CA CA - Daphne Webb, 21 mos, Oakland, 10 July 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Can't we sleuth a POI?
I'm so glad NG featured this doll faced baby girl :(
Surely someone saw something .
NINETY DAYS :( I did not realize it had been so long.

Thanks WENDIE so much . You're amazing!
In the NG show, MG says dad is not a suspect...

but... He is LE's Person of Interest...(article on, or about on, Sat. 8-24-13)..

Can anyone clear this up for me?


LE tries not to defame innocent people during an investigation. If I'm reading these articles correctly, a person of interest is someone who LE believes may have pertinent information about a case. A suspect is someone who LE believes may be directly involved in a crime, ie. probable cause has been established for an arrest. A POI may, or may not, become named a suspect as credible evidence is discovered during the course of an investigation.
Maybe a mod will will clarify sleuthing suspects versus POI's...

As a reminder...

See: This thread - Page #18 - Post # 441 :

San Jose Mercury News

Daphne Webb case:

"We are going to solve this case, it's a matter of time," Watson said, noting Daphne's father, John Webb, 49, "continues to be a person of interest."
I love little Daphne. Her eyes are so bright and cheerful , wondering and curious, ready to see what the world has in store.
Information about the vigil held for Daphne on October 10th can be found at:

Apparently Daphne's father attended this event, the first since shortly after she disappeared. The family had asked that any witnesses who had seen Daphne in the month before her father reported her missing to come forward, but no one has so far responded to their appeal even though a reward of $20,000 has been offered for information about Daphne's whereabouts.

TV coverage may be found at

Oakland Police have said that the case is still under investigation by two LE teams: one from homicide, and the other from missing persons. They reiterated that all family members have co-operated with the LE investigators.
I wonder how long Grandma has had dementia and how severe it is. My father has had it for 5 years and he'd be able to tell if someone grabbed one of his grandkids out of a car he was sitting in.

I still have problems believing that this child was strapped in a carseat, (which taken an Engineering Degree from MIT to get out of), with an adult sitting in that car, and someone who couldn't have known grandma had dementia just happened by in 2 minutes and took the kid from the carseat, and out of the car. Crazy story IMO.
No one has come forward saying they saw Daphne in the month BEFORE she was reported missing??? And who, pray tell, would enter a vehicle, with an adult sitting in it, and take a child out of a car seat??? The 'abductor' would have no way of knowing the adult has dementia, and wouldn't be able to describe them or the event!

This makes absolutely NO sense!
No one has come forward saying they saw Daphne in the month BEFORE she was reported missing??? And who, pray tell, would enter a vehicle, with an adult sitting in it, and take a child out of a car seat??? The 'abductor' would have no way of knowing the adult has dementia, and wouldn't be able to describe them or the event!

This makes absolutely NO sense!

I really doubt sweet Daphne is still with us :( this whole story sure has a foul smell to it!

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Everything above is JMO!
No one has come forward saying they saw Daphne in the month BEFORE she was reported missing??? And who, pray tell, would enter a vehicle, with an adult sitting in it, and take a child out of a car seat??? The 'abductor' would have no way of knowing the adult has dementia, and wouldn't be able to describe them or the event!

This makes absolutely NO sense!

IF there is a perp who snatched, that person had to know grandma's mental state ! Mooo
ie: not a stranger
Daphne, hasn't been found :(? There are so many cases, I can't keep up. Breaks my heart.
This lack of progress, lack of a break, must be devastating to everyone who loved Daphne. I keep checking back in the hope that something has happened and we'll find out that Daphne was snatched by someone who has been keeping her warm, fed, safe and loved. At the same time, I keep hoping that if she isn't found alive, that it won't be because someone close to her had become angry with her because she needed to be looked after. That someone near her was tired of her as she turned from baby into toddler into one of the "terrible twos".

So along with, I imagine, hundreds of other people, I join 2Hope4 in asking
Where is daphne?!?!?!?!?

My thoughts are with all those who love Daphne, especially as we edge closer to holidays that celebrate family.
Work has been super busy, so I've been "out of the loop" for a while.
Still no word, no breaks in the case.
Has anyone heard whether Daphne's mother has given birth?
I really want to believe it's possible that this little girl is being looked after and loved, but, realistically, how likely is that? Has anyone heard about Daphne's little brother or sister? Is her grandfather still looking for her?

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