CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Here is what scares me though...we are innocent, didn’t do anything wrong, however we walked by, through, in a crime scene before it happened and left trace DNA. Investigators find the trace DNA and use one of these sites to link it to one of my distant family members and then find me that way. Hopefully law enforcement would use other evidence, etc. to rule one out....BUT we’ve all seen what happens when LE gets tunnel vision.

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Most LE and crime labs are honest, but some crime lab processors have been caught falsifying results. Add in the factor of the " DIY DNA testing" now available, and I think it's entirely possible for an innocent person to be on the hook for a crime they didn't commit.

I've seen a lot of mixed specimen things happen at hospitals with great quality controls in place too. Usually, it was mislabeling on the part of someone handling the specimen before it got to the lab..

With all this in mind, I'll NEVER EVER submit my DNA to any website for any testing for any reason. I also will not have medical DNA testing done for any reason... and my biological mother has had breast cancer, the tumor etiology unknown to me.

I learned about DNA a decade or so after Watson and Crick discovered the 4 amino acids which bond in pairs in double helix form. I have seen DNA sequencing done, even.
I totally respect the pure science of it, and think that the recent use of immunotherapy which is engineered from a person's DNA to treat many cancers is a fabulous breakthrough.

I still do not want my DNA " out there". I do see potentials for misuse, for accidental wrong results to occur.
As I have no biological relatives who claim me, nor me, them, I am a " person without biological relatives".
First time I've been comforted by the fact that my biological relatives and I have NO legal ties at all.

There's a cautionary tale here, except it's no " tale".
Be judicious with the decision to participate in the " World's Family Tree". The scientific community IS profiling with the results, and not with 100% accuracy.
Does anyone know where Deangelo was in February 1964, or in December 1969?

I think he may have been in the Navy in 64. I remember reading he got out in 67 and was in for four years, I think? I'm curious about the time frame between getting out of the Navy in 67 and 73.
The poor thing. Can you imagine. Going through life hearing about this monster, then waking up one glorious morning to hear your brother is the infamous Visalia Ransacker, Eastside Rapist, Original Night Stalker, and Golden State Killer.
He probably would have raped and killed her too, but that would have lead right to him, and ruined his fun right quick.
These scum don't care about anything or anyone except for when it serves a superficial purposes. To make a pretty happy normal picture to hide behind.
I bet he got off on her, as well as Mother's and probably his own daughters fear of this UNSUB.
That's what cowardly scum like that do.

I bet after the shock wears off she'll start remembering odd, creepy things her brother did as a child/teen but just ignored them. Obviously, her mind won't believe he's a rapist or killer.
The officers in several agencies/precincts had to give their DNA in the 90's if I'm not mistaken to rule cops out? If that's the case, the GSK would have been caught back then if he still had his cop I guess it was dumb luck he got caught stealing & was fired.

His firing from the force tacked on at least another 20 years of living in freedom amongst innocent civilians.
I have read that DeAngelo dropped MANY matches at crime scenes, and was also sometimes seen chewing on the plain wooden ends. Likely he was also a heavy smoker, and what could have been happening was that he was both smoking so heavily in his daily life and sweating so much at the scenes of his crimes that nicotine was being excreted through his perspiration as well.
I think I would be able to identify the smell again, it was that distinctive, but as I said, nothing like cigarette smoke or the tobacco from inside a cigarette. Horrible, almost like the man was burning from inside his body ( but he wasn't).

I think it's possible it's a combination of everything: dog repellant, smoking habit, severe+stress perspiration, etc. That could give him a really unique smell.
I read that GSK's fiance' who jilted him - "Bonnie" is listed as living in Sacramento (in a post on page 66 if I remember right). Does anyone know if GSK ever attempted to find and attack/kill Bonnie?
I think he may have been in the Navy in 64. I remember reading he got out in 67 and was in for four years, I think? I'm curious about the time frame between getting out of the Navy in 67 and 73.

He was in for 2 years & got out after losing a finger I believe.
No surprise here about the volital relashionship. I wonder why she never actually divorced him. She's a divorce lawyer. Very strange. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Maybe he threatened or blackmailed her with videos or photos. We'll find out more later.
I bet after the shock wears off she'll start remembering odd, creepy things her brother did as a child/teen but just ignored them. Obviously, her mind won't believe he's a rapist or killer.

I think so too.
I've been wondering about his shifts/hours.

However, we have to remember he worked for Auburn PD. It's up the hill and several miles from Citrus Heights, etc. Now I don't know about back in the late 1970's, but I don't know that he would have been allowed to have taken an Auburn PD patrol car home? I worked Placer County SO in the 1990's and deputies drove to the stations (Auburn and Loomis) to pick up their cars at beginning of the shift. Same with CHP officers in Auburn. No one drove them home (except maybe an 8am court appointment, or a detective had an unmarked assigned to him/her). So, unless things were really different in the 1970's, I doubt he was patrolling in a patrol car and in uniform. Now, maybe a few close neighbors knew he was Auburn PD and appreciated having a LEO in the know, to keep them safe! Ugh.

I was wondering if he did these attacks on his days off, vacation days, etc. Otherwise, when the heck did he sleep?!?!

Yeah, unreal where he found the energy to prowl, stalk, do recon, & have many more women as possible victims but didn't attack them. This guy was very prolific & felt like he was at several locations at the same time.

There was no GPS tracking police cruisers back then....also, nobody stated they saw a police cruiser driving away from any scene, so I doubt he worked 3rd shift.

Gonna be interesting to find out all the information we are wondering about.
I read that GSK's fiance' who jilted him - "Bonnie" is listed as living in Sacramento (in a post on page 66 if I remember right). Does anyone know if GSK ever attempted to find and attack/kill Bonnie?

If she had wound up dead or injured, there's a high chance he would have been caught back then.

That's why serial killers are hard to catch, they kill people they have no known connection to. Detectives always say most murders are committed by people known to them, so when a SK comes along, detectives are stumped, very hard to catch a SK if he's diligent in his evil work.
I have another rationale as a reason for why he stopped the home invasion serial killings in the mid 80's.
It was around that time when the BEST POSSIBLE burglar alarms for home use started using sealed cell phones to dial 911 on a strictly internal basis. This rendered the phone line cutting useless. The system could still get help to the residence, and GSK liked to linger longer at the crime scenes. He had one phase where he arranged either the men's briefs or the women's panties from the bedroom drawers in a straight line down the hallways. Just for sick kicks. Kind of like taking baby photos from the frames or just ripping them up.

Also, many of us had cell phones which were portable by the mid to late 80's. ( Reference Motorola's first flip phones came out around 1986). Meaning that an eyewitness had immediate 911 access.
These two things, the burglar alarm advances and cell phone portability added to the advent of forensic DNA testing are probably the reasons he had to stop.

The mass production of the microchip, ironically, a Silicon Valley innovation which is used in all 3 of the innovations mentioned, likely saved countless lives in CA!!
He was in for 2 years & got out after losing a finger I believe.
I wonder if he lost accidently or on purpose to get out of the service. So he wouln't have to go AWOL. I can't see him being able to measure up to military life. He's a coward through,and through. He couldn't hack it as a cop either.
One of the prank calls he made to a victim was while she was at work as a waitress. Anyone remember if she was working at Dennys?

Yes, she was working at Denny's. In fact, he called her at work. She had probably waited on him during the lunch rush they'd had that day.
The problem with that logic is, for example, GSK would empty loaded guns that were hidden for self-defense in someone’s home. Iirc, in one instance, a man managed to get to his gun to find GSK unloaded it. He’d remove ammo from the home, but sometimes leave the guns. Terrifying stuff like that.

Why retroactively fault the victims for safety measures they took or didn’t take in a time when our laws were different and general beliefs on safety and use were unlike today’s?

This was a time when property crimes were just really becoming a “thing.” They skyrocketed during this time — most people grew up legitimately unconcerned about these types of crimes because they were relatively rare.

None of these crimes are their fault. It’s not that they didn’t do enough to protect themselves or were somehow irresponsible. In fact, GSK and his ilk ushered in a new era of home protection, including firearm ownership. It was encouraged and led by police.

Watch the GSK task force town hall footage from the area.

Exactly. I don't recall people even locking their doors in the early 70's until this story broke.
I'm speculating on exactly "how" LE was able to use GEDmatch on their own, without special assistance from GEDmatch, as it appears to be what happened. At least from what I've read thus far.

I've used GEDmatch and my understanding is that GEDmatch accepts DNA uploads that are from saliva tests from the major DNA companies. I am assuming the DNA LE had to work with in this case came from rape kits and not saliva. If I am correct on this, and if LE did this on their own, with no special assistance from GEDmatch, then LE was somehow able to convert the DNA they had into a format that would accepted by GEDmatch and they uploaded the DNA file. I'm not sure how hard this would be, but I imagine someone who really knew what they were doing could create a DNA file that would be accepted into the GEDmatch site.

Based on my own experience with GEDmatch, the way it works is you create a profile when you sign up, and then upload the DNA file and you are assigned a kit number. After GEDmatch has processed your DNA, you then have access to the kit numbers of all of the individuals who match your DNA at 7 centimorgans or higher who have also uploaded their DNA into Gedmatch. If you are "lucky" and apparently LE was, one or more of the kit numbers also had a family tree and from there, it is a process of analyzing the degree of the match and figuring out how you are related to the person with the other kit number.

One of GEDmatch's free features is the "one-to-one" comparison. If you have someone else's kit number and your kit number, you can perform this comparison and there is a lot of additional data provided with this feature.

If this is actually how LE did it in this case, then my guess is others in LE will be doing the same thing going forward to identify suspects when they have DNA. Since LE seems so certain they have the right man in this case, my thoughts are that they have also performed both mitochrondrial and autosomal dna comparisons from whatever it was that DeAngelo tossed out that contained DNA and they compared this sample to the DNA they had from the old crime scenes samples.
Yeah, unreal where he found the energy to prowl, stalk, do recon, & have many more women as possible victims but didn't attack them. This guy was very prolific & felt like he was at several locations at the same time.

There was no GPS tracking police cruisers back then....also, nobody stated they saw a police cruiser driving away from any scene, so I doubt he worked 3rd shift.

Gonna be interesting to find out all the information we are wondering about.

I am guessing that he only used the patrol car to (possibly) check out the neighborhood and identify potential victims. I seriously doubt that he would use it for a getaway vehicle.

Unless he'd used enough dog deterrent spray at one time to almost knock himself out, I had a different thought about this smell.

Once, only once, in 30+ years of being a nurse, I had a patient who smelled so bad, it made me sick to enter his ICU cube. I bathed him as I could, as he'd had MULTIPLE cardiac arrests and fibrillations with the paddles applied and him brought back to a living heart rhythm about 10 times in the ER. Not at all a medically stable patient, IOW.

Well, what we know about patients with AMI ( heart attacks which are severe) is that severe perspiration is a key factor. This man was pouring sweat out of every pore. It was his sweat that smelled so foul. He was clean, but what was coming out his pores was absolutely making me sick.
Very nice man and I mean no disrespect to him or his memory at all.

What I was finally told by a cardiologist when I told the doctor that I was acutely aware of a very unusual smell emanating from the patient's perspiration was that it was the by- products of NICOTINE.

It didn't smell like cigarette smoke at all, but when I looked at the man's hands, I could see the discolorations on the fingers he held his cigarettes in. I've never been able to see that much staining on any other person's skin, so he must have had at least a carton a day habit, and probably non-filtered.

I have read that DeAngelo dropped MANY matches at crime scenes, and was also sometimes seen chewing on the plain wooden ends. Likely he was also a heavy smoker, and what could have been happening was that he was both smoking so heavily in his daily life and sweating so much at the scenes of his crimes that nicotine was being excreted through his perspiration as well.
I think I would be able to identify the smell again, it was that distinctive, but as I said, nothing like cigarette smoke or the tobacco from inside a cigarette. Horrible, almost like the man was burning from inside his body ( but he wasn't).

Food for thought, maybe?

Nictoine does smell horrible. What about in combination with street drugs? I notice meth addicts have this toxic chemical smell. My nose must be oversensitive because I can smell everything- it's overwhelming at times in public.
I think he may have been in the Navy in 64. I remember reading he got out in 67 and was in for four years, I think? I'm curious about the time frame between getting out of the Navy in 67 and 73.

DeAngelo worked for the Exeter, CA Police Department as a cop from 1973- until December 1975. That's about a 20 minute drive from Visalia. After murdering Claude Snelling on September 11. 1975, I'm sure the heat was turned up too much to his liking.

After leaving there, he was hired in 1976 as a police officer in Auburn, CA. He remained a cop until he was fired for shoplifting in late August 1979. He was a cop during the entire time he was terrorizing our community of Rancho Cordova.

Det. Paul Holes has speculated that his firing led him to begin his killing spree in different jurisdictions in CA. He was purposely trying to throw them off his trail as he sought revenge over his being fired.

I'm so thankful that this evil man has been identified and captured.
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