GUILTY CA - Classic (Orson West, 3) & Cincere (Orrin West, 4), still missing, Calif. City, *Mistrial on counts 4 & 5)* 21 Dec 2020 #8

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Morning Testimony, Part 4
DAY FIFTEEN - May 2, 2023

Court is back in session with the 12-year-old boy back on the stand. #WestsTrial

He's still being questioned by prosecutor Eric Smith. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't really remember that much, doesn't really remember Orrin and Orson going to their grandmother's. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't remember what his parents told him about Orrin and Orson coming back. Smith is asking the child to look at the transcript of the interview and what he said back then. #WestsTrial

The boy said his parents told him Orrin and Orson would return after spending time at the grandmother's house. #WestsTrial

Smith is directing the boy to another part of the transcript and asking him to read it. #WestsTrial

The boy said he was asked to put a time as to when Orrin and Orson went to their grandmother's, and he said it happened a couple days after they moved. #WestsTrial

The boy read another part of the transcript at Smith's behest. He said his answer when asked if he had seen the boys after they went to their grandmother's was "no." #WestsTrial

Smith is going to play a video of a second interview the boy had with the woman. The first interview occurred Dec. 22, 2020, the second on Dec. 28, 2020. #WestsTrial

Attorney Timothy Hennessy has asked for a sidebar and the judge and attorneys are leaving the room. #WestsTrial

They have returned. The video will be played. Transcripts are being passed out. #WestsTrial

The video is playing. The boy enters the same room as before and has a seat in the chair while the woman who previously interviewed him has a seat on the couch. #WestsTrial

The boy says he's been crying because he's been taken away from his parents. He says it's because Orrin and Orson are missing. #WestsTrial

He says Orrin choked while he was sleeping. He says it happened at the apartment they lived at in Bakersfield. #WestsTrial

The boy says Orrin was throwing up. The next morning his parents found Orrin, he says. His parents told him about it and asked him if they should keep it a secret. #WestsTrial

Orrin had taken Orson's drink. Nothing happened to him, they just went to bed, the boy says. He says he saw Orrin the next morning. #WestsTrial

The boy says Orrin was on his belly in the morning and they realized he had choked when his parents tried to wake him up. #WestsTrial

The boy says his parents were crying when they told him about Orrin. #WestsTrial

The boy says Orrin's color was "fading" when he saw him. He says his parents asked him if they should call an ambulance and he told them no because his parents said he would be taken away. #WestsTrial

The boy says he doesn't know what happened to Orrin after that. He says his parents told the other boys Orrin went to their grandmother's to keep it a secret from the others. The boy says he touched Orrin's body and it was cold. #WestsTrial

The boy says Orson went to Cal City with them. He says he thinks Orrin died a week before they moved, and that Orson was taken to his grandmother's house 4 days after the move. #WestsTrial

He says Orson never came back. He says he was asleep when his parents took Orson. #WestsTrial

The boy says sometimes his parents used their hands to smack the boys, or a "paddlestick." He says he got hit with it once, everyone got hit with it. He says they deserved it. #WestsTrial

One of the children -- not Orrin or Orson -- was forced to take cold showers if he peed while sleeping, the boy says. #WestsTrial

The boy says his parents chopped up Orrin's food using a blender then put it in a bottle. They didn't want him chewing with his mouth open, he says. Orrin later stole Orson's drink, then they went to bed, the boy says. #WestsTrial

The boy says his parents told Orson to punch Orrin for stealing the drink. He says he thinks Orson punched Orrin but he wasn't there. #WestsTrial

Then they all went to sleep and he heard noises but thought it was normal because Orrin and Orson always made noises, the boy says. Orrin was dead the next day. #WestsTrial

The woman steps out of the room. #WestsTrial

The woman returns. The boy says he doesn't know what his parents did with Orrin. #WestsTrial

The woman is asking him about the placements of the beds in the room. #WestsTrial

The boy says he was excited when they moved to the new house in California City. He says there was a bunk bed for Orrin in the house because his parents didn't want to let the others know what had happened to him. #WestsTrial

The woman gets a water for the boy and asks more questions. #WestsTrial

The boy talks about wondering why the police showed up to his grandmother's house. He says he thought the "original parents" called police because they thought something happened to Orrin and Orson. #WestsTrial

The boy says he saw Orson months ago. The video has ended. Court is in recess until 1:35 p.m. #WestsTrial
From what I understand the boy saying today is that Orrin died one week before the move and Orson disappeared ( went to grandmas!!!) four days later after the move to Cali.
Both boys dead within a week and a half.
Being fed liquified food out of a baby bottle while being physically abused.
They most likely died from malnutrition and physical trauma. MOO!
Back in session.
Smith asks boy if he remembers the interview. He answers yes.
Boy is going over transcript.
Asks what happened to Orrin in Bakersfield. He choked. He was throwing up out his nose.
He went to his room and Orrin was there with mom and da but he does not remember what happened next.
Orson was in his crib.
He does not remember answered multiple times.
He reads transcript to himself.
Does not remember what he meant by " his color is fading".
He says he did say not want them to call ambulance because police would show up and he was afraid he would lose family.
Parents and him did agree to keep it a secret but he does not remember.
He did not want his other brothers to be scared as to why he did not tell brothers about Orrin being dead.
He not sure what he saw parents trying revive Orrin. No 911 call.
Went back to class after parents told Orrin is dead.
He forgot it later.
Was not hard for him he said in knowing these things.
He told parents he would not tell secret.
Boy is reading lines from transcript. ( He sounds sad )
The promise between him and parents was not to tell Orrin died.
He does not know nor asked where Orrins body went.
Not sure how long before the move Orrin dies but he state in interview about a week.
He does not remember how long Orson was in Cal City. He stated 4 days in interview.
Parents told him Orson went to Grandmas.
He does remember Grandma Wanda coming to Cal City to watch them.
He thinks he heard a soap bottle falling in bath tub that night.
Have you seen Orson since then? No he says.
( He is trying to cover for his parents in this current testimony to lessen his previous testimony, IMO )
He could call parents with Apple Watch.
He saw interview with dad on tv but does not recall. He state in interview his dad lied and new Orrin is dead.
Does not remember what he thought at the time. He said different in interview.
Says he did not discuss this with Grandmas.
He remembers good memories with parents.
( I wish I could see the parents face during this testimony )
Playing video of children playing?
Hard to break the promise to his parents and hard to be in front of the discussing it today.
End questioning.
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Cross exam with Stallings.
First time they met.
Has seen Smith a few times, more than 5 times.
Had pizza with Lupe, other boy, Chris and 2 ladies.
Did not discuss anything of importance at lunch.
Him and other boy did not discuss trial at lunch.
No one talked to him why he was coming to court.
Smith did come to talk to him about what he would be doing in court, last week.
They did go over video. Only he was going to ask questions.
If he did not understand question just to say so.
He took an oath at that time. A promise.
Asks if he is ok and if he slept.
Asking him if understands what a mistake is. ( I hate this woman! )
Now asking about memories.
Asking if he remembers memories from long ago, 2 y/o? No.
Now asking about his trouble seeing and Neds glasses.
Smith objects.
Ask him what he knows about corona virus and how it effected him. No.
His mom helped with homework and keep him on track.
Dad taught other sibling.
Does not have favorite memory of mom or dad.
She asked if he is mad at his parents. No. ( The gull go this woman! )
Stallings asked about day in the park being fun.
Boy does not remember taking the picture to Smiths inquiry.
Does not remember much of that day.
( Boy is sniffling on stand not sure if cold or crying )
Stallings asking about Christmas stockings. ( She keeps trying to imply the stockings of Orrin/Orson were there therefore they were there.)
Orson was not there putting up tree.
10 stockings for 10 people.
Asks about dogs.
Orrin and Orson were not at the table.
Asks about the fish again in the pic of bunk beds
Orson slept in Cal City on bottom bed
He did not help build bunkbeds. ( Is she just trying to wear him out with random questions?)
Asking about Anime. Smith objects. relevance.
Sidebar I think?
More discussion on a favorite Anime show.
Smith objects to discussing a anime characters death.
Another objection.
Boy discusses anime characters death. Smith objects.
She asks if he throws up to get power?
Smith is objecting multiple times.
Ask if characters had anything coming out of nose? Smith objects.
Has he seen where characters dies and is reborn. Smith objects
And objects again.
She says he throws up and dies.
Fluid out characters nose. Smith objects.
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Stallings changes course and drops anime questions.
He does not remember ? coming in and saying boys lived in military bunker. No he says
Ask if he remembers him saying other boys were malnourished. He does not remember.
Stallings ask about interviews.
Has not spoke to parents.
She asks if he knew why. He says no.
Ask about using smart watch.
He does not remember the number for the watch.
No longer has the watch.
He used to call and text parents while at grandma Wests.
Ask about Uncle, and seeing him. This is TW big brother.
All these phone calls started when he was at Miss Meribells.?
The news popped up on tablet, not by his doing.
Adults did not talk to him about the news.
Miss Maribell talked to him a little bit about parents and monitored his calls with them.
She did not monitor what he saw on tablet.
He does not remember what he read in comments.
He says not comments but subtitles.
( UGH! this is wearing me out and I bet this child also )
Asking about some woman being mean to him. He does not remember.
This a place he stayed before going to Ericas.
Asks if he knows what moving means.
Asks about the lady who moved out of Cal city. He did not remember.
Their move took 3 trips, over 4 days.
( sorry had step away for couple minutes )
Asks if he know where his dad went on a certain day, picking up Orson and Orrin? Smith objects.
Sidebar or break?
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Stallings is going round and round with her questioning and wearing out this kid, imo.
I do not understand her way of questioning right now. Can anyone explain? She is jumping around in her questioning on one subject then quickly to another without time for him to even think or respond. How does she expect him to keep up and not get confused? Maybe she wants him to not keep up. So far he has been able to hold up under her questions. Better than I could have.
She has to see how this could be rough on him. That question of Is he mad at his parents was way out of line and she should have been scolded for that, imo.
This child feels guilty already. I pray for him and his future and his siblings.

I am going to need a pillow to punch next week when she gets her go at it.
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Back in session
She is trying to ask when dad returned from old house if he has Orrin or Orson. He does not remembered. Smith objects.
Stallings is having him go over interview statements. Smith interjects.
She says does he remember saying dad went to pick up Orrin and Orson. He does not remember.
Smith objects. Sidebar?
Asking who ws to go to Grandmas for Christmas break? Not Orrin and Orson. Yes.
No Orrin or Orson.
He does not remember last time he saw them.
She says he said he saw then when they where on the way to grandmas. He says No.
He does not remember saying they were in the car on the way to grandmas. No.
He said he does not remember saying he saw them few days after Christmas. May be a mistake.
She asks him if he remembers he needs to tell the truth.
He says he does not know why he said they were in the van but they were not.
Child id excused maybe recalled. (Thank God!)

Court is done for today.
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Afternoon Testimony, Part 1
DAY FIFTEEN - May 2, 2023

The trial of Trezell and Jacqueline West is back in session with the Wests' eldest child on the stand being questioned by prosecutor Eric Smith. #WestsTrial

With Smith referring him to the transcript of the interview played before the afternoon break, the boy said Orrin choked and there was vomit coming out of his mouth. #WestsTrial

The boy said he had gone to school room and came back and his mom and dad were in the room. He said he's not sure if his parents said anything about Orrin. He said he doesn't remember what happened next. #WestsTrial

"Probably, yeah," the boy said when asked if he was scared. He said he, his parents and Orson were in the room. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't recall having a conversation with his parents about calling an ambulance. #WestsTrial

After looking at the transcript, the boy said he didn't think an ambulance should be called because the police would show up. "I was scared of losing my family," he said. #WestsTrial

He said he was afraid he and his brothers would be removed from the home. #WestsTrial

The boy said his parents told him it was a possibility they would be removed. He said they agreed to keep Orrin's death a secret but doesn't remember much about it. #WestsTrial

He said he didn't tell his other brothers what had happened. "I didn't want them to be scare," he said. He said his parents told him Orrin was dead. #WestsTrial

Asked if his parents tried to revive Orrin, perform CPR, he said "I believe it was something like that." He said they didn't call 911. They had cellphones. #WestsTrial

The boy was home-schooled. He said he went back to class after being told Orrin was dead. #WestsTrial

As the oldest child, he said he thinks his parents trusted him. He said he agreed to keep the death a secret. #WestsTrial

The boy said he had lots of things to do as a kid so Orrin's death usually didn't come to mind. #WestsTrial

"I'm not sure," he said when asked if it was fair for his parents to tell him not to say anything about Orrin's death. #WestsTrial

"I have no idea," the boy said when asked what happened to Orrin's body. He said he didn't ask, and his parents didn't tell him. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't remember saying Orson left after four days at the Cal City house. He said his parent's told him Orson "went to grandma's house." He said he believes it happened in the days after they moved to Cal City. #WestsTrial

Orson wasn't at the house when his grandmother Wanda came out to Cal City, the boy said. #WestsTrial

The boy said he heard a sound the night before he was told Orson was taken to grandma Maria's house. He said it sounded like a soap bottle falling in the bathroom. #WestsTrial

Orson wasn't at the house the day after he heard that sound, and he hasn't seen him since then, the boy said. #WestsTrial

The boy said he saw an interview with his parents on TV. He identified a still image of the Wests taken from an interview outside the Cal City house in the days after the boys' disappearance. #WestsTrial

The boy said he watched some of that interview. He said he knew Orrin was dead at the time. He said he doesn't really remember what he thought when he saw his dad lying on camera about what had happened. #WestsTrial

Asked by Smith, the boy said he has good memories of his parents in Cal City other than what happened with Orrin and Orson. #WestsTrial

Smith is about to play another video. #WestsTrial

The video shows the boy and two of his other brothers pretending to do kung fu. The boy said he has good memories and it's hard for him to be on the stand and tell the truth. #WestsTrial
Afternoon Testimony, Part 2
DAY FIFTEEN - May 2, 2023

(Cross-examination of the West's eldest child)

Smith ended his questioning and attorney Alekxia Torres Stallings has begun cross-examination. #WestsTrial

The boy said he had pizza for lunch. He said he thinks he has met Smith more than 5 times. #WestsTrial

The boy said no one had him read anything or talked to him about his testimony before he came back for the afternoon session of the trial. #WestsTrial

He said no one talked to him about why he was coming to court. He said Smith had previously talked to him, he thinks last week, about what he was going to be doing. #WestsTrial

The boy said Smith told him he was going to ask him questions and if he didn't know the answer just say so. #WestsTrial

The boy said he has previously been in a courtroom and people asked him questions. The boy said he took an oath on that occasion, too. #WestsTrial

Asked what a mistake is, the boy said it's when you're doing something and you mess up in a way that's not helping the situation. #WestsTrial

He said an example would be if you broke something then buy something to replace it. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking about memories. The boy agreed with her that sometimes it's hard to remember something that happened a long time ago. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking about the coronavirus. The boy said he had gone to school before COVID hit. He said afterward, when he was home for remote learning, his mom helped him and kept him on track. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't have a favorite memory of his mother or father. He said he's not mad at his parents. #WestsTrial

The boy, now 12 and a biological son of the Wests, said he lived with them 10 years. Torres Stallings showed him a photo. The boy said he believes he remembers that day, they went to the park, had Little Caesars. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings showed him another photo where a filter made it appear as if he was wearing an elf hat. The boy said he doesn't remember that. #WestsTrial

The boy is wiping at his eyes with a tissue and taking sips of water. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings brought two Christmas stockings for the boy to look at. He said he doesn't recognize them. #WestsTrial

The boy said he remembers helping set up the Christmas tree. He said Orrin and Orson weren't there to put the tree but his other brothers were. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is showing the boy photos of Christmas stockings and chairs in the Cal City house in December 2020. She's showing there were stockings and chairs for everyone, including Orrin and Orson. #WestsTrial

Asked if Orrin and Orson were at the dinner table, the boy said no. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking about things the boy enjoys. He said he used to watch anime with his dad. He plays video games. #WestsTrial

Judge Charles Brehmer has called a sidebar after Smith objected to the relevance of Torres Stallings' questions. #WestsTrial

The judge and attorneys have returned. Torres Stallings is considering with questions about the anime shows. #WestsTrial

"Continuing" with questions #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking if people died in a certain show. There have been frequent objections by Smith. The boy said people do die in the show. Asked if they had anything coming out of their nose or mouth, the boy said no. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings was asking about a scene where a character dies, has things coming out of his nose and mouth and comes back to life. She was apparently trying to draw a comparison with Orrin, who the boy said had vomit on him, and suggesting Orrin hadn't died. #WestsTrial

Brehmer sustained an objection and Torres Stallings has moved on to another line of questioning. She's asking the boy about being questioned at his grandma Wanda's house the day after the boys were reported missing. #WestsTrial

The boy said he hasn't lived with his parents since then, and doesn't know when he last saw them. He said maybe a year. #WestsTrial

The boy said he doesn't know why he can't talk to them or live with them. #WestsTrial

The boy said he had a watch which he used to call his parents but he couldn't take it when he left his grandmother's house. #WestsTrial

The boy is talking about relatives he sometimes gets visits or phone calls from. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking about the day of the Dec. 28, 2020 interview He said he doesn't think they told him why he was going there. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking if anyone talked with him about the case, if he saw any coverage. He said he saw an interview on the laptop but doesn't remember about the comments or much about it. #WestsTrial

Court is in recess for 15 minutes. #WestsTrial
Afternoon Testimony, Part 3
DAY FIFTEEN - May 2, 2023

(Continued cross-examination of the West's eldest child)

Court is back in session with the 12-year-old back on the stand being cross-examined by Torres Stallings. #WestsTrial

She's asking about when they moved to Cal City. #WestsTrial

There were multiple objections and the judge has called a sidebar. #WestsTrial

They're back. Torres Stallings is asking about December 2020 and when he went to his grandma Wanda's house. #WestsTrial

The boy said Orrin and Orson were not in the van. He said he doesn't remember the last time he saw them and doesn't remember saying the last time he saw them as being in the van when dropped off at his grandma's house. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings had him look at a transcript taken from a prior time he testified. He said he doesn't remember saying that Orrin and Orson were in the van. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings asked if he promised to tell the truth at that hearing. He said he believes so. He said he doesn't know why he said they were in the van back then but is now saying they weren't. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings ended her questioning and the boy has been excused. #WestsTrial

Court is in recess until 9 a.m. tomorrow. #WestsTrial
MAY 2, 2023
The eldest son of Trezell and Jacqueline West said he knew his brother Orrin had died.

“I touched his body and it was cold,” the boy says in an interview recorded Dec. 28, 2020, a week after Orrin, 4, and Orson, 3, were reported missing by adoptive parents Trezell and Jacqueline West.


His parents asked him if they should call an ambulance, the boy says, and he said no because they told him he and the other children would be taken away. He says he agreed not to tell the other children what happened. ...

In the video, the boy says he doesn’t know what his parents did with Orrin’s body. He says Orson left about four days after they moved. He says his parents told him Orson went to their grandmother’s house. He says he never saw him again.


The boy says he promised to keep Orrin’s death a secret from the other children. They left Casa Loma Apartments on Lotus Lane and moved into the house on Aspen Avenue in California City.

A few days later Orson was gone, the boy says. His parents removed Orson while he was sleeping, he says. ...

MAY 2, 2023
The 12-year-old boy’s horrific accounts prompted strong reactions from the nearly two rows of people who’ve been attending court every day. Tears flowed and sniffles sounded as they watched this boy recount how he touched his adopted brother’s dead body. One person a few minutes later left the courtroom.

It started when Orrin stole a drink from Orson, the boy told the social worker in the video. The parents told Orson to punch this brother for stealing the drink, according to the video.

Orrin started to vomit, the boy said. The next morning, Trezell and Jacqueline West went to wake up Orrin, who was on his belly sleeping, the boy added in the video. However, he said, Orrin never woke up.

In the recording, the child tells the woman that the night he said Orrin died, Orson was eating with his mouth open, so his parents blended his food and put it in a bottle. The child said Orrin stole the bottle from Orson, so his parents told Orson to punch Orrin, according to the recording.

The child said, in the recording, when they moved to Cal City, Orrin’s bed was brought and put in a bedroom with the couple’s other adoptive sons. In the recording the woman asked the child how he felt about Orrin’s bed being placed in the room if he knew that Orrin was dead. The child said he wouldn’t say anything because that’s what he and his parents promised. The child, in the recording, told the woman that his parents would say Orrin was with grandma and would be coming back whenever the boys asked.

The child went on to tell the woman in the recording that while Orson was with them when they moved to Cal City, he was only there for four days. ... In the recording, the child said he didn’t see Orson after that.
I would have loved to see the Wests faces during this Childs testimony. I am sure the jurors felt the same sadness hearing what happened from 12 y/o child. All because mom and dad took in 2 needy boys they could not control and just for the money. He endured this because his parents could not tell the truth nor get help for a child they abused.
He had to deal with the guilt of breaking his promise over the kept secret and seeing Orrin dead.
He had to deal with the guilt of telling his parents lie right in front of them.
I was able to listen to bits and pieces of the kids testifying, it's heartbreaking and difficult to listen too.

My only hope is that the jurors are finally hearing what they need, to convict Jacqueline & Trezell. Those two never genuinely cared for any of the adopted children in their care. They were meal tickets, a way to avoid actually having to work to earn a living. It's sickening and IMO we'll never really know what happened to cause Orrin & Orson's death. We're hearing a child's version of events, orchestrated by his two monsterous parents.

I think there was corporal punishment and withholding of food. Neither one of their deaths was "accidental".
Stallings is going round and round with her questioning and wearing out this kid, imo.
I do not understand her way of questioning right now. Can anyone explain? She is jumping around in her questioning on one subject then quickly to another without time for him to even think or respond. How does she expect him to keep up and not get confused? Maybe she wants him to not keep up. So far he has been able to hold up under her questions. Better than I could have.
She has to see how this could be rough on him. That question of Is he mad at his parents was way out of line and she should have been scolded for that, imo.
This child feels guilty already. I pray for him and his future and his siblings.

I am going to need a pillow to punch next week when she gets her go at it.
I detest Stallings, I really do!!!
I am convinced the parents caused the boy's deaths. It wasn't an accident they covered up, they're not covering for the actions of one of the kids or an extended family member. They abused them, they neglected them, they refused to seek outside help for them, and they made their own child complicit in their crimes.

While it's possible the defense will present something that changes my mind; at this point I'm beyond a reasonable doubt.

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