CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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Yes the '83 move in date is in one of them and it is also mentioned as nearly three decades in another one so I took the '83 date. Nearly three decades would be '89 or after it is worth noting. It seems that there is some sort of fog around the years '79 -'90 and that will need to be clarified by the defendant, I assume, at some point.

I believe the 1983 date is correct because the SacBee said it was based on "property records" so they apparently referred to some original source. Other outlets are just getting it wrong when they say 1989. Early on in the reporting of these things, the media almost always gets some details wrong. Said details are then repeated over and over across various outlets as they all echo the same errors. It's worse than ever in the Internet era, as you can imagine.
How do you know they can't identify his penis? He forced many of them to stimulate him. However, if they are not prosecuting the sexual assaults or rapes where the victims are still alive, how will that evidence be brought up as relevant in the murder trials? This is going to be complicated IMO.

This whole case is wacky.......if he gets a good attorney working pro bono, they will drag it out with all kinds of tricks of the trade.......even his public defender is representing g him fairly.

If he pleads not guilty, its gonna be several years before we see the trial, & if he plans on suicide during that time, there goes the trial & conviction.
What exactly can he be convicted of? Murders? Or is there a statute of limitations on those as well?

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Murder. Yes. No statue of limitations.

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I want to know if he had help. Who was the mystery, woman? Who was he calling during the attacks?

There's very little evidence there ever was a second person. He quite often pretended to talk to someone, but the victims believed he was making it up. At one scene, one victim reported that she thought she heard a woman's voice. But I don't think anyone ever seriously believed he had a partner in any of his crimes. That looks like a rabbit hole not worth going down at this point. Not unless some evidence points there.
What exactly can he be convicted of? Murders? Or is there a statute of limitations on those as well?

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He can be prosecuted for the crime of kidnapping which he also committed during the commission of some of the rapes.
I agree, if it isn't tiny, he could get off. However, he has only been charged with the murders so far so how and why is the penis size relevant to the murders? I don't really follow that bit.
Yep. DNA will link him to both. No reason for photos, unless...
one of the women he killed was also raped?
Would that be necessary to line up any findings at autopsy?
Say he is "small" but autopsy suggests that and object larger than his member was used?
I don't know!

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Yep. The victims know what they know. They weren't imagining this stuff. They know he had an accomplice.

What victims were those? I only heard of one incident where the believed a woman's voice could be heard. The police are far from convinced that he ever had an accomplice.
I can’t find it now but read earlier this morning that the Exeter PD consisted of 10 police officers back then.

Again, in hindsight, that would mean 40-50 officers in total through '75. New recruits would be what?......a quarter of the total, max? I wonder how the detective settled on that one year, 1971? Oh well, some things will remain a mystery.
Long summary:

This podcast started in April 2017. It was initially going to be about them suspecting that Oscar Clifton didn't murder a girl in Exeter named Donna Richmond (so kind of like season 1 of Serial)

As they researched the case they became convinced that Donna Richmond's killing was connected to Jennifer Armour's murder.

These murders took place at the same time and a very similar location to the Visalia Ransackings.

They eventually became 100% convinced that the VR was the EAR (he was)

The always said the clue to solving the VR case lay in Exeter - where JJD was working as a police officer.

Now they have found a whole bunch of new crimes that share many similarities to crimes that were later committed by JJD. They talk about how he deliberately seemed to act like a youth / teenager during his ransackings to throw police off his trail. They also talk about how they came across his name a couple of years ago, and noted that he left town very shortly after McGowen's shooting / the VR sketch was published.

But they freely admit they didn't research him any further because his hair seemed way too dark and his height of 5'11" just seemed too tall.

TY for both summaries as I am now having the problem with my free Sacbee articles being used up.

This just doesn't ring true to me. Exeter pd only had 10 cops. Why wouldn't McGowan look at the current 10 cops first then work backwards. They are saying when they looked at him they discounted him straightaway. So they did suspect it was an Exeter cop at some point?
They haven't so far mentioned prosecuting the Snelling murder AFAIK. Do you have a link about LE's intentions on it. It is the first murder so it would make sense IMO.

Yeah, there are no charges yet, but if they can get the evidence, they can still charge him for the Snelling murder.

Here’s something...

"By no means have we concluded this investigation," Visalia Police Chief Jason Salazar said last week but declined to comment for this article.
Visalia police have gone as far as saying they believe the Visalia Ransacker is behind bars, but there's not enough to charge him, yet.
The Visalia Ransacker's first confirmed slaying is widely believed to be College of the Sequoia's professor Claude Snelling. If so, it would be the first in a string of homicides through 1986.

No DNA was collected in the Visalia crime, making it hard to pin-point DeAngelo.
"Obviously, DNA would be nice. It's a pretty solid identification," Salazar said. "We do have some evidence from our crimes that we will continue to prepare."

Sorry for being graphic.
I have this nagging feeling that the lost finger could be why some may have reported a small appendage.
Wow. Fascinating new episode of the 12-26-75 podcast:

They have found dozens of crimes in Exeter that sound like JJD, from as far back as 1970.

Ransackings, hot prowl burglaries, the same doctor being targeted repeatedly. Thefts of rare coins and blue chip stamps. Clusters of burglaries on the same street. Removing screens and prying doors.

They specifically talk about how they looked at JJD a couple of years ago, but dismissed him due to his age and height.

Wow. I am about halfway through this. It's definitely worth a listen. ETA it says that BOTH JJD and his brother suffered finger injuries.
Just read a headline that says the Zodiac's DNA has been sent to genealogy sites looking for a possible match, results will be back in a few weeks........its from Sac Bee online paper but I've used all my free look ups for the month, so I can't link the actual story, if some can copy the link & paste it on here, much appreciated.
Just read a headline that says the Zodiac's DNA has been sent to genealogy sites looking for a possible match, results will be back in a few weeks........its from Sac Bee online paper but I've used all my free look ups for the month, so I can't link the actual story, if some can copy the link & paste it on here, much appreciated.

From the link:

Vallejo police Detective Terry Poyser, who has worked the Zodiac case for four years, said his agency has submitted two envelopes that contained letters from the Zodiac Killer for a type of advanced DNA analysis that previously had not been available in the case.

Poyser declined to identify the lab, but said it would attempt to obtain a full DNA profile from saliva on the envelope flap and stamps. He said he expected to have results back from the lab as soon as in the next few weeks, and almost certainly by summer.

"They were confident they would be able to get something off it," Poyser said.


The department has three letters and two envelopes from the Zodiac, Poyser said. The envelopes each have a double stamp, which Poyser said was a trademark of the Zodiac. They originally were sent to the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Francisco Examiner, he said. The third letter was sent to the Vallejo Times-Herald, but does not have an envelope with it, he said.

San Francisco police, who have been working on the case collaboratively with Vallejo, also have cards and ciphers sent by the Zodiac, he said.

Poyser said he believes the Zodiac Killer is no longer alive. Arthur Leigh Allen, a former elementary school teacher and convicted child molester who lived in Vallejo, long was considered a top suspect. Allen died in 1992 at the age of 58, according to media reports.
Just read a headline that says the Zodiac's DNA has been sent to genealogy sites looking for a possible match, results will be back in a few weeks........its from Sac Bee online paper but I've used all my free look ups for the month, so I can't link the actual story, if some can copy the link & paste it on here, much appreciated.
"I've used all my free look ups for the month"
Clear your browser cookies and your articles for the month will be reset.
Thanks, it’s on my to-read list. I was hoping for names of the victims, though, so I could go down that rabbit hole today. lol.


Sorry, I was dashing out the door. It's in Chapter 47. Victim: Donna and her bf Oct 1. 1977.
But wouldn’t that friend figure it out when the news of the rape came out? Why wouldn’t they go to the police at that time? If they were innocent and unwittingly rode along.


you'd be shocked. There are enablers and friends who stick together especially if their past isn't too squeaky clean. I know of a group of rapists that cover for each other. Thick as thieves as one would say.
Or afraid of reprisals.
Lost finger? It's DeAngelo's brother that's missing a finger.
There's been some confusion. I said earlier we need to see his hands and possibly a tattoo. I think the tattoo has been discredited. But there are several links below regarding his finger.
"What Mr. Willick recalls about Mr. DeAngelo was a small quirk — he’d lost part of a finger, something that he’d told the department happened in Vietnam."
Burgarel said DeAngelo was injured while serving in the military and lost a finger.
He lost a finger before leaving the military, one of his neighbors told the Bee.
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