Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #4

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So that's strange... are there certain kinds of social media that are banned by this site?

When I tried to put in the URL the site converted the domain name of the site to all asterisks - http://******/.....

What's that all about?
It means it's not an approved site to post here.
Totally agree.. and I think that will turn out to be a big part of this.

The guy has deeply conservative views and seems to come from a very religious background, neither of which are a problem by themselves.

But if he's a closet homosexual who perhaps was outed or had some other encounter which caused him to feel deeply ashamed and conflicted, I think it could easily be the unfortunate reason behind all of this.

It seems very possible that he is not unlike the colonel character in the movie "American Beauty"... with the same tragic ending

It has been posted by kids that went to HS with both said they had a relationship back in HS, BB broke it off with him and SW was very angry about it ended up going to another HS last two years and they just recently started chatting again on snapchat.

This may or not be true.
Can find no criminal record for SW not even a speeding ticket doesn't look like he has been in trouble before unless a sealed juvenile record.

Thank you. Just had to say I love this post and wish I had thought to use the term "Venn diagram."

~a Fan ;)
Well to be fair, there's nothing that can be said HERE, where ONE photo is being talked about. There's a lot more out there.
If it can't be linked, it can't be talked about. Period. That's the TOS.
I am starting to have a really hard time with this thread. I don't mean to be overly critical or offensive, but it seems that all of these comments regarding SW' s hairdo and a photo of him and a flag are rather ridiculous and you are starting to sound like the very person you are criticizing. Yes, this man supposedly is a murderer. And yes, these 2 things are facts about him. He has a common haircut and likes the confederate flag.

But what if he was someone else on social media with a haircut and a flag. Your judgements on appearance alone have successfully plopped him in a category of a racist hateful bigot with zero tolerance for anyone unlike himself. Do you know anything at all about his character?Again, I'm not referring to SW, just someone who looks just like him.

I've been raised to believe that you look into someone's heart to figure out who they are. You talk to them. Ask them questions. Get to know them. Learn their traits and character. As far as I know all that is on the inside- not found in the color of their skin or their hair, how long their hair is, or what they like to hang on their walls.

Figure out who they are first, based on their internal qualities, and then you may be able to sit in a place of "judgement". You might be surprised to learn why he likes that confederate flag so much. Sorta the reason why I do- explained in a post I deleted because it caused some debate. You might find out he likes the haircut cause he wants to look like his older brother or he just simply likes it or??

Maybe SW falls into certain categories, but I would ask that you limit your discussion to HIM, not to all men who look like him. Because, as the simple childish saying goes, you can't judge a book by its cover, and it just seems like a whole lot of innocent haircut lovers and
Confederate flag lovers are being unfairly judged.

ugh! And gangs wear certain colors to identify themselves, so don't wear red or blue. :shame:

Yes, I remember those days when there were warnings about wearing certain colors, or wearing your trucker hat at a certain angle. Wonder if that's still the case? Those gangs don't seem to be as prominent anymore though. I don't think Russian/Eastern European gangs are too into colors.
It's just another piece of the puzzle and ties in to what else is known about him.

But the piece of the puzzle is its a haircut that normal everyday kids wear and some say nazi supporters wear. The fact these two groups are so in contrast to each other means the haircut doesn't tell us anything. My concern is slapping the label on someone for a physical characteristic that is not unique to a social group (given we can't talk about other evidence that hasn't been brought into MSM yet)
So if he had a different haircut previously and only in the last few days changed it to this one, does that then mean he has only just decided to identify with nazis :thinking: (sarcasm)...I understand why people are discussing this but as someone recently posted (sorry! forgot who it was) if he didn't previously have this haircut and just changed it, IMO it will be either part of a change of image for possible absconding, or he was preparing himself for prison. Maybe he was inspired by a belief system who knows, just don't get why the obsession with his haircut.

It looks like he had a similar haircut in the past, based on the Heavy photos of him at school? But his dye job is apparently recent and could be an attempt to disguise himself for a run.

Friend Arrested in Connection With Blaze Bernstein Homicide Investigation
BY Cindy Von Quednow & Chip Y, KTLA5[/B]
UPDATED AT 05:19PM, JANUARY 12, 2018
included the perp walk

I agree with Gitana1, he seems devoid of remorse and displays aspirations of looking tough.

from the PC as reported by OCR's reporter

"Sean Emery @semeryOCR
1h1 hour ago
“We were able to today confirm evidence through DNA that connected Mr Woodward with Mr Bernstein,” Undersheriff Barnes"
look for updates here
I guess we won't learn much new until the police and/or lawyers hand over some more statements. Lord knows with the internet SM scavenging particularly able on this case there's probably few stones unturned :)

I'm left feeling very sad this evening. Sad that perhaps at the root of this crime is repressed sexuality? , anti-semitism? , unrequited love? , spurned advances ? ... Who knows at this stage, but let's go easy on each other re symbolism and division. Not all buzz-cuts are Hitler-youth, not all confederate-flag-flyers are racist, Charlie Chaplin had the moustache first and let's not forget about the poor 8 year old who naively dressed up as Pepe the Frog this last Halloween.
Maybe he sensed he was going to jail and wanted protection from the skin heads so he changed to look like them? If you want protection inside you sometimes have to choose between skin heads, Latino gangs or African American gangs.
So that's strange... are there certain kinds of social media that are banned by this site?

When I tried to put in the URL the site converted the domain name of the site to all asterisks - http://******/.....

What's that all about?

We had a horrible case here involving a young girl kidnapped by a family friend who murdered her mom and little brother and dog. She was on that site (it used to be popular among teens). There are issues with it being exploitative or dangerous for kids. That may be why it's not allowed here.
It will be interesting to find out. Could it have been a planned crime due to this guy feeling intense feelings of self-loathing over his own sexuality?

Based on his social media it seems he definitely was not an out gay person and may have been ashamed of any such leanings.

But it absolutely could have been a young man who was rejected and flipped out.

Either way it is horrifying.

Rejected or outed.

Everything about this is a tragedy. My heart goes out to both families right now, so senseless.
NO! Anything said on FB that isn't on a main stream media FB, or a FB run for the missing by the family, is OFF LIMITS. The perp's FB and the victim's FB is allowed.

I'm sure by tomorrow it will be in the MSM. At least the well known bits.

Just looking at SW photo (agree he's handsome but the eyes..dead) he looks like a kid with problems. His eyes seem detached. Like he can't connect to people. Scary.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
He's in IRC Intake Release Center. My voice text said something else earlier. That's where he's housed until proceeded and evaluated. He can also be housed there.

Lol occupation Nerf Games
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