CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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It is all about trying to get him to realise that he has lost all the power he thought he once had.

Check out this quote from Richard Shelby:

JJD is the guy who almost had a nervous breakdown when he was being detained for shoplifting. He cannot stand to not be in control.

They are hoping that by making him release that he has lost all control - that they can literally order him to drop his pants and he will have to comply - that he will realise the hopeless situation he is in and finally give a full and frank confession.


Yeah, he flipped out when restrained during the shop lifting situation.......but after getting away with all his crimes for over 40 years, & then out of the blue having the feds & police roll up your driveway & arrest you for those crimes would have his world collapse like a house of cards.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had a nervous breakdown knowing the gig is up & everyone will eventually know the skeletons in his closet, especially his family.

Who knows how Deangelo thinks, it could all be an act, but I think he fell into depression knowing he got caught, not because he committed heinous crimes.

So yeah, I see what you're saying about wanting to bring him down to a different level where he can't control the situation.

He's on suicide watch for a reason, the guy lives control of the narrative & he doesn't have it much now, so they gotta watch him.
Where did you find this info?
Do you have links to MSM articles?

I was sleuthing his family to try to see where they live or lived, looking for SoCal addresses and saw Irvine. I posted some info but it was snipped so as not to crank up speculation on innocent family members.
Sorry, poorly worded on my behalf.

I think I mean they were looking at all cops in the region and just as soon as they came across his photo and vital statistics (dark hair, 5'11'') they moved on.

They also mentioned in this episode that Detective McGowan (who was shot at by the VR and tried very hard to convince Sacramento detectives that the EAR was the VR) having handwritten notes reminding himself to check the photos of all of the new policemen in Exeter in 1971 - presumably to identify his shooter.

If only he had checked the 1973 photos!!


Oh, for the shooting from VR, back then they didn't gave it easy like cops do now by getting on a computer & going thru pictures, etc.......but if McGowan would have gone thru the police photos of 1973 from Exeter, he might have picked him out. The sketch looks really close to what Deangelo looked like as a cop.
No, the McGowen shooting was on December 10th 1975 - but he suspected his attacker could have been around 25 years old, and it appears as though he might have thought that a policeman could have been responsible so he was looking at photos of policemen who joined the force in 1971.

Unfortunately JJD didn't join until 1973.

This podcast talks about lots of crimes that did happen in 1970 and 1971 that sound like they could have been EAR so you might be right that his crimes have been going on for much longer than people have suspected.

That's strange.......McGowan decides to look at police photos of cops in 1971, & the shooting happened in 1975.......unless he thought it was an ex-cop, that could be the only reason........heck, I would want to see all present photos of 1975 cops.......McGowan was assuming he wasn't a cop anymore, which isn't good. You gotta look at everything & not get tunnel vision on one angle.
it's not absurd for the prosecutors to want it, nor is it absurd for the defense to try and quash it.... just wait until one of the big gun defense attys' decide to pro bono this case and the paperwork will really start to

Mark Geragos must be salivating to take on this one.
No, the McGowen shooting was on December 10th 1975 - but he suspected his attacker could have been around 25 years old, and it appears as though he might have thought that a policeman could have been responsible so he was looking at photos of policemen who joined the force in 1971.

Unfortunately JJD didn't join until 1973.

This podcast talks about lots of crimes that did happen in 1970 and 1971 that sound like they could have been EAR so you might be right that his crimes have been going on for much longer than people have suspected.

I dunno....20/20 hindsight I suppose, but Exeter was a small town in the 70s and couldn't have had a large police force. It seems so shortsighted to limit his investigation to 1971 recruits only, since he was only estimating JJD's age. How many applicants/recruits could there have been each year?
It is all about trying to get him to realise that he has lost all the power he thought he once had.

Check out this quote from Richard Shelby:

JJD is the guy who almost had a nervous breakdown when he was being detained for shoplifting. He cannot stand to not be in control.

They are hoping that by making him release that he has lost all control - that they can literally order him to drop his pants and he will have to comply - that he will realise the hopeless situation he is in and finally give a full and frank confession.

Can't say I feel bad for him. He can't be prosecuted for the rapes, but I'm ok with his dignity being taken, just as he ignored the dignity of his victims and did as he pleased.

Then add in the lives he took.

In the end, he will be treated with more respect than any of his victims were, because he hasn't been found guilty of anything by a jury of his peers.

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I dunno....20/20 hindsight I suppose, but Exeter was a small town in the 70s and couldn't have had a large police force. It seems so shortsighted to limit his investigation to 1971 recruits only, since he was only estimating JJD's age. How many applicants/recruits could there have been each year?

I can’t find it now but read earlier this morning that the Exeter PD consisted of 10 police officers back then.
I dunno....20/20 hindsight I suppose, but Exeter was a small town in the 70s and couldn't have had a large police force. It seems so shortsighted to limit his investigation to 1971 recruits only, since he was only estimating JJD's age. How many applicants/recruits could there have been each year?

It's still pretty small, only 10,334 people according to Wikipedia.,_California

It's even smaller than Auburn.
JJD can't be prosecuted for the 125 burglaries committed when he was known as the VR.
Sadly he can't even be prosecuted for the 49 rapes committed when he was known as the EAR.

The statute of limitations has long since expired on these cases.

However, the VR (JJD) attempted to kidnap Beth Snelling and murdered her father, Professor Claude Snelling. So he can still be charged with kidnapping and murder in Visalia, just not with the Ransackings / burglaries themselves.

Yes I know. That was my point. I was asking if the evidence (fingerprints and DNA) in the non prosecutable cases can still be used to convict in the other cases? Eg. If he stole a gun and ammo in a VR case and later used it in one of the murders - is that admissable? I.e. if you haven't proved he stole the gun in the first crime, how can it be shown it was him who pulled the trigger in the murder case?
I wanted to add my agreement to this post. I agree, he never some sorts of stopped criminality until something or someone forced him to. Not illness, not even age if what Det. Holes has said is true, and I believe it is.

CA is a community property state, I believe, and there is another residence connected to him legally which has had an occupant who will not let him enter, who is known to stand in the doorway or driveway and exchange profanities and screams with JJD for many years.

This same residence and occupant recently was noted to have refused entry to LE ( who apparently did not have a search warrant) but did stand out in the same driveway and talk to them for around 60 minutes.

My questions- WHAT'S IN THAT HOUSE other than the occupant??

Also, why doesn't LE get a search warrant for that house due to the joint marital property status? If they've removed items from this second residence, it must have been under cover of a crime tent and at night, or photos would also be available of that, I'd think.
“My questions- WHAT'S IN THAT HOUSE other than the occupant??

Also, why doesn't LE get a search warrant for that house due to the joint marital property status? If they've removed items from this second residence, it must have been under cover of a crime tent and at night, or photos would also be available of that, I'd think.”

Good question, the only thing I can think of is that she is somehow aiding in the ongoing investigation.
JJD can't be prosecuted for the 125 burglaries committed when he was known as the VR.
Sadly he can't even be prosecuted for the 49 rapes committed when he was known as the EAR.

The statute of limitations has long since expired on these cases.

However, the VR (JJD) attempted to kidnap Beth Snelling and murdered her father, Professor Claude Snelling. So he can still be charged with kidnapping and murder in Visalia, just not with the Ransackings / burglaries themselves.

I think new rules are due for serial predators where the statute of limitations starts from the last known crime in the series for all the crimes in the series. Sigh.
Can't say I feel bad for him. He can't be prosecuted for the rapes, but I'm ok with his dignity being taken, just as he ignored the dignity of his victims and did as he pleased.

Then add in the lives he took.

In the end, he will be treated with more respect than any of his victims were, because he hasn't been found guilty of anything by a jury of his peers.

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What exactly can he be convicted of? Murders? Or is there a statute of limitations on those as well?

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No penis photos of East Area Rapist suspect, defense attorney asks in court filing

The lawyer for East Area Rapist suspect Joseph James DeAngelo is trying to stop law enforcement from collecting more DNA from her client and from taking photographs of him, including his penis, according to court documents.

Prosecutors received a sealed search warrant last Thursday signed by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Steve White allowing them to continue seeking major case fingerprints from DeAngelo as well as DNA and "photographs of Joseph DeAngelo's entire body, including his penis."

The request for such personal photographs may be related to clues issued by law enforcement during the 1970s and 1980s as they searched for an East Area Rapist suspect and publicized the notion that he was not well endowed, former Sacramento Sheriff John McGinness said.

Oh but think of the humiliation and shame he would feel with LE taking pictures of his teeny, tiny member. I wish they could film it...
What about the Snelling murder? I’m sure the ransacking cases are beyond their statute of limitations, much like the rapes (sadly). But won’t the prosecute the murder? Assuming they can connect him to the case?

eta: oops GreyClay beat me to it


They haven't so far mentioned prosecuting the Snelling murder AFAIK. Do you have a link about LE's intentions on it. It is the first murder so it would make sense IMO.
Yeah, he flipped out when restrained during the shop lifting situation.......but after getting away with all his crimes for over 40 years, & then out of the blue having the feds & police roll up your driveway & arrest you for those crimes would have his world collapse like a house of cards.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had a nervous breakdown knowing the gig is up & everyone will eventually know the skeletons in his closet, especially his family.

Who knows how Deangelo thinks, it could all be an act, but I think he fell into depression knowing he got caught, not because he committed heinous crimes.

So yeah, I see what you're saying about wanting to bring him down to a different level where he can't control the situation.

He's on suicide watch for a reason, the guy lives control of the narrative & he doesn't have it much now, so they gotta watch him.

He's a tortured soul, no doubt, but I think if he tries to commit suicide his intention in doing so would be to deny everyone the ability to see him being brought to justice.

My thoughts are that the fact that investigators were finally able to outsmart him is likely a huge blow to his sick, twisted ego. In addition to being outsmarted, LE also outwitted him and that's got to hurt, too. They got the advantage of surprise on him. He was at home, cooking a roast, doing his thing, and he didn't have a clue he was being watched. He was caught completely off-guard and there was no opportunity to try to escape. I find this particularly fitting as this is exactly what he did to his victims.

This is just my opinion, but in watching interviews given by serial killers Bundy, Rader and Gacy after they were convicted, there was no sign of remorse over what they had done, and no sign of empathy for any of their victims.

I think If he is sorry for anything, he's just sorry he got caught.
Has it ever been speculated by LE that GGK filmed or photographed his assaults?
Also wondering if he might have had a tape recorder in order to play the sound of voices so that the victim would think he was not alone?
speculation, imo.
Oh but think of the humiliation and shame he would feel with LE taking pictures of his teeny, tiny member. I wish they could film it...
The only thing with a guy like that, is he did not seem to be ashamed to allegedly flash it all over town, so the son of a gun may not even get embarrassed and worse, much worse, he may even find the experience titillating!

The other thing is, what if he played tricks regarding his size and it turns out to not be as micro as expected, ie OJ's trial comes to mind..
[h=1]'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit'[/h]speculation, imo.
Since Deangelo can't be charged on the rapes, & the women murdered can't identify his penis, why would they want pictures of his penis?

They have his DNA, finger prints (which are worthless because he wore gloves), & I'm assuming if they pulled out lots of stolen souvenirs from his crimes that can be matched up, along with other evidence we don't know about, do they really need penis pictures? Lol!
How do you know they can't identify his penis? He forced many of them to stimulate him. However, if they are not prosecuting the sexual assaults or rapes where the victims are still alive, how will that evidence be brought up as relevant in the murder trials? This is going to be complicated IMO.
The only thing with a guy like that, is he did not seem to be ashamed to allegedly flash it all over town, so the son of a gun may not even get embarrassed and worse, much worse, he may even find the experience titillating!

The other thing is, what if he played tricks regarding his size and it turns out to not be as micro as expected, ie OJ's trial comes to mind..
[h=1]'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit'[/h]speculation, imo.

I agree, if it isn't tiny, he could get off. However, he has only been charged with the murders so far so how and why is the penis size relevant to the murders? I don't really follow that bit.
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