Quote Originally Posted by BarryW View Post
The world was crazy prior to 9/11, but most of the terrorism happened overseas. It slapped North America in the face on 9/11, and I think we've all felt OUR world had changed since that date, and so sadly I think there will be much more to come.
I'm going to the USA border tomorrow or Monday to talk to the agents there. After 9/11 I had strong information about a very suspicious angry militant Muslim. Talked to Cdn. authorities, they didn't seem to give a damn (I was shocked and sickened). I contacted US authorities, got some interest, but something was just not right still. Could not go to the media to complain (that would be stupid considering the subject matter), so I just "stuffed it" and prayed that nothing would happen. I google this guy regularly. He is now in the US. I think I need to remind the authorities again, even if it's just so that if anything happens near where he is located he can be contacted. I think this is why I have been so triggered by these recent events. I'm feeling quite down and fearful.
Without going into details, after 9/11 a few of the actions I took were a bit risky (due to total "don't give a damn" by the Canadian authorities). I was collecting more (physical) proof. I wanted to just stuff this memory away, but it's been sitting in my head since 9/11. I think I need to resurrect it again.
I feel your pain, BarryW.. As a retired Atlanta firefighter, that worked with NYFD firefighter applicants. I was slapped in the face very hard on 9/11/2001, and I knew that our world had forever changed on that date. Sadly, due to our vulnerability, there will be many more unsuspecting attacks to come, imo.
I had a similiar experience as yours during the recent Chattanooga, TN shooter incident by jihadist lone wolf Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez.
While sleuthing another TN case, I remembered reading about a mysterious incident concerning a gunfight between a security guard and an armed unknown suspicious man wearing a dark hoodie at 2 AM on 04/22/2013 in a restricted area at the Watts Bar Nuclear facility, in Spring City, TN, only 48 miles away. I remembered thinking, 'that seems to be a possible recon mission by a terrorist'..
<Fast forward 2 years to July 2015 when Abdulazeez killed four Marines and a Sailor in an attack on Chattanooga's U.S. Naval and Marine Reserve Center>
When I learned of the route taken in the rented mustang muscle car by jihadist Abdulazeez and his friends two consecutive days prior to the attack, a red flag went up. After google mapping the route taken by MYA in the high speed practice run, imo it was obvious as to his likely destination on that tragic July day.. The destination was within a rock's throw of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant..
I contacted the Chattanooga Shooter Incident Command center and relayed this information to an FBI agent. He was unaware of the 2013 gunfight with the Security Guard at the Watts Bar Nuclear facility..
It was later revealed by msm that jihadist Abdulazeez suddenly moved in with Ohio relatives in May of 2013 and went to work at the Perry Nuclear Plant, east of Cleveland, OH, only weeks after the TN Watts Bar Nuclear Plant gunfight, but was let go after 10 days due to failing his drug screen. After loosing the job, Abdulazeez did not return to TN, but landed a job at a trucking company and stayed in OH with relatives..
Chattanooga Shooter Failed Background Check At Job At Nuclear Plant
TVA mum on Watts Bar Nuclear Plant shooting details
April 2013 -
Investigators caution not to overplay this detail. It happened in 2013 and sources tell NPR the FBI does not believe agents need to go back further than a year in trying to trace Abdulazeez's possible radicalization. This employment history would fall outside that window.
FBI Director James Comey: Motive in Chattanooga shooting may never be released
Posted: Nov 13, 2015
Read more:
<snipped - read more>
"We're still trying to make sure we understand Abdulazeez, his motivations and associations, in a really good way," FBI Director James Comey told reporters during a visit to Nashville's FBI field office on Friday.
Comey said he understands the public interest in the shooting, but he did not know whether there would ever be a public report on it.
"Sometimes the way we investigate requires us to keep information secret. That's a good thing. We don't want to smear people," he said.