CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #6

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hmmm just a very vague thought- did he own and have anything with him of decent value that he could pawn? The closest ones to Buttonwillow are in Bakersfield, 30 mins east

Earrings? I suppose teenage boys don't wear real diamond studs though.
True. Even if suicidal though, crashing one's car doesn't make sense. Does it?

So, first choice and most sense is what?

1. Nowhere to go - just wandering around while confused and somewhat depressed, possibly on something and over tired, drives car down a steep hill that ends in a sudden drop. After he figures out he has the ability to exit the car, he thinks 'holy carp, I've f'd up again and now I'm in serious trouble. I'd better beat feet out of here to think about my next move.'
So does this mean he's incapable of making sound decisions, facing the music so-to-speak, or is he doing so consciously?

2. Accidently crashes car because of a precarious position that he gets himself into. Instead of calling for help, he wanders away and succumbs to his injuries and is out there somewhere not too far away.

3. Did he intend to die in the accident? Was surprised to discover that he didn't?

4. Why not park the car leaving the same stuff inside of it that he left and simply walk away? Even if suicidal or not, why not just do that?

5. Imo he had to be stoned or something to crash the SUV like that. Still, why run away?

6. Previously discussed, was he experiencing any hallucinations or other scary symptoms that he couldn't come to terms with or speak of outloud due to fear of what acknowledging his experiences might mean to both himself and his family? Was/is something going on within him that he had/has no control over?

The whole situation about the SUV is the most confusing aspect because if he's in control of himself, he would have the same outcome, as of today, if he'd just walked away.

Do these thoughts spark any other thoughts?
These scenarios only involve him and his actions during that night. There's several other scenarios that could involve outside involvements (pressures) and/or actual foul play.
Keep in mind too, if he's on the run he could dye his hair, shave his head, always wear a hat outside. I've been thinking he'd be so easy to spot because of his hair but that's the easiest identifying factor for a person to quickly change.

Farfetched and doesn't fit with this post but does Bryce have a passport?
If so, is there any chance he has it with him?

BBM: no, it doesn't, especially if he was wearing his seatbelt which i assume he was due to the small amount of blood found. i would think there would be more if he wasn't strapped in.

there is nothing i have read that leads me to believe that Bryce was depressed. on the contrary, its noted on the timeline that on August 27th, a family picture was taken with Bryce looking *happy*. i've seen an instagram photo of him with the newly released Madden game - is this the referenced picture? he was all smiles in that pic. on the same day he is said to have broken up with his girlfriend over the phone altho she later came over and they made up. the next day, the 28th, Bryce drove to his girlfriends apartment in Chico to again break up with her. either she or her roommate took his keys because they were concerned about his behavior tho exactly why has never been explained. apparently it was nothing too serious because Mom somehow became involved and she advised they return his keys. it was after this that he began his journey south.

the question about his state of mind has been asked numerous times to our insider Dragz and he has never addressed it. i can only speculate that nothing in his conversations with the former roommate or girlfriend indicated anything other than normal behavior. maybe some angst over the break up but we don't know that for a fact. perhaps he was saying goodbye, never intending to return.

his mother stated "something happened in Buttonwillow" and i agree. maybe he was trying to sell some personal property and had found a buyer in the area and was meeting up with them.
I still believe he was/is in some type of psychosis brought on by sleep deprivation or mental health. None of the other theories posted seem to fit Bryce's situation. I can't make any sense out of the whole situation so it seems to me that the only theory that does fit is the one that makes no sense to us at al....psychosis. Jmo moo

But see I think the psychosis theory is totally logical. He began acting strangely. His girlfriend and friend were worried. His mother was worried. He took off. His mother became even more worried and began calling him repeatedly. His behavior made no sense. Long gaps in time during which he may have spent doing nothing but listening to internal stimuli. Finally, a strange detour, a possible attempt to hide or get to the lake- is it possible he was fleeing internal stimuli? And then the crash.

In this scenario, he either wandered off and died (or drowned), or caught a ride and disappeared into the vast homeless population. You know, the homeless all came from somewhere. The majority in CA suffer for mental health issues like dependency or untreated schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

But, they survive for the most part and help one another. Los Angeles has a huge homeless population. I wonder if skid row area might be a good place for the family to hand out flyers.

Just so you know the backstory the dorm roomie from last year claimed in an early interview that Bryce was evicted, but it wasn't true. It was later confirmed by both Dragz and Caron (whose daughter lived in the same dorms) to be untrue. For me personally this made me doubt a lot of what the old roomie said, IMO.

But maybe that's what Bryce told him.
That's what I keep thinking too. It seems like an awfully painful way to go, not to mention that it seems far from a sure thing. Especially in that terrain, it looks terrifying but it doesn't look like certain death (ouch that hurt to type) by any means IMO. Maybe it's just due to more life experience but to me that looks like it'd lead to severe bumps, bruises, maybe head injury, maybe broken bones, but not "this is the end." I think more along the lines of him thinking he could make it (maybe if he saw ATV tracks already there?), total accident due to tiredness or whatever, or ditching the car and it was probably a far wilder ride than he ever guessed. Now I desperately want to know what happened AFTER that.

Men kill themselves in extreme ways like guns, laying on train tracks, walking in front of cars, driving off cliffs, i don't think they are really thinking about the pain. Women usually go the pill less painful route. Women usually threaten and men just do it.

Maybe on the searches instead of just looking down they need to look up. Linnea hung herself from a tree. Could he have climbed up on that tower?

Their is a guy in the city I live who shot himself in the head to take his life but it didn't kill him just blew his face off. He is still here to this day with his completely deformed face after like 30 surgeries to make a new one. He really looks like a monster to say the least.

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Earrings? I suppose teenage boys don't wear real diamond studs though.
Bryce is wearing a diamond stud in the photos I've seen of him, but a pawn shop won't give him anything for just the one, and they probably wouldn't give him much for a pair, either. Maybe $40.00, pawned, in my experience.

They do buy games, though. Electronics, not so much.
Men kill themselves in extreme ways like guns, laying on train tracks, walking in front of cars, driving off cliffs, i don't think they are really thinking about the pain. Women usually go the pill less painful route. Women usually threaten and men just do it.

Maybe on the searches instead of just looking down they need to look up. Linnea hung herself from a tree. Could he have climbed up on that tower?

Their is a guy in the city I live who shot himself in the head to take his life but it didn't kill him just blew his face off. He is still here to this day with his completely deformed face after like 30 surgeries to make a new one. He really looks like a monster to say the least.

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What a terrible thing!
It's perplexing to me to envision Bryce wanting to purposefully disappear himself without anything other than whatever clothes were on his back. Was it ever ascertained by anyone if any of his belongings in the dorm were missing, aside from what was found in the vehicle?
The only thing that I know of that has never been accounted for was his new green backpack for this year.
"He had a green Nike book sack this year. "
But maybe that's what Bryce told him.

Except that Caron (whose daughter lived in the same dorms) reported seeing him there living in the dorms until the end of the school year. So even if Bryce "fibbed" to the roomie or his family, we have a verified insider saying she witnessed him living there and not evicted.
BBM: no, it doesn't, especially if he was wearing his seatbelt which i assume he was due to the small amount of blood found. i would think there would be more if he wasn't strapped in.

there is nothing i have read that leads me to believe that Bryce was depressed. on the contrary, its noted on the timeline that on August 27th, a family picture was taken with Bryce looking *happy*. i've seen an instagram photo of him with the newly released Madden game - is this the referenced picture? he was all smiles in that pic. on the same day he is said to have broken up with his girlfriend over the phone altho she later came over and they made up. the next day, the 28th, Bryce drove to his girlfriends apartment in Chico to again break up with her. either she or her roommate took his keys because they were concerned about his behavior tho exactly why has never been explained. apparently it was nothing too serious because Mom somehow became involved and she advised they return his keys. it was after this that he began his journey south.

the question about his state of mind has been asked numerous times to our insider Dragz and he has never addressed it. i can only speculate that nothing in his conversations with the former roommate or girlfriend indicated anything other than normal behavior. maybe some angst over the break up but we don't know that for a fact. perhaps he was saying goodbye, never intending to return.

his mother stated "something happened in Buttonwillow" and i agree. maybe he was trying to sell some personal property and had found a buyer in the area and was meeting up with them.

I can tell you this from experience some of the people you think are happy with big smiles on their faces, life of the party are the ones most depressed trying to cover up their pain so others won't notice.

I think Bryce showed significant things going on in his life and depression. According to SD he was stressed to make good grades, not getting a job, breaking up with girlfriend, vyanese usage, strange behavior, etc....and thanking SD "for saving his soul" He had a lot going on he was struggling with. Remember he told his mom "He wanted to blow off some steam?

Just because someone smiling in a photograph doesn't make them happy believe you me.

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I can tell you this from experience some of the people you think are happy with big smiles on their faces, life of the party are the ones most depressed trying to cover up their pain so others won't notice.

I think Bryce showed significant things going on in his life and depression. According to SD he was stressed to make good grades, not getting a job, breaking up with girlfriend, vyanese usage, strange behavior, etc....and thanking SD "for saving his soul. He had a lot going on he was struggling with. Remember he told his mom "He wanted to blow off some steam?

Just because someone smiling in a photograph doesn't make them happy believe you me.

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Excellent post! I completely agree.
Was the duffel bag found with the vehicle actually the green Nike 'bookbag' ? Or a totally different item.
Except that Caron (whose daughter lived in the same dorms) reported seeing him there living in the dorms until the end of the school year. So even if Bryce "fibbed" to the roomie or his family, we have a verified insider saying she witnessed him living there and not evicted.

But that doesn't necessarily change what SD knew or didn't know. Bryce could have been dealing with perception problems and believed he had been evicted. He could have communicated that to his roommate who had no reason to disbelieve him.

My point is that the fact that the roommate made a statement that is inaccurate does not necessarily mean he lacks credibility.
But that doesn't necessarily change what SD knew or didn't know. Bryce could have been dealing with perception problems and believed he had been evicted. He could have communicated that to his roommate who had no reason to disbelieve him.

My point is that the fact that the roommate made a statement that is inaccurate does not necessarily mean he lacks credibility.

BBM true. It made me personally question a lot of what he said, BUT that's JMO and could of course be incorrect.

If Bryce was in fact dealing with perception problems that far back, seems to me that could definitely tell us he's been dealing with some mental issues for quite some time. Again, JMO. Somehow that thought makes me even more worried for him.
If he was suicidal, or planning to run off, why take his laptop, phone and a knapsack at all? And then why leave them behind? Especially if he was running off to a new life? One would think you would take more, or nothing at all. JMO
If he was suicidal, or planning to run off, why take his laptop, phone and a knapsack at all? And then why leave them behind? Especially if he was running off to a new life? One would think you would take more, or nothing at all. JMO

IIRC SD said he was going to spend Labor Day wknd with KS and be back Labor Day but something went very wrong. Strange behavior, Vyanese (stimulant) and breaking up with Kim. Maybe some sort of argument/ fight transpired with KS which escalated and caused some sort of emotional breakdown and he just took to the road to get the heck outa there with no plans whatsoever to get out of the situation. I don't believe he was in the right state of mind when he left. Some people I know just drive to calm themselves down or think alone without any destination planned.

I have to wonder if he ever discussed suicide with any of his close friends. They probably wouldn't disclose it even if he did.
I think it was said the vehicle wasn't running and the keys were in the ignition? Can anyone recall off hand?
I know the cell & laptop were mentioned being left. But I wonder, was his radio checked as far as what type station he may have been listening to? Or if he had a CD player, what CD(s) were loaded? Or did he have some other music listening device
(Walkman, M3P player? sorry I dont know those gizmos) Or did he have a Kindle or other handheld device?

eta- was wondering if any music might hold a clue as to his mindset that night...I personally find music to be revealing that it seems to tell a story- or how we can make it tell our story)

RE: vehicle engine running when found after crash - I don't believe I have read anything one way or the other on this. I remember the question was asked but I don't think it was ever answered. I suppose the logical assumption would be that the engine wasn't running because if it had been that certainly would have been mentioned unless, of course, for some reason LE wanted to keep that info quiet. :crosseyed:

RE: keys - According to DRZ, keys were found in the ignition.

RE: radio - Asked if radio on/off - DRZ responded he didn't know, IIRC

RE: music - Good question! Would be very interesting to know what he was listening to and get someones take on the bands, music. JMO
thx Ghost
would be nice to know if it was found where he was living , or in the car, or.....

wonder what style
some examples-

and a better description of the color might be helpful if it has not been located??..Nike has several shades of green items, ranging from dark to bright

Was the duffel bag found with the vehicle actually the green Nike 'bookbag' ? Or a totally different item.

JMO, I believe the duffel bag found with the vehicle and the green Nike 'bookbag' are two different items.

And, as far as we know, the green Nike 'bookbag' remains unaccounted for.

ETA: @ Dragracerz, Caron, or anyone who has seen it - could someone provide more of a description of the green Nike 'bookbag'? Or better yet, post a photo of an identical one? TIA
Just so you know the backstory the dorm roomie from last year claimed in an early interview that Bryce was evicted, but it wasn't true. It was later confirmed by both Dragz and Caron (whose daughter lived in the same dorms) to be untrue. For me personally this made me doubt a lot of what the old roomie said, IMO.

Weird. Is the former roommate's story based on something that's partially true? It seems pretty bold that he'd tell a flat out lie to a reporter when everyone else who lived on the dorm floor at the time probably knows a version of the story.
Maybe they didn't get along as roommates so they separated but, in the roommate's mind, Bryce was the one who was kicked out (maybe B did misbehave on some level?).
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