terror attack, than it is ISIS.

Hey it is so confusing , while your garage is a bomb making factory, maybe they wanted to make it "look" (why have no clue) like workplace when it really was not.

Their toys are expensive - he made like 50K a yr? Was there funding elsewhere?

just guessing it is just bizaire

oh they just presser "in an hour"
With the reports of a bomb factory at their home, it sure doesn't fit with workplace and fits more wit terrorism.

Any mass attack is a terrorist event. I thought that was clear from my post, but in case it wasn't, regardless of their motivations, this was a terrorist attack. Oklahoma City was a terrorist attack. The Bath School disaster was a terrorist attack. (etc).

The gist of my post was motive. Some facts we currently know point to a religious motivation, while other facts appear to relate to being disgruntled at work. Given what little we know at this point, it's impossible to conclusively say it's one or the other, and I think it's better to be patient and let facts come out before making knee-jerk statements about the motivations.
Could be. In the sense he picked this target as he knew the building well? Yet he could have picked any place that he had access to with his job as well. IMO

He "describes himself as a health, safety, and environmental inspector..." (Snipped By Me...)

It is so bizarre, I mean, the words "health and safety" connected to him...
He certainly wasn't thinking about health, safety, and the environment!
I don't understand people!!!
When people who are Muslim create pipe bombs, wear quasi military clothing, go-cameras, and shoot people with AK rifles, using a rented car, after traveling to Saudi Arabia, engage in a shoot-out with police and ISIS websites are applauding their behavior, it is reasonable to assume that this is a terrorist act.

Read the Quran. It mandates the killing and beheading of the people of the book, i.e Christians and Jews, and the enslavement and defilement of infidels. It also countenances lying to the infidels (i.e. non-muslims).

It all depends on what version of the Quran you read. The version with the killing of the Christians and the Jews was written during the time of the Crusades. In the original version the "people of the book" were to be left alone. As for me I'm happy with my Bible, but I'll read about anything. It's the religious fanatics who have got as this crap stirred up. So you can't judge a book by it's cover, nor a person by the books they read.
"The emperor has new clothes."

His remarks were incredibly, insultingly weak, IMO. He didn't even stand at a podium and try to radiate strength, or anger, or even real sympathy. Just weak, and ineffective, IMO.

They want this to "go away" and get off the news and internet, and for all of us to "forget" quickly. Just like the Chattanoga shootings, which not too many people even remember now-- just 4 months ago. And remember the Ft Hood shootings? That was just "workplace violence", too. Never, ever, ever is it radical islamic terrorism-- instead, it's "mass shootings" and "gun violence".

Suppress, spin, deny, minimize, re-label, distract. Lather, rinse, repeat.

"No, no--look over there. It's just workplace violence....and guns..."

I disagree. Here's the mass shooting tracker for this year. How many had to do with religious fundamentalism? The percentage is quite small. Gun violence is a serious issue in this country, and mass shootings are very concerning. If we limit the scope of the conversation to only radicalized religious persons, whether they be Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, then we are only having a conversation about a very, very small portion of the problem.
This is a surprising new article featuring the mother of Mark Lepine,
she suggests possible reasons he went on a killing rampage.

"WHITEHORSE &#8212; Twenty-six years after her son murdered 14 women in the Montreal Massacre at École Polytechnique, Monique Lepine still doesn&#8217;t know why.

&#8220;Maybe he felt unloved, left aside,&#8221; she said of her son Marc Lepine, while speaking this week at the 12 Days To End Violence Against Women campaign in Whitehorse.

During her 90-minute, keynote talk at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre, the 78-year-old woman reflected in a soft and calm voice on the abuse she and her children had suffered at the hands of her former husband.

&#8220;If you didn&#8217;t solve your emotional problems when it was the time, eventually you&#8217;re growing, you&#8217;re an adult, but emotionally, you&#8217;re still at the age of your wound.&#8221;

On Dec. 6, 1989, Marc Lepine, 25, armed with a 223-calibre Sturm-Ruger rifle, separated the men from the women in a classroom at Montreal&#8217;s Ecole Polytechnique.

He spoke about his hatred for feminists and went on a shooting rampage, killing 14 women and wounding nine others."
Hey it is so confusing , while your garage is a bomb making factory, maybe they wanted to make it "look" (why have no clue) like workplace when it really was not.

Their toys are expensive - he made like 50K a yr? Was there funding elsewhere?

just guessing it is just bizaire

oh they just presser "in an hour"

I never said this wasn't terror related. Just that I don't think it's ISIS.
Of course having a bomb warehouse points at terrorism. It doesn't have to be a terrorist group from overseas. There are plenty of domestic terrorists that can do this.
Hi Bravo

at least you did not get all messed up with who is who

Hey back. Been there done that ma dear. No worries. Happens on fast moving threads and confusing info from press.
Please continue at Thread #2

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