CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

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DeAngelo had lived in the state since his late teens, according to the Sacramento Bee — raised by a Denny’s waitress and a welder. The Associated Press reported that he had served as a repairman on the USS Canberra in the late 1960s during the Vietnam War. He lost a finger before leaving the military, one of his neighbors told the Bee.

Excellent reporting in the Washington Post. (Ha! to the person upthread ranting about how untrustworthy LE, MSM, the govt etc is) Did anyone know or mention this missing finger?
I know, but the compulsion doesn't stop.

I think he stopped because the cop job was the perfect cover and excuse to be out of the house at night... when that was done, he was done.
I once told one lie on an employment poly and it didn't pick it up. I stared at the light switch and focused on it and thought about only it when I lied.

also, psychopaths don't have a conscious so they can pass them due to no change in heart rate.

In California in the 1970s, it was not uncommon for police to undergo a polygraph as part of their pre-employment investigation. Expecting that the man had to go through an investigation for hiring into a sworn position, how did he pass the polygraph? It would suggest, to me, a lack of conscience or someone who doesn't associate themselves with their own criminal behaviors.

Maybe someone with better training and experience could discuss a condition where people can do the things he is accused of doing, and not react when investigated and questioned on a polygraph?
I am not familiar with DNA collecting. As opposed to collecting DNA from a crime scene, it is legal to get a sample from let's say a suspects garbage and then use that to arrest and convict? No warrant needed? Probable cause?
I would be curious to know what took him the the central coast and Southern CA for the later killings? He was methodical in selecting victims, and it appeared that he "stalked" and researched them before attacking, including possibly having a dog with him for the Santa Barbara killings.

How was he able to justify being away from home so much to plan his attacks and what took him to So Cal when he lived in No. Cal?

He has a brother (2 yrs. younger, I believe) who lives in Orange Co. Ca., who interestingly was arrested for burglary

during 90's. Talk is that he visited brother while committing the crimes in that area.
One of the prank calls he made to a victim was while she was at work as a waitress. Anyone remember if she was working at Dennys?
I think they are connecting the ransacking and the like but like you, I think usually they have one or the other type victim. maybe a teen but not small children then adults. (I know there are exceptions)

I totally don't get the Mr Cruel association. None of the Golden State Killer's victims (that I'm aware of) was underage, while none of Mr Cruel's victims was adult.
One of the prank calls he made to a victim was while she was at work as a waitress. Anyone remember if she was working at Dennys?

Yes she was working at Dennys in Rancho Cordova - when he called her at work in October 1982, 5 years after he raped her (Victim 24) in October 1977.
If he had to explain to his wife about buying a hammer and dog spray so had to resort to stealing... no wonder he hated everyone.
Did LE ever release he was upset with someone name Bonnie?
That combined with "gonna kill you" narrowed down his identity greatly.
"Gonna" is how New Yorkers say " going to".
Hes originally from NY.
I believe they have been including it. ive seen reference to 13 murders.

This would add another murder to his list - Claude Snelling, who the Visalia Ransacker shot and killed while attempting to abduct his daughter Beth Snelling. The bullets in the murder matched a gun stolen in one of the confirmed Ransacker burglaries.
hmmmmm. Australia?!



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Yes she was working at Dennys in Rancho Cordova - when he called her at work in October 1982, 5 years after he raped her (Victim 24) in October 1977.

His mother was also a waitress at Denny's, according to WaPo. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Did LE ever release he was upset with someone name Bonnie?
That combined with "gonna kill you" narrowed down his identity greatly.
"Gonna" is how New Yorkers say " going to".
Hes originally from NY.

“Gonna” is also common where I grew up, in Mississippi, as well as many other places. So...not sure that narrows it down much.
Did LE ever release he was upset with someone name Bonnie?

He was engaged to a lady named Bonnie Jean C----- in 1970.

The engagement was called off and she married a different man in 1972.

He of course married his wife in 1973, but it is possible he was still in love with or extremely angry with (or both) his first fiancee Bonnie.

* There is of course only one witness who claimed she heard him use the name Bonnie - and she may have been mistaken. MOO.
Sorry if it's been addressed but on Tuesday of this week before the big news broke I asked an associate why she thought EAR smelled so bad on at least two occasions. Was it the dog spray? Victims said it wasn't his breath as much as it seemed to pour out of his entire body. - - - ACD74

This is a good question, it's come up a lot in this thread.

I've reviewed many serial rapist cases, and one of the things that I've noticed is that almost every time, the rapist stinks. That's one thing they always notice. Not sure why. Could be that if someone is raping you, their smell becomes disgusting to you, or maybe they almost always smell for some other reason.

At this point, there are a few reasons that could explain his bad odor. First, just like you said, the dog repellent. I don't know what it smells like, but from what people are saying, it must smell badly if everybody is saying this explains the odor. Also, it could be due to nervousness and physical exertion. Third, the guy doesn't seem like he slept much for several years. Someone who doesn't take the time to sleep, for whatever reasons (babies, mental health, job stresses, marriage, bills etc) I could imagine he also neglects his hygiene as well.
name wrong, but right guy. and yes, it says he lost a finger. wouldn't victims have noticed that? He looks so different here. post Bonny. (Auburn Journal, 6 May 1971)


This man was in the Army and has a different name. Why do you think it's the same person?
name wrong, but right guy. and yes, it says he lost a finger. wouldn't victims have noticed that? He looks so different here. post Bonny. (Auburn Journal, 6 May 1971)

I believe this is his brother.
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