CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #3

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what did you notice about him?

What I posted initially on Websleuths (there are a few other details that I have that I reported/tried to report to LE that aren't detailed here):
02-28-2010, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Lindsaym View Post
It does occur to me though that we should not rule out her deciding to take a route that doesn't "make sense," as it were. After all, if she ran into somebody on the trail who gave her a creepy feeling, she might have made a deliberate decision to head in the opposite direction of that person. (Just a thought!)
I was thinking the same thing. I have mountain biked on the North side of Lake Hodges many times, and there are many hikers, bikers, & runners that park where Chelsea did (or nearby on the street or dirt lots) and then follow the street across the footbridge. From that point there are a few trail options that one could follow, and eventually end up at a boat launch area parking lot with a bathroom (just over 3 miles from the dirt lot immediately North of where she parked). That would be a good route if she wanted to do some "hill work" and then be able to stop for a drink of water/potty stop and head back. My husband and I biked to Hernandez Hideaway and on Valentine's Day. The parking lot at the start was packed with cars and plenty of folks were on foot headed North. There are a few places along route options that have tree cover/are not exposed.

I don't think she would have gone this far, but there is a parking lot at the end of the most Northern finger of the lake (close to Del Dios Hwy). I only mention that because your last comment made me remember last night how I was glad that I wasn't riding alone that day. On the way to Hernandez Hideaway, we passed by a guy at that parking lot who kinda creeped me out. He looked like a transient -- on foot, disheveled and dirty, with a black garbage bag. We said hi to him and he just looked weird (didn't acknowledge, just smiled in a strange way). On the way back, I almost ran into him just walking along - but now without the bag he had been carrying. I was surprised to see him since he'd been headed in the other direction when we saw him, and had made "good" time getting to where I saw him the second time. My husband caught up to me about the same time (he'd sent me ahead while dealing with a bike issue) and I was a little relieved. He just seemed "off".
Have you been working on a timeline TravelingBug? Your map is great but I would like to see a TimeLine it might make this whole thing easier to follow as I know alot of people didnt read thread 1 and thread 2 and same ole questions keep reappearing time and time again.

I beleive that sarx is working on the time line.
Maybe that's what happens when you turn into a monster? :waitasec:

If he is actually bipolar and has been treated as such with medications.....
many of the meds (ex. lithium) can cause dramatic weight gain in patients. One of the biggest challenges is getting patients to comply with treatment. So if compliance was an issue with him, his weight could have fluctuated heavily.
Traveling bug is also working on a calender and we can help both of them by giving dates of each crime JG has done, his court hearings and events.........many thanks to them!
I reported that yesterday. A talk radio show interviewed a man who said he went to school with JAG. He said his father knew JAG's father and when the family moved to the mountain area when this guy was in 8th grade, his father encouraged him to be friends with JAG. He went on to describe JAG as a loner, weird, and dressing in black "goth" long after it was out of fashion.

This guy may not be on the up and up. I think people will claim they knew him when in fact they never paid any attention to him, so they can't really add anything.

John and Ken from KFI 640 had a relative of JAG's. The relative didn't want to be identified, but he gave incredible background information. The man was interviewed by the FBI when he stopped the Lake Elsinore house (JAG's grandmother's house) as neighbors called to say police were breaking in.

I didn't get to hear all of the information, but this gentleman talked with the FBI Sunday after JAG had been arrested. (Relative was unaware of this fact or anything else about Chelsea's disappearance.) The interview will probably be posted later. Just search for KFI 640.

Here's the link:
I was going to do the timeline, but TB was already working on one, so no need to dup.

In regards to the media Ghostwheel and all, be very careful in taking reports as fact. More than once I've been on the news for a search where they're using footage of me and talking about something and I was never where they were talking about. I've even had them use old footage of me for a different case. In terms of what they say, they constantly get the facts mixed up, the sheriff will say what they need to and omit (not lie nec.) things to make them look better or keep things quiet. Sadly the media is not very realiable.
The lead detective for the Amber Dubois case was asked whether they found any clothing from Amber Dubois. After he hummed and hawed about it for 2 mins, he finally answered "I cannot comment" This was leading a news reporter to speculate that they did in fact find clothing from the Amber Dubois case. This was heard on the JVM, and I do not have a link about it.

Maybe they found something very recently when they obtained the search warrants...
quick question: would JAGs mother be legally responsbile for notifying authorities he was visiting her home, not just morally responsible?

also if you could include any fact based text, maybe a site?

I was going to do the timeline, but TB was already working on one, so no need to dup.

In regards to the media Ghostwheel and all, be very careful in taking reports as fact. More than once I've been on the news for a search where they're using footage of me and talking about something and I was never where they were talking about. I've even had them use old footage of me for a different case. In terms of what they say, they constantly get the facts mixed up, the sheriff will say what they need to and omit (not lie nec.) things to make them look better or keep things quiet. Sadly the media is not very realiable.
Wholeheartedly agree.
quick question: would JAGs mother be legally responsbile for notifying authorities he was visiting her home, not just morally responsible?

also if you could include any fact based text, maybe a site?


Legally if he was just "visiting" I do not think so.

The requirements are that: Offenders update their registration information every time they change their address and thereafter, annually. Registrants must provide proof of address at the time of registration.

I would like more information on how long he had been "visiting" his mother and when the last time (and for how long) he had been at the Lake Elsinore address.
Chelsea's parents had a brief interview on Larry King Live tonight and Larry asked if LE has told them the cause of death. They both nodded and said, "yes" they know how she died!

So the parents have been informed of the cause of death. The announcement that the there won't be a positive identification until the March 18th hearing is a big clue that there's a reason for withholding this from the public. I think it revolves around the investigation into other missing girls. Typically police withhold information that only the perp knows, and I wonder if that figures into this?
if available.

Q: What if I know a sex offender or sexually violent predator is not complying with the registration requirements/law?
A: A person commits a felony of the third degree and can be prosecuted if the person has reason to believe that a sex offender is not complying with or has not complied with the requirements of the sex offender&#8217;s probation or parole, or with their registration requirements under Megan&#8217;s Law and intentionally assists the sex offender in eluding law enforcement seeking to find, question or arrest the sex offender for noncompliance with the requirements of the sex offender&#8217;s probation or parole or the requirements of Megan&#8217;s Law including:
Withholds information or does not notify the law enforcement agent or agency about the sex offender&#8217;s noncompliance with the requirements of parole, the requirements of Megan&#8217;s Law or, if known, the sex offender&#8217;s whereabouts;
Harbors of attempts to harbor or assist another person in harboring or attempting to harbor the sex offender;
Conceals or attempts to conceal, or assists another person in concealing or attempting to conceal, the sex offender; or
Provides information to the law enforcement agent or agency regarding the sex offender which the person knows to be false.

Neighbors Unaware Of Gardner's Sex Offender Status

POSTED: 5:38 pm PST March 4, 2010
UPDATED: 6:31 pm PST March 4, 2010

ESCONDIDO, Calif. -- Residents at the Rock Springs apartment complex in Escondido expressed shock after learning the man charged with the rape and slaying of Chelsea King was recently their neighbor.

Neighbors told 10News John Gardner lived in the complex until January of this year and that children lived just inches away.

"It's just scary to know that he's a sex offender not knowing that he was around our apartment complex," said former neighbor Victor Valadez.
Neighbors said they thought the children were Gardner's sons, but did not know for sure. They told 10News there was constant yelling and screaming coming from his apartment.

Alicia Morales lived directly across from Gardner and said the violent arguing prompted her to do some digging. She said she found Gardner's photo on the Megan's Law Web site and immediately warned her neighbors.

Armando Reyes and his family lived next door to Gardner and said when word spread about his past, Gardner approached him and said the photo was a mistake and that he "had nothing to worry about." :furious:

Shortly after, however, Gardner moved out, according to residents.

more here
if available.

Q: What if I know a sex offender or sexually violent predator is not complying with the registration requirements/law?
A: A person commits a felony of the third degree and can be prosecuted if the person has reason to believe that a sex offender is not complying with or has not complied with the requirements of the sex offender’s probation or parole, or with their registration requirements under Megan’s Law and intentionally assists the sex offender in eluding law enforcement seeking to find, question or arrest the sex offender for noncompliance with the requirements of the sex offender’s probation or parole or the requirements of Megan’s Law including:
Withholds information or does not notify the law enforcement agent or agency about the sex offender’s noncompliance with the requirements of parole, the requirements of Megan’s Law or, if known, the sex offender’s whereabouts;
Harbors of attempts to harbor or assist another person in harboring or attempting to harbor the sex offender;
Conceals or attempts to conceal, or assists another person in concealing or attempting to conceal, the sex offender; or
Provides information to the law enforcement agent or agency regarding the sex offender which the person knows to be false.


does this still go with being in california?
Chelsea's parents had a brief interview on Larry King Live tonight and Larry asked if LE has told them the cause of death. The both nodded and said, "yes" they know how she died!

So the parents have been informed of the cause of death. The announcement that the there won't be a positive identification until the March 18th hearing is a big clue that there's a reason for withholding this from the public. I think it revolves around the investigation into other missing girls. Typically police withhold information that only the perp knows, and I wonder if that figures into this?

The relative on the LA radio station indicated, by inference only, that LE has DNA evidence that was compelling. He said, without saying, it MIGHT involve Amber Dubois.
if available.

Q: What if I know a sex offender or sexually violent predator is not complying with the registration requirements/law?
A: A person commits a felony of the third degree and can be prosecuted if the person has reason to believe that a sex offender is not complying with or has not complied with the requirements of the sex offender’s probation or parole, or with their registration requirements under Megan’s Law and intentionally assists the sex offender in eluding law enforcement seeking to find, question or arrest the sex offender for noncompliance with the requirements of the sex offender’s probation or parole or the requirements of Megan’s Law including:
Withholds information or does not notify the law enforcement agent or agency about the sex offender’s noncompliance with the requirements of parole, the requirements of Megan’s Law or, if known, the sex offender’s whereabouts;
Harbors of attempts to harbor or assist another person in harboring or attempting to harbor the sex offender;
Conceals or attempts to conceal, or assists another person in concealing or attempting to conceal, the sex offender; or
Provides information to the law enforcement agent or agency regarding the sex offender which the person knows to be false.


The problem is that the law is so vague that it doesn't cover instances like this. If the majority of his belongings are in the Lake Elsinore home and he stayed there the majority of the time, how would they distinguish between "residence" vs. "visiting"? If anyone can find anything specific (case law?) that defines that it would be helpful. I don't think they were harboring him or concealing him but I do think they weren't doing what they were morally obligated to do having knowledge he was a convicted (and dangerous) SO.
John and Ken from KFI 640 had a relative of JAG's. The relative didn't want to be identified, but he gave incredible background information. The man was interviewed by the FBI when he stopped the Lake Elsinore house (JAG's grandmother's house) as neighbors called to say police were breaking in.

I didn't get to hear all of the information, but this gentleman talked with the FBI Sunday after JAG had been arrested. (Relative was unaware of this fact or anything else about Chelsea's disappearance.) The interview will probably be posted later. Just search for KFI 640.

Here's the link:

Thanks Tink! It was John and Ken I was listening to yesterday when they had on the guy that claims he knew JAG and went to school with him. I like John and Ken................they're usually on top of the latest info on a subject. I missed them today and will check out their site for the interview with the relative.
Not sure if same Megan's Law applies to PA; but one stipulation above indicates that if you are aware of the SO's whereabouts...I would think that they must have known that when he was in RB he was not properly registered. But again, I doubt it would be something that would be pursued. LE and justice system made the real mistakes here. I don't think JAG being registered properly in RB would have prevented this crime; if his parents had not allowed him to stay there, that may have done. But just the fact of him being registered probably would not have been, unless of course LE might have looked at him in the Dec. attack...but it seems as though they were treating that as a robbery at the time and probably not looking at SO's.
The relative on the LA radio station indicated, by inference only, that LE has DNA evidence that was compelling. He said, without saying, it MIGHT involve Amber Dubois.

Thanks! I think there's more victims of JAG.......:(
I hope they can find out what happened to Amber and I know her parents are hoping she can somehow be alive, but I don't think she is. But they at least may be close to knowing for sure and getting some sense of justice, if nothing else. And maybe, eventually, some sleep.
Today I had to do some errands and counted six teen girls walking alone with headphones clamped over their ears...I hate seeing that, if nothing else, they would never even hear if a car jumped a curb and wad headed at them, say nothing of if someone came up behind them. The kids and headphones thing, not to mention texting while walking, etc...isn't going away. I can't remember the last time I saw a teen just waalking or just riding or just driving, without some sort of device, which distracts them from the business of being safe...
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