Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #4

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The reporter on KTLA local news tonight said a similar thing. He said " The police are searching for a suspect in this tragic case..."

It kind of threw me... like they were not really looking at him as much...?

I sorta took that to mean LE is playing possum, not showing any cards until they are ready too. And with the way some MSM article have been playing fast and loose with the facts, adding their own words, I wouldn't believe they are looking for a suspect.
I know this is likely of no comfort to his family and those that loved Blaze, but I do see some postings on various SM that make my heart feel good.
I've seen parents that are following this story say that they have talked to their kids today about how they can always come to them for love and support.
No matter what.
That could be a big thing in the life of a child that has their parent grab them close tonight, opening lines of communication and perhaps avoiding some future unknown tragedy.
I know that this case made me install Life360 and send a message to my late 20's son who lives across the country. Just in case. He will probably roll his eyes and sign onto it for me.
The loss of Blaze is tragic. I must believe that he will live on ripple by ripple, making the world a better place here and there.

Gorgeous post.

I'm thinking the choice of Hobby Lobby is part of a Conservative mindset with the driver.
I'm thinking he really lured Blaze.
And that Blaze didn't have a prayer.

Sometimes people state that the victim made one wrong move or a poor choice.
In Blaze's instance, I don't believe he did anything wrong. Pure evil preyed upon him.

First thing I thought was he wouldn't hang near Hobby Lobby! Then I thought he may be too young to be that aware of issues like, although he seems quite active and informed in his social media posts.

My Dad actually silences his phone at night and even when he didn't, he sleeps through earthquakes.
I would call or text someone I knew would take me seriously, I likely wouldn't call 911.
However, finding someone who would take me seriously AND was reliable enough to answer the phone?
Pretty difficult. I'd probably end up texting my best friend as well.
However, I would be SURE to have atrocious spelling and grammar. She'd be completely freaked out.

My brother is gay. Most of his friends are straight. Even his roommate.
I am a straight married female. I don't like it when men OR women hit on me, but I haven't killed any for it.

Blaze's best friend was also close to his family. So I'm guessing they contacted each other when none of them could reach Blaze. I have been thinking about her a lot. I feel so bad for her especially.

My Dad won't even use Life360 because he doesn't want us kids knowing his business. He's 65!

They said in the press conference announcing his body was found that they didn't believe it was premeditated. I was going to go back and get the link but Websleuths isn't allowing me to search.

That perfectly sums it up.

It's just not uncommon at all. Blaze was concealed somehow. Whether he was buried or in a pipe, he wasn't visible until it rained. There have been several cases where people were not found in the area they disappeared from. Sherin Mathews is a recent horrendous one that comes to mind. It happens. Nobody and nothing is infallible.

I feel very sorry for his friend. Especially as there was so much unfounded gossip about her online. Super sad.

As to the premeditation that might be something they say to make a suspect feel more comfortable.
I don't know but in a case where a murder scene is scrubbed clean, even with bleach, luminal still picks up whether blood is present. (thinking about poor Zahra;s case where that stepmother scrubbed so much that it appeared completely clean). Is it possible that even unseen fragments of blood could still be under fingernails, or in hair, or clothing? Perhaps his body wasn't completely washed by the rains, his legs or part of his torso may still have been under the earth. Depends also on the drainage of that particular site as well I would think. Just thinking aloud ...

I guess you must be right and some blood must still have been preserved in spite of all the rain.
Also, maybe technology is now advanced enough to be able to use even miniscule traces of blood for dna testing?
BB father just posted briefly on FB of how thankful they are from all of the support.
I don't think he ever was in the drainage pipe. I believe that to be speculation.

I imagine that even in the rain, blood on clothing that was soaked in and even wet can still produce DNA.
Because until I see different, I am assuming he was clothed when he was found. I've seen nothing in MSM that says he wasn't. FWIW

I just hope they have enough perp DNA to pin the tail on the donkey. IMO

bbm That's another possibility!

God I just hope they get some usable results!
That's how I took it. I mean, if they considered him a suspect or POI they would have no reason not to say so at this point, esp if they kept his name private and just said he was a suspect. It's not like the kid could run, the cops know who he is and if they considered him a suspect they would no doubt have surveillance on him.

It's an intriguing quote but that affidavit certainly doesn't speak of an innocent man. He is guilty imo

O/T I love your username, my fave film ever!!
I'm still thinking about the blood evidence they apparently testing now. If the blood is from the crime scene or his body - how can that be after the strong rains? I would assume all would have been washed away. Was Blaze wrapped in a tarp or something? Was the shallow grave (if that's what he was found in) deep enough so that his body wasn't completely washed clean by the water? If he was in that pipe his body would have been immersed completely in water and I doubt any dried blood would have remained intact, even under fingernails. Thoughts?
Clothing IMO.

I don't think water would remove all traces of blood from fabric. Hoping it's not just his own blood they found.
My first reaction and opinion - this was the result of a rejection.

The text was not sent by BB, but was an immediate attempt in panic to lay a false trail. The friend on the receiving end of the message realised it wasn't sent by BB.

All MOO. I wonder how close that will be to the facts when they come out.
It hasn't been that long. I don't think the length of time points to uncertainty on the part of LE at all. It seems typical. They are doing their due diligence and collecting evidence.

In every case where there isn't an immediate arrest people make statements doubting the police or doubting the obvious suspects. Typically it's just a matter of time. There is so much going on that we aren't aware of.

A recent case where this proved very true is Kaytlynn Cargill's. She was reported missing very quickly and found in a landfill a couple days later. Just like here.

Her killer wasnt arrested until 2.5 months later. But the arrest warrant shows they knew it was him almost immediately. They had text messages indicating she was going to meet with this person and they found blood spatter in his apartment immediately after they began the investigation.

Why did it take so long? There's a lot to do. It is not CSI.

Just thought this was worth a repost. :goodpost:

The fact the driver, or anyone, hasn't yet been arrested means nothing. Doesn't mean the driver is innocent and doesn't mean they don't know who did this. In some cases it's taken weeks, months, years for an arrest, even though LE knew who was guilty from the start.

If LE are confident that there is no danger to the public, then there really is no rush for them to make an arrest. I think in this case they would have any/all POI's under surveillance, their phones tapped...they aren't going anywhere undetected.
That's how I took it. I mean, if they considered him a suspect or POI they would have no reason not to say so at this point, esp if they kept his name private and just said he was a suspect. It's not like the kid could run, the cops know who he is and if they considered him a suspect they would no doubt have surveillance on him.

One reason would be that they want the suspect to think that he is not a suspect. Mind games.
My first reaction and opinion - this was the result of a rejection.

The text was not sent by BB, but was an immediate attempt in panic to lay a false trail. The friend on the receiving end of the message realised it wasn't sent by BB.

All MOO. I wonder how close that will be to the facts when they come out.

I'm with you and betting you're right.

I really think this is a case where an arrest is imminent and I can't wait. It's disgusting what happened to this sweet kid.
:) Thanks, one of my faves also.

I agree, his actions do come off as guilty as sin...orrrr he was acting that way because he was a scared kid, dealing with the cops by himself. If it's true that he's just a witness maybe he was acting all squirrelly out of fear that the police would try to pin the murder on him.

And something about the dirty fingernails is bugging me. If I understand the affidavit correctly, the police noticed the dirty fingernails two days after Blaze disappeared when they questioned him. He didn't shower or at least wash his hands for two days? I know that isn't unusual for some people but I would think a natural tendency after digging in the dirt to bury a body would be to wash your hands, you want all traces of evidence gone after-all. I get the impression that the dirt under the nails might just be something the police used to further strengthen their case for probable cause to get a warrant and that ultimately it will be meaningless, at least where Blaze's murder was concerned.

I don't know. It strikes me as a true detail. Washing your hands wouldn't necessarily get rid of dirt embedded under the nail. He would've needed to scrub it out with a brush or scoop it out with a file.

And what about the scratches?
One reason would be that they want the suspect to think that he is not a suspect. Mind games.
I'm trying to think if I have ever heard police announce a suspect's name publicly while they are still investigating, unless the person has gone missing. I don't think so. This is standard response IMO.
When did it start to rain heavily, does anyone know?

What if the perp knew when it started raining that it would reveal the hiding place, and as a result wanted to move the body. Put up a tent for instance, in a very remote place, to cover the body, and people will assume it's a camper.
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