GUILTY CA - Dr. William Ayres for child molestation, San Mateo, 2007 #2

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The Ayres victim who runs the Ayres blog urges Sandusky victims to come forward:

To the Jerry Sandusky Victims Who Have Not Come Forward:


Before I decided to speak up and say something to authorities, when, as an adult, everything began falling apart, I was very afraid of what would happen to me if I spoke up, and reported to authorities. I was afraid that I would be seen as culpable because I didn’t report when I was a child, I was afraid that I could be compelled to testify against my will, facing the gut wrenching embarrassment in court. Everything was falling apart, and I just wanted to hide.

I was following the news of the who molested me when I was a child. I had been looking for news for years, and when news finally broke, I posted comments on a message board. Ultimately I made contact with a person who was looking for victims to come forward to help the DA build their case. I finally did come forward. I used a throw-away cell phone to call the police, and asked about what would happen to me if I gave them my name. After talking to the officer, reassured that they wouldn’t want someone on the stand who didn’t want to be there, I went in and filed a report.

- Read more here:
Barbara Ayres: She did not attend the criminal trial.

Apparently, looks just like her father. Like her father, Barbara worked in Boston for a while. Like her brother Robert, she has moved frequently, if not more.

Barbara Ayres, B.A. Northwestern U., M.A., NYU, CI/CT, Staff Interpreter
While working on her BA in Communication, specializing in Interpersonal Communication, Barbara became interested in learning sign language. Although she had a short detour in Deaf Ed, getting her Masters and teaching 2 years, she found interpreting to be her love. She worked in Boston, Massachusetts for 13 years in various roles including as a Referral Specialist at the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, as a freelance community interpreter, and as the staff interpreter for a Deaf pediatrician at Massachusetts General Hospital who was doing a research fellowship through Harvard University’s School of Public Health. Upon moving to the Sacramento area, she worked at Purple Communications, 2 years as a VI and 2 years in the training department. Now she is again enjoying work as a community interpreter and putting her medical interpreting experience to work with SLISA.
Today's the fifth anniversary of Ayres' arrest. Sad to think about how many pedophile doctors like Dr. Scott and Dr. Mark Blankenburg and Dr. Earl Bradley were arrested after Ayres and have been convicted.

For the past five years, a mysterious caller has been calling parents of Ayres victims; victims advocates and others, including Boston lawyer Mitch Garabedian,claiming to be the parent of a victim. He strikes many as suspect, as he won't give out his contact info or real name and blocks his caller ID. He struck again last night, calling the mother of Ayres victim. Some think he might be a private investigator for Ayres' team.

The Ayres blog cautions parents of victims about speaking with the mysterious caller:
Ayres had a hearing yesterday to ask that he be let out of Napa State Hospital. In the six months he has been at the hospital he has grown a long scraggly Howard Hughes beard- in an attempt to look crazy and out of it.

The Mercury News has a story about Ayres' son and daughter writing letters asking that Ayres be let out.

And the victim who runs the Ayres blog has a response to that. Warning: graphic descriptions of abuse in the Ayres blog.
There was a hearing today to determine whether Ayres' request to get out of Napa State Hospital today. Judge did NOT grant the request today and back to Napa Ayres goes.

The good thing is that Ayres had handcuffs and was in an orange jumpsuit. And Ayres' lawyer complained that at the hearing before this, Ayres had to stay locked up in jail for a week. That's more than the four days he spent in jail before he got bail five years ago.

Apparently Ayres is REFUSING to cooperate at Napa State Hospital and won't participate in groups. One supposes it is his attempt to show that he's too demented to be there.. When his wife suggested that he cooperate, he said, "Why, so I can go to prison?"

The Ayres blog has a good writeup of the hearing.

Has anyone ever heard of a prosecutor who DOESN'T want to prosecute a child rapist?

That's what the hundreds of victims of Dr. William Ayres in San Mateo, CA are encountering in their ongoing struggle to get Ayres retried for molesting young boys sent to him for therapy. The San Mateo DA's office has deliberately dragged the case and botched it for five and a half years. Last summer, the prosecutor Melissa Mckowan REFUSED to look at the surveillance video made by a private investigator hired by the desperate families of the victims that showed Ayres acting competent, laughing and joking, and discussing politics and his business ventures. The prosecutor said to the families, "He has dementia. He is incompetent. No jury will ever find him to be competent."

And her boss DA Steve Wagstaffe actually told the mother of a victim that the fact that Ayres was using a walker "wasn't helpful" for his mental competency.

But now, in a vindication for the families, the doctors at Napa have found Ayres to be competent to stand trial !

Now the families are trying to get the prosecutor- who is under investigation by the California Bar for misconduct on the Ayres case, thrown off the case.

News stories about what the victims and families knew all along- Ayres is mentally competent!
Has anyone ever heard of a prosecutor who DOESN'T want to prosecute a child rapist?

That's what the hundreds of victims of Dr. William Ayres in San Mateo, CA are encountering in their ongoing struggle to get Ayres retried for molesting young boys sent to him for therapy. The San Mateo DA's office has deliberately dragged the case and botched it for five and a half years. Last summer, the prosecutor Melissa Mckowan REFUSED to look at the surveillance video made by a private investigator hired by the desperate families of the victims that showed Ayres acting competent, laughing and joking, and discussing politics and his business ventures. The prosecutor said to the families, "He has dementia. He is incompetent. No jury will ever find him to be competent."

And her boss DA Steve Wagstaffe actually told the mother of a victim that the fact that Ayres was using a walker "wasn't helpful" for his mental competency.

But now, in a vindication for the families, the doctors at Napa have found Ayres to be competent to stand trial !

Now the families are trying to get the prosecutor- who is under investigation by the California Bar for misconduct on the Ayres case, thrown off the case.

News stories about what the victims and families knew all along- Ayres is mentally competent!

This is national news worthy-we need victims advocates like Klaas Kids to be raising an enormous stink about this case and this process.

Thank you Napa for restoring the order of things. The time has come to shed a bright light on what McKowan and Wagstaffe are hiding-because there has to be a reason for this.

If people who are in the justice system in San Mateo are willing to talk, wouldnt they have some status as whistle blowers? How about some legislators?? Can we get some involved??
Well last year the FBI in San Francisco was investigating Wagstaffe for covering up felonies by San Mateo County employees. I know at least one County Supervisor who doesn't understand why Wagstaffe hasn't fired Mckowan.
In the Duke rape case, one of the accused had a time stamped video of him at an ATM machine that proved he wasn't there when the rape that never was, was supposed to have occurred.

But when the lawyer for the accused called Mike Nifong, the DA in the Duke case to ask him to look at the video, Nifong REFUSED to look at the exculpatory evidence that exonerated the lacrosse player.

Now in the Ayres case, we've got the opposite. Last summer, after prosecutor Mckowan told parents of victims over and over that "Ayres was not competent to stand trial, " and that "no jury would ever find him to competent to go to trial" the desperate parents of victims hired a private investigator to prove once and for all that Ayres was competent.

But when the lawyer for the families contacted the prosecutor to ask her to look at the surveillance video that showed Ayres acting competent, the prosecutor REFUSED to look at the inculpatory evidence that would have shown Ayres was faking his "dementia."

What is wrong with this picture? What is the DA's office thinking?
Very astute comment from a reader in the San Francisco Chronicle:

The San Mateo county prosecutor's office has a vested interest in losing this case. They and the Judicial branch in SM County sent thousands of his victims to him as he was the county contracted provider for juvenile psyche evals.
He used abuse of this power to intimidate many of his victims into silence as he had the power to decide if they got to go home or to a group home or jail.

If the man is convicted it will increase the financial penalty the County must pay in the civil cases. There is some evidence the County was well aware of his behavior for years before he retired. There are many cases, reports of his abuse that are outside the criminal statute prior to 1990.

nevermindme 10:33 AM on July 27, 2012
Also, Deep Sounding, the Ayres victim who runs the Ayres blog, agrees with this assessment as to why the San Mateo DA has deliberately dragged its feet, and done subpar work on the case and why they don't want a conviction:

. Also many juvenile cases for which punitive measures were based on evaluation by the child molester will need judicial review and potential recompense. Very costly even if there are NO lawsuits. 

. Also it would be embarrassing to local politicians like Rich Gordon and Jim Fox, as well as local judges, social workers and prominent area physicians who long ago had established associations with the molester. 

They now find themselves in the same position that many of the Penn State officials found themselves in... Trying to decide between protecting reputation and protecting children, and choosing poorly.

For those who are following the Ayres saga, I strongly recommend that you check in to the Ayres blog.

The families of the victims who pooled their money and hired a PT to tail Ayres last year in a desperate last ditch effort to prove that Ayres was competent to stand trial, are feeling very vindicated by the doctors' ruling that Ayres is competent to stand trial.

The victims and their families are well aware that the San Mateo DA will deliberately try to drag this case out ( while telling the public they want to try Ayres) so as not to try the case.

The families of the victims are actively working to get justice. They know they won't get it from the San Mateo DA, but they will get it.
Now, it all makes sense. It isnt the trickle down-it is the trickle up. Citizens of San Mateo should take a good hard look at this case and see what they think is fair and just.
Thanks Mercy. Look what Ayres has to look forward to in the next several months now that he has been ruled competent-another criminal trial and then a number of depositions associated with his civil suit.
The DA does NOT want to retry the case. They have deliberately dragged this case out.

As a poster said on another blog, they don't want a conviction because the DA clearly does not want to have to spend money on judicial review of all of the cases which ayres evaluated, and to the extent which he changed evaluations based on the young boys sexual performance.
In court today, the report by doctors at Napa state that Ayres was faking his mental illness and that every single person on staff at Napa knew he was mentally competent.

Story in Mercury News:

As readers who have been following the case know, last June, when the prosecutor botched a trial to determine Ayres' mental competency and it ended in a mistrial ( local reporters say she phoned it in) the prosecutor told victims and their families over and over: " Ayres is NOT mentally competent to stand trial, he will NEVER be competent to stand trial and no jury will EVER find him to be competent. "

That's why the desperate parents hired a private investigator to tail Ayres. He and his team - who tailed Ayres to a restaurant in San Francisco- found Ayres to be not just competent and lucid, holding forth on politics and his business ventures - but he actually JOKED that "the good thing about Alzheimer's is that you can use it to one's advantage in the courtroom. " His joke was met with gales of laughter by his lunch colleagues."

Then DA Steve Wagstaffe, after telling San Mateo County Supervisor Dave Pine that his prosecutor was speaking "in error" when she said they would never retry Ayres and that his office was strongly considering retrying Ayres- less than 24 hours later, after seeing the surveillance that showed Ayres was competent- told a mother of an in-statute Ayres victim that he would NOT retry Ayres. He told her it was because Ayres was using a walker which "was not helpful to his mental competency." , Never mind the fact that Ayres used a walker in the criminal trial ( which ended in a mistrial.)

Then DA Wagstaffe told a reporter that he couldn't justify to taxpayers the cost of a retrial for mental competency. Then they put Ayres in Napa State hospital, where he has been for the last nine months. That's gotta cost the taxpayers more...

DA still doesn't want to retry Ayres and will play this out until he dies.

Length of time between arrest and conviction in high profile pedophile cases.

Jerry Sandusky : 7 months

Dr. Earl Bradley: 9 months

Drs. Scott and Dr. Mark Blankenburg in Ohio: 7 months.

Dr. Ayres case: Arrested in April, 2007. More than five years later, no conviction.

Judge Grandsaert on the Ayres case used to work in the San Mateo DA's office. The DA's office used to hire Ayres. Did Grandsaert himself hire Ayres?
Just one year ago, after a mistrial for Ayres' mental competency, San Mateo prosecutor Melissa Mckowan stated adamantly for three months that Ayres was mentally incompetent, he would never become competent, and that no jury would ever find him to be competent.

She refused to look at surveillance video of Ayres made by a private investigator hired by the families of victims, and then her boss DA Steve Wagstaffe actually told the mother of a victim that the video wasn't helpful to Ayres' mental competency as Ayres was using a walker. He also said it would have been helpful to have video of Ayres driving a car. If that was the case, why didn't San Mateo County put Ayres under surveillance themselves? Many of the victims and their parents could ill afford to pay for an investigator, but they did.

The San Mateo DA's office shut down all requests that they reconsider that Ayres was mentally competent.

Now comes word that even the JANITORS at Napa State Hospital, where Ayres has been housed, could tell that Ayres was mentally competent.

See Mercury News story from yesterday about Ayres' faking his dementia.

The Ayres blog has a post up with an email from the mother of a victim who last year described Wagstaffe's ludicrous explanations as to why they would not retry Ayres for mental competency last year.

Excerpt from email. Read it in its entirety at the Ayres blog:

I called Wagstaffe today and got a return call about 10 muinutes later.
He talks faster than a machine gun, and I will try to relate here everything of importance.

He said that he looked at the videos and read the transcript, and that the overwhelming,
dramatic evidence we needed was a video tape of Ayres driving a car. He would
have gone back and retried him for that. He also mentioned seeing him without a walker
would have helped.
Ok, to date we have the FBI investigating San Mateo District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe for covering up crimes by County employees; we have the California Bar investigating Ayres prosecutor Melissa Mckowan for egregious misconduct on the Ayres case, and now two more parties have filed complaints to the Bar against her in other molestation cases; and we have San Mateo Judge John Grandsaert, presiding over the Ayres case who has been under investigation by a government agency for misconduct on the Ayres case for the last eleven months.

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