CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #7

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I agree. Why would a mom, of all people, want their child to have the keys back, if his friends who were with him were concerned enough to take them? Did she think his reaction to having his keys taken might be extreme?

Jumping off your post...

I'm confused on the key incident too. At first I thought it was "friends" then later we heard is was his GF (exGF?). I've said it before but what can we do but be repetitive at this point? I really, really wish we knew what "acting weird" meant. One thought I've had is that if it was in fact his GF who took the keys, "acting weird" could mean "broke up with me." That's one scenario that makes sense to me for his mom to tell her to give him back the keys. Bryce is upset, GF is upset, mom thinks GF is preventing Bryce from leaving... I can see that. She may not have been aware of the possible Vyvanse usage at that point.

I don't blame the GF, mom, or Bryce at all if that's what happened. I remember relationships, break ups, and in hindsight a lot of drama at that age, particularly related to relationships. I had totally forgotten about this until the other day but once my mom had cops come check on me at my apartment because I was so hysterical about a break up she was worried (and I was the one who broke it off). I'm sure everyone wishes they'd done something differently during those few days, but I wanted to be clear that I'm not blaming anyone for the decisions they did make.
Since no crime has been committed, why would anyone have to take a polygraph?
Bryce didn't get to Buttonwillow until 9 am in the morning when he called for roadside assistance because he ran out of gas. Gas didn't appear until noon. His mother was called by roadside assistance for a survery and that's how she found out her son wasn't in Rocklin or Chico and that he was on the road. He did not tell her he was coming to Laguna Niguel. This is when she tried called him and he didn't answer her calls. So she sent Christain the roadside assistance guy back to see if Bryce was ok. He reported that Bryce was ok, said he'd been sleeping and that his eyes appeared red.

Bryce did not get to Buttonwillow at 4 am that morning. He did not leave Buttonwillow until around midnight or so that night. He spent a good 12 hours or more in Buttonwillow. None of us know why. He probably would have made it home from Buttonwillow had he gone straight to Laguna Niguel in 3 1/1 hours. Had he left earlier, he would have been there on Thursday evening/night. But he didn't, he didn't leave Buttonwillow until aroudn midnight. He must have "hung out with friends later" in Buttonwillow.

Thank you for the explanation. Now I understand the reason why there's confusion over whether B's parents knew or didn't know B was driving down to see them.
Can you explain more about the survey and why it took Bryce three hours to get gas. Where was he located then? Do we know his exact location?

Also I wonder where he went after leaving Rocklin at around 11:30 p.m. He must have spent time somewhere else, after his keys were returned, if he didn't arrive in Buttonwillow (name cracks me up) until 9:00 a.m.
I think it can sometimes be hard to pick up exactly how someone is really feeling on the phone. Especially if it's a teenager who doesn't want you to know, or worry.

I can imagine Bryce's mom maybe thinking he was upset about his friends taking his keys, and only in the later calls coming to realize there was reason for concern. Her actions in calling LE to check on him make me think this might be the case.
Bryce's tattoo looks very distinctive to me. Does anyone know if it is, or do lots of people have them?
I go back to what I said in my first post ... I just wonder if she felt that giving him back his keys would calm him down. I can understand that and actually think I might have done the same thing. He's already "acting weird" (I'm going to go with agitated here) and now, the people he sees as friends are turning on him (this is all just my own theory, but trying to think of how it could have gone down), and he gets more agitated. Mom, not being there, gets the call and figures in order to calm him down, tells them to give him the keys, she tells him to go home (to his apartment) and they will talk in the morning.

At the time, she figures it diffuses the immediate situation and buys some time. She knows something is going on and offers to come up there to talk and help him through it.

In all honesty, I can see this as a caring, loving mom, who was just trying to do the best she could and not being there, seeing it all, it's what made the most sense to her. I don't think there's a right or wrong here, you do what you think is best given the information you have at the time.

This is all just my opinion and theory ... no real basis for any of it to be truth, but it does make sense in my own head.
Are we sure his keys were taken from him.
have polygraphs been given to the ppl that last were with him?
Or is everyone taking their word for it?

I think its time go back to the beginning!

Though no polygraphs have been taken (to my knowledge) I am confident his keys were taken from him as described. Of course there are details missing in what we have been told but his keys were taken and were returned after his mom told KS to return them. More than likely because, short of calling the police on him, there really was nothing they could do to keep him there if he wanted to leave.

This and this make it sound as if Bryce's friends definitely know more about what was going on with him. It could be simply that they thought he was acting crazy or they may have had more serious concerns regarding his behavior if it escalated. His former college roommate made a statement that Bryce was a bit 'lively' (my word).

I've read that if someone who thinks they are ADHD but are really manic, takes medicine meant to treat ADHD, it can have adverse effects on the manic person. If ADHD, the appropriate medicine actually works to calm the person down. I've witnessed this in person. That's why it is so important to have a correct diagnosis before taking these drugs. Little kids who are Autism spectrum for instance, should not take medicines meant for ADHD. Yet the symptoms are sometimes similar in young children.

I don't suspect Bryce's friends/gf of harming him but I bet they'd have more to say if not for privacy issues and other reasons (self protection, appeasing family, etc.) possibly.
I don't think anyone is really second-guessing his mom...just wondering about what else there is to the story about the keys. It may not be our business, but it does not stop one wondering. Generally if young people are inclined to take keys from a friend, there is a very good reason, not done lightly. JMO
IIRC, it depicts his birthdate. So that part would definitely be distinctive.

I think his parents' initials are on there as well. The symbol itself might be common, but otherwise it should be pretty distinctive. I'm not sure how closely you'd have to look at it to see the initials and birthdate.
There is something really strange about the "key" incident. Since we know the Mom seemed to be very concerned about him based on her calling the Service Man and calling LE to check on him, then why in the world would she actually want the friends to give him his keys back if the friends felt he was not fit to drive?

The only reason the friends would take away his keys is if they felt he was not fit to drive, so why would his mom make them give him back his keys?

I am not sure we have enough details to fully understand this. I do think it may help if we had more details about that incident.

I agree that just is very strange
I don't think anyone is really second-guessing his mom...just wondering about what else there is to the story about the keys. It may not be our business, but it does not stop one wondering. Generally if young people are inclined to take keys from a friend, there is a very good reason, not done lightly. JMO

I hope my post didn't come off as sounding as if I was second guessing mom. I'm not at all ... in fact, I'm actually seeing exactly why she did what she did.

I completely agree that young friends wouldn't take away keys unnecessarily.
I don't think anyone is really second-guessing his mom...just wondering about what else there is to the story about the keys. It may not be our business, but it does not stop one wondering. Generally if young people are inclined to take keys from a friend, there is a very good reason, not done lightly. JMO

Yes when the person is in no condition to drive!

Why return them ????If hes not fit to drive hes not fit to drive even if MOM says so!
MOM was not there!

What happened here?
this was the beginning of whatever happened to him.
Yes when the person is in no condition to drive!

Why return them ????If hes not fit to drive hes not fit to drive even if MOM says so!
MOM was not there!

What happened here?
this was the beginning of whatever happened to him.

:tantrum: is my guess.
IMO, Bryce must have been able to convince his mother that it was all a misunderstanding or overreaction on the part of the friends. He must have been able to come across as clear-headed at the time.
I hope my post didn't come off as sounding as if I was second guessing mom. I'm not at all ... in fact, I'm actually seeing exactly why she did what she did.

I completely agree that young friends wouldn't take away keys unnecessarily.

I'm a mother and I'd definitely be second guessing myself. As it is, I do so often. Kids don't come with a playbook.
All comments aren't meant to crucify; trying to get to some truth here is all (my perspective on questioning mom's decisions).
Yes when the person is in no condition to drive!

Why return them ????If hes not fit to drive hes not fit to drive even if MOM says so!
MOM was not there!

What happened here?
this was the beginning of whatever happened to him.

Getting to the bottom of this incident is important. But I wonder if the way it played out has a simple explanation. Pure speculation on my part from a mother's point of view - when it's your own kid's word vs. that of his or her friend(s), some mothers have a very hard time believing the friends. They'll believe their own child over anyone else, even when the "evidence" should be crystal clear to them.

Not trying to blame anyone here, just looking to make some sense of this.
IMO, Bryce must have been able to convince his mother that it was all a misunderstanding or overreaction on the part of the friends. He must have been able to come across as clear-headed at the time.

They can be really good at that; girls too.
My son's former gf told me something so sincere (not relating to danger but regarding her success at achieving a goal) that I believed her hook, line and sinker. Why wouldn't I? It turns out she was still hoping to achieve her goal and what she told me wasn't true. I mean, really? Since I was happy for her, I bragged a little about it on her behalf before discovering the truth. Just bothersome when kids don't tell the truth and indicative of esteem issues and not being grounded in reality imo. It troubled me that she wasn't being real with me because there was no reason not to be.
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