GUILTY Ca - Becky Friedli, 18, Vicki, 53, & Jon Hayward, 55, Slain, Palm Desert, 17 Sep 2006

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Moore calls eighth witness up to the stand, Richard Takenaga. Takenaga testified earlier in the trial. Asking questions about shell casings examined and booked into RSO

Takenaga: Reports were written in April 2016.

Takenaga has worked with the California Department of Justice

Takenaga: going over pictures of rounds found. Tested firearms to see if guns fired any casings that were provided.

Takenaga: Going over with Moore any guns that matched casings examined. Moore is showing a picture of casings.

Whew - all caught up!
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Takenaga: Looking at pictures of shell casings. Didn't find any that were consistent of being fired from a Glock handgun. Takenaga is excused, subject to recall.

Court is in lunch recess. Will resume at 1:30 p.m.

and the end.... at least until tomorrow morning when I'll post the afternoon tweets!

Found this article - the bold is mine - which I did not know, as I did not see anyone tweet this information - and more in the article.

Prosecution rests in Pinyon Pines murder trial, now it's the defense's turn to make its case

Prosecutors rested their case in the Pinyon Pines murder trial Wednesday, opening the doors for defense attorneys to begin their arguments and wrap up the hearing that began a month ago.

Attorneys discussed the possibility of Pape testifying as early as Thursday, although there was no guarantee he would take the stand. There's no indication that the other defendant in the case, Cristin Smith, will testify.
Prior to Wednesday's testimony, Smith's attorney, John Patrick Dolan, argued that the first degree murder charges against the defendants should be reduced to second degree murder. He stressed prosecutors never identified a motive behind the killings.

"I find that quite critical," Dolan said.

Judge Bernard Schwartz countered that "a motive is not required for any crime" just after denying Dolan's motion to reduce charges. The judge discussed much of the evidence that prosecutors presented and ruled it was sufficient for a first degree murder charge.
Continuing the afternoon trial from May 17th:

Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Stay tuned tonight on KESQ News Channel 3 and CBS Local 2 for a complete look at today in court in the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. You can also follow me on Twitter @ZakDahlheimer for live updates from inside the courtroom (link:…

Court is back in session. Judge Schwartz looking over document from Pape's attorney, Jeff Moore. Also presented to judge stipulation regarding Richard Takenaga. Moore says he also has another witness expected to come up.

Jury is entering courtroom.

Judge reads stipulation #13 to jury (agreed upon facts, assume their true). Item testified by Takenaga 14 expended shell casings recovered from an ammo can at Friedli home during processing of crime scene. Another item expended shell casings recovered from Pape's home.

Takenaga also testified firearms used by comparison were recovered from Friedli home.

Judge also taking judicial notice (true facts) Sunday 9/17/06, US Naval officials were able to obtain sun and moon data. Done at Palm Desert. Sun rose at 6:30 a.m. Sun transit was at 12:40 p.m. Sunset was at 6:49 p.m. Moonrise was at 1:55 a.m. Moon transit was at 9:21 a.m.

Moon set was at 4:40 p.m.

Jeff Moore calls up ninth witness of the day, Jennifer Sniff. Sniff is a forensic technician for Riverside County DA's Office. Worked for RSO, had experience as a fingerprint technician

Forensic technician identifies picture of business card found near the Friedli home. Purple on card identifies amino acids, according to technician

Moore finished with questioning. Prosecutors asks technician about other duties at DA's Office. Prosecutors and defense attorneys finished with questioning. Technician is excused. Moore calls up tenth witness of day to the stand.

Court is in recess. Will resume at 2:25 p.m. RSO Detective Ryan Bodmer is expected to take the stand after recess.
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Bodmer is now with the Riverside County DA's Office

Jury is back in courtroom. Moore calls Bodmer up to the stand

Bodmer: In May 2016, had contact with Jeremy Witt at his home. Confirms conversation with Witt wasn't recorded. Had no idea at the time of interview that Witt had a felony conviction. Didn't find out about that until last week.

Bodmer: Searched Witt's local history.

Bodmer: Talking about interview with Chad Birnbaum. Birnbaum's memory was "a little fuzzy" when talking about time spent with Pape and Smith. Paint balling, shooting, and other activities done together

Bodmer: Going over interview with Birnbaum further (timeline of events, picture shown).

Bodmer: Listened to Jeremy Witt's 2011 phone call.

Bodmer: Birnbaum was unable to give a specific timeframe as to when he went out shooting with Pape and Smith. Gave a broad range.

Moore done questioning. Prosecutors asking Bodmer if he knew of records of when Birnbaum worked at Knott's Soak City.

Bodmer: Asked Birnbaum about first time he shot a gun in July 2016. First gun was a Glock 40 handgun. He believed that gun originated from Pape.

In July 2016 interview.

Bodmer: Birnbaum noted the shooting took place before the murders, when he met Pape and Smith. Prosecutors done questioning. Moore questioning again. In 2016, Birnbaum believed it was a shotgun Pape owned at the time of the 2007 interview.

Bodmer: In 2016, Birnbaum noted he started at Knott's Soak City in July 2006.

Bodmer: Birnbaum noted it was a Glock gun he shot in a follow-up interview.

Stipulation that Birnbaum did not mention 40 caliber when talking about the Glock gun in interview

Bodmer is excused from the stand. The Defense rests their case. Prosecutors has right to call rebuttal evidence.

Judge says next Monday, jury will not come in. Attorneys will go over jury instructions. Tuesday, if there's rebuttal evidence, it will be presented. If there's no rebuttal evidence, case would proceed on. Case should be submitted to jury either late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Judge says jurors could come in for deliberations either Thursday or Friday if needed. Judge Schwartz says the case could be going to the jury as early as next Tuesday.

Jury will be back in court next Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Jury leaves courtroom.

Closing arguments in #PinyonPines trial could start as early as late Tuesday.

And there is no court on Fridays (in California). See you Monday morning, if there are any tweets that is!
Just a recap:

Friday, May 18th:
*Trial continues NO COURT on Fridays - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/18/18 court: Prosecution rested their case Wednesday 5/16. Defense rested their case Thursday, 5/17. Judge says next Monday (5/21), jury will not come in. Attorneys will go over jury instructions. Tuesday (5/22), if there's rebuttal evidence, it will be presented. If there's no rebuttal evidence, case would proceed on. Case should be submitted to jury either late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Jury will be back in court next Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Closing arguments could start as early as late Tuesday. Judge says jurors could come in for deliberations either Thursday or Friday if needed.
No court on Fridays.
Thirteen witnesses later, the defense rests in Pinyon Pines murder trial

A defense attorney breezed through a handful of witnesses Thursday in an effort to cast doubt on any involvement the defendants may have had in the Pinyon Pines triple murders.
Smith's attorney, John Patrick Dolan, did not call in any witnesses and he only occasionally participated in Thursday's hearing.

Prosecutors rested their case Wednesday and closing statements are expected to take place as early as Tuesday.

Also, if you have been reading here you know that WS will be shutdown from May 21st to the 24th. So I will save the tweets from Monday - if any since only lawyers - and closing statements and such on Tuesday and will post them on the "new" WS as soon as it opens up!

The presiding judge (Schwartz) was arrested for DUI in Pismo Beach, Ca in 2006. :O
Well - we are still here - so let me go and see if there are any tweets yet for today hearing.

If I don't get back - that means we went DOWN!
Nope - neither Zak or Katie are posting tweets yet for the trial. Have not even acknowledged that they are there....

I'll keep looking though, and IF still up here - I shall post them!


Here's today:
Monday, May 21st:
*Trial continues-No Jury today (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/21/18: Jury will not come in today. Attorneys will go over jury instructions. Tuesday, if there's rebuttal evidence, it will be presented. If there's no rebuttal evidence, case would proceed on. Case should be submitted to jury either late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Jury will be back in court next Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Closing arguments could start as early as late Tuesday.
No court on Fridays.
Okay - we're still up here - so posting these.

From Monday, May 21st

Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Stay tuned to @AllePierce for continuing team coverage of the #PinyonPines triple murder trial with live updates from inside the #Riverside courtroom @KESQ @LocalTwo
Alle Pierce
Back in court for continuing coverage of the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Follow me for live updates from inside the courtroom @KESQ @LocalTwo

Alle Pierce
Judge calls courtroom to order in the #PinyonPines triple murder trial.

Judge says Prosecution has decided not to present any rebuttal today. Closing arguments will begin on Tuesday.

Judge now discussing whether or not to allow @DatelineNBC cameras in courtroom during closing arguments.

Judge says he thinks he might allow cameras to roll if and when there is sentencing. He says it's important for the public to be made aware. However, he is worried about the privacy of the jurors and prejudice if he were to allow cameras earlier.

Judge now going over which jury instructions will be read. The judge instructs the jury about the relevant laws that should guide its deliberations.

Judge still going over jury instructions and making modifications to certain ones.
There haven't been any tweets since the last one I posted, which was about 55 minutes ago...

Well - they probably will be going to lunch soon, so will save everything on the case until we meet again!

From Monday, May 21st afternoon.

None... just Judge & Attorneys going over jury instructions, etc.

for Tuesday, May 22nd:
*Trial continues (Day 21) Closing Arguments (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/22/18: Tuesday, there will be no rebuttal evidence per Prosecutors. Closing arguments will start today, Tuesday, 5/22.
No court on Fridays.

KESQ News Channel 3
Closing arguments are set to begin in the trial of Cristin Smith & Robert Pape.

@KWidnerCBSL2 will be in Riverside court with up-to-the-minute team coverage of the proceedings. Stay with (link: Home - KESQ) for live coverage throughout the day.

Back inside the packed Riverside courtroom to hear closing arguments in the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Standing room only. @KESQ @LocalTwo

Jury is seated and is being instructed by judge.

Preliminary instructions have been read to jury. Court will pause for a brief break and will return for closing arguments at 10:45. @KESQ @LocalTwo

Lots of buzz as the gallery fills up inside the courtroom. Waiting on judge to enter and call in jury. Closing arguments are just moments away.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Assistant District Attorney John Aki takes the podium and a deep breath before he addresses the jury.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by assistant D.A. John Aki: "This as you saw it, was almost a perfect crime.” Goes on to say: “Three innocent people were brutally slaughtered under the cover of darkest. Two of them enjoying their golden years."

Note from me - I've taken out the first line of "#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements, etc..... to make easier to read. :)

"The big question is why? The reason is very simple. They were selfish. They wanted to let you know that their lives are more important than our victims."

"Their mindset should be very clear to you when they set that fire and destroyed and evidence." "What was left for investigators after fire, water and foam… what was left?"

"We know there was a wheelbarrow with a body in it. We know there were 2 sets of footprints going out toward the wilderness. We know there was a violent struggle & victim's footprints found near it."

"We know that 15 feet away from the struggle- was a business card that was out of place."

Investigator who found the card that night did not know: of planned hike Becky had w/ defendants; what cell tower records would show; that both defendants’ cell phones would be dark at the same time

Investigator who found the card that night did not know: that the name on the card had worked with Pape’s mother; that Kathleen Pape had volunteered at the clinic the business card was from

Investigator who found the card that night did not know: Robert Pape and Cristin Smith were the best of friends. Did not know that Smith would deny ever being at Becky’s house

Three laboratories confirm Smith’s fingerprints were found on that business card. One declares it a 1 in 28-trillion match.

"Becky spoke to you from the grave." If Becky had not called the defendants' from 7 to 7:10 p.m., you would never know that the defendants’ had left their house.

Becky told Javier Garcia that she had spoken with Pape and Smith and that they were on their way to her house. Garcia testified to that fact.

Phone records exposed Robert Pape’s lies about relationship with Becky. "We know that on Sept. 14, 2006 at 1:30 a.m., Pape initiates contact not knowing that Javier Garcia was with Becky.

Becky was surprised that Pape was calling. Pape was unaware that Garcia could hear him through the phone and tells Becky, “make sure your parents are not home” when talking about the hike.

Contact between Becky and Pape continues on the 15th and 16th. Sept. 16th 5:47 p.m. Pape initiates contact. Sept. 17th 6:14 p.m. last connected call between Pape and Becky- lasted 2 mins. 46 secs.

Sept. 17, 2006 @ 6:40 p.m. Javier Garcia spoke to Becky, who was still expecting Pape to be there for the hike, despite Pape claiming he had told her they were not coming 30-minutes before.

On Sept. 17, 2006: cell records show them moving in the opposite direction than which they claimed that night. Robert Pape and Cristin Smith's phones go dark together.

On Sept. 17, 2006: Pape's girlfirend and future wife, Sarah Honaker, cannot get a hold of Pape. Sam Gayer calls both defendants and no towers pick it up, the phones go directly to voicemail.

On Sept. 17, 2006, the night of the murders, Pape and Smith's phones go dark for 2 hours and 56 minutes.

Shoe impressions from the scene are very important. It shows at least two individuals participated in this crime. That this was a two-man job

Pape provided investigators with two men who could have been suspects, because he knew it was a two-man job. Pape did not call Becky after hearing about the fire, because he knew she was dead.

“The story of one (defendant) is the story of both.”

Smith admitted to investigators that he and Pape had gotten together to get their story straight.

The defendants' story: Both were suspended from work. Smith drove to Pape’s house. When they realized they had missed church, they drove back to Smith’s house. Phone records show differently.

"Circumstantial evidence has no bias, has no reason to lie. Human beings lie."

Pape lied to investigators about owning guns. Said he did not, but he had access to weapons- so why were they no longer in his possession?

Defense says it was impossible to get from the crime scene back to where the phones hit, but in fact drive tests show it was possible.

"They are both perpetrators. Two guns were used. Two footprints are found near the wheelbarrow.” “They are both equally guilty for all three murders.”

This is first degree murder because none of the guns used to kill Vicki and Jon were found at the house. That shows Pape and Smith brought their own guns, which shows premeditation.

"Even if we don’t know how Becky was killed the decision to kill was made."

"I ask you to listen and look at all the evidence with an open heart. Three people’s lives were brutally and savagely taken from us.”

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Closing statements by assistant District attorney John Aki have ended. Judge has sent court to lunch. We will be back at 1:30.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Throughout the closing statements from @RivCoDA, Robert Pape listened intently, at one point shaking his head in response to something the DA had said. Cristin Smith looked down or away from the jury for most of the time.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Family of some of the victim's moved to tears and sobbing after listening to the closing remarks.

Continued.... Defense closing
Tuesday, May 22nd continued.

Defense Closing Arguments

Katie Widner CBSL2
Court is back in session for the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Cristin Smith's attorney, John Patrick Dolan, has approached the jury to make his closing arguments.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by Smith's defense attorney John Patrick Dolan: “The Friedli and Hayward families have to be feeling the most incredible, despairing feelings.” “You can’t blame them for wanting someone to be brought to justice for this”

Note from me - I've taken out the first line of "#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements, etc..... to make easier to read. :)

The other side of the room are people who are in abject fear. They are afraid the wrongly accused men will be found guilty and responsible for these crimes.

The fear that is palpable for the Pape and Smith families is something you feel everyday.

We have to begin with a context for the evidence that you have heard. We’ve been looking back almost 12 years. Almost every witness said their memory had faded.

and they did the best they could under the circumstances.
"We don’t know the cause of death for Becky Friedli. There is no time of death. No sequence of death."

We know Cristin Smith was 17, almost 18 years old, when these horrible circumstances took place.

Cell phones back then are not the cell phones we have today. The crime happened almost 12 years ago. We just celebrated the tenth anniversary of the iPhone.

It’s important that we set this context before we start looking back.

There is no motive for these killings that have been presented to you. "To say the motive in the homicides is selfish is to ask you to buy a load of compost."

There is no way Cristin Smith participated in three murders because his friend was selfish.

“Let’s frame the difference between what the @RivCoDA says and what we say. We begin with the presumption of innocence. Then we add the undisputed facts. The stipulations.

"When we look at all of the evidence, we don’t know- and that’s the tragedy here. We don’t know."

"We need to separate the narrative, the story, from the evidence has been presented. The only facts that have been proven in this case are the facts which have been stipulated."

“We can’t be in a hurry about a case as grave as this. And we won’t be.”

"The bedrock of our judicial system is the presumption of innocence, which means Cristin Smith is not guilty..."

"...and as you look at what has been presented to you, you look at it through the lens of not guilty."

"We really, really hope that you have not made up your mind because that is the only way that you can have a fair trial."

“Circumstantial evidence doesn’t lie, but there can be lies based on circumstantial evidence and that’s what you’re going to have to watch out for."

Now playing audio of Cristin Smith's initial interview with investigators that took place at his father's home in Cathedral City.

Jurors are following along with transcripts of the recording. Some have been taking note today.

Audio recording of Cristin Smith interview with investigators: "I know he's Catholic and I know he's serious about it." -- Speaking about co-defendant Robert Pape, Becky Friedli's ex-boyfriend.

Audio recording shorten: Recalling what he and Robert Pape were doing on the day of the murders. Going into detail about what they were up to. Suspended from work, played video games, fell asleep, went paintballing, got gas. Drove him home.

Audio recording: Says after he dropped Pape off at home, he himself went home, showered and went over to his girlfriend's house in Palm Springs where he spent the night.

Audio recording: Smith tells investigators that his mom was not comfortable around Pape after their high school prank got "really out of hand." Smith says he had to do community service as punishment for prank.

Audio recording: Says the last time he had seen Becky Friedli before the night she came over to his house to hang out with him and Pape was maybe three months before.

This is the same audio recording we have listened to previously in the trial. Cristin Smith being interviewed by investigators. Still a while to go before it is finished. Smith's defense attorney, John Patrick Dolan, will make his point of airing this clear once it is finished.

Audio recording has finished. The Judge has called a recess before we continue. Back on the record at 3:10.

Judge Bernard Schwartz is back in the courtroom. Jury is being called back in. Cristin Smith's defense attorney, John Patrick Dolan, is picking back up where he left off in closing arguments.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by Smith's defense attorney John Patrick Dolan: Dolan has identified significant points from Smith's interview with detectives and has them projected on a screen so jury can see the timeline visually.

Dolan's Closing statements shorten again: Wants to point out the context of which the interview was conducted. Cristin Smith was 17-year-old being interrogated by two homicide detectives after father was asked to leave.

Detectives did not take the xbox the defendants were allegedly playing on the night of the murders for testing. No interview was ever done w/ Cristin Smith's mother, father or girlfriend.

The paintball gun was not checked out. The vehicle Smith said he was driving the night of the murder was not checked out.

"Did you ever hear anything about an investigation in the red truck with the white bed?"

A fire captain testified he saw a red truck with a white bed coming at a high rate of speed toward the fire truck, like in a game of chicken. One person inside.

Points out that first person to the crime scene saw the garage door open and was able to see through to the house. Later, a witness testified that the garage door had been closed.

Dolan says perpetrator was still @ the house when the 1st person arrived at the scene. Then lit a fire downstairs & closed the garage before getting into red truck & speeding away

Dolan also recalls testimony about a large amount of press being outside the crime scene the next morning & that a witness the night of the murders saw a body in the wheelbarrow.

Dolan says it is possible the witness spoke to the media and that alone defuncts the prosecution's claims that the defendants knew information that allegedly hadn't been released.

The area where prosecution says a "struggle" happened was pulled out of thin air. It was an area of disturbed soil. There is no telling what happened in that area.

Says there were five footprints found in two football field sized areas. There is no way to tell that there were two people who pushed the wheelbarrow. That is a made up narrative.

The crime scene was contaminated by investigation. Becky Friedli had DNA from unknown male on her ankle, in area the killer would have handled her body. Pape and Smith not matches.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: We still have more closing arguments tomorrow. Pape and Smith are being tried separately by the same jury, so they have their own counsels. John Dolan, representing Cristin Smith, made his closing remarks today.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Robert Pape’s attorney, Jeffrey Moore, will address the jury tomorrow. Then the prosecution will have a chance at rebuttal before it is handed over to the jury.
Wednesday, May 23rd:
*Trial continues (Day 22) Closing Arguments continue (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/23/18: Prosecutors & John Dolan, representing Cristin Smith, made their closing remarks on Tuesday, 5/22.
Robert Pape’s attorney, Jeffrey Moore, will address the jury today, Wednesday 5/23. Then the prosecution will have a chance at rebuttal before it is handed over to the jury.

No court on Fridays.

Tweets for Wednesday, May 23:

Katie Widner CBSL2
We are back inside the courtroom for the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Closing arguments continue today and the prosecution’s rebuttal is expected before the case is handed over to the jury. @KESQ @LocalTwo

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Judge Bernard Schwartz is seated. Jury is being brought in. @KESQ @LocalTwo

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Robert Pape's attorney Jeff Moore has addressed the jury. Says he has a lot to go over, but is hopefully he will be done by late morning.

Taking out the beginning "#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by Pape's defense attorney Jeff Moore:" so it's easier to read.

Explains his theory of what happened the night of Sept. 17, 2006 and has a theory for how the business card with Cristin Smith's fingerprints got there.

Several weeks before the murders, new trees were being planted at the Pinyon Pines residence. Moore says Becky was helping, and as the sun started to set she went up to her room...

... and put on an old boyfriend's sweatshirt/jacket. Pape's jacket. She returns outside. A hole from a tree that was removed is filled, so no one gets hurt. This accounts for disturbed soil.

Somewhere along the way, a business card falls out of a pocket of the jacket that Becky was wearing, which once belonged to Pape. The card sits there, outside in the elements for weeks....

...until it is discovered during the investigation.

Explains Becky was insistent on the hike. Days before, Pape says maybe he'll go, but only if Smith can come too. Becky says, 'fine, maybe I'll invite a friend too.'

Pape, who has a girlfriend at the time, doesn't really want to go on the hike, but becky keeps "blowing up his phone." Becky keeps calling Pape and then Smith to talk them into it.

Smith finally gets fed up & tries to call Becky to tell her they are not going, but she does not answer. It goes to voicemail and he doesn't leave a message.

Becky calls right back, but Smith feels like she had her chance so he does not answer. To avoid her further calls, Smith & Pape turn off phones, accounting for the period phones went dark.

Pape and Smith then continued on with their night. Trying to go to church, paintballing at James Workman Middle School and then playing video games.

Moore says during that timeframe... two men were on their way to the Pinyon Pines home of Vicki Friedli and Jon Hayward, wanting something.

The men get to the home and enter through an unlocked back door.
Becky was changing upstairs into her work clothes.

The men have no idea Becky is there. They have Vicki with a gun to her head. They shoot her. Jon reacts and gets shot in the arm. Then they shoot him again.

Becky is trapped upstairs. Moore says the family had an emergency exit plan that even Becky's sisters knew of. It included exiting through the upstairs window and leaving through the woods.

Becky did this, jumping out the window. That is when she lost one of her shoes. Unfortunately, one of the perpetrators is out there because they had started the fire downstairs already.

The perp takes Becky down near where the new trees were planted. Maybe they break her neck, or suffocate her, Moore says. The fire is fully involved now.

The perps put her in a wheelbarrow &plan to move her to the garage so she will burn with the house. At this point, the perps start to panic, knowing neighbors are probably noticing flames

One of the men tells the other to take the car and get out of the area. Says he will handle the body. The other man leaves in pick-up truck, barrelling away from house, passing fire crews.

The man at the scene can't get the wheelbarrow to move, so he decides to light her and leave, but then a neighbor arrives. The perp hides behind a car as the neighbor calls out...

The neighbor is asking if anyone is inside and needs help, but then the neighbor notices the body in the wheelbarrow, with low flames- so it had only been burning a short time.

The garage door is open at this time, the neighbor can see through to the house where flames are. Realizing something is not right, the neighbor leaves.

For some unknown reason, the perp closes the garage door and dashes off into the wilderness, never to be seen again.

Moore says there are many things that were not investigated. Like if the phone lines had been cut at the home, other areas of the wheelbarrow besides the handles...

The size of the footprints found at the scene were never explored, none of the voicemails or text messages between Becky and Pape and Smith were reviewed.

Says the AMPM investigation was botched because it was so delayed. DNA evidence wasn't tested for years.

Says despite all that- the worst part is that there is no evidence investigators ever looked into other possible suspects.

Says investigators only wanted evidence that pointed to and fit their theory of Pape and Smith.

Now talking about key witness Jeremy Witt, the man the DA has built their case around.

What we know about Witt: convicted felon, impersonates peace officers, been a felon in possession of gun, impersonates witnesses, lied under oath about why he left his job @ Knott'sSoakCity

Witt's story has changed. Investigators did not even look at his rap sheet until recently.

Says expert witness admitted he was asked to keep Sacred Heart off of the map presented by D.A.'s office. Alleges this was because it would match the cell phone tower records.

In his interview w/ investigators, Smith said he and Pape had started driving to the church while they called to see what time the service was before realizing they had missed the service.

"We have absolutely no proof that the card was related to the murders." We don't know when we got there or how, but you can tell it is faded and degraded.

Points out that expert witness had testified that the DNA on the card had been exposed to elements that started to degrade it.

Picture of the card partially buried in the dirt at the scene is being projected onto a screen.

"Sometimes a wheelbarrow is just a wheelbarrow." The tracks were never tested to see if they had been made with a body inside of them or from previous use.

There is no way to confirm, or prove, that the wheelbarrow was used as a part of the murder. Maybe it was brought in afterward to put her body into.

If the tracks are not part of the murder, than the business card is not part of the murder. (The tracks allegedly led to the disturbed soil. Card was found feet away from that spot.)

#Warning Graphic verbiage #PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by defense attorney J Moore: There's no indication that Becky Friedli was the target & no way to tell who was killed first. Jon & Vicki were "executed" inside their home. They could have been the target.

J. Moore (continues): Talking about what Pape knew about the scene the day after the murders in interview with detectives. "There was a lot of information going around.

Pape had talked with Javier Garcia, who had gone to the scene and also made numerous calls that day, and there was a lot of press on the crime. He gave up no unknown information to police.

What is missing in this case? Murder weapon. DNA evidence. Blood evidence. Witness. Casings. There are no character traits. There is no motive.

"There are simply too many unknowns for you to know what happened."

#PinyonPines triple murder trial closing statements by Pape's defense attorney Jeff Moore: “This case is smoke and mirrors.” Moore has ended his closing arguments. Judge Schwartz has ordered court to lunch. Back at 1:30.

May 23rd cont'd after lunch

Katie Widner CBSL2
Court is back in session for the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Jury is entering.

Prosecution's rebuttal is expected soon. Case will then be handed over to the jury.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial rebuttal by assistant D.A. John Aki: Spent roughly anhour yesterday telling the jury a story based on evidence "not evidence that wasmischaracterized, or misleading."

Shorten the 1st line re rebuttal by Asst DA John Aki:

"Technology has advanced, so is it so hard to believe that we sent a finger print to the DOJ and they identified the print?"

His fingerprint meant nothing until you look at the phone records and other evidence.

Aki says the timeline presented by one of the defense attorneys was misleading.

The most dangerous kind of untruth are those that are mixed in with the truth."

Calling the mysterious red truck that was seen fleeing from the area, "more like a red herring."

"When you mix in truth with lies, you have to decipher what the truth is."

The dispute over whether the garage was open or closed does not matter. The most likely scenario is that the springs failed.

"Mr. Witt has a bad background. Better than some, worse than others."

There was a planned hike. They had guns that were accesible. They went up to Pinyon Pines. There's evidence that they went for a hike and something went wrong. We don't know.

There was that struggle out in the desert 200 yards away on this hike. That struggle was the thing that went wrong. Maybe Robert didn't like what Becky had to say and then it all went wrong.

Now they know they have to take care of two other people who know she went on a hike with them.

Observation: Both defendants are looking intently at prosecutor John Aki as he delivers his rebuttal. #PinyonPines triple murder trial

#PinyonPines triple murder trial Assistant D.A. John Aki is wrapping up his rebuttal.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial rebuttal by assistant D.A. John Aki: "I ask you to go back there and follow your heart and search for the truth. I am confident you will come back with a guilty verdict."

Assistant D.A. John Aki has completed his rebuttal in#PinyonPines triple murder. Judge is giving jury further instructions.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Jury was instructed. Each count has three possible verdicts: 1.) Guilty of first degree murder 2.) Guilty of second degree murder 3.) Not guilty (Can only get to lesser degree if defendant is found not guilty of the greater corresponding charge)

#Breaking Jury is deliberating in #PinyonPines triple murder trial. @KESQ @LocalTwo

Today 5/24, right now this says "16 hours ago" - so calculating - about 1pm California time. That's a guess!

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Jury will not be deliberating Friday or Monday if need be.

Media waiting outside the Hall of Justice to speak with family. Prosecutors tell me theycannot comment until after the verdict. Becky’s father had no comment. @KESQ@LocalTwo @48hours

an article: Now I have Day 23....

Updated: May 23, 2018 10:47 PM PDT
Jury deliberations begin on Day 20 of Pinyon Pines triple murder trial
Each count has three possible verdicts.
Jury deliberations begin on Day 20 of Pinyon Pines triple murder trial - KESQ

RIVERSIDE, Calif.- - Yesterday (5/22), John Patrick Dolan, Cristin Smith's defense attorney, referred to a segment of evidence being used against his client as a"made up narrative."

(5/23), Jeff Moore, Robert Pape's attorney, used similarly fantastical language to refer to the prosecution's case, ending his closing arguments by calling the whole of it "smoke and mirrors."
The case has now been handed over to the jury and deliberations have begun.

I have to say her last tweet - does NOT make sense to me - here it is. My bold &underlining.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Jury will not be deliberating Friday or Monday if need be.

Would it not make sense to say: Jury WILL be deliberating Friday or Monday if needbe - ?? Not the way she has phrased it??

I believe they WILL be deliberating on Friday or Monday if need be....


Anyone know "how" to alert a Mod to change title to Verdict Watch?
So Harmony - How DO I notify a Mod? Like on this one. Did you just happen to see this? or is there a way?

TIA! waving - but I haven't found that emoticon yet.... :(
Thursday, May 24th:
*Trial continues (Day 24) VERDICT WATCH! (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/23/18: Per tweet: #PinyonPines triple murder trial: Jury will not be deliberating Friday or Monday if need be.

I'll keep my eye on the tweeters for this trial and see if she does mention again if the jury will be or will not be deliberating on Friday & Monday, if need be.
It sounds to me like they will NOT be deliberating on Friday or Monday if they don't get a verdict today. That would be the "if need be"...But what do I know?o_O

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