CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not a chance the cops would have been able to trace these to him if he paid cash. And it would have been easy to 'camouflage' his purchase by buying 5 other things along with the spray & hammer. (Candy bars, toilet paper, etc.)

The plain fact is, DeAngelo was a compulsive, chronic kleptomaniac. (On top of being a rapist, torturer, burglar and murderer.).

He couldn't help doing illegal and hurtful things. And he thought he was clever enough to 'get away' with it all. Oops, he figured wrong, as was shown by his getting busted & fired from his precious career as a cop.

I agree collecting his kit was part of the thrill.

Because, any smart person would buy the hammer and rellent seperatley months apart. No one would notice nor care.
The officers in several agencies/precincts had to give their DNA in the 90's if I'm not mistaken to rule cops out? If that's the case, the GSK would have been caught back then if he still had his cop I guess it was dumb luck he got caught stealing & was fired.

His firing from the force tacked on at least another 20 years of living in freedom amongst innocent civilians.
I noticed the Visalia case had fingerprints from the burglaries and hope to match them up to Deangelo but I thought even in the 70s police departments had fingerprints of their officers. I also thought he would have been fingerprinted in the Navy. I believe my dad who served in WWII was fingerprinted.
Has anyone else thought that the victims, maybe with one " collateral" exception, were all young, handsome men and very pretty women?
There's not an " ordinary" or " plain" looking person among them, IMO. No obesity, no glasses on the women, no balding young men as primary victims ( perhaps one outlier- a single male fatality as GSK attempted to kidnap a teen daughter- the father was older, but was not an intended victim).

We know Bundy had a specific type of female he hunted.
It appears that JJA wanted exceptionally fit and good looking victims and chose this in both halves of the couple, not just the woman.

BTW, from what I can discern, he stopped being a B and E thief and escalated his crimes when the media reported two things:
1) Media printed that the rape victims said he had a small penis. Result- He stopped letting his victims live. He killed the women, all of them, as far as I can tell, after the media printed the unflattering " physical characteristic".

2) Media noted that he ONLY attacked women who were alone during the early rapes.
It was factual information, but apparently made him so angry that he started stalking couples and killing couples exclusively, except for 2-3 rare incidences where one of the couple was not home.

My source for being able to notice this escalation- the press reports reprinted in the book I'm reading on GSK, "I'll Be Done In The Dark" by Michelle McNamara.
I have another rationale as a reason for why he stopped the home invasion serial killings in the mid 80's.
It was around that time when the BEST POSSIBLE burglar alarms for home use started using sealed cell phones to dial 911 on a strictly internal basis. This rendered the phone line cutting useless. The system could still get help to the residence, and GSK liked to linger longer at the crime scenes. He had one phase where he arranged either the men's briefs or the women's panties from the bedroom drawers in a straight line down the hallways. Just for sick kicks. Kind of like taking baby photos from the frames or just ripping them up.

Also, many of us had cell phones which were portable by the mid to late 80's. ( Reference Motorola's first flip phones came out around 1986). Meaning that an eyewitness had immediate 911 access.
These two things, the burglar alarm advances and cell phone portability added to the advent of forensic DNA testing are probably the reasons he had to stop.

The mass production of the microchip, ironically, a Silicon Valley innovation which is used in all 3 of the innovations mentioned, likely saved countless lives in CA!!

good catch, and the use of DNA in crimes. Technology hopefully slowed him down or better yet stopped him completely.
From information I have gleaned, I believe the following is how this guy was caught. I may be proven wrong after more comes out, but I stand by this for now. and other online DNA companies will compare submitted DNA against their records and identify anyone who appear to be relatives. They then notify the submitter of possible relatives he may not be aware of. These companies, however, guarantee confidentiality and will not co-operate with Law Enforcement. A Law Enforcement agency could submit a sample claiming to be a private citizen but, since this would be fraudulent, there is concern that US courts would disallow any evidence obtained this way and prosecution would not be possible. In Australia, however, such a use of these records is perfectly legal and Law Enforcement there has access to those DNA data bases including American DNA records.

In Australia, there is an as yet unidentified serial criminal referred to as Mr. Cruel who began operating in 1986, soon after the last known EAR/ONS crime. His crimes involved abducting and raping children so they weren’t that similar and he is only know to have killed once, so he isn’t technically a “ serial Killer” but due to the timing, there was some speculation that EAR/ONS may have moved down under and changed his game a little.

Apparently, Australian authorities were interested enough in this possibility to compare the EAR/ONS DNA against the Commercial DNA data bases, in a search that was completely compliant with Australian Law. They found no matches or relatives in Australia but they did identify one or more close family member of EAR/ONS who lived in the US. They relayed this legally obtained information to the FBI.

Cynics might suspect that nobody really believed Mr. Cruel had anything to do with EAR/ONS and it was all just a rouse to get around the US confidentiality laws. Who knows?


Excellent theory, "kemo"! The DNA of the EAR/ACHE, aka the "HRK" ("Hissing Rapist Killer) gets submitted to Australia for a possible link to "Mr. Cruel". No match is found, but the Australian cops give 'familial' hits to the FBI!

I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they ID'd him! We'll hopefully find out very soon when the cops spill the beans.
What about street drugs? I notice meth addicts have this toxic chemical smell. My nose must be oversensitive because I can smell everything- it's overwhelming at times in public.

I've never smelled street drugs, or at least, not to know what they were. I've smelled pot but that's it, and only once.

Can you describe the smell of the people? Also, is it that the smell is so bad on its own or that the association of the person with the use of hard drugs makes it doubly bad for you? ( I hope that makes sense).
Has anyone else thought that the victims, maybe with one " collateral" exception, were all young, handsome men and very pretty women?
There's not an " ordinary" or " plain" looking person among them, IMO. No obesity, no glasses on the women, no balding young men as primary victims ( perhaps one outlier- a single male fatality as GSK attempted to kidnap a teen daughter- the father was older, but was not an intended victim).

We know Bundy had a specific type of female he hunted.
It appears that JJA wanted exceptionally fit and good looking victims and chose this in both halves of the couple, not just the woman.

BTW, from what I can discern, he stopped being a B and E thief and escalated his crimes when the media reported two things:
1) Media printed that the rape victims said he had a small penis. Result- He stopped letting his victims live. He killed the women, all of them, as far as I can tell, after the media printed the unflattering " physical characteristic".

2) Media noted that he ONLY attacked women who were alone during the early rapes.
It was factual information, but apparently made him so angry that he started stalking couples and killing couples exclusively, except for 2-3 rare incidences where one of the couple was not home.

My source for being able to notice this escalation- the press reports reprinted in the book I'm reading on GSK, "I'll Be Done In The Dark" by Michelle McNamara.

To think by riducling him it unintentionally angered him into murdering the next victims. Not sure that info should have been made public.
Yes, she was working at Denny's. In fact, he called her at work. She had probably waited on him during the lunch rush they'd had that day.

His mom also worked at Denny's strange huh? Was it the same Denny's I wonder?
I am guessing that he only used the patrol car to (possibly) check out the neighborhood and identify potential victims. I seriously doubt that he would use it for a getaway vehicle.


I think by foot and hide a bike in a bush further down the street. Much easier getaway.
To think by riducling him it unintentionally angered him into murdering the next victims. Not sure that info should have been made public.

My first and over-riding thoughts were that LE was " provoking" him. Hoping he would slip up but it backfired on them tragically at least twice. Of course, he knew how to counter what they were saying exactly, but the timing was also right for him to have the skills ( that makes me sick to type) and the confidence to escalate his behavior, which they could not actually have anticipated... I guess...

I would not have provoked him, no, but I'm not sure at all that they WERE meaning to provoke him.. Who knew a rapist would become a serial killer of women, then escalate to the very unusual crime ( in the US) of home invasion and murder of a couple?
Sometimes, there were children in the homes in their cribs or beds asleep. This is not touched on deeply in the book I'm reading, but Ms. McNamara makes it clear that DeAngelo made death threats against the baby or children, so they were there, and apparently, were spared.
Also, many pets were threatened by him, but few were apparently killed.

Some of his criminology is so baffling...
Has anyone else thought that the victims, maybe with one " collateral" exception, were all young, handsome men and very pretty women?
There's not an " ordinary" or " plain" looking person among them, IMO. No obesity, no glasses on the women, no balding young men as primary victims ( perhaps one outlier- a single male fatality as GSK attempted to kidnap a teen daughter- the father was older, but was not an intended victim).

We know Bundy had a specific type of female he hunted.
It appears that JJA wanted exceptionally fit and good looking victims and chose this in both halves of the couple, not just the woman.

BTW, from what I can discern, he stopped being a B and E thief and escalated his crimes when the media reported two things:
1) Media printed that the rape victims said he had a small penis. Result- He stopped letting his victims live. He killed the women, all of them, as far as I can tell, after the media printed the unflattering " physical characteristic".

2) Media noted that he ONLY attacked women who were alone during the early rapes.
It was factual information, but apparently made him so angry that he started stalking couples and killing couples exclusively, except for 2-3 rare incidences where one of the couple was not home.

My source for being able to notice this escalation- the press reports reprinted in the book I'm reading on GSK, "I'll Be Done In The Dark" by Michelle McNamara.

He definitely handpicked women he found attractive.
Outside WS, people are asking " Could this be the Zodiac Killer"?

Thoughts? I don't think the dates line up with his age, do they?
To think by riducling him it unintentionally angered him into murdering the next victims. Not sure that info should have been made public.

It's another one of those "in hindsight" things. Not all rapists escalate to murder, and especially in those days I don't think the press or LE would be so cognizant that GSK could step up because of such a thing.
I've never smelled street drugs, or at least, not to know what they were. I've smelled pot but that's it, and only once.

Can you describe the smell of the people? Also, is it that the smell is so bad on its own or that the association of the person with the use of hard drugs makes it doubly bad for you? ( I hope that makes sense).

It's a sweaty mix of sweet hair burning to cat pee smell. The sweat smells unhealthy almost toxic to breathe in. Also the smell of rotten teeth. BO.
Pot smells skunky and less offensive because it's natural.
It's another one of those "in hindsight" things. Not all rapists escalate to murder, and especially in those days I don't think the press or LE would be so cognizant that GSK could step up because of such a thing.

I agree. They didn't do it on purpose.
profiling was still in its early years.
I have another rationale as a reason for why he stopped the home invasion serial killings in the mid 80's.
It was around that time when the BEST POSSIBLE burglar alarms for home use started using sealed cell phones to dial 911 on a strictly internal basis. This rendered the phone line cutting useless. The system could still get help to the residence, and GSK liked to linger longer at the crime scenes. He had one phase where he arranged either the men's briefs or the women's panties from the bedroom drawers in a straight line down the hallways. Just for sick kicks. Kind of like taking baby photos from the frames or just ripping them up.

Also, many of us had cell phones which were portable by the mid to late 80's. ( Reference Motorola's first flip phones came out around 1986). Meaning that an eyewitness had immediate 911 access.
These two things, the burglar alarm advances and cell phone portability added to the advent of forensic DNA testing are probably the reasons he had to stop.

The mass production of the microchip, ironically, a Silicon Valley innovation which is used in all 3 of the innovations mentioned, likely saved countless lives in CA!!

The 911 system went national in 1968, according to Wikipedia:
Outside WS, people are asking " Could this be the Zodiac Killer"?

Thoughts? I don't think the dates line up with his age, do they?

The sketches don't match. The Zodiac killer's sketches all picture him wearing glasses.

This is the Zodiac killer sketch.
If you google her name, you can (unfortunately) easily find her blog which appears she is living in Italy (I can't tell if she only lives there "part-time" or what), she's been living there for quite a while it seems? Or at least visiting for many months out of the year, every year. I hope she takes that down soon.

From her fb page when I seen it the other day - she is living in CA. Her page was wide open, with strangers ability to even comment. I noticed the other day ppl were posting immediately telling her to lock her page up. Which I am glad she has done.
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