CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #8

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That's exactly what I thought too, but wasn't sure if I was zooming in on too many details. I had been searching through all these wonderful photos at the link below, to try and compare.

Those are great pics! JMO, but after looking at those and lots of Google Image search pics, I really do think Bryce's eyebrows look redder or at least thicker (therefore redder) than the average redhead. I know he could have changed his eyebrow color, but if he hasn't and he's out there somewhere I could see that standing out to someone.
Thank you so much! I thought the Taurus sign was a serpent!

You're welcome! I'm not sure what that S shape in the middle of the bull's face is on his tattoo. Might just be for shape or styling, but I haven't seen that on any of the numerous Taurus drawings or tattoos I looked at today on Google, so I think that whole tattoo in general is very unique, even if someone weren't close enough to see the roman numerals. IMO of course.
You're welcome! I'm not sure what that S shape in the middle of the bull's face is on his tattoo. Might just be for shape or styling, but I haven't seen that on any of the numerous Taurus drawings or tattoos I looked at today on Google, so I think that whole tattoo in general is very unique, even if someone weren't close enough to see the roman numerals. IMO of course.

Slapping my head here - I have only just 'seen' the bull's head. I really do see patterns oddly sometimes. I thought the small pattern in the center was a serpent, then I thought it was the horns of a bull, the abbreviated Taurus sign you sometimes see in astrology. All the time, I completely failed to see the entire, large outline was a bull's head. I got it now though.

I finally, finally got to see gitana's video too. Lovely. That's exactly what's needed to make people want to find Bryce, I think.
Good post. Re: your first question yes, I think it's fair to say nearly anyone would be pretty upset about that accident and totaling their car. Anyone... but especially a young college student.

About the distinguishing characteristics, I agree with most of your list.

- To the natural red hair I might add - and eyebrows. I guess it's kind of a given, but his eyebrows look quite red to me, moreso than some redheads I've known (or maybe his hair's just thicker so they look redder?).

- Also typical of redheads, but - fair skin. Even if he's been out in the sun, my guess is he doesn't tan easily.

- Tattoo - left arm, Taurus bull head with Roman numerals for his birth date. I'm going to look for an earlier post that had more details about the tattoo.

- Height - IMO, and maybe I just have a lot of tall family and friends, but to me 5'10" or 5'11" (I've seen both reported for Bryce) isn't particularly tall. Not short by any means, but to me when I picture "tall" as a descriptor I picture someone who would be noticeably taller than the majority of people in a crowd, and IMO I don't think Bryce would be. My husband for example is 6' and he doesn't stand out as particularly tall most places.

And yes, for the other person found, Rest In Peace. I hope his family finds some small measure of comfort in knowing what happened to him, whoever it is.

To a short person, six feet looks TALL. However, to most Texans, 5'10" to 5'11" is not particularly tall. One of my sons is 6'3" and he does stand out, because the rest of us are average or under. His wife is 5'2", so they look like Mutt and Jeff. (Old cartoon for you young-uns.)

Bryce's hair looks to be that bright carroty shade, so I guess that's not very common, but I don't think red hair is all that rare. I have reddish brown hair myself, and I see a lot of redheads all the time... men as well as children, so probably not dyed. I guess the carrot top is kind of unusual, tho.
I guess me and Mr Z are Mutt and Jeff too. And you are right about this short person thinking everyone is tall - especially when I meet young teens I haven't seen since toddler age, and find myself looking up....and up.

Sounds like Texans would feel right at home in Holland, where just everyone's head seems to be up there in the clouds somewhere. I never felt so small in my life there.
Does anyone have to hand the video link someone found that was good for mobile devices?

There is a link on the Facebook page someone's posted, but all that seems to lead me to is a load of videos about unrelated car crashes. Unless I am missing something ( not a great youtube user) it seems really inappropriate to me.
@ kslyfoxy: We have conflicting info in the timeline … you reportedly saw Bryce on both Tues and Wed evenings … TIA
Was Bryce “acting weird” on Tuesday evening at his apartment AND Wednesday evening at your house?

OR, was Bryce only “acting weird” on Wednesday evening at your house in Chico?

That's exactly what I thought too, but wasn't sure if I was zooming in on too many details. I had been searching through all these wonderful photos at the link below, to try and compare.

I guess me and Mr Z are Mutt and Jeff too. And you are right about this short person thinking everyone is tall - especially when I meet young teens I haven't seen since toddler age, and find myself looking up....and up.

Sounds like Texans would feel right at home in Holland, where just everyone's head seems to be up there in the clouds somewhere. I never felt so small in my life there.

I noticed that the red hair photography link is Dutch. My moeder is from Holland (Amsterdam). But she's tiny! 5'1". The rest of her family is not though, including her brother. I think it's the war that did it. Her brother reached 6 ft but he was sent to the coast to live with a farm family for awhile during the war. Everyone who stayed in Amsterdam really suffered malnutrition.
Otherwise, the Dutch really are tall...and beautiful.

I'm glad you were able to finally see the video!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. My daughter called him 15 times on Thursday sent 3 text messages, about an hour after the crash or the wee hours of Friday morning sent another text. Several people knew he didn't go back the apartment Wednesday night/Thursday morning because they had been calling him. So yes all those people tried calling him before the crash and after.. I saved all screen caps to the messages that went unanswered.

Again I Wonder Why Bryce's ex-roomie say in the media interview that when he found out Bryce was missing he tried to phone him..... he phoned Bryce a few hours after the car crash ...
Bryce was not missing then.....his Mum only found out at 8am about the crash???
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #1

from Dragracerz "I also saw somewhere that nick (his old roommate) said he tried calling Bryce when Bryce was driving home - But Nick actually called late Friday morning, a few hours after the car was discovered crashed"
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #1

Unless Nick heard about Bryce being missing the first time from BL's friends,GF?...but then again Bryce must have only been missing for a few hours the first time...(the time Christian done the 2nd check 4pm-5pm ish until 7.16pm police report).....
surely the word would have been out that Bryce was ok after the wellbeing police check.........maybe his friends forgot to update Nick?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. My daughter called him 15 times on Thursday sent 3 text messages, about an hour after the crash or the wee hours of Friday morning sent another text. Several people knew he didn't go back the apartment Wednesday night/Thursday morning because they had been calling him. So yes all those people tried calling him before the crash and after.. I saved all screen caps to the messages that went unanswered.

Caron, thanks for the information, do you know why everyone was calling after he left - was it the way he left? Did he return anyone's call or text while on his trip? Thanks for any light you can shed on this, I apologize if it's been asked and answered already.
I drove home tonight to Valencia from Chico. There was a huge electronic graphic billboard that had alternating ads one of which Brice. Very noticeable. I think it was before the Buttonwillow exit.

"You get two things in life, the things you ask for and the things you are afraid of."
Reverend Terry Cole Whittaker
Theres also one on the 99 South in north Bakersfield and one on the 14 South in Lancaster.
I must have seen the one on the 99 north of Bakersfield. I noted the exit as 29 and then couldn't find it in a google search because I was looking for it on the 5. The freeways merge up around there.

"You get two things in life, the things you ask for and the things you are afraid of."
Reverend Terry Cole Whittaker
Also it seems his family had an idea where to find him and that he had left on his own.
curious, what makes you think that?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. My daughter called him 15 times on Thursday sent 3 text messages, about an hour after the crash or the wee hours of Friday morning sent another text. Several people knew he didn't go back the apartment Wednesday night/Thursday morning because they had been calling him. So yes all those people tried calling him before the crash and after.. I saved all screen caps to the messages that went unanswered.

wow, have we heard this before? I thought they said there was no "unusual" activity on the phone, those messages/texts would tell us a lot.
curious, what makes you think that?

wow, have we heard this before? I thought they said there was no "unusual" activity on the phone, those messages/texts would tell us a lot.

This was in reference to a different missing person, who was found, not Bryce, and they seemed to know he would have gone someplace near San Francisco and maybe to a protest of some kind.
Does anyone have to hand the video link someone found that was good for mobile devices?



Thanks for re-posting the video, malaneuh!

* * *

Oh Gitana, you did a wonderful job putting together this video! You brought Bryce to life in a way we've not seen to date.

I especially appreciated the appeals from Bryce’s parents at the end. But unfortunately, along with all with we have seen from this nice family, the personal appeals also made it clearer to me that a young man raised by these two nice folks could not possibly torture his parents by just up and leaving without a trace, without a call, of his own volition, or in his right mind. This solidified my fear that something terrible may have happened.

Where could this young man possibly be?
How would someone know Bryce wasn't at his apt. just because he didn't answer his phone? Or, did he answer and was having conversations with friends? Telling them he wasn't home?
Thanks for re-posting the video, malaneuh!

* * *

Oh Gitana, you did a wonderful job putting together this video! You brought Bryce to life in a way we've not seen to date.

I especially appreciated the appeals from Bryce’s parents at the end. But unfortunately, along with all with we have seen from this nice family, the personal appeals also made it clearer to me that a young man raised by these two nice folks could not possibly torture his parents by just up and leaving without a trace, without a call, of his own volition, or in his right mind. This solidified my fear that something terrible may have happened.

Where could this young man possibly be?

He really loves his parents a lot to permanently include their initials in his tattoo. This is why I find it hard to believe he purposely would hurt them this way by not signaling somehow someway that he is OK. My sons would never put my initials on their arm even though I know they love me. :(

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