CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #7

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:twocents:I think Bryce is very much alive. I also think he will not come out of hiding until the peering eyes and billboards go away. For him to come out at this moment would mean him having to do a lot of explaining and most 19 year olds are not o.k. with that. He is quite possibly concerned with the legalities of all of this and might be afraid of facing jail time. I personally think if his parents let things die down a bit he will most likely resurface alive and well. :twocents:

I'm hoping this is the case. Maybe right now he's feeling the "heat" too much of the search for him.
I don't think it took them 3 hours to deliver the gas, at least not as I understand the timeline. I think it took them 3 hours to send out the survey after the gas was delivered. (but I could be wrong.. it's happened before lol)

Whoever wrote the post I responded to stated that the gas was delivered three hours after he called for help. Maybe it was because the call went through State Farm (someone suggested this as they believe that's what B's mom said).

When we quote a post and then someone quotes ours, the original quote doesn't come with our quote. So your response is really to someone else - make sense? I'll see if I can locate the original post easily and bring it forward.
Sorry about posting misleading info about the distances BL drove or had to drive if he had completed his trip to LN. I thought I read five hours somewhere and just went with it. Taking a closer look I see, if Bryce left from Rocklin he would be able to reach Buttonwillow in 4 hours, 2 minutes (282.3 mi) under perfect conditions.

Since I wasn't here in the beginning of the case, I probably missed discussions regarding distances. If Bryce left Rocklin around 11:30ish Wednesday night, is the conclusion he drove directly to Buttonwillow arriving there around 4:00 a.m. or so on Thursday? Then, for some reason, he spent most of the day in Buttonwillow on Thursday.
In this case, why was his mom worried about him already on Thursday afternoon? If she was expecting him on Thursday, I can understand why she'd check with him by 2:00 a.m. on Friday. Still, cannot grasp everything or anything that went down all day on Thursday (reporting B missing, gas can guy/situation, LE check, re-check, etc.). Obviously, as others have said, therein are the answers. If not the final answers, then a key piece to uncovering them imo.
This article from Sept. 2, is probably one of the first to outline some basic information.

From Buttonwillow, Bryce ended up in Castaic after driving another 86.3 miles, 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Considering he could have driven to LN from Buttonwillow in about three hours (add more time for traffic conditions), it really is confusing as to why he didn't leave Buttonwillow rested with enough daylight left to make it to LN by evening. That's a headscratcher indeed.

Castaic to Laguna Niguel was only another 93.5 miles, about 1 hour 35 minutes remained to reach his destination home in LN.
After all this time, I never realized how close he already was to home when he crashed the SUV.

The distances weren't discussed often. This was probably established early in the case, but I'm surprised nobody pointed out how close to home his accident happened. For some reason, I was under the impression Bryce hadn't made it very far. In this case, it does seem as if he was headed to LN.
A few pages back I pointed out his parents were expecting him (knew he planned on driving down). Peeps said then that they aren't convinced Bryce intended to go to LN. Considering how far south he'd already travelled by 2:00 a.m. on Friday, I don't know where else he'd be headed. Otherwise why not hang/stay somewhere further north?
He could have easily made it home way before 2:00 a.m. though. What the heck was he doing all that time after the last police check? He said he was going to hang out with friends, right? Isn't it likely that's what he did then (or at least thought they were his friends)? What else was he doing all night long?

How do other people explain or think the reason was that Bryce had already almost completed his trip before deciding not to push on home? Thinking of it this way, makes the whole case even stranger for me.

Bryce didn't get to Buttonwillow until 9 am in the morning when he called for roadside assistance because he ran out of gas. Gas didn't appear until noon. His mother was called by roadside assistance for a survery and that's how she found out her son wasn't in Rocklin or Chico and that he was on the road. He did not tell her he was coming to Laguna Niguel. This is when she tried called him and he didn't answer her calls. So she sent Christain the roadside assistance guy back to see if Bryce was ok. He reported that Bryce was ok, said he'd been sleeping and that his eyes appeared red.

Bryce did not get to Buttonwillow at 4 am that morning. He did not leave Buttonwillow until around midnight or so that night. He spent a good 12 hours or more in Buttonwillow. None of us know why. He probably would have made it home from Buttonwillow had he gone straight to Laguna Niguel in 3 1/1 hours. Had he left earlier, he would have been there on Thursday evening/night. But he didn't, he didn't leave Buttonwillow until aroudn midnight. He must have "hung out with friends later" in Buttonwillow.

Thank you for the explanation. Now I understand the reason why there's confusion over whether B's parents knew or didn't know B was driving down to see them.
Can you explain more about the survey and why it took Bryce three hours to get gas. Where was he located then? Do we know his exact location?

Also I wonder where he went after leaving Rocklin at around 11:30 p.m. He must have spent time somewhere else, after his keys were returned, if he didn't arrive in Buttonwillow (name cracks me up) until 9:00 a.m.

YW. I think it was a survey about the kind of service they were given in Buttonwillow when they delivered gasoline. Wanting to know if the customer was satisfied, etc. Yes, he was at a rest area when he ran out of gas and Christian the roadside service guy delivered gas to him there.

That's one of the big questions, as to where he was and why it took him until 9 am to get to Buttonwillow if he left at 11:30 that night for a 6 hour drive. He should have been there 3 hours earlier. No one knows where he went. HTH

A survey was put out that quickly? To someone other than the driver?
I'm confused. Anyway I hope they got a 'C' grade at best considering it took them three hours to deliver the gas. Seems like a long time to have to wait.

Here's most of the posts in a series that launched discussion about Bryce calling for gas and the time he arrived in Buttonwillow (possibly).
Seajay posted that it took three hours until the gas was delivered.
My comment was based on that information.
hmm ...vultures don't normally hang around circling over anything deceased ...usually when they are seen 'circling' they are grabbing warm thermals of air, which helps them save energy flying. When they DO spot something, they descend quickly, and often aren't seen there, depending on location.
There are several other animals that could around and that are more elusive.
:twocents:I think Bryce is very much alive. I also think he will not come out of hiding until the peering eyes and billboards go away. For him to come out at this moment would mean him having to do a lot of explaining and most 19 year olds are not o.k. with that. He is quite possibly concerned with the legalities of all of this and might be afraid of facing jail time. I personally think if his parents let things die down a bit he will most likely resurface alive and well. :twocents:

That could very well be the case so why not get a message by way of third party or whatever out to his folks that he is ok without letting his whereabouts be known so all the searches would stop? By doing nothing all this continues. Doesn't make sense. It's not like he's married and instead of getting divorced fakes a death and goes missing to be with another women. That sounds like the movie with Julia Roberts "sleeping with the enemy"

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I can understand if Bryce has had a manic episode .... peaked whilst in Castaic , car crashed , feeling fearless he exits the lake area and hitches a lift......
the Purple Cab is still unaccounted for.....
That mania could last a while then there would be the come down from that...a big massive bump down to earth,and shattered....he would have to gather himself back together to function within his present surroundings which could be anywhere by now......
From what I have read and seen If you are having an episode ,most do not want to see, or cannot ,communicate with family or anyone close,especially if you have no clue what is going on inside your head.......because you are and have been that far "out there" it can only take either yourself or medication to pull you become more stable.
But I do agree that you can function normally and what would seem to be quite normal to outsiders....but inside you are not......and then if you add on the knowledge that there has been a full scale campaign to find you.....would you go home?
So even if he has or has not had an episode or walked away on his own accord ,I agree that it would take a lot to get over the fear ,embarrassment, feeling heartbroken ,very dramatic and traumatic......

How would you begin to get in touch again?
Is there an anonymous number he can phone?
Who was his closest confidant?

It was a purple truck that a psychic saw in a vision. It can't be discussed on this forum. No psychic stuff allowed.

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hmm ...vultures don't normally hang around circling over anything deceased ...usually when they are seen 'circling' they are grabbing warm thermals of air, which helps them save energy flying. When they DO spot something, they descend quickly, and often aren't seen there, depending on location.
There are several other animals that could around and that are more elusive.
We had 3 the other day in our neighborhood, sitting on a telephone pole wire perched over a dead squirrel in the road...
Bryce would have to be mentally disturbed in some way, if he would allow his parents to endure not knowing for so long, as well as incur expenses, seek help in searching, obtaining billboards, etc...a missing family member consumes the remaining family members. I can see maybe letting a few days pass, out of embarrassment, but not two months and counting.
Well the duffle bag was removed from the SUV so that's the assumption considering how the SUV fell I don't see how it just fell out of the SUV upon impact.

Is it a fact the duffle bag was located outside the SUV? Not long ago, this topic was discussed and I don't believe anybody claimed to know for sure if it was found unzipped at the rear but inside the SUV or outside.

What makes you believe it was found outside the SUV? Where did the info about the unzipped bag originate? Do you know?
Is it a fact the duffle bag was located outside the SUV? Not long ago, this topic was discussed and I don't believe anybody claimed to know for sure if it was found unzipped at the rear but inside the SUV or outside.

What makes you believe it was found outside the SUV? Where did the info about the unzipped bag originate? Do you know?

I never heard anything about the bag being outside of the vehicle.
If Bryce wanted to come home unnoticed and anonymously Halloween evening would be an opportune time. Throw on a mask, ski mask, big coat whatever nobody would know if he went to his parents. Just another trick or treater he could blend right in.

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I never heard anything about the bag being outside of the vehicle.

Please see post 929 above. I responded/asked a question to Riverking - sounds as if his post placed the bag outside the SUV.
I recall this issue being discussed in at least two places/threads.
Is it a fact the duffle bag was located outside the SUV? Not long ago, this topic was discussed and I don't believe anybody claimed to know for sure if it was found unzipped at the rear but inside the SUV or outside.

What makes you believe it was found outside the SUV? Where did the info about the unzipped bag originate? Do you know?

I never heard it was found outside the vehicle either. I always thought from the way it was stated that it was at the rear of the SUV, inside. FWIW
I personally think he ran out of gas sleeping with the a/c on and they probably brought it fairly quickly and then sent the survey out to the policy holder at noon.

BBM having nearly done this myself, in Buttonwillow no less, I agree. Dragz (his uncle who posts here) seemed to think that was the case as well. It takes longer than you'd think to run out of gas even sitting with the A/C on, but if fuel was already low I could see it happening. Or, maybe he knew he wasn't that far from a gas station and stayed there longer than he planned.
Whoever wrote the post I responded to stated that the gas was delivered three hours after he called for help. Maybe it was because the call went through State Farm (someone suggested this as they believe that's what B's mom said).

When we quote a post and then someone quotes ours, the original quote doesn't come with our quote. So your response is really to someone else - make sense? I'll see if I can locate the original post easily and bring it forward.

Thanks Woe! I usually catch that but missed it this time, and I am terrible at the whole multi-quote thing. Yes, does make sense and thanks for pointing it out.
We should all say a prayer for Bryce tonight. It is 12:45am here in Cali at 2am Oct 30 it will be exactly two months Bryce missing.

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We should all say a prayer for Bryce tonight. It is 12:45am here in Cali at 2am Oct 30 it will be exactly two months Bryce missing.

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Praying, praying, praying!!!
I wonder if his parents could buy local airtime for a thirty second or so video commercial to show on stations in the area for a period of time, a week or whatever, like politicians do. Just to try to make sure as many of people in the surrounding towns as possible are aware. Not even sure if this is possible.
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