CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #1

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How can they have a six-month baby if they just got married this year? Did they meet earlier? It was posted that he traveled Saudi Arabia earlier this year and returned with a wife. He was likely doing a lot more travelling than that one trip. Their baby is already 6 months old so how did that work?

Quotes from family say that they have been married for two years so there must have been earlier visits.
The Columbine shooters---there were two of them---had pipe bombs and planned their attacks for a long time. Yet in that case all we got was years of sympathy for innocent Eric and Dylan. I remember hearing over and over how they were bullied by the mean jocks. I wonder why that's not happening here?
OK this timeline makes more sense to me now. THey would have had to have met up by the summer of 214 for her to be pregnant and have a six-month old. Why would she do this knowing that she would likely be shot and killed? Folie-a-deux? I don't think so. JMO

Yeah this is what makes it seem like a terrorist attack to me. The fact that three of them were involved. I know that when people commit suicide attacks in the name of Allah it's done with a sense of martyrdom. But it seems really strange to me that she'd be willing to orphan her own child. If they did plan it this way I'd expect to see some huge amount of press coming out. They did after all get the go pros. So why all that and no statement?

Have zero interest in reading any such ramblings, but strange that no 'manifesto' has been unearthed yet. Maybe it's still in the post to be delivered to some media organization?

Exactly, there's more to this story it seems.
said he was quiet and polite, with no obvious grudges.

ppeared to be "living the American dream," said Patrick Baccari, a fellow health inspector who shared a cubicle with Farook.

who worked with them for several years, rarely started a conversation. But the tall, thin young man with a full beard was well liked and spent much of his time out in the field.
a devout Muslim, but rarely discussed religion at work.
"He never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,"

office recently threw a baby shower for Farook and that he had taken paternity leave.

e was about to dry his hands in the restroom when bullets ripped into the towel dispenser, sending shrapnel into his face and blood spilling into his eyes. T
Thanks for the article Momofourboys.

This part of the article is very scary to me. The guy could have planted bombs anywhere.

Oh my. I already knew his job but hadn't thought of that possibility.
How can they have a six-month baby if they just got married this year? Did they meet earlier? It was posted that he traveled Saudi Arabia earlier this year and returned with a wife. He was likely doing a lot more travelling than that one trip. Their baby is already 6 months old so how did that work?

Maybe she was a widow? (Pregnant when he brought her to the U.S.)

Islam has special rules for pregnant widows. Just a thought.

Maybe that's why there is some confusion in the reporting as to whether they are married, or planning to be married. Perhaps she came on a tourist visa? Who knows at this point.

And wouldn't that be another huge problem for our government-- if she came on a tourist visa, adding to the fact that he was born here.
Catching up here.
Are Farook and his wife the only shooters?
Was the 3rd person not connected to this incident?

Weird to have a husband/wife killing team.
Like others have said, I think it's best to sit back and wait for more information. There is information which makes the terrorist event appear to be motivated by religious fundamentalism, but there is other information which makes the event appear more like the workplace shootings we've seen in the past. Right now, not everything fits together, but it's early. I find after these events we are so quick to look for answers, we as a nation (the media really fuels this) jump to conclusions and sometimes innocent people are hurt. We're not supposed to have all the answers yet. It's not even been a day. There's no need to fight over the few scraps of info we currently have, when a clearer picture will emerge if we're patient.

With the reports of a bomb factory at their home, it sure doesn't fit with workplace and fits more wit terrorism.
No public statements from ISIS kind of makes me wonder if there is more to come.

This attack could inspire others and probably will. This was pretty successful even though the bombs didn't go off.

The nature of the attack (if it is terrorism) will also freak out the populace in general, instead of hitting a high profile target they just chose what was close to home. That would cause a lot of paranoia because it could happen to just about anyone anywhere.
The Columbine shooters---there were two of them---had pipe bombs and planned their attacks for a long time. Yet in that case all we got was years of sympathy for innocent Eric and Dylan. I remember hearing over and over how they were bullied by the mean jocks. I wonder why that's not happening here?

Probably because Eric and Dylan are not Arab names.
People are more sympathetic to white people.
Since the two connected to this shooting have Arab names and have history with Saudi Arabia, people are more inclined to believe this is an ISIS attack.
Just another way to slander the Muslims.

For all we know, Farook and his wife could have had a snap with reality, and decided to go and kill some people.
I'm not going to jump on the ISIS/all Muslims are bad bandwagon until more info comes to light.

All so scary and very sad. This is the world we leave for our kids.
And that's the part that kills me. I look into the faces of my five children, 15 months to 16 years as well as think about the 6 month old bundle of preciousness orphaned in this situation and wonder how any parent... of any religion, of any nationality, of any socioeconomic status, of any political preference... and not want a world free of violence, pain, suffering, hate, and unrest.
Farook was from a “religios (sic) but modern family of 4, 2girls 2boys.” He says his family’s values are a “Eastern and Western Mix.”

interests were listed as “working on vintage and modern cars,., “eating out sometimes,” travel, “and just hang out in back yard doing target practice (terrific!) with younger sister and friends.”

Farook was born in Illinois and raised in Southern California

gone for about a month in the spring, and when he returned word got around Farook had been married.

Baccari, who was sitting at the same table as Farook, said employees at the holiday party were taking a break before snapping group photos when Farook suddenly disappeared, leaving a jacket draped over his chair.

shooting lasted about five minutes,

baby girl with Farook's mother early Wednesday morning, saying they had a doctor's appointment,

did not return to get their daughter for several hours, h.... worried when they could not reach them ...T.. concerned that Farook might be a victim of the shooting ...... and sometimes worked at the Inland Regional Center, Ayloush said.

The family only began to piece together the events around 2 p.m. — three hours after the shooting — when a reporter called with questions,

was raised on a farm with goats and chickens, was reserved, rarely starting a conversation ... Farook grew out his beard. ..........committed to his family, a....didn't talk about religion at work.
No public statements from ISIS kind of makes me wonder if there is more to come.

This attack could inspire others and probably will. This was pretty successful even though the bombs didn't go off.

The nature of the attack (if it is terrorism) will also freak out the populace in general, instead of hitting a high profile target they just chose what was close to home. That would cause a lot of paranoia because it could happen to just about anyone anywhere.

What's also interesting is that they didn't stay at the scene. That's a unusual IMO because typically it's creating a hold out and going down in a blaze of glory. The facemasks etc. This could be a change in tactic IOW they expected to get away and do something else in another location. That's what's got me nervous about him planting bombs elsewhere.
So far it reminds me most of the Boston Bombers than organized terrorism.Also I believe all mass shootings ARE terrorism.So far I do not see evidence to a concrete connection to ISIS.So far I tend to believe more him and his wife and whoever the third person is became disgruntled and fanatic for whatever reasons among their small circle and started planning this.So far I believe if it was ISIS related ISIS would have already claimed it.If they had direct connection to ISIS I do believe they were training for something bigger but something at the workplace upset them that they said "*advertiser censored** it"we'll do it here and now.......all just speculation,I don't have a set opinion at all yet.....
How far were they when they were shot at the SUV? I think they didn't get very far. There was a detonator/remote for a remote control car with an explosive device attached found in the car. I think they wanted to stick around to detonate the bombs and see the damage. JMO
Some of the IEDs were being set up to be detonated by remote car which is a key link to Al-Qaeda per Fox reporter.
The only way 355 mass shootings in 336 days becomes an acceptable reality is if we accept it. And if we do, we can no longer blame Islamic State or Al Qaeda or the axis of evil for threatening the American way of life. We will have destroyed it ourselves.
Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times TV critic
I truly believe that there are individual people in this country, and the world who do not value human life.

And I also believe that there are groups of people who hold radical ideologies that do not value human life.

So it isn't hard at all for me to believe 2 parents would be willing to orphan their 6 month old in pursuit of violence in the name of a radical ideology.

I personally saw many occurrences of those who do not value human life, especially female lives, during my time in the middle east. That colors my perspectives, for sure.

People and governments explained away the activities of the Nazis and other murderous groups for many years, too. It takes a long time for truth to be exposed thoroughly enough for global resolve to occur.

I believe we are in a run up to the next world war. And I do believe it is a clash of cultures and ideologies.

I wonder just exactly what is needed now for global resolve to occur. How bad does it have to get? Gives me nightmares. We simply have to stop with the "PC" spin and justifications, and call it what it is, so we can BEGIN to solve the problem. Our very survival depends on it.
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