CA - Child *advertiser censored* charges against John Mark Karr dismissed

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Greta talked about Karr tonight and showed a good portion of the press conference that his attorney held today. I did not tape it, and am relying on memory...

- Amparan pointed out that it is UNTRUE that Karr was arrested in Thailand for any crimes there. He said that the Thailand authorities detained Karr as a professional courtesy to the Boulder, Colorado authorities.
- He also pointed out that Karr has never been arrested for as much as any kind of traffic ticket much less other more serious crimes.
- He said that the zip drive with 1600 images on it, was not true. (I actually didn't quite get what he was saying here. I am not sure if he meant the zip drive did not belong to Karr, or if it was a total fabrication on the part of the Sonoma County people.)

I wish I had taped it, but I think those were the high points.

And then, Jim Hammer reported on what he said was an 'incident' today in San Francisco involving Karr with a couple of tv producers from 'a morning show' and an attempt to visit a girls school that Karr once taught at briefly.

Fortunately, KTVU has an article on it.

John Mark Karr Questioned, Released By Police In SF
Karr walks free, charges dismissed
Prosecutors site evidence problems in dropping case against celebrated child *advertiser censored* suspect

From this Santa Rosa Press Democrat article this morning, I thought this was particularly interesting.

"Reacting to the dismissal, Amparán said: "It's long overdue. It's the right thing. I just think it should have happened a long time ago.... This is all about issues they knew or should have known, or could have known, in 2001."

Indeed, it was noted five years ago in court documents that the images had been recovered from "unallocated space" in the hard drive. But it was unclear whether anyone involved in the case, including several prosecutors and defense attorneys, ever realized the import of the images' location.

A defense expert testified last week that once files are deleted by a computer user, they move to the unallocated space, the "netherworld" of computer memory. While in that space, they lose the file properties that show when - and sometimes by whom - a file was created, accessed and modified.

A sheriff's computer expert agreed in testimony last week that he could not determine dates and times the files were created or accessed by examining the department's printed report of the hard drive contents.
Passalacqua wrote in a statement that his office learned Thursday from the makers of the Sheriff's Department's forensic computer examination software that such critical file information was impossible to recover."
i.b.nora said:
Attorneys criticize media over handling of Karr case
By Mary Anne Ostrom
San Jose Mercury News
Posted on Fri, Oct. 06, 2006

An article about the press conference today.
Christopher Reggie, a San Francisco entertainment lawyer said he had met with Karr while he was being held in a Sonoma County jail to advise him on media issues. "He is committed to clarifying the image the media has of him and getting his own story, the real story out there," said Reggie, who counts former American Idol star LaToya London among his clients.

Asked if Karr intends to sell his story to a media outlet, Reggie laughed, "Is it a situation where he's going to have to go out and solicit?"

Great so now Karr is going to make money and become the media flavour of the month off of the grief and misery of child victims & his sick fantasies. :razz:

blaize said:
Christopher Reggie, a San Francisco entertainment lawyer said he had met with Karr while he was being held in a Sonoma County jail to advise him on media issues. "He is committed to clarifying the image the media has of him and getting his own story, the real story out there," said Reggie, who counts former American Idol star LaToya London among his clients.

Asked if Karr intends to sell his story to a media outlet, Reggie laughed, "Is it a situation where he's going to have to go out and solicit?"

Great so now Karr is going to make money and become the media flavour of the month off of the grief and misery of child victims & his sick fantasies. :razz:

I, for one, would be very interested in hearing Karr's side of the Wendy Hutchens/Michael Tracey events.

Michael Tracey....hmmmmm, speaking of making money off the grief and misery of child victims...
I have checked in on the Official Wendy Hutchens website a couple of times this past week. So far, the only change I have noticed from previous visits a few weeks ago is a change in the use of accent color. Instead of the putrid blue, it has become a putrid maroon.
It is slow loading today, which might mean that a change is currently underway.

I do wish that Sonoma County would release the original search warrants, but I doubt that they will. Presumably the warrants would tell more about Wendy's role in the whole thing.
It has occured to me that the 5 images in question might not have come from Wendy since they were apparently found on an old out of use computer or hard drive that hadn't been used since about 1998.
So, what were the 5 images titled Alyssa that showed on Wendy's list?

As far as Karr writing a book or doing interviews or whatever, I for one would be interested in what he has to say especially with regard to Michael Tracey. Everybody and their brother has attempted or succeeded in making tons of money from the JonBenet Ramsey case, so what's one more.
i.b.nora said:
I have checked in on the Official Wendy Hutchens website a couple of times this past week. So far, the only change I have noticed from previous visits a few weeks ago is a change in the use of accent color. Instead of the putrid blue, it has become a putrid maroon.
It is slow loading today, which might mean that a change is currently underway.

I do wish that Sonoma County would release the original search warrants, but I doubt that they will. Presumably the warrants would tell more about Wendy's role in the whole thing.
It has occured to me that the 5 images in question might not have come from Wendy since they were apparently found on an old out of use computer or hard drive that hadn't been used since about 1998.
So, what were the 5 images titled Alyssa that showed on Wendy's list?

As far as Karr writing a book or doing interviews or whatever, I for one would be interested in what he has to say especially with regard to Michael Tracey. Everybody and their brother has attempted or succeeded in making tons of money from the JonBenet Ramsey case, so what's one more.
I always LOL when I see the words "The Official Wendy Hutchens website". She may not have sent him the original five, but it's mightly peculiar how the police went straight to them after their 'correspondence'.

I bet WH kissed the ground when she heard the charges had been dropped. Remember when JMK was telling Tracey that he was trying to get some woman to confess to being a child molester? Reckon that was Wendy?

LOL - Spy vs. Spy Gone Wild!
I am smelling a strange odor about the truth in HOW Tracey made a connection with Karr in the first place! It seems just too convenient.

In watching Dateline and their rounding up of sexual perverts preying on underage teens online, through use of LE, WE are seeing all manner of upstanding citizen types who get involved in sexual perversion. This is what rather awakened my thoughts about just how upstanding Mr. Tracey is or might be.

Anyone else, smelling this connection?

Another old saying about, Birds of a feather flock together, OR 'It takes one to know one'. Tracey and the Stines hung out at CU doing their job jobs. HOW well might this string of common folk have been knitted together?

Get our your little crayons and color me coo coo, OR not? huh, er?

Where's Waldo, and where's Tracey now?

And it begins...

John Mark Karr Questioned, Released By Police In SF

POSTED: 7:54 pm PDT October 6, 2006

SAN FRANCISCO -- San Francisco police briefly detained John Mark Karr Friday after employees of an elementary school where he briefly worked reported him stepping out of a limousine and peering into the school's windows.

The incident occurred at Convent of the Sacred Heart at 2222 Broadway St. - less than 2 miles away from Karr's attorney's office, where a press conference was about to begin regarding Thursday's dismissal of child *advertiser censored* charges Karr faced in Sonoma County. Karr did not appear at the press conference.

San Francisco police Sgt. Steve Mannina said that at 12:17 p.m., a worker called police and said Karr was in front of the school.

"According to witnesses, a limousine pulled up, he got out, went up to the school and was looking in the window," Mannina said.
more at link:
Karr was a teaching assistant to Convent of the Sacred Heart's two third-grade teachers in 1996. He left after less than four weeks, saying he didn't like the job, school officials said.

Huh? How could he teach there in 1996 when he didn't even move to CA till 2000?
lighthouselover said:
Karr was a teaching assistant to Convent of the Sacred Heart's two third-grade teachers in 1996. He left after less than four weeks, saying he didn't like the job, school officials said.

Huh? How could he teach there in 1996 when he didn't even move to CA till 2000?
You are right! He was in Alabama in 1996.
Thats pretty much a stupid article. Its the same one I posted last night, and that one was wrong as well. Also, the pointing out that the school is less than two miles from Amparan's office is just stupid. San Francisco in only 7 miles square.

In fact, from an article published early on in the San Francisco Chronicle:

"One of those prestigious schools was Convent of the Sacred Heart Elementary School in San Francisco, one of four independent Catholic schools that operate under the umbrella of Schools of the Sacred Heart. John Karr worked as a teacher's aide for four weeks in September 2000, said Jo Ann Shain, director of communications for the four schools.

Shain said John Karr was only at the school for four weeks, voluntarily leaving because "he didn't like the job description."

He worked in two classrooms during the four weeks he was there. "He was never, ever alone with the children," Shain said, adding that teachers' aides are always supervised.

John Karr went through the school's comprehensive background check, including fingerprinting and a criminal record review. He had no problems in his past, according to Shain. She said his references in Georgia "recommended him highly.""
Unsealed records show Karr sensed impending arrest
Associated Press article

SANTA ROSA, Calif. - ... John Mark Karr sensed that police were closing in on him days before he was arrested in 2001 on suspicion of possessing child *advertiser censored*, according to newly unsealed law enforcement records.

The records released Friday detailing a 2001 investigation of Karr include transcripts of Karr's e-mails, which portray Karr as a man obsessed with sex, murder and young girls. The documents were sealed in August at the request of the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department.

Karr said in one e-mail to a confidential informant, Sonoma County resident Wendy Hutchens, that he had "an unreal connection" with little girls. But nothing in the documents suggests Karr had any connection to the death of JonBenet Ramsey as he claimed when he was arrested in Thailand.

...The records, with some details blacked out, were released after prosecutors dropped five misdemeanor counts of child *advertiser censored* possession against Karr on Thursday.

"The documents say Karr's sister-in-law, Reneau Karr of Atlanta, told a Sonoma County detective that Karr had called his brother Michael and asked for money for a plane ticket.

Karr asked if he could stay with his brother, she said. "She was concerned that John was running from a serious crime and thought he should stay to deal with it," the report says."

Information from: The (Santa Rosa) Press Democrat,"
And, the article on which that one was based, from The Press Democrat.
Published: Saturday, Oct 7, 2006

Records show Karr sensed impending arrest

"The records include transcripts of Karr's e-mails that portray a man obsessed with sex, murder and young girls.

But there is nothing suggesting any connection to the death of JonBenet Ramsey as Karr claimed when he was arrested.

Nor, despite fantasies about Ramsey and other young girls, is there any evidence in the affidavits and police reports that Karr ever had sex with a child.

"I am not afforded such a luxury to make any admission of that magnitude," he said in a March 2001 e-mail to Wendy Hutchens, who was acting as a confidential police informant."

"One revelation is that Karr grew suspicious as the investigation unfolded, according to a narrative of the investigation that describes an April 2, 2001, call from Hutchens to Karr that was monitored by detectives.

"During the call Karr said he knew how things worked with sting operations ..." the report says. "Karr felt someone was listening to the call and the telephone conversation ended."

He was questioned and his house searched a day later."

"He was arrested April 13.

Karr, who claimed he was trying to trap Hutchens, sent her e-mails making repeated references to Polly Klaas and Richard Allen Davis, who was convicted of kidnapping and killing the Petaluma girl in 1993.

"I feel my connection with deceased little girls like Polly is due to the unreal connection I have with living little girls," Karr said.

Hutchens was described in an affidavit as a reliable informant who assisted deputies on four successful cases.
This is an interesting article in today's Santa Rosa Press Democrat. While it is specific of course to Sonoma County, it makes me wonder how many other jurisdictions across the US are similar. Sonoma seems to have a seriously impaired District Attorney.

Karr case dismissal latest setback for D.A., sheriff's office
Published: Saturday, Oct 7, 2006

Here is the part relating to the Karr case:

"Critics, however, say Passalacqua has pursued some cases more for political reasons than in the interest of justice.
The district attorney sought Karr’s extradition from Colorado even though the case involved 5-year-old misdemeanors and there were problems with evidence, notably the whereabouts of a computer that reportedly contained pornographic images.
Chris Reynolds, a Santa Rosa private investigator who was hired to work on the Karr case, said the computer was inoperable and investigators knew it well before the case was dropped Thursday.
“The computer broke when they (Karr and his wife) were in Alabama,” Reynolds said. “It had never been turned on in the state of California. She told them that, but they still went ahead.”

Asked whether prosecutors acted ethically in offering Karr a plea bargain when they knew there were potential problems with the evidence, Passalacqua said: “There are offers made on a regular basis on (pending) cases. We felt that we could go forward with that case until yesterday.”

(On Greta the other night, Jim Hammer addressed the issue of the plea bargain in this case, and said that not only is it unethical, its illegal)

Its a long article, but its very interesting.
Peter Fimrite, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Where does a man go when he has been pilloried on cable television talk shows as an unrepentant pedophile and possibly a murderer despite never having been convicted of a crime? Nobody would say what John Mark Karr, the former suspect in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, is going to do since he was freed Thursday after child *advertiser censored* charges were dropped in Sonoma County, but his plans became partly clear about noon on Friday.

That's when an employee of the Convent of the Sacred Heart school in San Francisco, where Karr worked briefly as a teacher's aide in 2000 when he lived in the Bay Area, called police to report that the 41-year-old former schoolteacher wandering around outside the classrooms on Broadway.

Sgt. Steve Mannina said a limousine carrying Karr and two segment producers from ABC's "Good Morning America" show was stopped shortly after the reported sighting. The officer took their names but could not arrest them because they did not break any laws, Mannina said.

"He stepped out of the limo and stood (outside the school) for two or three minutes, walked down the sidewalk, went up to the door and looked in the window, Mannina said. Limo rides, segment producers and San Francisco entertainment lawyer Christopher Edward Reggie will likely be playing prominent roles in Karr's life from now on.
Limo rides to local schools aren't the only thing Karr has to look forward to. He is apparently weighing a slew of offers, interview requests and inducements from networks and cable television shows. more at link:
If ever there was someone who should be able to be legally monitored, it's John Mark Karr. All we can do, in light of losing the computer he (allegedly, probably) stored child pornograph on is hope that he will not impact some innocent child's life in the future.
LovelyPigeon said:
If ever there was someone who should be able to be legally monitored, it's John Mark Karr. All we can do, in light of losing the computer he (allegedly, probably) stored child pornograph on is hope that he will not impact some innocent child's life in the future.
Well, it should be noted that despite the widespread publicity, NOT ONE PERSON, CHILD, PARENT, NEIGHBOR, ETC. has come forward to say that JMK ever did anything immoral, illegal, or even questionable to them.

If CA officials thought he was soooooooo dangerous, why did they only charge him with five misdemeanors, depend on people like Wendy Hutchens to do their investigation, lose track of him once he was out on bail, make little (if any) attempt to locate him once he fled, and not at least keep the evidence? Why didn't they just throw the book at him back in 2001, instead of "well we have to charge him with SOMETHING"?

As to your post, have no fear LP. Already overburdened and overworked police departments will be responding to reported JMK sightings on a regular basis. And this will become life as he knows it.

Where is the Thailand laptop?
Partial quote from Lovely Pigeon.
"Well, it should be noted that despite the widespread publicity, NOT ONE PERSON, CHILD, PARENT, NEIGHBOR, ETC. has come forward to say that JMK ever did anything immoral, illegal, or even questionable to them. "

--->>>His wife divorced him, and IF I remember correctly there was a restraining order as well.

Correct me IF I err?

Wonder what HER reasons were?

Camper said:
Partial quote from Lovely Pigeon.
"Well, it should be noted that despite the widespread publicity, NOT ONE PERSON, CHILD, PARENT, NEIGHBOR, ETC. has come forward to say that JMK ever did anything immoral, illegal, or even questionable to them. "

--->>>His wife divorced him, and IF I remember correctly there was a restraining order as well.

Correct me IF I err?

Wonder what HER reasons were?

That wasn't LP's quote, that was mine. His wife filed for divorce AFTER the five misdemeanor charges and was later "talked into" getting the restraining order, I'm assuming due to the nature of the charges. But even with that, she told investigators at the time that the computer they took didn't even work, and there were never any charges of physical or sexual abuse of her or his children.

So, has he ever been charged with abusing or mistreating her or any of his children? At present, have any of his former students, friends, co-workers,....anybody come forward and said "yes, this man abused me" or "this man fondled me"....or "this man hurt my child".....? Anybody?

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