CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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Regarding the years when DeAngelo was active in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Orange counties between 1979 and 1986, state tax returns would reflect employment and place of residence, right? Does anyone here know if those tax returns would be available to the public, or is that something only L.E. or a Journalist could subpoena?

Tax returns are private. LE can subpoena them with a Judge’s order but a journalist cannot.
Regarding the years when DeAngelo was active in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Orange counties between 1979 and 1986, state tax returns would reflect employment and place of residence, right? Does anyone here know if those tax returns would be available to the public, or is that something only L.E. or a Journalist could subpoena?
I found that he knew someone (a relative) who lived in the same condo complex as the Cruz girl. And he had another close relative a few blocks away at a nearby college. One was in the auto parts business. I wonder if he may have gone there to stay and take classes to become certified in auto/diesel mechanics. The college has a certificate training program. Likely he couldn't have just gone to work as a mechanic in a large company without some kind of certification.
(Not sleuthing relatives just looking for connections to SoCal and where he may have lived without actually owning property).
I found that he knew someone (a relative) who lived in the same condo complex as the Cruz girl. And he had another close relative a few blocks away at a nearby college. One was in the auto parts business. I wonder if he may have gone there to stay and take classes to become certified in auto/diesel mechanics. The college has a certificate training program. Likely he couldn't have just gone to work as a mechanic in a large company without some kind of certification.
(Not sleuthing relatives just looking for connections to SoCal and where he may have lived without actually owning property).

Where did you find this info?
Do you have links to MSM articles?

I think the judge will deny the motion but may rule to keep the findings out of the public domain for now. The fact the judge disallowed cameras today is an indication I think.

Local news just reported that tomorrow's 8:30 hearing will be livestreamed--probably on their Facebook page.
Local news just reported that tomorrow's 8:30 hearing will be livestreamed--probably on their Facebook page.

Read that there will be another hearing on May 7th as well.......& then on May 14th
Local news just reported that tomorrow's 8:30 hearing will be livestreamed--probably on their Facebook page.
Well, well, well!
Looks like the judge had a change of heart.

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I read they had fingerprints in the VR cases. And he was fingerprinted in the military and surely with both police departments as well as the DUI. But I am guessing that matching up fingerprints if you don't have an exact person's name to search is not done. It doesn't sound like they just can search through files of prints to find a match. It has to be directed to a specific person I believe.
I don't think they are prosecuting the VR cases though are they? If there are prints and DNA in those cases, can that be used in the murder cases to help with identification? If they are not prosecuting those cases, what happens to the evidence from those cases?
Questerfiles touches on two suspects in the Maggiorie murders, being looked at,and cleared, in spite of some investigors reservations. Hmmmmmm.That makes me think they were Leo's. The one suspect ( mustache)sketch is a dead ringer for DeAngelo.
Was the other suspect still on the force,and his inside man?
This is huge.

Please instead of repeating misinformation can you listen to this interview with Detective Ken Clark in Episode 7 of Season 2 of Criminology:

Skip ahead to the 1 hour mark if you only want to hear about the two innocent men who had NOTHING TO DO WITH the Maggiore murders.

They showed the 11 year old girl 80 photos - yearbook photos or mugshots. They weren't showing her photos of Exeter policemen.

She picked out the mustachioed guy. He and his friend had already came forward and given statements confirming they were in the area, and heard the gunshots. They were not cops and they were cleared 40 years ago.

Ken Clark's knowledge far exceeds all of our knowledge of the case. Ken Clark has worked this case for over 20 years. He is the person who identified the fact that a large number of crimes in Sacramento in late 1972 and into 1973 were likely linked to the VR/EAR/ONS series.

Direct quotes from Ken Clark:

So the two suspects being seen together only occurred one time and those individuals were eliminated... 1:06:09 - 1:06:19

But the most important thing about the description is: only one man is seen in the yard shooting Brain and Katie. Only one man is seen coming over the fence after the shooting with a ski mask on. And only man is seen running through that neighborhood for his life after committing this double murder. There are no two men, and there never was. 1:15:02 - 1:15:24

JJD was not the mustachioed man. Investigators know exactly who the mustachioed guy and his friend were - they were NOT COPS and they were eliminated from the investigation 40 years ago.

Repeatedly accusing these two innocent men of being "two suspects in the Maggiore murders" needs to stop.

I don't think they are prosecuting the VR cases though are they? If there are prints and DNA in those cases, can that be used in the murder cases to help with identification? If they are not prosecuting those cases, what happens to the evidence from those cases?

JJD can't be prosecuted for the 125 burglaries committed when he was known as the VR.
Sadly he can't even be prosecuted for the 49 rapes committed when he was known as the EAR.

The statute of limitations has long since expired on these cases.

However, the VR (JJD) attempted to kidnap Beth Snelling and murdered her father, Professor Claude Snelling. So he can still be charged with kidnapping and murder in Visalia, just not with the Ransackings / burglaries themselves.
I found that he knew someone (a relative) who lived in the same condo complex as the Cruz girl. And he had another close relative a few blocks away at a nearby college. One was in the auto parts business. I wonder if he may have gone there to stay and take classes to become certified in auto/diesel mechanics. The college has a certificate training program. Likely he couldn't have just gone to work as a mechanic in a large company without some kind of certification.
(Not sleuthing relatives just looking for connections to SoCal and where he may have lived without actually owning property).

BBM - You're probably right, @ocgrad.

IIRC he served as a mechanic in the Navy so perhaps he was trained/certified by the Navy ??
Just like we'll NEVER know all of the crimes committed by serial killers like Ted Bundy and Dennis Radar, we'll probably never know EVERYTHING this monster did in CA and possibly south in Mexico, or in another state in the US. The sicko is not going to live long enough to survive a trial that detailed. The state does not have enough resources to charge and try him for 67 plus criminal offenses either.


I'm betting that the statute of limitations have passed for everything except the murders, so it wouldn't matter if they DID have the resources to pursue charges for all of the crimes.

I do agree that some people seem to be obsessing about some rather trivial details, and others are making a lot of firm assumptions based on very little evidence.
I found that he knew someone (a relative) who lived in the same condo complex as the Cruz girl. And he had another close relative a few blocks away at a nearby college. One was in the auto parts business. I wonder if he may have gone there to stay and take classes to become certified in auto/diesel mechanics. The college has a certificate training program. Likely he couldn't have just gone to work as a mechanic in a large company without some kind of certification.
(Not sleuthing relatives just looking for connections to SoCal and where he may have lived without actually owning property).

I think you should probably pass this on to LE. They were asking for this type of info. I.e. where he lived and worked '79 to '89.
Curiouser,and curiouser.
Who was the Off duty Sheriffs officer that testified for him? Hmmmmmm.
After he was fired for shoplifting,freaking out,and we now know threatening to kill his boss who fired him from the force.
Geeee I wonder how he knew what phones were tapped.
Clearly he had at least one LEO friend.

I disagree that it is "clear" that he had help from the inside.
I don't think they are prosecuting the VR cases though are they? If there are prints and DNA in those cases, can that be used in the murder cases to help with identification? If they are not prosecuting those cases, what happens to the evidence from those cases?

What about the Snelling murder? I’m sure the ransacking cases are beyond their statute of limitations, much like the rapes (sadly). But won’t the prosecute the murder? Assuming they can connect him to the case?

eta: oops GreyClay beat me to it

There is so little known about JJD and I think people are trying to fill in the blanks. We keep going round and round the same things (dog repellant, why he quit, where was he living, why didn’t LE connect the dots sooner, etc, etc, etc), and really getting nowhere — because it’s unknowable at this point. And then there’s so much speculation, and the speculation gets mixed with the facts, and it becomes hard to separate the facts from the speculation. It does get frustrating.



Agree 100%.
Local news just reported that tomorrow's 8:30 hearing will be livestreamed--probably on their Facebook page.
We need to look for the finger and tattoo.
Wow. Fascinating new episode of the 12-26-75 podcast:

They have found dozens of crimes in Exeter that sound like JJD, from as far back as 1970.

Ransackings, hot prowl burglaries, the same doctor being targeted repeatedly. Thefts of rare coins and blue chip stamps. Clusters of burglaries on the same street. Removing screens and prying doors.

They specifically talk about how they looked at JJD a couple of years ago, but dismissed him due to his age and height.
Good idea !!

I know about the finger. And though I keep hearing about him having a tattoo, I still don't know it's location or type. ?? TIA

A little girl who saw him during one of the rapes described (under hypnosis) that he had a bull tattoo on his right arm. She didn’t remember until hypnotized which has been discounted in the past 20 years as an effective tool.

No penis photos of East Area Rapist suspect, defense attorney asks in court filing

The lawyer for East Area Rapist suspect Joseph James DeAngelo is trying to stop law enforcement from collecting more DNA from her client and from taking photographs of him, including his penis, according to court documents.

Prosecutors received a sealed search warrant last Thursday signed by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Steve White allowing them to continue seeking major case fingerprints from DeAngelo as well as DNA and "photographs of Joseph DeAngelo's entire body, including his penis."

The request for such personal photographs may be related to clues issued by law enforcement during the 1970s and 1980s as they searched for an East Area Rapist suspect and publicized the notion that he was not well endowed, former Sacramento Sheriff John McGinness said.
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