GUILTY CA - Ellorah Warner, 3 wks, Santa Clarita, 23 Jan 2015

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Here's a reminder that there is ONE perpetrator in this horrific murder. Other family members are off limits. Please refrain from posting disparaging remarks about them.


I am not a mod so I was not chastising in any way. But I want more of your insights and just wanted to make sure you are cautious so you stick around :D

WS is big on links and the rules governing which ones are allowed. I am just so glad to have someone with your special insight join.

I understand!! I read the rules too... and maybe overlooked that part....but figured it'd best to just delete the one part anyway.
We have been sleuthing MW's FB page heavily sine it was announced he was arrested. I am curious about your take on him,Cuofrd. When you were reading it did you see controlling and past substance abuse red flags? I missed some and picked up on others. Thanks.
Also, can you guys see on MW's facebook page, the ultrasounds? Might give you insight as to more information if you can read the name at the top of it. :thinking:

SF? I'm confused.
We have been sleuthing MW's FB page heavily sine it was announced he was arrested. I am curious about your take on him,Cuofrd. When you were reading it did you see controlling and past substance abuse red flags? I missed some and picked up on others. Thanks.

Like I said, if you view his photos.... you can clearly see the name listed on Ellorah's ultrasound. THAT in itself is weird.

From sleuthing his.... lots of broken cell phones and no money. On June 21, 14 someone posted something about a preggo girl getting punched and he responded appropriately (I think?)..
TW is an alias. I ran across all this a while back but didn't discuss. I don't think it's relevant.

I see. For some reason I thought that was the name of the technician responsible of the ultrasound. Guess you can tell I have no children.
So the news is reporting the criminal complaint includes "revenge" as part of the crime? Am I hearing that right? Where would that fit in??? And where is this criminal complaint viewable?
I noticed it but thought the same thing LuLu. Been too long since I have had an US and I did not put two and two together. DOH.
Reveng as part of motive is what is being reported. So far I have not seen any news org link the actual complaint or charging docs. Once they do whoever finds them first will no doubt link them.

When MW's arrest was first announced we all speculated, why? What happened. I think those charging docs will tell us much. I now understand why people who knew him were so disgusted and angry with their posts. Calling him sick F and such. It seemed so extreme and members here were quietly wondering why those comments based on the little info that was released in the press. I now understand that as personal acquaintances to both parents they probably had the info about the sexual assault well before the press did.

I cannot imagine how I would even begin to process the information that someone I knew, considered a friend, ex or acquaintance could do such a thing as he is charged with. Their comments all make so much more sense now in retrospect.
So the news is reporting the criminal complaint includes "revenge" as part of the crime? Am I hearing that right? Where would that fit in??? And where is this criminal complaint viewable?

I haven't yet seen the complaint anywhere online. And I'm confused too:

In describing the count of torture filed against Warner, prosecutors alleged he acted “unlawfully and with the intent to cause cruel and extreme pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion and for a sadistic purpose.”

It sure sounds like he had some sort of twisted thought in his head about something. That he took his "revenge" out on a helpless newborn speaks volumes about him. Quite the man. :furious: I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life.
I haven't yet seen the complaint anywhere online. And I'm confused too:

In describing the count of torture filed against Warner, prosecutors alleged he acted “unlawfully and with the intent to cause cruel and extreme pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion and for a sadistic purpose.”

It sure sounds like he had some sort of twisted thought in his head about something. That he took his "revenge" out on a helpless newborn speaks volumes about him. Quite the man. :furious: I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life.

Ok-- they were referring to the "torture" charge. Which is 206 CPC. But they didn't include a word that made a huge difference. It reads:

206. Every person who, with the intent to cause cruel or extreme
pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion,
or for any sadistic purpose,
inflicts great bodily injury as defined in Section 12022.7 upon the person of another, is guilty of torture.

I think they are referring to the sadistic purpose.
I haven't yet seen the complaint anywhere online. And I'm confused too:

In describing the count of torture filed against Warner, prosecutors alleged he acted “unlawfully and with the intent to cause cruel and extreme pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion and for a sadistic purpose.”

I don't think it has to meet all four criteria: revenge, extortion, persuasion and for a sadistic purpose. I am guessing sadistic purpose is enough for a torture count.
I had to leave this thread for a while because I was far too upset to even contemplate what this poor baby endured. I am sick, absolutely sick. I have lots to say and like many others have chosen to edit my comments. I can't comprehend this evil. The DP is far too good for this horrible deed. I can't say more and I probably can't come back to this thread. I am beyond words.

Honestly I'm glad he isn't even up for the DP in California because it'll never happen anyway, and I'd rather see him in with the regular population than the specially treated perps on death row. I'm still sick from this whole thing too. I keep trying to think "Justice for Ellorah" but there's no justice for what happened to her.
I haven't yet seen the complaint anywhere online. And I'm confused too:

In describing the count of torture filed against Warner, prosecutors alleged he acted “unlawfully and with the intent to cause cruel and extreme pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion and for a sadistic purpose.”

It sure sounds like he had some sort of twisted thought in his head about something. That he took his "revenge" out on a helpless newborn speaks volumes about him. Quite the man. :furious: I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life.

The SCV Signal quotes the Criminal Complaint (RBBM) using the word "and"


I have to correct myself after reading this post, which clears things up for me

Ok-- they were referring to the "torture" charge. Which is 206 CPC. But they didn't include a word that made a huge difference. It reads:

206. Every person who, with the intent to cause cruel or extreme
pain and suffering for the purpose of revenge, extortion, persuasion,
or for any sadistic purpose,
inflicts great bodily injury as defined in Section 12022.7 upon the person of another, is guilty of torture.

I think they are referring to the sadistic purpose.


Thank you for posting the ACTUAL statute! MSM may be what we rely on as a supporting link, but they sometimes masked mistakes.

I, in turn, made one in my OP. :blushing:

Anyhow, I stand by my comment on the criminal complaint (below):

So until we are able to access the CC for ourselves (? Perhaps one of the news media outlets will petition to release it via the Freedom of a Information Act? ) It is a catch-22; while it provides much needed clarity, as it can have other ramifications. Depending on how much information the media petitions to be released (what it contains, and what they do with it), it can cause the family great pain. It can also raise concerns regarding jury pool contamination, which the defense can take issue with on appeal. :moo:

I've been lurking since the news of the charges were raised. I saw one ABC7 Facebook post had over 10,000 comments, and they do not appear to be censored nor moderated. The community's reaction is visceral - and understandable.

I am still shell-shocked. I haven't been able to sleep, and when I do, I have nightmares about this case. I've been crying off and on, and I honestly feel like I am in mourning.

I am bracingly myself for the next update. I encourage you to watch the embedded video at the link above. "The Jump" is a segment by the reporters at The Signal covering the case. They're on the front lines.

The level of depravity we've seen in this case is the worst of the worst (They said top five of all time, IIRC). It was like a punch in the gut, I guess because it's the truth. :hearno:

What kind of world are my girls growing up in that we can even say such a thing?

Isabella Grogan-Canella, Baby Angelica, Owen Collins, and now precious little Baby Ellorah Rose Warner.

This must stop! Because, I must reconcile the other reality: these are the cases that made the news. How many other victims are suffering in silence?

I've been a :websleuther: long enough to know there have to be more. :moo:

I've said this before: EVERY CHILD MATTERS!

So, what do we do now? How do we ensure justice, when the death penalty is already OFF the table for a crime so heinous I can't even speak on it?

Why do I already feel like I've failed a little tiny baby who had a lifetime of unreached, unfulfilled milestones?

Why? Someone, tell me, WHY?!



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Such a beautiful baby. Rest in Peace, little one.


Matt's Facebook:

Also, can you guys see on MW's facebook page, the ultrasounds? Might give you insight as to more information if you can read the name at the top of it. :thinking:

The perp's Facebook page is no longer viewable.

As expected now that he has counsel :cow:




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I just went back to FB and poof.

Was that the first day he took care of her without mom around? When did mom return to work? (Or is finding that against the rules?) I don't want to sleuth mom but wonder how long she'd been back. Was he despicable enough to plan this? I certainly pray not!!

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