GUILTY CA - Eliza Delacruz, 3 wks, Long Beach, 4 Jan 2015

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Shoot the woman in the face. That's cold. Steal her baby, worse.
Shoot brother in face. Cold.
Shoot father in leg-not so bad.
I feel the intended target is Eliza's mother. Jealous ex Bf? Father of Eliza is not the true father? Brother knows this?
Still doesn't give a reason to kill a baby girl, however I think it might be close. Some revenge thing.
Not random at all, imo.
I can't come up with a single scenario that makes sense in this case.

Unless the Dad set it up? Maybe he didn't want to be a father? I hope that's not the case.

It sure is strange for two people to be shot in the head and live.

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I can't come up with a single scenario that makes sense in this case.

Unless the Dad set it up? Maybe he didn't want to be a father? I hope that's not the case.

It sure is strange for two people to be shot in the head and live.

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BBM - I can come up with a lot of scenarios, but none seem to make sense. It's such a tragedy that Eliza is gone, and whoever did this needs to be caught. I hope LE is figuring it out with the father's help. He saw the person, and should know what the shooter looks like I hope.

Sunday, Jan 4, 2015 The father had already been released from the hospital the day of this older article. When this happened the father had just gotten home from work, as though someone waited for him to be there, and yet the father was harmed less than the others. I don't know what to make of this either. No forced entry. The neighbor heard two shots, but nobody saw a suspect or a car.

"We believe this is not a random act," said Lt. Lloyd Cox. "It appears to be very personal...."

"...may have targeted the family."

"One key indication the kidnapping and shooting were personal is that there was no sign of forced entry into the home, Cox said."

"Police said they do not believe the attack was gang related."
There might be an innocent reason he was shot in the leg. Maybe he stuck his leg up to try and kick the gun, and was shot then fell over, as the shooter ran off?

Maybe he jumped up and tried to cover his wife or tried to run out to get help and was shot as he ran?
IF the shooter shot the mother in the face first, it is possible that the dad had time to get to his feet and he was shot in the leg to demobilize him. Of course, this doesn't explain why he didn't then shoot him again so he had a more serious injury. The shooter then went and shot the uncle, and stole a tiny newborn baby - it doesn't sound like a person who was panicking. The actual taking of the baby makes no sense at all, whether little Eliza was still alive or not - unless the shooter had hoped LE would be that focused on finding the baby the shootings would take a back seat? When he placed her in that dumpster, he may have been fairly confident she wouldn't be found.

I wonder why neighbours only heard two shots, when there were at least three? Makes you wonder if the father was actually shot at all and wasn't injured from the bullet hitting the mother and moving through into him?

So many possibilities and the police don't seem to be receiving any worthwhile info, that we know of anyway. It is such a sad sad case, I was hoping it would be resolved quickly.
Yes, neighbor said she heard two shots, not three. I just wish she looked out the window. Any clues would be a blessing in solving this case.

That dumpster was not in a remote place where it'd be likely left untouched. I know living in Southern California that dumpsters are constantly looked through by recyclers for cans and foods especially near restaurants, and I've heard of people sleeping in them. (gross, huh)

MOO, it seems like a bit of fear and desperation at that point to place the baby's body there, and perhaps head for the border, especially if they had driven the Silver Strand route looking for a dumpster. I really don't know because I can't settle on a logical explanation. Grateful for everyone's theories here. The hardest part for me to figure out is why he took the baby and then didn't do more to keep her alive. I can't forget beautiful little Eliza and I want her killer caught.
There were some articles saying the family isn't talking due to fear of retaliation (or words to that affect).

Two being shot in the face and one in the leg makes me wonder if there's some special kind of hatred for the mom & uncle.

Is this a family member? Is that why the family isn't talking??
IF the shooter shot the mother in the face first, it is possible that the dad had time to get to his feet and he was shot in the leg to demobilize him. Of course, this doesn't explain why he didn't then shoot him again so he had a more serious injury. The shooter then went and shot the uncle, and stole a tiny newborn baby - it doesn't sound like a person who was panicking.

Exactly. So imagine this cold minded perp walking into a room. Whom will he shoot first? A mother, breastfeeding the baby, therefore unable to defend herself (or a child for that matter) or a man, with his arms empty, pretty much ready to fight? I'd say the man, to save himself the trouble, then the mother, take the kid, shoot the uncle (I'd like to know where exactly the uncle was found, in the same room as the rest of victims?) and walk away. A cold minded, calculating perpetrator would not give his victims an opportunity to fight.

Now, shooting someone in the face seems very personal. The perp obliterates the victim's face, identity and humanity by it and can see the emotional reaction of the victim, before he pulls the trigger. It's personal and sadistic, fits to someone filled with hatred and rage, who wanted to see these people dead.
Okay all forget about the source of this article but one thing did stand out to me. It would be a miracle if something shows up on CCTV!

Fingers crossed!! Although if he dumped Eliza under the cover of darkness, they may not be able to glean anything from the images that we don't already know - a thin, dark skinned man possibly Hispanic or African American. Hopefully the perp is wearing something distinctive, something, anything that will help to ID him.

Hexe - Your post makes a lot of sense regarding the father being shot, he probably was shot first. What doesn't make sense is why the mother and Uncle both took shots to the face, and the father didn't - it isn't like a face shot wouldn't immobilize you as well. I agree it is a rage filled crime and very personal, I am just left wondering why the father - probably the stronger of the three received such a lesser injury. Of course, it could be the father who the perp was getting too - kill his little family (the uncle was collateral damage and a bonus) and he is kept alive to live with his grief and loss forever. (JMO)

I am also intrigued why the neighbour heard two shots and not three - if the weapon was loud enough for them to hear two shots, why not a third? Of course, they could be confused - if I heard gun shots that close to my own home I would probably faint on the spot!! :-/
There seems to be confusion as to who was shot where and who wasn't. My take on it is that the perpetrator wasn't some sort of trained marksman or military person. More like just point the gun and shoot and hit what you hit, type of person.

The fact that all three of these people were left alive tells me that this wasn't some sort of a paid hit, more like somebody that was pretty nervous themselves when they busted in the place, and wasted no time getting back out again. If they have been following the news, chances are this person is actually pretty upset that the people he shot actually survived.

Pure amateurish, and done by someone who was nervous and in a big hurry themselves to leave the scene. I've even wondered if this could have been some sort of gang initiation, performed by someone who wasn't all that familiar with handling weapons. It must have been a pretty small caliber weapon, such as a .22, as well as a very small pistol, which are notoriously hard to aim.

They need to really pry into the parents old friends and backgrounds. Not so much anything recent, but back in the past a few years, back when they were younger and running wild before the relationship and the baby. They need to look for any ties to the city that the baby was found in.

This still seems like a very targeted action to me, luckily for all of them, I think it was pulled off by somebody who was a novice or inexperienced at home invasions and shooting guns.
Do vets keep controlled drugs on their premises? I know I sound dumb, but are there drugs that a vet uses that could be sold on the street? Anyone know?
Do vets keep controlled drugs on their premises? I know I sound dumb, but are there drugs that a vet uses that could be sold on the street? Anyone know?
My dog was prescribed Tramadol, which was kept locked in the back of the animal hospital and marked with an orange "controlled substance" sticker. Whenever I would pick up the refill, they'd have to go in the back to get it.
My dog was prescribed Tramadol, which was kept locked in the back of the animal hospital and marked with an orange "controlled substance" sticker. Whenever I would pick up the refill, they'd have to go in the back to get it.

So there might be another angle to look at? Pressure on the father to supply someone with something?
Do vets keep controlled drugs on their premises? I know I sound dumb, but are there drugs that a vet uses that could be sold on the street? Anyone know?

Ketamine used to be popular, I don't know if it still is. It's a tranquilzer for large animals. I'm not sure if it's kept on site but any vet would have access.
Someone mentioned that the father was a veterinarian and might be more financially stable than others in the area. The article I read said that he is a vet tech and not a veterinarian. There would be a big difference in pay level between the two.
He is a veterinary tech., not a veterinarian. At his age, he would have had to graduate HS between the ages of 12 and 14.

So, the perp walks into the room, shoots the mom in the face, then somehow manages to shoot the dad (sitting on the bed, mind you) in the leg, and then, when the uncle rushes in, the perp is again in a cold mode, hitting him with a bullet in the face again. And he does not try to shoot the father again. Sorry, something here does not fit.

By the way, if the mom got injured while holding the baby, Eliza's clothes should be covered with blood. Were they? Anyone knows?

I hinted at this back a few pages ago. Reminds me of Diane Downs.
There seems to be confusion as to who was shot where and who wasn't. My take on it is that the perpetrator wasn't some sort of trained marksman or military person. More like just point the gun and shoot and hit what you hit, type of person.

The fact that all three of these people were left alive tells me that this wasn't some sort of a paid hit, more like somebody that was pretty nervous themselves when they busted in the place, and wasted no time getting back out again. If they have been following the news, chances are this person is actually pretty upset that the people he shot actually survived.

Pure amateurish, and done by someone who was nervous and in a big hurry themselves to leave the scene. I've even wondered if this could have been some sort of gang initiation, performed by someone who wasn't all that familiar with handling weapons. It must have been a pretty small caliber weapon, such as a .22, as well as a very small pistol, which are notoriously hard to aim.

They need to really pry into the parents old friends and backgrounds. Not so much anything recent, but back in the past a few years, back when they were younger and running wild before the relationship and the baby. They need to look for any ties to the city that the baby was found in.

This still seems like a very targeted action to me, luckily for all of them, I think it was pulled off by somebody who was a novice or inexperienced at home invasions and shooting guns.

Two people were shot in the face/head. Head shots are not easy to do because it's a smaller target area. Father shot in the leg. If that was deliberate, then again, not easy to shoot someone in a leg. It's a small target area. Police are trained to go for the center mass. That suggests whoever did it was pretty good with a weapon. Since neighbor only heard two shots, sounds like the shooter was pretty accurate.

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