CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #5

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That's the pic I saw before, but I don't see any brush or anything there?

you mean disturbed? Top just left of center seems to be laying straight down, then just below that they seem to lay to the right slightly, and at the bottom they are all moved different directions and one in middle crushed almost flat.
Where are you located? If we got enough donations for your flight, could you make time to do this?

I only have about 4 hours of vacation time. I live in PA.
But didn't the dogs track him to the water's edge. Or do I have my facts wrong? tia

The issue with that is we don't know which direction the tracks started (at the lake or at the accident). It's much easier to do that walk the opposite way.
If all that fails (and now I am telling tricks of the trade) wait until almost dark, put a flashlight flat on the ground and turn it in a circle. At some point the light shining along the ground should pick up weathered depressions, and at this point they may be very shallow, but will go in a line. Mark each one as far as you can safely go, then wait until daylight. Take a pole about 1" in diameter and put one end on one mark and lay the stick down and make a mark where it hits the next print. Now you have stride. If you cannot find the next track, put the mark in the last one and move the tip around and you should find sign of the next track.

If you can get a worn pair of Bryce's shoes (flat bottom sneakers like Van's or something like that) take as close a picture of them as you can so I can see the wear patterns, PM me and I will give you an email address to send them to so I can read them and tell you what to look for.

Also find out if Bryce was left or right handed. 95% of the time Left handed people wander to the left and right handed people wander to the right. Too long to explain why.

I will keep thinking of things to post. Also look for push downs in vegetation. The direction of the push down is the direction of travel... to put 48 years of doing this into a few sets of instructions....

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
The place where the SUV ended up is the LKP (Last Known Place). Get on your hands and knees and put your ear on the ground and close the upper eye and leave the bottom one open. Do this for a number of spots and see if you can see weathered depressions in the ground (at this point they may look round) and going in a line. If you see a line, close the lower eye and open the top one and see how far out you can see the prints going and pick a reference point. Go to that point and try to pick up the line again. And so on....

Failing that, start at the LKP and walk in an ever larger circle around the LKP. At some point you will get outside the area of total destruction from everyone tromping around and you might pick up a line of print marks moving away from the LKP.

Check the shoulders of Lake Hughes Road and the shoulders of Main ramp road on both sides in both directions.

How long ago did the accident happen though? Would this method still work after all this time?
If it laded where the arrow is pointing, I don't see how anyone on either road would have seen it until daylight.

Is it possible whoever picked Bryce up called the accident in?
(Theory only that someone may have picked B up near location car was found.)
Okay, I'm now totally confused. We have gone through endless posts about fencing, where he may have turned around, three-point turns, all these options because he got stuck in that little gated in area. I'm picturing that he tried to over-correct in some way and the car fell off the hill, down the 15 feet.

Now we see by the pics that it was HUNDREDS of feet away that he crashed? While I agree that if he was attempting to drive through all that brush in the dark, he could have missed that drop-off and had an accident, I DON'T see how that little fenced area has anything to do with his accident?

Unless his accelerator got stuck, how could these be connected and why have we spent so much time talking about what he did to maneuver in that fenced in area?

Also, we heard repeatedly that he was NEAR the main boat launch road (we've since seen pictures of the steep driveway looking boat launch. I would absolutely never classify near if it was hundreds of feet away. I don't see why he would walk that far to clean blood off himself or any other such thing.

I believe the crunched plastic came from his car because it was reported that way with the inference that it came from LE. How far from the actual water is that place?
How long ago did the accident happen though? Would this method still work after all this time?

Depends on weather conditions. The moment a track is made it begins to erode. If there has been a lot of wind and/or rain, most likely all traces have been erased unless there are spots where a print or two have been protected by overhangs or shrubs.

I used to make a mark a day for a month in different soil conditions and at the end of thirty days or so, and knowing the weather conditions, I could look at each mark and memorize how old it was and what the weather had done to it over time. Now do this for years and you may just notice what others might not see.

It's been a long time and back East here there are leaves and trees that protect prints for a while. Out in the sand and dust, not so much.

Lets see how Amanda does first with what I have told her.

And for any of you who are interested in Tracking, get a copy of Tom Browns Field Guide to Tracking and Nature Observation.
The issue with that is we don't know which direction the tracks started (at the lake or at the accident). It's much easier to do that walk the opposite way.

That is where I was going. Maybe he was at the lake a big part of the day and then he came back to the car. Maybe he pushed the car over the ledge and down the slope. Not the best scenario, but a possibility. jmo
Ok, I will go tomorrow and see what I can do. Hopefully I do this right!

It's not the rocket science we Trackers would like the rest of you to think it is. You will do fine! :)
Okay, I'm now totally confused. We have gone through endless posts about fencing, where he may have turned around, three-point turns, all these options because he got stuck in that little gated in area. I'm picturing that he tried to over-correct in some way and the car fell off the hill, down the 15 feet.

Now we see by the pics that it was HUNDREDS of feet away that he crashed? While I agree that if he was attempting to drive through all that brush in the dark, he could have missed that drop-off and had an accident, I DON'T see how that little fenced area has anything to do with his accident?

Unless his accelerator got stuck, how could these be connected and why have we spent so much time talking about what he did to maneuver in that fenced in area?

Also, we heard repeatedly that he was NEAR the main boat launch road (we've since seen pictures of the steep driveway looking boat launch. I would absolutely never classify near if it was hundreds of feet away. I don't see why he would walk that far to clean blood off himself or any other such thing.

I believe the crunched plastic came from his car because it was reported that way with the inference that it came from LE. How far from the actual water is that place?

It is way closer to Lake Hughes Rd then it is Main Boat Launch based on RK's theory. RK's theory is what you described, that he over corrected going around the tower and fell down the 15' embankment. The media, reported it as he went down the 15' embankment 300' away from the tower. The problem with that is, that 300' is not flat, it's a hill, that would have him escaping an accident after rolling down at least 300' of hill, which doesn't feel possible.

The water from Lake Hughes Rd. near the tower, is about 300 yards, from Main Launch about 100 yards, but both have multiple drop off points before getting to the water, very dangerous walk. The only way he safely could have gotten to the water, was if he actually walked to the actual boat launch, which is a pretty far walk.
Please be careful and especially don't go alone. Anybody could be reading here. And everyone said, "yes, mother dear". :blushing:
Please be careful and especially don't go alone. Anybody could be reading here. And everyone said, "yes, mother dear". :blushing:

Pshaw after all the things that have happened down there, I'm bringing a posse lol.
Even what we originally surmised from msm was that he was possibly trying to maneuver a turn and the car may have gotten away from in (with him in it or not) and fell off the 15 feet. I assumed the place where he was trying to turn around was a road or something like it above the area where he fell.

How do we even know he was in the fenced area? Since it's so far from where the car landed...
Even what we originally surmised from msm was that he was possibly trying to maneuver a turn and the car may have gotten away from in (with him in it or not) and fell off the 15 feet. I assumed the place where he was trying to turn around was a road or something like it above the area where he fell.

How do we even know he was in the fenced area? Since it's so far from where the car landed...

Because Dragracerz stated he was

Here is his post: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #1

(With this new info. His car wasn't far from that area at all)
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