CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #1

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Thanks Eileen730! :seeya:
I, too, was trying to look for reflections. Almost makes you go cross-eyed, doesn't it?

I have to say that elevator video is Haunting!

What a creey history that hotel has!
Hello and welcome to all the new WSers!
Just one poss. scenario on how to make someone suddenly go to LA, stay at a "funky" hotel, act bizarre in an elevator and be led to the top of a water tank on a roof.....

Tell them you need an actor for a" video" or a model for a" photo-shoot."
I've watched the video a handful of times and it looks to me like she's being playful (child-like) rather than scared or drugged. Almost like she's playing hide and seek with someone off-camera. The way she peeks out too seems like she's not actually scared of being seen. Then at the end when she is making those hand movements it looks like she's counting down on her hands. Like 5-4-3-2-1- like time's up. Ready or not. Where are you already.
I have to say that elevator video is Haunting!

What a creey history that hotel has!

ITA I have had nightmares for the last 2 nights after watching the video. I can't watch it again. I don't think anyone was with her at that time but I do think something was way off about her behavior.

I do think someone put her in the water tank.

I remember seeing a Japanese movie called Dark Water that was about a girl in a water tank. It was remade into an American version. Did anyone else see it?

Maybe that has what has me freaked out that it actually happened in real life.
Hello and welcome to all the new WSers!
Just one poss. scenario on how to make someone suddenly go to LA, stay at a "funky" hotel, act bizarre in an elevator and be led to the top of a water tank on a roof.....

Tell them you need an actor for a" video" or a model for a" photo-shoot."

Oh my gosh, I never thought of this scenario but that seems quite possible to me! Good thinking, DOTR!
fwiw, I showed the video to my 8 year old and asked him "What do you think is going on with this girl in the elevator?"

He said, "I think she has a problem with her brain." I thought it was interesting that he didn't say that she looked scared or was playing a game or was hiding from someone. :waitasec:
Why all the play with the buttons? I know when I get on an elevator, and want it to go quickly, I push my button, and if it doesn't close the door quickly, then I push the other buttons just above my floor to get it moving. Now, stepping in front of the door sensors, and peeking out, would only delay the closing of the doors. Maybe she did not realize that, in what appears to me to be her panic.

A poster mentioned possibly climbing in the tank...maybe...then another poster mentioned the possibility of her CLOSING the lid and where are her clothes! That's where I feel there is foul play...I do not see it. Watching, reading, and waiting to see how this one pans out, friends. Poor, poor girl...RIP.
Wondering if someone messed around in the electrical control room, flicking breakers or pulling fuses ect.
"The alarm is a large part of the investigation into how Lam died and why her body was discovered in the rooftop tank, said L.A. Police Department spokesman Officer Christopher No.

“That will play a role to see if that was locked or not or who had access to that,” No said"
One of my biggest questions is if there was normally a ladder on the outside of the tanks. Also if there is a ladder on the inside the tanks which would have made access easy or not. It was reported earlier that these were metal tanks. The manufacture of the tank might of installed or welded rungs on the outside and inside of the tank to be used as a way to enter and exit the tank for maintenance purposes or maybe not. All the pictures I have seen don't suggest that there are permanent ladders installed on the outside of the tanks.

If Elisa did manage to climb up the tank and fell in or climbed in, she might not have been able to get back out if no ladder existed inside of the tank. She no doubt would have drown after losing strength to keep herself a float.

If she was placed inside the tank by someone while she was alive I think bruises and abrasions would be noticed during postmortem examination. Looking at the configuration of the four tanks and the height it would be an incredible feat for someone to carry a body up there and place the body into the tank.

I have examined many photos on the web and cannot determine if the ladder seen leaning against the tank where Elisa was found, was placed there by the firefighters or if this ladder might have been placed there by the maintenance man or been there all along. Without this ladder I don't see an easy way for an individual to climb the tanks, much less for someone to carry a body up to the top of the tank. This is no doubt an aluminum ladder which makes me think that this is NOT the fire departments ladder since aluminum ladders have a higher risk of electrocution. I just can't see the LAFD still using aluminum ladders. If this ladder was already present on top of the building the fire department might of opted to use this ladder since to get their own ladder to the top of the building, the ladder would have likely had to have been carried up the stairs or hoisted it up the outside of the building using a rope, since a ladder of this size I don't think would have fit inside the elevator. I would imagine that this ladder was used by the maintenance man who originally discovered Elisa's body in the tank.

If the only way to get on top of these tanks was by use of this ladder and if the ladder was normally stored inside what looks like a small building on the top of the roof and placed there by the maintenance man when he went to examine the tanks in regarded to the water pressure problem, than someone with good knowledge of the hotel must of placed Elisa in the tank since Elisa couldn't have moved the ladder after being inside the tank. Who would have known were the ladder was and who would have put the ladder back where it belonged?

I have read in the comments left by past guests of the hotel that water pressure was an issue and perhaps this ladder was left standing against the tanks on a regular basis. Regardless I think if that ladder was kept there on a permanent basis is a big clue to this mystery.



Very interesting comments regarding the ladders (both inside and out) for the water tanks...

In reference to the cases of bodies found in water tanks in other states/countries (India and NY, I believe?)....

I wonder if it was ever determined how the bodies found in the water tanks were placed in the tanks by those perp(s)...

It does seem like a daunting task....But I think this scenario makes more sense than Elisa climbing into a water tank by her own volition...

I wonder how Elisa would even KNOW there were water tanks on the roof... I have read posters here that were not aware of water tanks on the roofs of hotels... And I know I had no idea of such...

One of my biggest questions is if there was normally a ladder on the outside of the tanks. Also if there is a ladder on the inside the tanks which would have made access easy or not. It was reported earlier that these were metal tanks. The manufacture of the tank might of installed or welded rungs on the outside and inside of the tank to be used as a way to enter and exit the tank for maintenance purposes or maybe not. All the pictures I have seen don't suggest that there are permanent ladders installed on the outside of the tanks.

If Elisa did manage to climb up the tank and fell in or climbed in, she might not have been able to get back out if no ladder existed inside of the tank. She no doubt would have drown after losing strength to keep herself a float.

If she was placed inside the tank by someone while she was alive I think bruises and abrasions would be noticed during postmortem examination. Looking at the configuration of the four tanks and the height it would be an incredible feat for someone to carry a body up there and place the body into the tank.

I have examined many photos on the web and cannot determine if the ladder seen leaning against the tank where Elisa was found, was placed there by the firefighters or if this ladder might have been placed there by the maintenance man or been there all along. Without this ladder I don't see an easy way for an individual to climb the tanks, much less for someone to carry a body up to the top of the tank. This is no doubt an aluminum ladder which makes me think that this is NOT the fire departments ladder since aluminum ladders have a higher risk of electrocution. I just can't see the LAFD still using aluminum ladders. If this ladder was already present on top of the building the fire department might of opted to use this ladder since to get their own ladder to the top of the building, the ladder would have likely had to have been carried up the stairs or hoisted it up the outside of the building using a rope, since a ladder of this size I don't think would have fit inside the elevator. I would imagine that this ladder was used by the maintenance man who originally discovered Elisa's body in the tank.

If the only way to get on top of these tanks was by use of this ladder and if the ladder was normally stored inside what looks like a small building on the top of the roof and placed there by the maintenance man when he went to examine the tanks in regarded to the water pressure problem, than someone with good knowledge of the hotel must of placed Elisa in the tank since Elisa couldn't have moved the ladder after being inside the tank. Who would have known were the ladder was and who would have put the ladder back where it belonged?

I have read in the comments left by past guests of the hotel that water pressure was an issue and perhaps this ladder was left standing against the tanks on a regular basis. Regardless I think if that ladder was kept there on a permanent basis is a big clue to this mystery.




Very interesting comments regarding the ladders (both inside and out) for the water tanks...

In reference to the cases of bodies found in water tanks in other states/countries (India and NY, I believe?)....

I wonder if it was ever determined how the bodies found in the water tanks were placed in the tanks by those perp(s)...

It does seem like a daunting task....But I think this scenario makes more sense than Elisa climbing into a water tank by her own volition...

I wonder how Elisa would even KNOW there were water tanks on the roof... I have read posters here that were not aware of water tanks on the roofs of hotels... And I know I had no idea of such...

wow! i stumbled on this video on fb,
so i watched
then i read

the history of this hotel combined with the video
make me wish soulscape, tuba and house mouse
were still working those astrology charts

in my opinion i think it is very probable she got herself
stuck somewhere while hiding,
i really hope they have searched every mouse hole in that ***** hole

needless to say this is a very intriguing case
where on earth is she?
somethings so not right here.....
wish we could see all surveillance videos from her stay

Bumping up my post from days ago,
Guess I was right about her getting stuck somewhere while hiding,
What a sad interesting twist to this story
The L.A. Times reports that a tenant at the Cecil Hotel said he heard a "tremendous" noise on the floor above him the night before Lam went missing. Reportedly, Lam was staying on the fourth floor, one floor above Bernard Diaz's room.

Diaz also mentioned that there was flooding on the fourth floor the day after Lam went missing, stating that there was "some obstruction to the drain between the third and fourth floor."

From :

FWIW - I think her behavior in the elevator just looks like that of someone who is playful, young and maybe a little drunk. I feel like she's interacting with the sensors, trying to get the elevator to move.
It would seem odd that only one person would notice a woman singing at the top of her lungs in the street. A quick survey of local residence, shop / office workers etc would determine whether it was in fact Elisa. Sightings of missing persons seem to be as erroneous as they are common.

But, I do agree with you - it was the strangeness of the elevator situation that brought this so much attention (before the body was found). Perhaps this was the reason.

Welcome to WS, Dr!

Bumping up my post from days ago,
Guess I was right about her getting stuck somewhere while hiding,
What a sad interesting twist to this story

Has there been some kind of confirmation she was hiding? I thought LE were being tight lipped about whether or not this was an accident....
It's also weird how she crouches down eye-level to the buttons and seems to really concentrate on them as she's pushing them.[/QUOTE]

Elisa wore glasses - she doesn't have them on in the video. I know I would have to look at least that close to be able to press the buttons accurately - I am extremely nearsighted (but I have a prescription in the "normal" range - I'm not blind).

It's striking to me that she's roaming through the hotel and in the elevator without her glasses on. As a person who is 100% dependent on glasses (or contacts, but so far her family has only mentioned her as wearing glasses) I would NEVER go anywhere without my glasses, especially if I was on vacation in a hotel alone. I'd leave my phone before leaving my glasses.
Elisa seems to be acting "normally" when shen first enters the lift. She walks in, bends down to see the buttons (maybe needs to look closely because she has no glasses on), presses 4 and then stands back waiting for the lift doors to shut...this is exactly what you would expect.

As I stated in my earlier post, I stayed in that hotel. I have been wracking my brain about what I remember. I now recall something that might shed some light on this topic. There was some confusion at which floor to press for the lobby. The lobby had two floors, and the higher of the two floors led you to an area where the continental breakfasts were served. If this is morning as others have suggested, she might have been going down to get the breakfast or use their Internet. But it would not be obvious to her which one to press to get there, so what she is doing seems to be trying to get to the lower floors in a hurry (anyone will do!).

I don't think she is "playing with anyone." She seems to be nervous and maybe trying to soothe herself by being playful while waiting. Those halls often seems desolate. She probably didn't think anyone was around, or maybe she had the feeling there was and that is why she was looking around so much. She is from my hometown (Vancouver). We have. A lot of free-spririts. She sounds like she fit the bill.

Also, this was a really run down hotel, the corridors were long and creepy. Each floor seemed huge and while you felt alone in the hallways, it was the kind of layout that gave you no perspective on just how big it was. It was easy to get scared at any point in the maze of corridors. Until I was back on the ground floor, I was a little nervous being in the corridors. It really felt like the kind of place where deranged people could be staying. But even if they were not "guests", no doubt people who were not guests could just as easily get in there and go undetected by hotel workers. Maybe not the rooms, but definitely the vast floors, some of which were under construction/renos.

I stayed at that hotel because of misleading photos and online reviews. While creepy, the hotel is about on par with most hostels. And because it is such a huge building, it usually has availability. Most hostels are much smaller. When you are in the lobby in the morning with the other guests, it feels much nicer than what it does going back up to your room.

I saw someone posted the elevator panel. I question whether that is the real elevator. Maybe so, but I question it. I recall an old, small elevator.
Hello and welcome to all the new WSers!
Just one poss. scenario on how to make someone suddenly go to LA, stay at a "funky" hotel, act bizarre in an elevator and be led to the top of a water tank on a roof.....

Tell them you need an actor for a" video" or a model for a" photo-shoot."

Along the same lines of luring dotr, was thinking of a way to get someone up on the roof after dark would be to tell them the view is amazing from up scene, all the stars to gaze at...

Someone could have lured her to climb right up that red ladder to the highest spot on the roof...the smaller roof right above the water tanks. "C'mon up the view is A M A Z I N G"...!!!

Just a thought.
Along the same lines of luring dotr, was thinking of a way to get someone up on the roof after dark would be to tell them the view is amazing from up scene, all the stars to gaze at...

Someone could have lured her to climb right up that red ladder to the highest spot on the roof...the smaller roof right above the water tanks. "C'mon up the view is A M A Z I N G"...!!!

Just a thought.

The luring tactic is quite a possible scenario. The only thing that doesn't sit right with me is that she didn't have her glasses. I think she would take her glasses with her if she were going to look at the view (unless she wore contacts). I wish we knew what items of hers they found in her room or elsewhere - glasses, cell phone, etc.
As I stated in my earlier post, I stayed in that hotel. I have been wracking my brain about what I remember. I now recall something that might shed some light on this topic. There was some confusion at which floor to press for the lobby. The lobby had two floors, and the higher of the two floors led you to an area where the continental breakfasts were served. If this is morning as others have suggested, she might have been going down to get the breakfast or use their Internet. But it would not be obvious to her which one to press to get there, so what she is doing seems to be trying to get to the lower floors in a hurry (anyone will do!).

I don't think she is "playing with anyone." She seems to be nervous and maybe trying to soothe herself by being playful while waiting. Those halls often seems desolate. She probably didn't think anyone was around, or maybe she had the feeling there was and that is why she was looking around so much. She is from my hometown (Vancouver). We have. A lot of free-spririts. She sounds like she fit the bill.

Also, this was a really run down hotel, the corridors were long and creepy. Each floor seemed huge and while you felt alone in the hallways, it was the kind of layout that gave you no perspective on just how big it was. It was easy to get scared at any point in the maze of corridors. Until I was back on the ground floor, I was a little nervous being in the corridors. It really felt like the kind of place where deranged people could be staying. But even if they were not "guests", no doubt people who were not guests could just as easily get in there and go undetected by hotel workers. Maybe not the rooms, but definitely the vast floors, some of which were under construction/renos.

I stayed at that hotel because of misleading photos and online reviews. While creepy, the hotel is about on par with most hostels. And because it is such a huge building, it usually has availability. Most hostels are much smaller. When you are in the lobby in the morning with the other guests, it feels much nicer than what it does going back up to your room.

I saw someone posted the elevator panel. I question whether that is the real elevator. Maybe so, but I question it. I recall an old, small elevator.

Wonderful insight, thanks for sharing! When I saw the pictures of the hallways people shared on here, all I could think of was "The Shining", lol :D Totally creepy.

I can imagine that if Elisa DID see someone creeping around the hallways in the mirror across from the elevator, that could certainly cause some of her strange behaviour. We'd all like to think that when faced with a life-threatening situation, we'd be cool and level headed - but the reality is that some people just freeze, panic or break down. If the elevator wouldn't work and the person was between her and the stairs, what WOULD she do? :waitasec:
It's also weird how she crouches down eye-level to the buttons and seems to really concentrate on them as she's pushing them.
Elisa wore glasses - she doesn't have them on in the video. I know I would have to look at least that close to be able to press the buttons accurately - I am extremely nearsighted (but I have a prescription in the "normal" range - I'm not blind).

It's striking to me that she's roaming through the hotel and in the elevator without her glasses on. As a person who is 100% dependent on glasses (or contacts, but so far her family has only mentioned her as wearing glasses) I would NEVER go anywhere without my glasses, especially if I was on vacation in a hotel alone. I'd leave my phone before leaving my glasses.

I agree. This is what I was getting at in an early post the page before. I don't think she would go anywhere without her glasses (unless she wore contacts).
I agree with you that this could be why she is looking so closely at the numbers. But, why press only that row of numbers? I speculated on this the page before - there has got to be a reason she chose those and not any of the others, IMO.
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