GUILTY CA - Alex Mercado, 4, Mendota, 30 Oct 2009

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IMO that poster could be offering his OPINION on the crime, not stating a fact!
In a HA setting there tends to be mistrust between LE and residents. Community based policing creates a sense of trust, thereby making the residents more apt to report crimes to LE. The PO in that setting is kind of like a school resource officer, same type of premise, KWIM?
IMO that poster could be offering his OPINION on the crime, not stating a fact!

It could be speculation based on the fact that they probably took her in for questioning and she never came back to the home so people made assumptions. No sensible person would come home after their kid was arrested for killing a neighbor child. That's a volatile situation.
This article from Idaho: also says it was an apartment complex. I don't remember seeing any apartments in the area when we drove through. I guess it is time to hit up google.


I don't remember seeing any apts. there either. It was more like you described in your prior post when I was there too. It has been over ten years since I've been there, however...maybe even fifteen.

ETA: I moved from Fresno over ten years ago and haven't been back. I've heard I wouldn't recognize the area. Perhaps they built the low-income housing since then to help the migrant workers and farmers? Just wondering and it doesn't really have anything to do with sleuthing this case, I guess.
What an adorable little guy. Rest in peace, Alex. :(


*Photos from video at

I'm just sick. I just can't even fathom someone so young having so much hatred or anger inside of them to even contemplate murdering a child. Children killing children? And twice in a week? WTH is going on? Drugs? De-conditioning from too much violence and gore on television or video's? What? I guess that's the million dollar question isn't it? WOW! I look at this precious little boys' picture and the words my mother use to say come to mind. "There, but for the grace of God, go I." Well friends, I pray I'm never that mother, never that grandmother in my case. Of course I'm greedy and pray that NO life is thought so worthless, taken with so little regard.

We need to hold our children close people, our grandchildren and our loved ones. Be OVERLY cautious when it comes to our young. It sucks but we're not in Mayberry anymore and it truly pisses me off too!

RIP little guy. :(
It is driving me nuts seeing so many teens do this kind of violence.

Are the teens of today a "forgotten generation" left to fend for themselves and now they are in such pain? They mess up their lives doing these crimes before they even began. Plus they are harming other children (which sounds like younger mostly). There is what 3 to 4 cases within 2 weeks of terrible violence.
#1 EO
#2 the bro in Fl killing his younger bro
#3 the 14 yo killing the 4 yo
#4 the gang rape

All done by kids.....from same generation?? :shakehead:
Devastating news - really, seriously wth is going on these days? Rest in peace Alex, soar with the eagles and rest when weary.

Another one taken and the misery and loss starts all over again for another family - this just makes me angry, sick, and very sad.

I attend the church where Alex and his mother Mindy as well as the rest of his family attend. I also used to teach on the town where they live. I don't know Mindy well, but she was in church today. She said the police not only have the 14 yr old boy in custody but the 14 yr old kids dad as well. They think they could both be involved. A lot of family is with Mindy and the kids right now and she is being comforted by a lot of women in our church. A lot of members went out right away to help find Alex and were there the entire time. Everyone in our church is extremely shocked. Explaining it to all of the kids was the hardest thing.

We were all called early saturday morning as a prayer chain to fast and pray that he would be found alive and then most of us found out around 4 that he was found. I had told my 8 and 6 yr old boys why we weren't fasting and praying anymore. I had just told them hours earlier that he had disapeared. We fasted and now pray for comfort for his family. We are all in shock and are hugging our children tighter!
I attend the church where Alex and his mother Mindy as well as the rest of his family attend. I also used to teach on the town where they live. I don't know Mindy well, but she was in church today. She said the police not only have the 14 yr old boy in custody but the 14 yr old kids dad as well. They think they could both be involved. A lot of family is with Mindy and the kids right now and she is being comforted by a lot of women in our church. A lot of members went out right away to help find Alex and were there the entire time. Everyone in our church is extremely shocked. Explaining it to all of the kids was the hardest thing.

We were all called early saturday morning as a prayer chain to fast and pray that he would be found alive and then most of us found out around 4 that he was found. I had told my 8 and 6 yr old boys why we weren't fasting and praying anymore. I had just told them hours earlier that he had disapeared. We fasted and now pray for comfort for his family. We are all in shock and are hugging our children tighter!

Welcome to WS and many hugs and prayers to you, Alex's family, friends and loved one, and to all of the people in your community. I can tell by his pictures that he was full of personality and charm - he was absolutely adorable!

It is nice to know that the family does have some type of support around to help them get through this terrible, terrible tragedy. I can't imagine having to explain such senseless acts to children - it's simply not fair - unfortunately it's what many of us have been forced to do. Fortunately, it sounds like they have wonderful, loving parents like you around to help them get through this.

I'm glad you chose WS to come to...believe me, you will be met with open arms and a genuine desire to help see you and your community through healing and getting justice for Alex.
I attend the church where Alex and his mother Mindy as well as the rest of his family attend. I also used to teach on the town where they live. I don't know Mindy well, but she was in church today. She said the police not only have the 14 yr old boy in custody but the 14 yr old kids dad as well. They think they could both be involved. A lot of family is with Mindy and the kids right now and she is being comforted by a lot of women in our church. A lot of members went out right away to help find Alex and were there the entire time. Everyone in our church is extremely shocked. Explaining it to all of the kids was the hardest thing.

We were all called early saturday morning as a prayer chain to fast and pray that he would be found alive and then most of us found out around 4 that he was found. I had told my 8 and 6 yr old boys why we weren't fasting and praying anymore. I had just told them hours earlier that he had disapeared. We fasted and now pray for comfort for his family. We are all in shock and are hugging our children tighter!

Please tell Mindy and her family that there are people all over the country and the world praying for the soul of her beautiful child, for strength to hold her up, and for a light to guide her during the darkness.

I imagine that it was Mindy I saw in a video yesterday, slumped in a chair in her yard, sobbing. It truly broke my heart in a million pieces. PLEASE remind her that although Alex cannot come back here, this is not the end. And most of all please tell her that we will follow along, and we will pray for justice for her precious baby.

Thank you, from all of us to you, and to your community, for your love and outpouring of support for Mindy and her family. God Bless them, and God Bless all of you as well. Take care of one another.


4-year-old boy's slaying leaves Mendota in shock
Published online on Sunday, Nov. 01, 2009
Residents of Mendota are struggling to come to terms with the weekend killing of a 4-year-old boy and the arrest of a teenage neighbor implicated in his death.

Residents of the town of 10,000 had been aware of Alex Christopher Mercado's disappearance since Friday afternoon because of fliers posted across town, media accounts and word of mouth.

Dozens of residents searched for Alex until officials announced that he had been found dead in a neighbor's dryer Saturday.
Mims announced Saturday night that a 14-year-old boy who lives next to Alex has been arrested in connection with the killing, adding that Alex was put in the dryer after he was killed
I attend the church where Alex and his mother Mindy as well as the rest of his family attend. I also used to teach on the town where they live. I don't know Mindy well, but she was in church today. She said the police not only have the 14 yr old boy in custody but the 14 yr old kids dad as well. They think they could both be involved. A lot of family is with Mindy and the kids right now and she is being comforted by a lot of women in our church. A lot of members went out right away to help find Alex and were there the entire time. Everyone in our church is extremely shocked. Explaining it to all of the kids was the hardest thing.

We were all called early saturday morning as a prayer chain to fast and pray that he would be found alive and then most of us found out around 4 that he was found. I had told my 8 and 6 yr old boys why we weren't fasting and praying anymore. I had just told them hours earlier that he had disapeared. We fasted and now pray for comfort for his family. We are all in shock and are hugging our children tighter!

I am thankful to God that Mindy has a strong church family to help her through this senseless tragedy. She knows her beautiful boy is now in heaven and that would be of great comfort to me if I were in her shoes.

:praying: for Mindy, her family, AND her church family. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to join up and let us know Mindy has so much love surrounding her. Let her know there is even more love being sent her way by us and others all over the country. {{{HUGS}}}
That poor baby! Another teen murderer.
I saw this on HNN earlier, they also reported that the neighbor lady (where the child was found) was the child Alex's babysitter. This is outrageous! It's like this generation of teenagers do not value life, I hope they automatically reclassify this killer as an adult! Doubtful though in California he'll go to the CYA and be out by the time he reaches 25!
Do we know the COD yet? Perhaps.......... it was an accident and the teen got scared?

So the woman next door was SUPPOSED to have been babysitting him at the time? I'm a little confused............
Single parent families. Revolving partners in and out of the house. Selfishness all around us. No punishment or restrictions. In school allowed to pass to the next grade regardless of whether the student is competent. Empty churches. Loss of extended family. Kids home alone (what used to be called latch key). We are seeing the results.

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