CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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Lovebirds. Whaddya need? Tactical gear. Check. Hajib. Check. Red brassiere and other assorted scanties. Check.

Clamshell phone?
It was a flip phone sitting on the counter wide open on the kitchen counter.
Regarding the landlord giving a tour of the terrorist's home - It was live on MSMBC - hate that network, but saw it while flipping channels.
The family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook have claimed that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard hours after it emerged that he had also clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before he and his wife killed 14 at a holiday party.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

But they insisted that the health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain why he mercilessly gunned down 14 people and wounded 21, the majority his former co-workers, on Wednesday.

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The California Department of Motor Vehicles released an image of Syed Farook's driver's license that was issued to him in July 2013
Syed Rizwan Farook (pictured), 28, who is U.S.-born, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after the mass shooting at a government holiday party held at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino
This is a photo of Farook from his old online profile on the dating website, according to reporting by ABC

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently got into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Thalasinos, a county restaurant inspector, was said to regularly discuss politics and religion with Farook.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said that when she had called Thalasinos at work he told her he was having a heated discussion with Farook about Islam who had told him Islam was a peaceful religion and that Americans do not understand Islam.

Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly ranted about Islam on Facebook.

On September 11th, 2013, alongside a photo of a shirtless victim plummeting to his death from the burning World Trade Center, Mr Thalasinos posted: 'On behalf of this guy… You can stick your Million Muslim March up your asses'.

In one of his final status updates on Tuesday, Thalasinos responded to an anti-Semitic tirade allegedly penned by an apparent Muslim living in Ukraine, who railed against Jews and Israel.

‘Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm just passing this along to warn others,’ was Thalasinos' reply.

Again, it is unclear if the dispute played a part in the massacre.

Syed Farook's lawyers say 'he was living the American dream'
They were never coming back. Why would they need them?

Also government issued ID - maybe they felt above that. Maybe they wanted to stick their fake IDs in everyone's faces?

I meant LE!
this is on UK Sky News now - I have never seen anything like this. What is the landlord on??
Thank your son for me! Thank him for serving and keeping us safe.
From a proud Army Brat!!

Thank you Treelights! That made me smile and tear up a little...
My Grandfather, Father, and Brothers were military too...

When we were kids, my parents used have us make hand drawn pictures, on Holidays, and bring them to the Old Solders Home, in Holyoke MA. ( I grew up in the Springfield area), to thank those men for their service. Those tough old solders would cry. (And hug us Sooo tightly, we would cry too lol!). It really means so very much to have those words of thanks.

I want to thank all the posters today, for that. I wanted to do so individually, but I am running late for an appointment, hopefully I can get a chance later on. Just know that I so, SO appreciate the kindness!
The family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook have claimed that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard hours after it emerged that he had also clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before he and his wife killed 14 at a holiday party.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

But they insisted that the health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain why he mercilessly gunned down 14 people and wounded 21, the majority his former coworker, on Wednesday.

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The California Department of Motor Vehicles released an image of Syed Farook's driver's license that was issued to him in July 2013
Syed Rizwan Farook (pictured), 28, who is U.S.-born, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after the mass shooting at a government holiday party held at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino
This is a photo of Farook from his old online profile on the dating website, according to reporting by ABC

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently got into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Thalasinos, a county restaurant inspector, was said to regularly discuss politics and religion with Farook.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said that when she had called Thalasinos at work he told her he was having a heated discussion with Farook about Islam who had told him Islam was a peaceful religion and that Americans do not understand Islam.

Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly ranted about Islam on Facebook.

On September 11th, 2013, alongside a photo of a shirtless victim plummeting to his death from the burning World Trade Center, Mr Thalasinos posted: 'On behalf of this guy… You can stick your Million Muslim March up your asses'.

In one of his final status updates on Tuesday, Thalasinos responded to an anti-Semitic tirade allegedly penned by an apparent Muslim living in Ukraine, who railed against Jews and Israel.

‘Anyway my new hobby appears to beBLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm just passing this along to warn others,’ was Thalasinos' reply.

Again, it is unclear if the dispute played a part in the massacre.

Syed Farook's lawyers say 'he was living the American dream'

Daily Mail...
Unfortunately, there are some terrorists that do much worse to their child. There are plenty of videos out there of so-called "parents" strapping bombs to their own children to use on suicide missions. I'm not talking teenagers, either. I'm talking ages 4-10!

All the horrible things we read about what parents do to their children... Nothing comes close to using your child as a freaking weapon to kill others.
Very strange. Could be a throwaway phone . . .. that didn't get thrown away, although I read that the couple smashed cell phones before leaving their house for the last time.
the white house presser dude is a mess

we have taken serious measures to keep our citizens safe

what planet has the guy been on the last 4 weeks did he sneak up to the int'l space station for vacation

we counter radical intenet issues ---WTF are you are talking about a mass murder every day of the week, does not seem safe

boston is a good example what are you talking about

we apprehended them quickly -- you appreheded them people casue of cell phones from people on the scene

we captured him (the last one) a smoker found him and he fell out of the boat

americans should feel very

should we look at this as an intleigence failure its too early ....................for whom............they were late when the first bullet left the gun


these people are nuts !
FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS CONFIRM to Fox News that Tashfeen Malik, wife of San Bernadino, Calif., gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, posted online her pledge to Islamic State chieftain Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on or around the time she and her husband murdered 14 people attending an office party.

Pledging to the head of ISIS makes the motive pretty clear.

Now we can wait for an official statement declaring this was "workplace violence".
While watching this on CNN, I saw the landlord being interviewed. Motive for this? his 15 mins. IMO. I won't listen or watch any interview with him.:gaah:

His book is ready for publication

movie casting now
I can't speak for others. But for me...I've kept an open mind from the start. And also, people are allowed to change their opinion as more information comes out. I, personally, try not to jump to too many conclusions at the start of things with very little information. From the beginning, I've thought it could be terrorism, a work place issue, or a combination of many factors. And with CURRENT information, I am thinking combo. Obviously a planned act. And we now know they have ties to terrorist groups. But I think he chose his co-workers because they were easy targets and perhaps he didn't like some of them.

I don't recall anyone here saying anything like "it's definitely NOT terrorism." But I do recall a lot of people saying "it's definitely NOT a workplace problem." I think it's irresponsible to say either thing, especially in the beginning with little information given.

Me too. I kept thinking personal plus wannabe ISIS. I still think there was a personal issue, but I now believe they were the real thing.

I know part of me wants to be in denial. I admit that, and part of it is shock. It's hard to figure out what it was when I can't even comprehend such a thing happened.

I'm one of the "All mass shootings are terrorism" people so it was never NOT terrorism imo.
MOO, she was looking for a way into the US as an already radicalized terrorist. They met on a dating website and she came in on a fiancée visa. I believe she was the influence in this whole disaster.
I wonder if President Obama's phone has been ringing, with condolences and pledges of solidarity from other world leaders? Or other leaders BEGGING him to stand up and call this what it is-- radical islamic terrorism? You see, they can't really have press conferences of their own and give official condolences and pledge solidarity and assistance UNTIL our leader stands up and says this was a radical islamic terrorist attack. See how that works? We are ON OUR OWN with this, for the time being. How stupid is that plan?

So, I kinda doubt that the King of Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, European leaders, north american leaders, etc are burning up the phone lines, calling with offers to help us track the activities of these 2 terrorists and their connections, and apprehend all involved.

We look completely FOOLISH and STUPID to the rest of the world for not immediately denouncing this as a radical islamic terrorist attack. And yes, the authorities KNEW what this was, and who did it, within minutes to 2-3 hours tops.

This is NOT a domestic crime, or domestic issue for us to solve alone. It is an enormous, crushing embarrassment to our administration that this took place by a first generation, born-raised-educated in America "peaceful" muslim, and his internet, legally immigrated Pakistani bride, using legally purchased weapons.

Chattanooga was a picnic in the park compared to the fallout on this one.
They made Chattanooga disappear pretty quickly from the awareness of most Americans. It's easy to throw a blanket on murdered military members, but not so much when it's civilian health department workers murdered by islamic terrorist at a banquet holiday party.
the white house presser dude is a mess

we have taken serious measures to keep our citizens safe

what planet has the guy been on the last 4 weeks did he sneak up to the int'l space station for vacation

we counter radical intenet issues ---WTF are you are talking about a mass murder every day of the week, does not seem safe

boston is a good example what are you talking about

we apprehended them quickly -- you appreheded them people casue of cell phones from people on the scene

we captured him (the last one) a smoker found him and he fell out of the boat

these people are nuts !

You aren't kidding!!! What a mess!! I feel so much better after listening to him...NOT!!!! In fact...I am more uneasy!!! Omg..
I didn't have the t.v. on so I didn't see the apartment. Can't find a link online either. Anyone have it?
We can bury our heads in the sand as we have been doing...or we can grow a pair and fight this with all we've got. The fight begins at home with tighter TSA and immigration, IMO.
If this guy had been teased and subjected to disparaging remarks about his Muslim appearance - - -ding ding ding! LAWSUIT! Friggin' idiot. In today's PC world, he could CASH IN! Leave the kiddo set for LIFE, to say the least, set up Mom for her retirement. And then go on your little jihadist rampage. But nooooooo . .. the family now gets to use this LAME excuse for his violent acts.
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