CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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Deangelo has a court date on Wed. May 2nd at 8:30 am........I wonder what's going on?
If that article had truth to it, we know he was a sexual sadist, but he never picked up any strippers for some action? Maybe he was all look but no touch........but sitting in a strip club watching makes women dancing is a big tease, its amazing he had the self control not to even ask one of those girls for sex......probably because if he got arrested for trying to procure an escort, he would get arrested. He was a nervous Nelly, he did not want to get in trouble with the law......but he got caught for a DUI in 2012?? That's nuts.......I guess he could control his drinking

The guy would mumble & talk to himself when he was having a bad day, or whenever........this guy was on a level we haven't seen in a long time, if ever! Real oddball......but one thing he did that kept the cops away for over 40 years is he didn't talk about his crimes with anyone......most criminals get caught because they cant control themselves & gotta tell someone what they did.

I agree with everything you've said. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he was a strip club regular. He may have been able to refrain from acting out on his impulses, out of fear that any evidence he left behind would identify him as the GSK. Or he may have been just physically been unable to act on his impulses.

If he was a strip club regular, my thoughts it stimulated him and gave him some kind of gratification, perhaps by acting out his twisted fantasies in his mind.
So the thread has been talking for some time about him being in Southern California 1979-1990 or thereabouts.

Anyone else notice that the court case pictures above in 1983 was in Sacramento County? Was he going back and forth? Interesting.

Deangelo was a plaintiff in a 1983 assault case

He attacks and murders totally innocent people and when someone rails on him, he thinks he is entitled to justice?
I don't think that he stopped his activities. Being LE, he would have known that an MO is looked at. It would not surprise me at all,if he drastically changed his MO to throw LE off the scent. Maybe he took to abducting women or children, instead of breaking into houses.
Yeah, I thought maybe he stopped after the 1986 murder when he was 41 years old, but then thought, this guy was evading all kinds of cops/detectives for over 10 years, & he was in physical shape.

41 years old is still young enough to commit the crimes he was use to but change his MO......although he was big time in self preservation, would he keep killing knowing DNA popped on the scene in 1986?

I'm pretty confident in saying he did not stop stalking/peeping/voyeurism even up until he was caught at 72 years old.

Don't think he raped at this age, but from every stated, he was physically fit & moved around as a 50 year old........if so, he probably could still kill, but I doubt it at this age, he still got his jollies off of peeping, etc... tho.

I agree. This is an interesting article.

7 Myths About Serial Killers

Myth: Serial Killers Cannot Stop Killing

Sometimes circumstances will change in a serial killer's life causing them to stop killing before they are caught. The FBI report said the circumstances could include increased participation in family activities, sexual substitution, and other diversions.

Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, murdered 10 people from 1974 to 1991 and then did not kill again until he was caught in 2005. He told investigators that he engaged in auto-erotic activities to substitute for killing.
Jeffrey Gorton killed his first victim in 1986 and his second victim five years later. He did not kill again until 2002 when he was caught. According to the FBI, Gorton engaged in cross-dressing and masturbation, as well as consensual sex with his wife between the murders.

7 Myths and Misconceptions About Serial Killers
Deangelo has a court date on Wed. May 2nd at 8:30 am........I wonder what's going on?

Do you know where you saw that at? It's not being reported here locally, and the pubic court calendar only shows the next day, not future days.

Edit: Our local news guy just posted a radio interview with people that JJD worked with, if anyone wants to listen. It's about 10 minutes long. It connects thru their Facebook page.
Do you know where you saw that at? It's not being reported here locally, and the pubic court calendar only shows the next day, not future days.

Edit: Our local news guy just posted a radio interview with people that JJD worked with, if anyone wants to listen. It's about 10 minutes long. It connects thru their Facebook page.
It's on ocapps.occourts. org

Apparently you have to have to be authorized to search it.

I'm sure, if true we will hear more soon.
It must be new charges related to something in that area.

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Since they're not letting him go anywhere, I would assume that Orange County is doing it just so they can get their charges filed and be in the loop when they get to deciding which county gets first dibs on him.

Maybe via Skype or something?

Edit: I looked at Orange County's criminal court calendar for tomorrow and did not see him. There's a Donald DeAngelis, but no DeAngelo. Maybe he's not on the calendar for some reason.
Here's a Media thread for you. Go ahead and start posting and linking.

There was a timeline linked upthread but I would suggest members start their own timeline from MSM, LE info, and public documents rather than rely on a timeline compiled by someone else (when we have no idea of their sources).

Please remember the "No Discussion" rule in the Media threads, but you may provide a very brief intro of what you are posting (i.e. "The following article indicates JD lived in blah blah in 1999")


I think it is very important that we put a brief excerpt from the article we are linking. It is so frustrating the way that links go bad, a year or two down the road.
Exeter was a small police department of less than 10 officers. 10 officers who certainly talked about stake outs, phone tapping, evidence, etc... I'm not sure how big the Auburn force was but hearing only 10 officers put it a bit more in perspective, good and bad, for me.

The population in Auburn in 2010 was 13,330, according to Wikipedia. I've been there a few times. It's a very cute, small town.,_California
I don't think that he stopped his activities. Being LE, he would have known that an MO is looked at. It would not surprise me at all,if he drastically changed his MO to throw LE off the scent. Maybe he took to abducting women or children, instead of breaking into houses.

I thought of that before his capture but now i'm not sure.. If he raised his kids we will have a timeline to limit things down to a bit
He wasn't due back until May 14th.

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I have seen speculation that it is a hearing brought by the AP regarding the release of the warrants. I also wonder if a court hearing will take place soon regarding his refusal to eat.
So the thread has been talking for some time about him being in Southern California 1979-1990 or thereabouts.

Anyone else notice that the court case pictures above in 1983 was in Sacramento County? Was he going back and forth? Interesting.

He had the Citrus Heights house by then IIRC.
It's speculation that he suffers from vertigo.
It hasn't been reported in any MSM source as fact.
A work colleague was reported in MSM saying he had days off work with vertigo. That's where it came up IIRC. Hopefully now we have the media thread we can start putting the articles in it for future reference.
I see what you're saying, & I could see him getting info listening in on stake outs, surveillance, etc......but not phone traps on certain victims.

Could he possibly have had access to court records showing phone taps authorised?
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