1. the weapons should've been locked up if no one is home
..a. if the lock is broken--hey!--you know something is wrong
2. unless he hit near the time they got home, the owners should check the weapon
..a especially if the house was broken into
..for home defense, check the weapon--especially before going to sleep
3.if not locked, the weapons should be hidden--very hard to find -with trigger lock at least
4. these weapons are not cheap--why leave something like that laying around for some one to steal??
..I hide my valuables/etc when I leave--laptops especially
..this is basic security sense--which a lot of people don't have
a big problem with firearms is that they are stolen--easily!!
the big story of Kate Steinle murder--gun stolen from backpack in a car!!!!!!! this is ridiculous--insane
the NY espaped prisoners got their weapon from an unoccupied home !!
I had one car accident in about 5 years...very rare--yes? the guy I ran into told me about his pistol being stolen!!