CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #6

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At this point something either breaks the case wide open or it slowly fades away. Uusually there's one or two or maybe three people on any case (not the same people) who continue to post a note which bumps the thread up. But it becomes a case where there's nothing left to discuss unless LE releases new information.

You are correct. At this point, unless there is something new from the search next weekend, or details released by LE or family, Bryce's case will fade away.

I've always thought from fairly early on in this case, that had Bryce disappeared without having crashed his car, sadly his case would have never gotten a fraction of the attention it has.
I dunno... wrecking a vehicle, intentionally or not, and using the situation to subsequently disappear from it, and your a 'Forget you' gesture, in my opinion seems a rather labored effort. Considering ample opportunities abound where the vehicle could just be abandoned in locale less difficult to depart from.

True. Even if suicidal though, crashing one's car doesn't make sense. Does it?

So, first choice and most sense is what?

1. Nowhere to go - just wandering around while confused and somewhat depressed, possibly on something and over tired, drives car down a steep hill that ends in a sudden drop. After he figures out he has the ability to exit the car, he thinks 'holy carp, I've f'd up again and now I'm in serious trouble. I'd better beat feet out of here to think about my next move.'
So does this mean he's incapable of making sound decisions, facing the music so-to-speak, or is he doing so consciously?

2. Accidently crashes car because of a precarious position that he gets himself into. Instead of calling for help, he wanders away and succumbs to his injuries and is out there somewhere not too far away.

3. Did he intend to die in the accident? Was surprised to discover that he didn't?

4. Why not park the car leaving the same stuff inside of it that he left and simply walk away? Even if suicidal or not, why not just do that?

5. Imo he had to be stoned or something to crash the SUV like that. Still, why run away?

6. Previously discussed, was he experiencing any hallucinations or other scary symptoms that he couldn't come to terms with or speak of outloud due to fear of what acknowledging his experiences might mean to both himself and his family? Was/is something going on within him that he had/has no control over?

The whole situation about the SUV is the most confusing aspect because if he's in control of himself, he would have the same outcome, as of today, if he'd just walked away.

Do these thoughts spark any other thoughts?
These scenarios only involve him and his actions during that night. There's several other scenarios that could involve outside involvements (pressures) and/or actual foul play.
Keep in mind too, if he's on the run he could dye his hair, shave his head, always wear a hat outside. I've been thinking he'd be so easy to spot because of his hair but that's the easiest identifying factor for a person to quickly change.

Farfetched and doesn't fit with this post but does Bryce have a passport?
If so, is there any chance he has it with him?
Did he have any cash? Doesn't seem like it, since he used an ATM for a purchase of less than two dollars. I really don't see him leaving his backpack behind, even if he left the phone and computer on purpose.
I dunno... wrecking a vehicle, intentionally or not, and using the situation to subsequently disappear from it, and your a 'Forget you' gesture, in my opinion seems a rather labored effort. Considering ample opportunities abound where the vehicle could just be abandoned in locale less difficult to depart from.

Yes and I almost thought how silly of any of us to think he could have done that purposely. Then I read your post about music possibly providing hints to mindset. That led me to think about the Rolling Stones and other famous bands who have had the privledge of staying in exclusive hotels. When they were young, they were known to literally wreck their rooms, tearing the contents apart and even throwing stuff out windows.
Today, Mick Jaggar at age whatever, is capable of having a cohesive conversation. Who would have thunk it based on his antics back then? (Not picking on Mick specifically, just everyone knows his name!)

We can't assign common sense to young men especially if music and drugs are involved. (I just threw the music part in!)
hmmm just a very vague thought- did he own and have anything with him of decent value that he could pawn? The closest ones to Buttonwillow are in Bakersfield, 30 mins east
I just don't know that he meant to go down that hill.

Woe --or young women...or a lot of people...when you throw certain outside force in the mix, right
But why would he want to disappear himself when he was close to his mom? And how can someone just vanish? I think there is a rational explanation, and that the water contains the answer. Sorry to type this, but I feel pretty hopeless now.
The initial running from the accident... yea, I can see that. I've witnessed two incidents where that happened. The first one, I was in the northbound lane, and witnessed a car in the south bound lane over correct and flip the car 5 times. One of the girls got out immediately and started running. The other two were trapped in the car. The shock had the one thinking she wasn't injured, the car was going to explode, and she had to get away. I stayed with her until EMS got there to take over. The second was my own son. Don't remember what happened to the truck, but smoke was coming out from under the hood, he ditched the truck and ran a mile home to get me. He had a cell phone, but didn't even think of using it. His focus was getting away because he just knew the truck was going to explode.
I still believe he was/is in some type of psychosis brought on by sleep deprivation or mental health. None of the other theories posted seem to fit Bryce's situation. I can't make any sense out of the whole situation so it seems to me that the only theory that does fit is the one that makes no sense to us at al....psychosis. Jmo moo
To get enough money though it would have to be something very valuable.
Plus he'd risk being spotted right off the bat.

Imo either someone is in on this with him because he found a way to call for help or something more final happened.

I believe if LE finds someone over the age of 18 who wants to live somewhere else, they will tell the family they've located the person but not their location.
So, what would or should a family do if that were the case?
Tough question, woe. As a parent I would be so relieved he was alive, and pray that in time he would reach out to me when he was ready.

I just dunno....
I still believe he was/is in some type of psychosis brought on by sleep deprivation or mental health. None of the other theories posted seem to fit Bryce's situation. I can't make any sense out of the whole situation so it seems to me that the only theory that does fit is the one that makes no sense to us at al....psychosis. Jmo moo

I definitely believe this could be part one to the answers being sought.
Now to figure out where he's at and if he's somewhere he wants to be.
I just don't know that he meant to go down that hill.

Woe --or young women...or a lot of people...when you throw certain outside force in the mix, right

Sure, agreed, especially accidentally like in the case of a car.
As far as hotel rooms and females go, I'm not so sure how common that is. I mean we can be real slobs but actually bashing in TVs and stuff? I never behaved that way as I see no point in wrecking a perfectly good anything. I just hate when that happens!

What I meant to say is that men are more physically aggressive and usually don't appreciate good decor as much as women do. Now I am being silly.

Nite folks.
What "dorm incident" are you referring to? I must have missed it. TIA

Just so you know the backstory the dorm roomie from last year claimed in an early interview that Bryce was evicted, but it wasn't true. It was later confirmed by both Dragz and Caron (whose daughter lived in the same dorms) to be untrue. For me personally this made me doubt a lot of what the old roomie said, IMO.
according to the site, the library in Buttonwillow is closed on Thursdays, but there are some in Bakersfield- like 8301 Ming Ave Bakersfield, CA 93311 Southwest Library...3o minutes to

Wonder if Bryce went over there any on Thursday?
they do have public access computers....books too:)
Bryce going over the cliff made me remember the case of ex NFL Charger football player Junior Seau who was majorly depressed and after a fight with his girlfriend and being arrested he later drove his SUV over a cliff in Malibu but survived it only to commit suicide by a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head a couple years later.

His girlfriend said he did confess to her it was a failed suicide attempt driving over the cliff at 60mph.

Ugh, it seems Bryce was depressed. I hope we don't have another Junior Seau or Linnea Lomax case here. Bryce is at that age where depressed young men and women take their own lives because they feel there is no answer to their problems. Very sad.

Pics of his crashed SUV
True. Even if suicidal though, crashing one's car doesn't make sense. Does it?
<snipped for space and clarity>

That's what I keep thinking too. It seems like an awfully painful way to go, not to mention that it seems far from a sure thing. Especially in that terrain, it looks terrifying but it doesn't look like certain death (ouch that hurt to type) by any means IMO. Maybe it's just due to more life experience but to me that looks like it'd lead to severe bumps, bruises, maybe head injury, maybe broken bones, but not "this is the end." I think more along the lines of him thinking he could make it (maybe if he saw ATV tracks already there?), total accident due to tiredness or whatever, or ditching the car and it was probably a far wilder ride than he ever guessed. Now I desperately want to know what happened AFTER that.
When I was in highschool a classmate commited suicide by driving his car into the front of the school itself. This is confirmed (there was a note and all). It does happen---though death isn't certain. Maybe this means of suicide is easier in a way because it is less certain. Maybe Bryce was nervous/scared/unsure and this seemed easier to do.
Was just driving home from a Birthday party and, while sitting in typical 91 freeway traffic, looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of Bryce's smiling face on a Lamar electric billboard on the border of Orange and Riverside counties. So happy to see that they aren't only showing his information along I5. A lot of people sit in heavy traffic along the 91 freeway so that billboard will get a lot of eyes looking at it. Whoever was able to solicit their help, it was a great move!


Not only do a lot of people travel the 91 in heavy traffic, but it's at a snail's pace for so much of the day they'll get a VERY, VERY, VERY good long look at it!

Yay for that!

Boo for the stupid 91 that I'm convinced is the freeway from heck! :floorlaugh: A most evil and maddening of places to find yourself!
@ dragracerz

SD was said to have been planning to move out of shared appt in beginning of Oct, is that true?

And, BL was said to have known that SD was moving out prior to his road trip, is that true?

I don't believe I've asked this, as it isn't a question to me. I think I've read almost everything there is to read on this case & tend to remember details fairly well. Though I'm certainly not perfect.

I believe SD decided to move about a week after Bryce disappeared. I have seen several mentions here on WS of SD having previously planned to move. I do not believe that is true. That only came about after Bryce went missing.

Hopefully drag can come on & confirm or deny my recollection for you. :)

My questions posed above were based on what Riverking had posted, BBM:
"... I believe that Bryce was planning on moving out. My reason for believing that is SD had already made arraignments to move out on Oct 9th. I believe that this was the big news that he wanted to talk to his mother about. ..."
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 August 2013 - #5
I probably should have first asked Riverking for clarification on his statement instead of jumping forward and asking DRZ.

So ... @ Riverking, was your statement based on fact, something you heard from an insider, or your speculation? (And, with a very specific date, I might add!) Please explain, provide links. TIA
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