GUILTY Ca - Becky Friedli, 18, Vicki, 53, & Jon Hayward, 55, Slain, Palm Desert, 17 Sep 2006

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Well - no tweets....

So I shall continue tomorrow morning with the rest of the tweets posted after lunch.

Thanks for reading! :wave:
Well - no tweets....

So I shall continue tomorrow morning with the rest of the tweets posted after lunch.

Thanks for reading! :wave:
Thanks for keeping this thread updated! I just went back and read the previous years up to now, thanks for all you do!
You are quite welcome Istiff! :wave:

and here are the rest of the tweets from yesterday afternoon.

Katie Widner CBSL2
Court is back in session. Gregory Ellis has been sworn in. He is the president of the HOA at Cathedral Villas and has restraining order against Jeremy Witt.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis alleges Jeremy Witt would call and harass him.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis says he believes Jeremy Witt was stalking him and that he had feared for his life at certain points.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis says surveillance video shows Witt would follow him around the area where they lived with his German shepherd. Witt allegedly told him it was a police dog he was training to attack.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis testifies Jeremy Witt was harassing a mother and her young son at their housing complex. When questioned, Witt allegedly threatened Ellis' toddler by making a gun with his finger.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis- "I'd be stupid not to be afraid of a guy his size, with guns, when he's drinking. "

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis alleges Witt was drunk one time when Witt approached and started calling him a racial slur (Ellis is black.) Witt then jumped over a wall to escape. Alleges several neighbors called 911.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis says one time Witt pulled his shirt up and flashed a gun. Ellis says he ran, telling someone nearby, "He's got a gun! He's got a gun!"

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Gregory Ellis says Witt confronted another neighbor and started talking about ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and saying, "I'm surprised you're still here."

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: "I don't understand why he hasn't been arrested." "That's why I'm here today."

#PinyonPines triple murder trial - impeachment hearing for witness Jeremy Witt: Ellis says Witt calls local law enforcement "his boys" and refers to people at the D.A.'s office "like his co-workers." Ellis says Witt knows many of the officers by name.

#PinyonPines triple murder trial- impeachment hearing regarding Jeremy Witt: Lots of back and forth discussion between Judge and counsel.

No decision was made on Witt. The trial is expected to continue tomorrow with the prosecution resting their case. #PinyonPines triple murder @KESQ @LocalTwo
Wednesday, May 16th:
*Trial continues (Day 17) (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/15/18: The prosecution should rest their case today, 5/16.
5/15/18 court: no jury in court on Tues. 5/15, continuing from last week the impeachment hearing for key witness Jeremy Witt. No decision by Judge yet.
No court on Fridays.
Does Jeremy Witt have some kind of mental problem...:thinking:...


:laughing: love the cartoon! Yes, I believe he is a bit "touched" in the head!
Katie Widner CBSL2
Back in court for the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Week five. Judge and counsels have “business” to discuss regarding evidence this morning. No jury present yet. @KESQ @LocalTwo
Nothing since that last tweet....

Katie Widner CBSL2
Judge goes over several items brought by defense late Tues. Defense requests for some DNA evidence to be thrown out, judge denied. Defense moves for motion of 1118 citing issues w/ 1st deg murder charge. Judge denied "there is sufficient evidence of 1st deg murder w/premeditiation.
Katie Widner CBSL2
#PinyonPines triple murder trial: The court and counsels are discussing stipulations and are trying to agree on some of them. Stipulations have to be agreed upon, and will be read aloud the the jury.

Judge is sending court to morning recess. People will begin to rest their case at 1:30. Jury will be brought back then. Defense is instructed to confer with their clients on how to proceed as far as strategy goes. We will be back for more discussions shortly.

Well, not too busy today! I shall post what happened after 1:30pm tomorrow morning!

Edited to: okay I read that wrong - I'll stick around and see if she posts anything after the morning recess. But it still stands - anything after 1:30pm will post tomorrow.
Katie Widner CBSL2
Back on the record for The People vs. Pape and Smith. #PinyonPines triple murder trial

#PinyonPines triple murder trial: Back to discussions about key witness Jeremy Witt. Witt is a convicted felon, after impersonating a police officer in Kentucky. Defense wants to enter statements made involving Witt's character.

Lots of back and forth debate between judge and counsels. Judge orders court to lunch. Defense urged to research during lunch. Families of suspect and victims seem fatigued with this tedious process.

Ok - that ends my night here!

See you all tomorrow! :wave:
YESorNO - Your Welcome! :wave:

Well... would you believe there are NO tweets after lunch? :dunno:

Maybe I'll get a Google Alert for this case and it will have "something" in there with the afternoon session.

Be back later tonight for a new day!
Thursday, May 17th:
*Trial continues (Day 18) (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Plead not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged (11/1/16) with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Plead not guilty.
5/16/18 court: prosecution WAS supposed to rest their case Wednesday, but no updates as of 5/17/18 10am EET. :dunno:
No court on Fridays.
Hey - sorry late in coming on - getting my laptop cleaned!

We have Zak today!

Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Back in court for continuing team coverage of the #PinyonPines triple murder trial. Follow for live updates from inside courtroom @KESQ @LocalTwo

Court is in session. Judge Bernard Schwartz is in courtroom

Pape's attorney, Jeff Moore, tells judge they should be done by Noon with witnesses for testimony. Jury is about to enter courtroom

Moore calls up first witness to the stand. RSO Deputy Daniel Godnick. In March 2016, worked patrol in Thermal Station. Was sent to a call in La Quinta involving Jeremy Witt. Witt was standing in parking lot

Godnick: Found a gun on the seat inside Witt's car. Described as small, black handgun. Witt was arrested.

No questions from prosecutors, Dolan, or any further from Moore. Godnick is excused from stand.

Moore calls up second witness. James Carter. Also goes by "Wesley". Knows Jeremy Witt as an acquaintance, old neighbor. Worked with Sam Gayer in February 2018. Found out Gayer knew people involved in the Pinyon Pines triple murder case.

Carter: Contacted by defense investigator. Spoke briefly, didn't speak again later that day. Informed Witt defense investigator was trying to contact Carter. Trying to find out what was said between Carter and Gayer.

Carter: During conversation with Witt, didn't give any permission to Witt to speak or do anything on Carter's behalf.

Carter confirms he was trying to "blow off" defense investigator. Confirms investigator tried contacting him multiple times, didn't take his calls or texts. Talked with Witt about investigator trying to contact him. Told Witt he was angry investigator was trying to contact him
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Carter told Witt to talk with investigator. Prosecutors done asking questions. No questions from Dolan.

Carter never asked anyone from Moore's office to contact him. Prosecutors and defense attorneys done asking questions. Carter is excused from stand. Moore calls up third witness.

Third witness of the morning is Kasperzeyk. After receiving information from Carter, received his name and phone number with potential information for defense for case.

Kasperzeyk: Tried contacting Carter six or seven times. Never heard from Carter that he didn't want to be contacted.

Kasperzeyk is a defense investigator. Got a text saying it was Wes, to text what was needed from me. Asked to have a phone interview with Wes. Person said they preferred to do an interview over text versus phone

Kasperzeyk: Interviewed over text. Acted as James 'Wesley' Carter over text. Provided answers to questions. Conversation through text ended with person said "Thank You." Person never admitted it was actually Jeremy Witt.

Kasperzeyk: If any person said they don't want to talk, his policy is they won't attempt to contact them anymore. Texting took place on March 28, 2016.

Kasperzeyk is excused, no further questions from prosecutors or defense attorneys. Moore calls fourth witness to the stand
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Fourth witness is RSO Chief Deputy Brandon Ford. In 2006, was Sgt. assigned to central homicide unit.

Was supervisor in central homicide unit.

Ford: Supervisor of unit called to investigate Pinyon Pines murders. Was involved with briefing of investigators/detectives that was responding. Doesn't recall who exactly gave the briefing.

Ford: Recalls attention drawn to pen found at the scene. Doesn't recall why exactly.

Ford: Pen was found near the wheelbarrow. Moore shows Ford picture of wheelbarrow with Becky Friedli's body inside. Doesn't recall where exactly near the wheelbarrow it was located.

Ford: Moore shows picture of pen found at scene, identifies pen in picture. Was identified as an RSA pen (Riverside Sheriff's Association)

Ford: Assigned investigator to examine scene around wheelbarrow. Ford went up to scene several days later, 9/22, with investigator. Ford was directed to the pen, still near the wheelbarrow.

Ford: When looking at photo of wheelbarrow with Becky's body inside, the wheelbarrow was not removed from scene. Collected pen to try and preserve and potential trace evidence that could've been found. Booked it into evidence

Ford: Described pen as having an advertisement for RSA. Could've been dropped by personnel on scene doing processing. Ford sent emails out to be on the scene inquiring if investigators had a pen they dropped at the scene.

Ford: No one responded to the email indicating it may have been dropped at the scene.
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Moore finished with questions. Prosecutors ask about condition of pen. Ford said it was laying in dirt around the wheelbarrow. Ford never owned or received an RSA pen. Says association makes them and gives them away. Said pen is commonly found amongst RSO.

Ford: Doesn't know how many members of RSA were at scene before he got there.

Prosecutors finished with questioning. Dolan asks questions about time Ford was dispatched the night of the murders. Ford said it was just before midnight. He was at home outside the Coachella Valley when dispatched, 40-45 minutes roughly away from Pinyon Pines home.

Prosecutors ask if Ford knew Ron Friedli, Becky's father. Knew of him, wasn't close. Ron was a member of RSA while he was with in the department, up until he was promoted to Sgt.

No further questions. Ford is excused. Moore calls up fifth witness, RSO Gary LeClair called back to the stand.

LeClair: Looks at picture of Becky's body inside wheelbarrow. Looks at picture of shoe sole from a Globe tennis shoe, what Becky was wearing when her body was found.

Wheelbarrow handles could been next to shoe in photo

LeClair: Looks at picture of wheelbarrow in the distance. Pictures inside the Friedli home's garage.

LeClair: Involved in warrant served at Robert Pape's home in October 2007. Went to home on Peacock in Rancho Mirage. Was also working with team serving warrant at Cristin Smith's home.

LeClair: Served warrant at Pape's home around 10 a.m. that morning. Pape answered the door when you knocked, answered at a reasonable time.

LeClair: Worked with Detective Buonpensiero, who mentioned he talked with Drew Friedli. Doesn't recall if detective told him if Drew Friedli mentioned Becky was dating a Marine named Dane living in Twentynine Palms.

Court is in morning recess. Will resume at 11:00 a.m.
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
Court is back in session. Jury coming back into courtroom

Moore continues questioning LeClair. LeClair said Buonpensiero never relayed any information on Becky dating any Marines.

Moore finished with questions. Prosecutors ask LeClair about following up with Becky's friends if she dated any Marines. He did. Received report about Vicki Friedli's remains in May 2007. Received report on Jon Hayward's remains in June 2007.

Doesn't recall when he received report for Becky Friedli's body.

LeClair: Becky was identified through dental records.

LeClair: Jon Hayward, Vicki Friedli and Becky Friedli lived at the house at the time. LeClair is excused, subject to recall.

Moore calls up sixth witness of the morning, RSO Investigator Ben Ramirez. Ramirez testified earlier in the trial, called up by prosecutors. Ramirez was involved in October 2007 search warrant at 10:20 a.m. Ramirez was at Palm Springs home with warrant for Cristin Smith.

When Ramirez got to Smith's home, had no trouble locating him.

Ramirez is looking at pictures of Friedli home from the east or north, trees and shrubbery blocking home. Other picture is of above-ground pool at Friedli home. No further questions. Ramirez is excused, subject to recall.

Moore calls up seventh witness of the morning, RSO Investigator Lester Harvey. Hasn't testified before in the #PinyonPines trial. Was one of the lead investigators on the case

Harvey: Remembers pulling out some shoes found at scene linked to investigation. Harvey identifies picture of shoes booked into evidence, size 12 gray Vans collected at Pape's home. Identifies separate photo showing bottoms of shoes

Dolan and prosecutors ask Harvey about doing multiple drive tests from crime scene to Date Palm cell tower coverage area, 33-45 minutes. (desert floor Monterey and Highway 111, would occasion drive up to Cathedral City). Took several routes. Harvey is excused, subject to recall

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