CA Accuses State Attorney of Seeking Political Gain NEW FULL VIDEO ADDED 10/13/2008

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She needs to look stressed, it's about time for her to be afraid. She should be very afraid.

Be afraid little Casey ... be very afraid, the boogie man is going to be watching you!
I love the way the Anthony family can pick up on a word and then use it over and over ---- first it was absolutely. They all used it in those first few days!

Cindy's new word for today is absurd. She stumbled using it one time - but it just added to the entertainment.

I wonder when she's gonna learn the word guilty?

Or here's a novel idea. How about "Please, whoever out there has Caylee, please please return her to us, we love her and miss her!" Have you even heard ONE thing like that come out of their mouths?? NOOOOOOOO. If they TRULY believe she's been kidnapped/taken, wouldn't they be making statements like that in the press constantly??
If you have that to say, why did you also say you will look for your waders and listen to her interview tonight? :confused:

I really do not get it. I don't even want to hear what CA has to say anymore. Everything she says is crazy and unproductive and isn't even important. Why would anyone want to listen to craziness? Does anyone REALLY think she will say anything of importance?

When CA speaks, we already know where it's going. Sucker for punishment? :confused:

For me it is something like watching a train wreck. You duck and cover your eyes, but ya just can't help watching.
For me it is something like watching a train wreck. You duck and cover your eyes, but ya just can't help watching.
Exactly! But, I don't think I can watch anymore...I'll wait for the indictment. That may shut the whole family up for a while.
Did someone post that Cindy was going to be interviewed somewhere tonight?? As much as I dislike her.. in some sick kind of way.. I like seeing her make a complete A$$ of herself..

Someone did say she was going to be interviewed on wkmbg, I think.

I think she's very disturbed and I don't enjoy listening to her craziness at ALL. That's just me.
Oh...I knew it was coming alright. I just think it so disrespects her granddaughter. There's no way in he$$ that anyone could get me to say that my daughter is as much of a victim as my missing (and not recovered) grandchild. (uncut video)

Which is why you probably don't see the grandfather doing it. The brother is just hiding under a rock.

I am not advocating here - I just refuse to get all caught up in the emotions about her statements

As far as the victim reference, the grandmother probably has an overwhelming amount of guilt. No one, and I mean no one, puts themselves out there this way, and in this manner, without thinking they have emotionally something to pay for. There's something to what Detective Melich has said in the press: the grandparents are victims of KC's too. Deserved or not, that includes the grandmother most prominently. Privately, she's devestated. Publically, she displaces her anger and frustration with KC on everyone else in sight. If there's anything she should be talking to a therapist about, it's that.
Can I contribute to this man's political future?! I will campaign wholeheartedly for him if he did this for political gain. LOL Where do I sign up?!
Can you all imagine what it must be like to be in the house all day long with that woman listening to her go on, and on, and on, and on, and on?

Could that be why George prefers the evening shift? :)
According to this, Cindy claims to have many sources. She says the evidence is purely circumstantial, but when pressed, she won['t discuss it.

I especially liked when she referenced the kid who has been enlisted in the Army since graduating high school (something her daughter apparently didn't do) and how can people be expected to defend this country when this is our type of justice? It was the most convoluted argument and I half envisioned her making this patriotic speech wrapped in an American flag (and then I remembered that she's not the family memebr who likes to wear the flag).

Cindy should be quiet.

And all while knowing that Casey desecrated our American flag by wearing it and knotting it, some of us have family members in the U.S. military fighting for even HER freedom, and while her daughter has a lawyer who does not believe in our Justice System by saying he doesn't believe in Grand Juries. Cindy, Casey, and Jose are even beginning to sound unpatriotic! What country do they think has a better justice system? I say Cindy Anthony should not even speak about our military because they are our means to retain the freedoms she so clearly enjoys. She just needs to shut up, shut up, shut up!

I also think I will be sick if I see Jose's sick little grin one more time! I will be so glad when all of this is over and the killer is behind bars where she belongs.
:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead OMG, I SO want to do this!! Only it's NOT the horse I want to beat, it's grandma of the year:bang:

:python::python: oh please can I squash her, pretty please.:)

:banghead::banghead: She is so giving me a headache.

:rage::rage::rage: Cindy, please shut up. :shutup::whip:

Casey is a victim? WTF?

Fashion victim, yes. Any other kind of way in hellO.

OMG, how dare Cindy bring the military into this? How dare she speak of soliders fighting, HOLY SMOKES...
(pausing to pray real hard):mad:
shhhh....back off, back off quick.....:furious:
Thank god for my nephew who is in Iraq right now fighting for these people in the Anthony family to be totally crude and ridiculous.. Constitution my a$$, my solider certainly isn't fighting for your daughters rights to murder her child and for you to blame everyone except her..
OMG...I can't believe this..
I actually found it in my heart so long ago not to judge Cindy because I am not in her shoes..But you know, she certainly isn't wearing the boots of those men fighting each day!
Today, I loose any and all respect for Cindy period..
God Bless this baby girl, and I am sure she will make a great daughter to many of those fallen soilders in heaven!!!
I think she needs to run to the nearest counceling center and fast. Pretty soon we're gonna be hearing about fairies and unicorns, because they do exist ya know. Get the straight jacket ready!
At this point, I want to see her in jail more than even Casey!?!
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